Re: Converting multiple inheritance code into C ++ for D language

2017-02-17 Thread Brian Rogoff via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 17 February 2017 at 23:24:57 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
Something like this would be a goods use for struct multiple 
alias this, except that we haven't implemented that yet 

What's the deal with that? It seems someone made progress on this 
issue 2 years ago and then vanished. It's a fairly significant 
feature that's never been implemented!

Re: DStyle: Braces on same line

2014-07-13 Thread Brian Rogoff via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 13 July 2014 at 17:24:40 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 07/13/2014 06:45 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Wrong. There are things which are simply bad ideas.

E.g. in this case, Egyptian-style braces definitely make 
your code

more compact,

I.e. you see where everything is.

Yes, the same argument for books and slides is also applicable to 
all other media. This style has also caught on amongst the other 
curly braced languages that I use, so that most of the code I 
read (and write) has adopted it (C/C++/Java/Javascript code, that 
is). The Phobos style is incredibly wasteful IMO, but that's what 
D has adopted, so if you intend to contribute to Phobos, you had 
better get used to it.

The Rust community appears to have made the right choice with 
Egyptian for everything.

but separate-line opening braces definitely make it easier
to see where scopes begin and end.

All of this is subjective, of course, but I definitely don't find 
that the Phobos style provides this advantage.

This is the only argument I have heard in favour of doing this, 
but it is not actually valid. This critique might apply to Lisp 

Not sure I follow you here. Most of the Lisp I've read is 
indented like Python, the idea being that you learn not to not 
see all of the parens and rely on tools like paredit to do the 
trivial balancing. I'd hate to read Lisp with separate lines for 
parens that open scopes. I'm sure that's not what you mean!

Re: Ensuring template argument is descendant of class

2013-12-13 Thread Brian Rogoff

On Friday, 13 December 2013 at 05:55:09 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 06:42:26AM +0100, Brian Rogoff wrote:
I'm sympathetic to this POV, or something similar. For 
example, a

multiyear plan to deprecate the 'is' syntax and replace it with
something better, in the current D. I'm not a fan of gratuitous
changes which make the language unstable, but if there were a
pleasing design to replace 'is' I'd like to think that D users 
change the relevant sources given a long enough deprecation 

I vote for this. Good luck convincing Walter, though.

Step 1 is to come up with a set of better design alternatives,
and a transition plan, etc. I'm pretty sure I've read posts from
Walter on this forum that agree with the current 'is' is far from
ideal, so maybe convincing him is not as hard as you think,
though I imagine he has bigger fish to fry these days. Still, it
would be encouraging if the D community could address the general
issue of *not* being forced to keep bad designs forever.

-- Brian

Re: Ensuring template argument is descendant of class

2013-12-12 Thread Brian Rogoff

On Friday, 13 December 2013 at 05:22:26 UTC, Ross Hays wrote:
Yeah, is-expression syntax is one of the dark, ugly corners of 
D that
unfortunately we're stuck with, because changing it now will 
break a LOT of code for merely cosmetic reasons. I honestly 
wish that
one day this mess could be cleared up, though I'm not holding 
my breath

for it.


I know this is probably obvious, but if D were allowed to just 
make one big breaking change for D3 or something, and fix every 
dark corner it has. Would that really be so bad? I know it 
would break things but... I kind of long for it.

I'm sympathetic to this POV, or something similar. For example, a 
multiyear plan to deprecate the 'is' syntax and replace it with 
something better, in the current D. I'm not a fan of gratuitous 
changes which make the language unstable, but if there were a 
pleasing design to replace 'is' I'd like to think that D users 
could change the relevant sources given a long enough deprecation 

Changing every dark corner and every poor choice is too much. For 
instance, a lot of people think that immutability and 'nothrow' 
should have been the default, but changing that would be dramatic 
and probably will have to wait for a D3 or new language.

-- Brian

Re: matrix business in D

2013-10-20 Thread Brian Rogoff

On Friday, 18 October 2013 at 13:04:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Julia is a very new language, quite newer than D. I don't think
it's a good idea to recommend it for real work.

I don't think that the simple rule comparing age of the languages 
in question for risk assessment is very useful. Given all of the 
other variables, I'd be more likely to recommend Julia for 
numerical linear algebra today than D for the same role.

That's not a slam on D, which I mostly like better than it's 
competition (C++, Rust, C, ...) but rather an observation that 
the Julia community is entirely focused on this domain.

A really risk averse programmer who wouldn't consider Julia in 
this domain wouldn't consider D either

-- Brian

Re: Question about garbage collector

2013-08-29 Thread Brian Rogoff
On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 21:28:11 UTC, bioinfornatics 

Hi everyone,

yesterday i read an article into a french linux journal that in 
some years garbage collector will disapear.

Why ? he explain in very very short as:
- Moore's law will be not anymore true
so only memory will continue to increase ( static and volatil )
- Garbage Collector are not efficient in big memory for some 
technical reason
- Data to manage will continue to grow big data ant full memory 
stategy will the rule

I've had similar thoughts myself for some time.

So Develloper will move to a language where they are no garbage 

There are many different kinds of software and developer, you 
need to qualify that assertion. GCed languages will not go away.


In bioinformatic we work with big data or full memory stategy 
often and that will not stop. So what think D garbage 
cllector's dev about this ?

I hope that D can go either way on this, and allows developers to 
'opt out' of GC if they need to, but I don't think it is that 
easy now. Is there a skeletal 'no GC D' project out there? What 
is given up (AAs, slices, classes, exceptions, ...) and how easy 
is it to use?

If not, Rust, Ada, and of course, C++ will be there. There are 
surprisingly few languages being designed to be used without GC 
these days.

-- Brian

Re: Ping qznc: Re: A little of coordination for Rosettacode

2013-06-23 Thread Brian Rogoff

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 21:27:01 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Ali Çehreli:

The code compiles under 32-bit (e.g. with the -m32 compiler 
switch) where size_t is an alias of uint.

Thanks, Ali! I'm always compiling on 64 bit systems; I'll add the 
32 bit switch to my diagnostic approach now.

Oh, I see. I compile most of the code on a 32 bit system.

I asked Walter to warn d programmers against such mistakes, and 
Walter closed it down. Someone else has opened the ER again...

In general, I think implicit conversions of any kind are a 
misfeature, but better error messages would be enough for me 
here. At least in Scala, you need to bring the conversion into 
scope yourself, or have it accidentally imported...

Thanks for your help.

-- Brian

Re: Ping qznc: Re: A little of coordination for Rosettacode

2013-06-22 Thread Brian Rogoff

On Saturday, 16 February 2013 at 11:30:00 UTC, Jos van Uden wrote:

On 16-2-2013 8:58, qznc wrote:

On Saturday, 16 February 2013 at 06:58:01 UTC, qznc wrote:
On Saturday, 16 February 2013 at 02:23:42 UTC, Jos van Uden 

On 5-2-2013 20:45, Jos van Uden wrote:

By the way, I think 'Qznc' may want to have a look at 'The 


I should find the time to solve it this weekend.

Wow, my kid let me do some hacking right now and it was 
simpler than expected.

Posted a solution already.

Wow, that was quick. Thanks!

The current D code for Dining philosophers does not compile with 
dmd v2.063.2, the error message being

dining.d(34): Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types

The code looks OK to me (but I'm a D newbie) so I wonder if 
someone could explain the inference issue. Where should an 
annotation be added to allow this to compile?

 1	import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.string, 

 4  void eat(in uint i, in string name, Mutex[] forks) {
 5writeln(name,  is hungry.);
 7immutable j = (i + 1) % forks.length;
 9	  // Take forks i and j. The lower one first to prevent 

10auto fork1 = forks[min(i, j)];
11auto fork2 = forks[max(i, j)];
14scope(exit) fork1.unlock();
17scope(exit) fork2.unlock();
19writeln(name,  is eating.);
20writeln(name,  is full.);
21  }
23  void think(in string name) {
24writeln(name,  is thinking.);
25  }
27  void main() {
28	  const philosophers = Aristotle Kant Spinoza Marx 

29Mutex[philosophers.length] forks;
30foreach (ref fork; forks)
31  fork = new Mutex();
33defaultPoolThreads = forks.length;
34	  foreach (uint i, philo; taskPool.parallel(philosophers)) 

35  foreach (_; 0 .. 100) {
36eat(i, philo, forks);
38  }
40  }

BTW, I like the coding style being used in the rosetta examples 
and TDPL much better than the library style.

-- Brian