Insert an element into an Associative Array ?

2012-04-04 Thread Chris Pons

I'm playing around with associative arrays right now and I can't
seem to figure out how to add additional objects to the array. I
tried insert but it doesn't recognize both arguments.

Also, if I do this it produces an error:

Node[bool] test;

Node node;

Node[bool] temp = [ false:node ];

test ~= temp;

Error   1   Error: cannot append type Node[bool] to type
Node[bool]  C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d  256 

Does this mean you can't use the append operator on associative
arrays ? ( this one ~= ) ?

Re: Insert an element into an Associative Array ?

2012-04-04 Thread Chris Pons

Ok, thanks for the help, much appreciated.

On Wednesday, 4 April 2012 at 19:57:40 UTC, ixid wrote:
Oops, the comment should read as follows, and test[bool] should 
not be on the next line.

//Conceptually maybe clearer as Node[] test[bool]

Binary Heap Errors Class level vs function level

2012-04-04 Thread Chris Pons
I'm still messing around with binary heaps. I've successfully 
created and used it on the function level but for some reason 
when I move it to the class level I get an error. Furthermore, 
i'm not entirely sure how to use a binary heap without auto as 
the type.

class AStar
ReferenceNode[] openListContainer;
auto openList = BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[], a.fScore  
b.fScore)(openListContainer, 0 ); // Error


Error	1	Error: template instance 
BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[],a.fScore  b.fScore) 
BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[],a.fScore  b.fScore) does not match 
template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = a  b) if 
(isRandomAccessRange!(Store) || 
isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[])))	C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual 
Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d	101	

However this is ok:

class AStar
void RandomFunction()
ReferenceNode[] openListContainer;
openListContainer.length = 500;
auto openList = BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[], a.fScore  
b.fScore)(openListContainer, 0 ); //This is ok


I'd also like to try this, but can't seem to figure it out:

class AStar
ReferenceNode[] openListContainer;
auto openList; //no identifier for declarator openlist

openListContainer.length = 500;
openList = = BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[], a.fScore  
b.fScore)(openListContainer, 0 );


If I know what type openList was, after creating the heap, I 
could simply use that. I tried using typeid( openList ) to find 
out. I got the type being something like:

BinaryHeap!(Referencenode[], a.fScore  b.fScore) openList;

However trying to use this as the type gives me this error:

Error	1	Error: template instance 
BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[],a.fScore  b.fScore) 
BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[],a.fScore  b.fScore) does not match 
template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = a  b) if 
(isRandomAccessRange!(Store) || 
isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[])))	C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual 
Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d	101	

Error	2	Error: BinaryHeap!(ReferenceNode[],a.fScore  b.fScore) 
is used as a type	C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio 
2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d	101	

I'm just trying to get a variable called openList to the class 
level so it doesn't keep getting initialized everytime the 
function is called.

Any ideas on how to work this out?

Re: Min-Heap and Hash Table help

2012-04-03 Thread Chris Pons
Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert 
nodes I get this error: Cannot grow a heap created over a range. 
I This is what I have:

Node[] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], a.fScore  b.fScore)(a);
Node test, test2;
test2.fScore = 9;
test.fScore = 10;

b.insert( test );

I also tried this:

Node[2500] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], a.fScore  b.fScore)(a);
Node test, test2;
test2.fScore = 9;
test.fScore = 10;

b.insert( test );

It gives the same error.
I also tried this:

Node[2500] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Array!Node, a.fScore  b.fScore)(a);
Node test, test2;
test2.fScore = 9;
test.fScore = 10;

b.insert( test );

Error	1	Error: this._store()[this._length()] is not an 
lvalue	C:\DLang\dmd2\src\phobos\std\container.d	2676	

How exactly would I grow this heap? or How would I give it enough 
room so that I don't need to make it larger?

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 11:28:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 04/03/2012 05:17 AM, Chris Pons wrote:

I'm still having troubles with the min-heap.

Node[] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!a.fScore  b.fScore( a[] );

Error 1 Error: template instance BinaryHeap!(a.fScore 
b.fScore) BinaryHeap!(a.fScore  b.fScore) does not match
template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = a  b) if
(isRandomAccessRange!(Store) ||

Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d 252

That is an API design issue. This should work:

auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], a.fScore  b.fScore)(a);

Re: Min-Heap and Hash Table help

2012-04-03 Thread Chris Pons
Thanks! This clears up that part very well. I'm a lot closer to 
having a decent path finding algorithm now.

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 21:24:24 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 19:38:12 UTC, Chris Pons wrote:
Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert 
nodes I get this error: Cannot grow a heap created over a 
range. I This is what I have: ...

Hey there,

BinaryHeap is using the slice of memory you're giving it to 
use as a heap. In the first code you gave, your array is length 
= 0. In other words, there is no place to actually insert 

When you specified Node[2500] a, you are making an array of 
size 2500 filled with zeros. You still don't have any room to 
insert, because all of the space in the array is still taken up.

Depending on your data, your option might be to just insert all 
the items you want first, then heapify the resulting array, 
maybe like this:

Node[] a;
foreach(i; 0..5) {
Node nextNode;
nextNode.fScore = (i*3) % 5;
a ~= nextNode;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], a.fScore  b.fScore)(a);

while(!b.empty()) {

Otherwise, if you know a maximum bound for the number of 
inputs, you could simply allocate enough memory to store your 
items, and then use the initialSize parameter.

Something like this:
Node[] a;
// or Node[10] a; for a static array sized to 10...
a.length = 10;
// 0 states that nothing is in the heap
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], a.fScore  b.fScore)(a, 0);
foreach(i; 0..5) {
Node nextNode;
nextNode.fScore = (i*3) % 5;
while(!b.empty()) {

The thing you looked like you were doing with your third option 
looks like it was getting close to the right track for yet 
another potential solution, but apparently a bug prevents this 
from working:
If this was working, then you could use Array for an unbounded 
input (because it supports insertBack).

I hope this helps!

Re: Add Element to list not Working

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons

Thanks. I tried doing this and the list didn't update:

void AddToList( SList!int list, int i )
list.insert( i );

SList!int intList;

AddToList( intList, 42 );

but when I switched to this, it worked:

SList!int intList;

void AddToList( int i )
intList.insert( i );

AddToList( 42 );

The first method didn't give an error it just didn't update the 
list as I thought. Any idea?

On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 06:07:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 04/01/2012 10:45 PM, Chris Pons wrote:
I'm trying to add an element to a list with insert but that 
doesn't seem
to do anything at all. If I try using ~= it says that Error: 
append type Node to type SList!(Node). I'm pretty confused 
about using
~= because it works fine for arrays but apperantly not for 

How do I add an element to a list?

import std.stdio;
import std.container;

void main()
auto l = SList!int();

l.insert(42);// inserts front
l.insert(43);// this too

assert(l == SList!int(43, 42));

// inserts after the specified range (l[] is the entire 

l.insertAfter(l[], 44);

assert(l == SList!int(43, 42, 44));

// This doesn't work because SList.Range doesn't define 

// l[] ~= 45;


Re: Add Element to list not Working

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons
Ah, thank you. I didn't realize taht SList is a struct and that 
it used value semantics. That clears this up.

On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 14:22:25 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 04/01/2012 11:18 PM, Chris Pons wrote:
 Thanks. I tried doing this and the list didn't update:

 void AddToList( SList!int list, int i )
 list.insert( i );

Oh, that has nothing to do with SList. SList is a struct and as 
a fundamental rule of D, structs are copied to functions. SList 
happens to be a struct. The list parameter of AddToList and the 
list variable that is passed to the function as an argument are 
two different variables.

 SList!int intList;

 AddToList( intList, 42 );

 but when I switched to this, it worked:

 SList!int intList;

 void AddToList( int i )
 intList.insert( i );

Global variables are not a good solution of course. :(

The solution here is to pass the argument by-reference by the 
'ref' keyword:

void AddToList( ref SList!int list, int i )
// ...


P.S. There is this chapter that covers 'ref' and most (but not 
all) types of function parameters:

Length of an SLIst ?

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons
I'm trying to find the length of a Slist. I've tried using the 
built in .length function but it generates this error: Error: no 
property 'length' for type 'SList!(Node)'. Are there any other 
built in ways to find the length?

Min-Heap and Hash Table help

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons
I'm trying to work with and implement and priority queue( 
min-heap ) and a hash table. This is the first time I've worked 
with these data structures so I looked up some information about 
them to gain an understanding.

From what I read, a min-heap is a binary tree that is sorted by a 
priority. In my case I have a struct called Node for an A* 
algorithm that I wanted to place in a min-heap sorted by an 
integer, their f score. Initially the min-heap will only have one 
item in it with others added later.

From looking at the Library reference I have gathered this:

struct Node
bool walkable;  //Whether this node is blocked or open
vect2 position; //The tile's position on the map in pixels
int xIndex, yIndex; //The index values of the tile in the array
	Node*[4] connections; //An array of pointers to nodes this 
current node connects to

Node* parent;
int gScore;
int hScore;
int fScore;

Class AStar
Node[] a;
Node start;

void FindPath(Node[] PathGraph )
a ~= start;
//Heapify as min-heap by f Score?
openList = heapify(a, a.fScore  b.fScore );

//...After some work If I want to add a new Node

Node new;
//Will the list stay sorted??
openList.insert( new );

How would I create a min-heap sorted by fScore?
Will the list stay sorted after I add a new node?

As far as hash tables goes, it seems like I need to use an 
associative array, is that right?

What exactly would the key/hash be? How would I implement this if 
the hash table is supposed to contain the struct Node?

Re: Min-Heap and Hash Table help

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons
Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by 
fScore? An integer in my struct.

On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 22:53:55 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:

On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 00:47:56 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:

I'm trying to work with and implement and priority queue( 
min-heap ) and
a hash table. This is the first time I've worked with these 
structures so I looked up some information about them to gain 


 From what I read, a min-heap is a binary tree that is sorted 
by a
priority. In my case I have a struct called Node for an A* 
that I wanted to place in a min-heap sorted by an integer, 
their f
score. Initially the min-heap will only have one item in it 
with others

added later.

How would I create a min-heap sorted by fScore? Will the list 

sorted after I add a new node?

As far as hash tables goes, it seems like I need to use an 

array, is that right?

What exactly would the key/hash be? How would I implement this 
if the

hash table is supposed to contain the struct Node?

BinaryHeap in std.container can be made to work as a min-heap, 
in fact
the documentation specifically mentions such a use:


Re: Min-Heap and Hash Table help

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons

On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 23:30:38 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:

On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:06:54 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:

Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by 
fScore? An

integer in my struct.

auto myHeap = BinaryHeap!`a.fScore  b.fScore`( rangeOfNodes );

Ok, makes sense, will the heap be automatically sorted every time 
I add a new item ? Might be a dumb question, but i'm going to be 
removing and adding many nodes.

Re: Min-Heap and Hash Table help

2012-04-02 Thread Chris Pons

I'm still having troubles with the min-heap.

Node[] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!a.fScore  b.fScore( a[] );

Error   1   Error: template instance BinaryHeap!(a.fScore 
b.fScore) BinaryHeap!(a.fScore  b.fScore) does not match
template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = a  b) if
(isRandomAccessRange!(Store) ||
isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[]))) C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual
Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d   252 

Add Element to list not Working

2012-04-01 Thread Chris Pons
I'm trying to add an element to a list with insert but that 
doesn't seem to do anything at all. If I try using ~= it says 
that Error: cannot append type Node to type SList!(Node). I'm 
pretty confused about using ~= because it works fine for arrays 
but apperantly not for lists.

How do I add an element to a list?

Initializing multidimentional Array with a struct

2012-03-31 Thread Chris Pons
I'm trying to figure out how to initialize a multi-dimentional 
array with a struct. I thought it would be straight forward, but 
i'm running into problems. I'm using nested for loops, and just 
setting the current index to a blank version of my struct but 
that gives me this error: Error: no [] operator overload for 
type Node. I didn't know I needed to overload that operator, 
usually didn't need to in C++ as far as I remember.

struct Node
bool walkable;  
vect2 position; 
int xIndex, yIndex;
Node*[4] connections;

void InitializePathGraph()
for( int x = 0; x  mapWidth; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y  mapHeight; y++ )
Node node;
PathGraph[x][y] = node;// ERROR

Re: Initializing multidimentional Array with a struct

2012-03-31 Thread Chris Pons

I also tried this, which gives an out of range error:

void InitializePathGraph()
PathGraph.length = mapWidth;
foreach( elem; PathGraph )
elem.length = mapHeight;

Node node;

for( int x = 0; x  mapWidth - 1; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y  mapHeight - 1; y++ )

PathGraph[x][y] = node;

This is really confusing me.

Re: Initializing multidimentional Array with a struct

2012-03-31 Thread Chris Pons
Yes sorry, I was looking to initialize to the default value of 
node. Thank you for the help!

On Saturday, 31 March 2012 at 21:59:50 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/31/2012 02:34 PM, Chris Pons wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out how to initialize a
multi-dimentional array
 with a struct. I thought it would be straight forward, but
i'm running
 into problems. I'm using nested for loops, and just setting
the current
 index to a blank version of my struct but that gives me this
 Error: no [] operator overload for type Node. I didn't know
I needed
 to overload that operator, usually didn't need to in C++ as
far as I

 struct Node
 bool walkable;
 vect2 position;
 int xIndex, yIndex;
 Node*[4] connections;

 void InitializePathGraph()
 for( int x = 0; x  mapWidth; x++ )
 for( int y = 0; y  mapHeight; y++ )
 Node node;
 PathGraph[x][y] = node;// ERROR

Do you want to initialize with the default value of Node? Then 
it is as easy as the following:

import std.stdio;

struct Node

void main()
Node[2][3] a;   // fixed-length of fixed-length
Node[][] b = new Node[][](2, 3);  // slice of slice


The output:

[[Node(), Node()], [Node(), Node()], [Node(), Node()]]
[[Node(), Node(), Node()], [Node(), Node(), Node()]]

Please note the different meanings of 2 and 3 for the 
fixed-length array and the new expression: lines and rows are 


How to remove element from an SList?

2012-03-27 Thread Chris Pons
Right now i'm struggling with trying to understand how to remove 
an element from a n SList. I only want to remove one element, not 
a range of elements. I also don't want to use an Array because I 
will have to reshuffle elements to take care of the empty spot 
when I remove it.

The only thing I've seen so far is find from std. algorithm and 
linearRemove. However I can't get find to work and I don't 
exactly believe linearRemove will work either because afaik that 
removes up to the index specified? I'm not to clear on this.

Here's a simplified example of what I was trying:

SList!int intList;
intList.insert( 1 );
auto a = find( intList, 1 );
intList.linearRemove( a );

Re: XML Parsing

2012-03-20 Thread Chris Pons

On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 at 04:32:13 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

I know very little about std.xml (I looked at it and
said 'meh' and wrote my own lib), but my lib
makes this pretty simple.

grab dom.d and characterencodings.d

This has a bit of an html bias, but it works for xml too.

import arsd.dom;
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

void main() {
	auto document = new Document(readText(test12.xml), true, 

auto map = document.requireSelector(map);

writeln(to!int(map.width), x, to!int(map.height));

foreach(tile; document.getElementsByTagName(tile))

$ dmd test12.d dom.d characterencodings.d
$ test12
snip tile data

Let me explain the lines:

	auto document = new Document(readText(test12.xml), true, 

We use std.file.readText to read the file as a string. 
constructor is: (string data, bool caseSensitive, bool 

So, true, true means it will act like an XML parser, instead 

trying to correct for html tag soup.

Now, document is a DOM, like you see in W3C or web browsers
(via javascript), though it is expanded with a lot of 

and sugar.

auto map = document.requireSelector(map);

querySelector and requireSelector use CSS selector syntax
to fetch one element. querySelector may return null, whereas
requireSelector will throw an exception if the element is not

You can learn more about CSS selector syntax on the web. I tried
to cover a good chunk of the standard, including most css2 and 


Here, I'm asking for the first element with tag name map.

You can also use querySelectorAll to get all the elements that
match, returned as an array, which is great for looping.

writeln(to!int(map.width), x, to!int(map.height));

The attributes on an element are exposed via dot syntax,
or you can use element.getAttribute(name) if you

They are returned as strings. Using, we can
easily convert them to integers.

foreach(tile; document.getElementsByTagName(tile))

And finally, we get all the tile tags in the document and
print out their gid attribute.

Note that you can also call the element search functions
on individual elements. That will only return that
element and its children.

Here, you didn't need it, but you can also use
element.innerText to get the text inside a tag,
pretty much covering basic data retrieval.

Note: my library is not good at handling huge files;
it eats a good chunk of memory and loads the whole
document at once. But, it is the easiest way I've
seen (I'm biased though) to work with xml files,
so I like it.

Thank you. I'll check it out.

XML Parsing

2012-03-19 Thread Chris Pons

Hey Guys,
I am trying to parse an XML document with std.xml. I've looked 
over the reference of std.xml as well as the example but i'm 
still stuck. I've also looked over some example code, but it's a 
bit confusing and doesn't entirely help explain what i'm doing 

As far as I understand it, I should load a file with read in 
std.file and save that into a string. From there, I check to make 
sure the string xmlData is in a proper xml format.

This is where it gets a bit confusing, I followed the example and 
created a new instance of the class document parser and then 
tried to parse an attribute from the start tag map. The value i'm 
targeting right now is the width of the map in tiles, and want to 
save this into an integer. However, the value I get is 0.

Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

Here is a reference to the XML file:

//These two functions are called in my main loop.
void LoadMap(string filename)
enforce( filename !=  , Filename is invalid! );

xmlData = cast(string) read(filename);

enforce( xmlData != , Read file Failed! );

debug StopWatch sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
debug writeln( Verified XML in , sw.peek.msecs, ms.);   


void ParseMap()
auto xml = new DocumentParser(xmlData);

xml.onStartTag[map] = (ElementParser xml)
mapWidth = to!int(xml.tag.attr[width]);
writeln(Map Width: , mapWidth);

Error 42 Symbol Undefined

2012-03-17 Thread Chris Pons


I'm trying to use the Gl3n ( but 
I keep getting error 42 whenever I try this:

alias Vector!(float, 2) vect2;
vect2 position;
position.x = 2.0f; //This is what causes the error

I looked into how the struct was implemented and x is an alias 
for a get/set function that interacts with the array that stores 
the values for the vector. I've tried something like this:

alias Vector!(float, 2) vect2;
vect2 position;
position = vect2(0.0f, 0.0f);

However, both methods give the same error:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined pure nothrow @property @safe void 
2).Vector.set_!('x').set_(float)	C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual 
Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\	

Error 42: Symbol Undefined 

I have the module linalg imported like this at the top:

import Gl3n.linalg; //Gl3n is the folder the source files are in

Re: DLL's and D

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Pons

Yes, this is a lot more clear, thanks.

On Thursday, 15 March 2012 at 05:06:16 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On 3/15/2012 12:26 PM, Chris Pons wrote:
I haven't used DLL's much, especially one I've built on my 
own, so

guidance would be appreciated.

I'm trying to figure out how to build a DLL which was written 
in D but

i'm not sure i'm doing this right.

I'm using VS2010 and Visual D. Visual D has a template for 
Dll's in D,

so I used that to create a new project.

The DLL compiles just fine, but i'm having trouble even 
getting import

to work with it. I was following the How-To on this page, , but I can't even get import 
to work.

With import, is that supposed to reference the name of the 
DLL? So if I

had one named math.dll, I would write import math.dll?

You are misunderstanding what the import statement does. It has 
absolutely nothing to do with linked libraries or DLLs. It 
works at the source level.

In the example, the source module that is used to compile the 
DLL is called mydll.d (so is the DLL, but that's irrelevant). 
Then, in the program that uses it, you use 'import mydll;' to 
make the declarations in that source module visible to the 
compiler. For this to work, mydll.d has to be the import path, 
either relative to test.d in the example, or somewhere you 
specify with the -I switch. The actual DLL file has no part in 
this process. It becomes involved later, in the link step.

So if your math DLL has source modules named, for example, 
math/vector.d and math/matrix.d, *those* are what you import in 
your code.

import math.vector;
import math.matrix;

As long as those modules are somewhere on the import path, 
that's all you need. The compiler doesn't know or care about 
the DLL itself at this point.

Also, what exactly is different between the dynamic load and 
static link

in the link above?

I assume you already understand how to link static libraries to 
a program -- you pass it to the linker. When using DMD, we 
typically pass it to the compiler and it hands it off to the 
linker for us:

dmd mymodule.d someLibrary.lib

That's the only way to make the symbols in a static library 
available to the executable at runtime -- those symbols must be 
compiled into the executable.

A DLL is not compiled into the executable. It is loaded at 
runtime. This can be done in two ways: by the operating system 
(static load), or manually by the executable (dynamic load).

In the example, you compile mydll.d and mydll.def with the 
following command:

dmd -ofmydll.dll -L/IMPLIB mydll.d dll.d mydll.def

This results in mydll.dll and mydll.lib. Now, assuming 
mydll.lib is in the same directory as test.d, you can use this 
command to create an executable that will use static loading:

dmd test.d mydll.lib

The actual symbols of mydll are in mydll.dll. mydll.lib, in 
this case, does not contain those symbols. Instead, it contains 
the necessary information for the OS to load the DLL into 
memory. So when the executable is launched, the OS sees that 
information, then looks for mydll.dll automatically.

For dynamic loading, you don't link with mydll.lib. Instead, 
you have to implement some extra code in your program to load 
the DLL and any symbols you need via the Win32 API. The last 
example on that page does just that. It uses 
Runtime.loadLibrary (which, under the hood, uses the Win32 
function LoadLibrary) to load the DLL. It then loads the 
getMyClass function using the Win32 function GetProcAddress. 
Note that it uses the fully mangled name of the function to do 

So, to dynamically load the mydll example, you would add code 
to test.d to load mydll.dll and to load the pointer for the 
print function. To compile, you would do this:

dmd test.d

You no longer need to link with mydll.lib, since you are 
loading the library manually (dynamically).

Would I need to load the DLL for every module that imports it?

No. Once the executable is compiled, the concept of modules 
essentially disappears. Everything is loaded into memory. The 
DLL is loaded into the executable's address space exactly one 
time. This makes the symbols available to everything in the 
same process. Even if you were to manually load the DLL 
multiple times with Runtime.loadLibrary, the OS would only 
actually load it once.

I believe you've used Derelict, yes? When you call something 
like DerelictSDL2.load(), Derelict dynamically loads the SDL2 
DLL into memory. You only need to call it at one point in your 
program. After that, it's available to everything in your 
program. But you still need to import the derelict.sdl2.sdl 
module into every module uses it so that the compiler knows 
which declarations are available for you to use. Source modules 
are used at compile time and must be imported into every module 
that uses them. DLLs are used at runtime and are only loaded 
into memory once. I suggest you read up on the difference 
between compilation

Re: DLL's and D

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Pons
Ok, I've actually run into another problem. I've decided to use a 
static library, since my project is small. I have added the path 
to the static library's .lib file in my project properties, just 
like with derelict2. However, I'm not sure how to use import 

The library in question is in location (relative to my project) 

If a module in math.lib is matrix, i've tried import declarations 

import Libraries.Math.math.matrix; //probably very wrong
import math.matrix;
import matrix;

I tried to look at derelict2 for an example, and the VisualD 
project file there, since it created .lib files. The VS 2010 
solution file was in project/visuald/DerelictSDL(etc), and each 
project refernces modules in Derelict2\DerelictSDL\derelict\sdl\ 
(for example). So it makes sense that the import would be import 
derelict.sdl.sdl to import sdl.d.

This just lead me to believe that import matrix or import 
math.matrix should work.

Am I wrong in assuming that the library contains the D code I 
need to use? So I would not be trying to import the .d file I 
used to construct the static library?

Build errors and VS Macros for Build Commands

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Pons
I've been playing around with VS Macros trying to step away from 
explicit declarations of library locations. I'm using a google 
repository as I would like to be able to work on projects either 
at my desktop or laptop without having to worry about specific 
library path locations.

I tried using a macro like $(SolutionDir) or $(ProjectDir) to 
specify the current location of the projects but I keep getting 
this error when building:

-- Build started: Project: STDSU, Configuration: Debug Win32 

Building Debug\STDSU.exe...
Error: cannot read file C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual.d
Building Debug\STDSU.exe failed!
Details saved as file://C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio 
== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped 

However, if I specify a library location explicitly it all 
compiles just fine.

If the location of my VS solution was:
C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS

I would assume $(SolutionDir) would be equivalent.

What am I missing?

Re: Proper Use of Assert and Enforce

2012-03-14 Thread Chris Pons
Thank you for the valuable information! The difference between 
assert and enforce is now clearer in my mind.

Also, that's a great trick with enforce.

On Thursday, 15 March 2012 at 01:08:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 20:15:16 Spacen Jasset wrote:
Is enforce then a way of generating exceptions in an easier 
way rather
than using some sort of if (failure) throw syntax? In other 
words, I
assume it's a mechanism to help you use exceptions, and not 
some new


It is purely a way to make throwing an exception use a syntax 
similar to

assert and save a line of code.

throw new Exception(msg);


enforce(condition, msg);


enforce(condition, new Exception(msg));

It arguably adds very little, but some people really like it.

- Jonathan M Davis

DLL's and D

2012-03-14 Thread Chris Pons
I haven't used DLL's much, especially one I've built on my own, 
so guidance would be appreciated.

I'm trying to figure out how to build a DLL which was written in 
D but i'm not sure i'm doing this right.

I'm using VS2010 and Visual D. Visual D has a template for Dll's 
in D, so I used that to create a new project.

The DLL compiles just fine, but i'm having trouble even getting 
import to work with it. I was following the How-To on this page, , but I can't even get import to 

With import, is that supposed to reference the name of the DLL? 
So if I had one named math.dll, I would write import math.dll?

Right now i'm getting an error, Error: module test is in file 
test.d which cannot be read.

Also, what exactly is different between the dynamic load and 
static link in the link above?

Would I need to load the DLL for every module that imports it?

Do I need to use the export keyword for every class/function/etc 
that is meant to be used outside of the DLL?

Also, the DLL i'm trying to make, has several modules, can I 
import a specific module from the dll? Like, import math.calculus 
if calculus was a module in the math DLL?

Math Libraries (and vectors, matrices, etc)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Pons
Does D have a math library that defines, points, vectors and 
matrices including the appropriate functions(addition, dot 
product, cross product, etc)?

I'm starting my next game and I would like to know what my 
options are. I plan on using SDL, I'm not exactly into OpenGL 
yet, since I'm new and I only wish to work in 2D.

Nonetheless, I would prefer to get acquainted with using linear 
algebra formally in games before I move to 3D.

Re: Math Libraries (and vectors, matrices, etc)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Pons
Thanks, I'll take a look. I'm new, so I might need some help 
properly building this. I will post back if I have any problems.

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 20:06:13 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 14.03.2012 0:03, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 08:25:49PM +0100, Chris Pons wrote:

Does D have a math library that defines, points, vectors and
matrices including the appropriate functions(addition, dot 

cross product, etc)?

I'd like to know too.

I have a medium-sized D project in the works, but right now 
I'm stuck at
deciding how best to represent matrices and vectors in a 
generic way. My
usage will be significantly different from game programming, 
'cos I'll be dealing with arbitrary-dimensioned vectors and 

not just your typical 2D/3D vector (or 4D homogenous).

But it'd be nice if both can be handled generically without 

performance losses in the 2D/3D case for game dev.


SciD worths a look, though never used nor had the need to:

Re: Math Libraries (and vectors, matrices, etc)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Pons
SciD looks nice, but it seems to be a bit too complicated for my 
use.  Are there any other alternatives?

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 20:14:14 UTC, Chris Pons wrote:
Thanks, I'll take a look. I'm new, so I might need some help 
properly building this. I will post back if I have any problems.

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 20:06:13 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

On 14.03.2012 0:03, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 08:25:49PM +0100, Chris Pons wrote:

Does D have a math library that defines, points, vectors and
matrices including the appropriate functions(addition, dot 

cross product, etc)?

I'd like to know too.

I have a medium-sized D project in the works, but right now 
I'm stuck at
deciding how best to represent matrices and vectors in a 
generic way. My
usage will be significantly different from game programming, 
'cos I'll be dealing with arbitrary-dimensioned vectors and 

not just your typical 2D/3D vector (or 4D homogenous).

But it'd be nice if both can be handled generically without 

performance losses in the 2D/3D case for game dev.


SciD worths a look, though never used nor had the need to:

Re: Math Libraries (and vectors, matrices, etc)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Pons
Oops, I didn't see the replies, after my last message. I'll check 
this out. Thanks!

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 20:34:54 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
SciD is a scientific math library providing vectors/matrices of 

sizes, but not useful at all for game development.

See gl3n for a game-oriented vector/matrix library:

Also, AFAIK, Manu is working on what should end up being
a Phobos module for game-oriented matrices/vectors.

Proper Use of Assert and Enforce

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Pons
I'm new, and trying to incorporate assert and enforce into my 
program properly.

My question revolves around, the fact that assert is only 
evaluated when using the debug switch. I read that assert throws 
a more serious exception than enforce does, is this correct?

I'm trying to use enforce in conjunction with several functions 
that initialize major components of the framework i'm using.

However, i'm concerned with the fact that my program might 
continue running, while I personally would like for it to crash, 
if the expressions i'm trying to check fail.

Here is what i'm working on:

void InitSDL()
		enforce( SDL_Init( SDL_Init_Everything )  0, SDL_Init 

SDL_WN_SetCaption(Test, null);

		backGround = SDL_SetVideoMode( xResolution, yResolution, 

enforce( backGround != null, backGround is null!);

enforce( TTF_Init() != -1, TTF_Init failed! );

Is it proper to use in this manner? I understand that I shouldn't 
put anything important in an assert statement, but is this ok?

Re: Assert and the optional Message

2012-03-09 Thread Chris Pons

Ok, thank you for the advice. I will look into it.

Re: Assert and the optional Message

2012-03-09 Thread Chris Pons

Any idea why, system(PAUSE) does work?

Re: Assert and the optional Message

2012-03-09 Thread Chris Pons
You are right, there is also an option to Pause when program 

I never saw it until now. Thank you for all the replies.

On Friday, 9 March 2012 at 13:39:02 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 09.03.2012 11:42, Chris Pons wrote:
I am new to D and have been playing around with Assert. I 
figured that
using a message with assert would be very helpful, but 
when the message is printed to the console, the console closes 
and my

program ends.

Is there any way to get a more permanent message?

I've tried adding system(PAUSE) and it doesn't have any 

Is there any way I could have the assert function print the 
message to a


I'm using VS2010 and Visual D if that is of any importance.

There is an option to redirect all console output to Output 
window. Right on the same window where you can choose a 
debugger (mago/visual studio) IRC.

Assert and the optional Message

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Pons
I am new to D and have been playing around with Assert. I figured 
that using a message with assert would be very helpful, but 
unfortunately when the message is printed to the console, the 
console closes and my program ends.

Is there any way to get a more permanent message?

I've tried adding system(PAUSE) and it doesn't have any effect.

Is there any way I could have the assert function print the 
message to a file?

I'm using VS2010 and Visual D if that is of any importance.

How to cast a int to a string?

2012-03-06 Thread Chris Pons
I'm trying to update a string easily whenever I change a numeric 
component of the string. I've tried to do this so far with no 

while( testInt  10 )
string testString = Test ;
int testInt = 0;
testString ~= toString(testInt)

or this:

testString ~= cast(string)(testInt)

Both of these give an error.

This however does not, but it also doesn't seem to update 

I've also tried this:

testString ~= cast(char)(testInt);

It doens't throw an error, but it doesnt' seem to work either.

For the record, i'm not using writln to print to console, this is 
through SDL and OpenGL so it should be a string.

Re: How to cast a int to a string?

2012-03-06 Thread Chris Pons

On Tuesday, 6 March 2012 at 23:19:03 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 12:13:54AM +0100, Chris Pons wrote:
I'm trying to update a string easily whenever I change a 

component of the string. I've tried to do this so far with no


Try this:

import std.conv;
int i = 1234;
string s = to!string(i);


Thanks, that did the trick.

How to check type of an object to a class name?

2012-03-05 Thread Chris Pons

Is it possible to check the type of an object to a class name?

//Something like this:
Class test

assert(is(anonObject == typeof(test))

Char * character and string

2012-03-01 Thread Chris Pons

I am trying to work with SDL and one of their functions takes a 
char * file as a function a parameter. However, i'm running into 
trouble how to actually set this variable in my constructor.

I am getting a problem where if I use a pointer to a char and set 
it as test.bmp I get an error stating cannot implicitly 
convert expression (file) of type string to char*. After that I 
decided to try to set file to 'test.bmp' instead, and in that 
case I get: Unterminated character constant . Although I am 
familiar with what this error is referring to, I do not know how 
to add a terminator in D.

This is the function that I intend to use the filename in:
**Note the function LoadBMP is the one that REQUIRES a pointer to 
a char

SDL_Surface * Load(char * file)
SDL_Surface * Temp = null;

if((Temp = SDL_LoadBMP(file)) == null)
return null;

Surface = SDLDisplayFormat(Temp);


return Surface;

This is the constructor that is giving me the error:
char * file;

this.filename = test.bmp;

Re: Char * character and string

2012-03-01 Thread Chris Pons

Thank you for the reply. However, I've run into another problem.

I changed:


char * file;

this.filename = test.bmp;



char * file

this.filename = toStringz(test.bmp);


I am getting this error:

Error	1	Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(toStringz(test.bmp)) of type immutable(char)* to 
char*	D:\Documents\Projects\Test\Test\DPBall.d	10	

Instead I tried toUTFz, which I used like this:


char * filename;

this.filename = toUTFz(test.bmp);


I get these errors:

Error	1	Error: template std.utf.toUTFz(P,S) if (isSomeString!(S) 
 isPointer!(P)  isSomeChar!(typeof(*P.init))  
is(Unqual!(typeof(*P.init)) == Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!(S))) 
 is(immutable(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!(S))) == 
ElementEncodingType!(S))) does not match any function template 
declaration	D:\Documents\Projects\Test\Test\DPBall.d	11	

Error	2	Error: template std.utf.toUTFz(P,S) if (isSomeString!(S) 
 isPointer!(P)  isSomeChar!(typeof(*P.init))  
is(Unqual!(typeof(*P.init)) == Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!(S))) 
 is(immutable(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!(S))) == 
ElementEncodingType!(S))) cannot deduce template function from 
argument types 
!()(string)	D:\Documents\Projects\Test\Test\DPBall.d	11	

Am I using these functions incorrectly?

Re: Char * character and string

2012-03-01 Thread Chris Pons

Ok, got it all sorted. Thank you for the guidance.

Re: D, Derelict2, and OpenGL

2012-02-23 Thread Chris Pons

On Thursday, 23 February 2012 at 19:26:31 UTC, James Miller wrote:
I find that when learning a complicated system or library, the 

way is to write out the code examples, compile them, then change
things until they break, fix it, then make more changes. 

you end up with the worst code ever known to man and a thorough
understanding of the system at hand. I did it recently when 
out that there is more to terminal emulation than just IO 

and interpreting Terminal codes.

Most of the time, you'll bang your head against your desk 
why wont you work until you brain-damage your way into an 

fix everything, achieve enlightenment, ???, PROFIT!

I have followed this same pattern when I work with the UDK. 
Although, with that, its more about searching through source 
code, reading over the foundation I'm building upon and moving 
from there to try to implement my classes.

For me, that method has been the best to learn. Along with some 
frustration when it doesn't go as planned.

Is the documentation up-to-date on this site? So that I can 
search through and try to learn more about a certain library and 
how it could help me?

UnitTest and visual D

2012-02-23 Thread Chris Pons
I am following the book The D Programming Language and am at 
the portion about functions and unittest. For some reason I 
cannot get unittest to do anything noticeable.

I right clicked on my Project  Properties  Command Line and 
under additional options added -unittest (--main gave me an error 
saying unrecognized switch). After I compiled the code, the 
program ran as normal. Am I missing something? This is what I 
have so far:

int[]find(int[] haystack, int needle)
while(haystack.length  0  haystack[0] != needle){
haystack = haystack[1 .. $];
return haystack;

int[] a = [];
assert(find(a, 5) == []);
a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
assert(find(a, 0) == []);
assert(find(a, 1).length == 3);
assert(find(a, 2).length == 2);
assert(a[0 $ - find(a, 3).length] [ 1, 2 ]);

void main()
int[3] array = [3, 4, 5];
int needle = 4;

find(array, needle);

Re: UnitTest and visual D

2012-02-23 Thread Chris Pons

Ok, thanks.

I haven't run into version(...) yet. Would I be correct if I 
assumed that this version of void main: void main() {} would only 
run if -unittest was in the command line?

Also, what should be in a unit test? Test cases to make sure 
certain functions/classes are working as you intend them to?

If the unit tests pass, they don't print anything unless you 
add statements to
them which do. You only get stuff being printed out on failure. 
This works
particularly well for the command line (it's normal in 
Unix-land for stuff to
print nothing on success unless them printing stuff out is 
their job - this
makes it easier to pipe programs and the like). Some people 
complain about it
from time to time, but that's the way it is. If you really want 
them to print

something though, you can always add your own print statements.

If you compiled with -unittest, the unit tests run before main 
does, so if all
of your tests pass, then your program will run normally after 
the unit tests

have been run.

It's not uncommon for people to do something like this so that 
they can have

the unit tests run without running their actual program:

version(unittest) void main() {}
else void main()
 //Your normal main...

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: UnitTest and visual D

2012-02-23 Thread Chris Pons
Thanks for the response. There are a lot of great features to D 
that really excites me about using this language. Unittest is 
definitely one of them.

It's hard for me to imagine myself going back to C++ at this 
point because of the amount of great features in D. :)

D, Derelict2, and OpenGL

2012-02-22 Thread Chris Pons
I have been reading the book The D Programming Language and am 
really enjoying D. However, my current motivation to use D was 
specifically for programming through OpenGL, and I was excited 
when I found out Dereict2 provided support for OpenGL.

My current Gfx card can only support up to OpenGL 3.3, Can 
Derelict2 support up to OpenGL 3.3?

Also, and most importantly, would it be possible for me to follow 
a book such as the Red Book to learn about using OpenGL with D?

Does anyone have a recommendation for a book about OpenGL that is 
geared towards people new to OpenGL?

Re: D, Derelict2, and OpenGL

2012-02-22 Thread Chris Pons

Hey David and Vijay,

Thank you for the swift replies. It seems like this foray into D 
and OpenGL could be a bit overwhelming considering I would be 
learning D and SDL/OpenGL at the same time. So because of this, 
i'm going to make sure I have a solid base in D to start with.

I am an Intermediate level C++ programmer, and I have used 
SDL/SFML/DirectX so the majority so far in the D programming book 
is very familiar.

I however, do have a newbie Derelict2/OpenGL question. I have a 
basic program that simply spawns a window using SDL which I found 
from one of the SDL/OpenGL tuts on the derelict website.

In order to use DerelictGL and DerelictSDL do I simply need to 
import and import derelict.sdl.sdl and then 
initialize the modules by typing DerelictSDL.load() , 

After this am I free to use SDL/OpenGL functions, like 
SDL_Init(...), SDL_Quit(); etc?

Re: D, Derelict2, and OpenGL

2012-02-22 Thread Chris Pons
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I am really looking forward to 
seeing what D and Derelict2 can offer. However, I would have 
liked to post this in the Derelict forums because it seems like 
the more appropriate place.

I know that Aldacron is only one man, and I appreciate his hard 
work, but how long does it take to get approved to post on that 

I read that I had to wait for moderator activation (unless I was 
mistaken) ?

On Thursday, 23 February 2012 at 01:15:17 UTC, David wrote:

Am 23.02.2012 01:20, schrieb Chris Pons:

Hey David and Vijay,

Thank you for the swift replies. It seems like this foray into 
D and
OpenGL could be a bit overwhelming considering I would be 
learning D and
SDL/OpenGL at the same time. So because of this, i'm going to 
make sure

I have a solid base in D to start with.

I am an Intermediate level C++ programmer, and I have used
SDL/SFML/DirectX so the majority so far in the D programming 
book is

very familiar.

I however, do have a newbie Derelict2/OpenGL question. I have 
a basic
program that simply spawns a window using SDL which I found 
from one of

the SDL/OpenGL tuts on the derelict website.

In order to use DerelictGL and DerelictSDL do I simply need to 
import and import derelict.sdl.sdl and then 
initialize the

modules by typing DerelictSDL.load() , DerelictGL.load()?

After this am I free to use SDL/OpenGL functions, like 

SDL_Quit(); etc?

No you need also do init opengl after creating the context, 
here's how I am (was) doing it:

static this() {

void main() {
writefln(error: SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
} else {
writefln(no error (SDL_INIT_VIDEO));

SDL_WM_SetCaption(titel, nirgends);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, 16);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24);
//SDL_SetVideoMode(1000, 800, 32, SDL_OPENGL | 

SDL_SetVideoMode(1000, 800, 32, SDL_OPENGL);


// rendering goes here


Re: D, Derelict2, and OpenGL

2012-02-22 Thread Chris Pons
Ok, well it must be something wrong on my end. I have tried 
logging in with no result. I'll try to work it.

I don't know if you are mistaken or not, but looking at the 
member list sorted by join date, several new members have 
registered recently. So if approval *is* required, it probably 
isn't too long. Did you try to log in?

At any, rate, I (Aldacron) have nothing to do with approval of 
members of the forums as a whole. All I can do is moderate 
posts specifically in the Derelict forum.

Re: D for game Development

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Pons

On Wednesday, 15 February 2012 at 15:41:02 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 February 2012 at 06:51:11 UTC, RedShift wrote:
Can I use OpenGL or DirectX with D? If so, where can I find a 
guide to get everything setup?

Derelict provides bindings for OpenGL and SDL (and many other 
game-related libraries) - these are used exactly the same way 
they are used in C/C++, so any

OpenGL/SDL tutorials for C/C++ apply.

Derelict has a few of its own functions that can/need to be 
called when initializing, described in its documentation.

The current stable version of Derelict supports only OpenGL up 
to 2.1 and SDL 1.2, but support for OpenGL 3.0+ and SDL2 is 
being worked on.

For the current development version, see

(Derelict moved to GitHub recently)

Ok, So let me get this straight. I can use Derelict with OpenGL 
3. ish, and support for 4.0 is on the way.

I can also use any tutorials to learn Opengl?

That is really good news.

Re: D for game Development

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Pons
I am sorry about the double post. I am in the middle of trying to 
install derelict following this tutorial:

However, when I get to the third step I get this error:

Error	1	Error: module gl is in file 'derelict\opengl\gl.d' which 
cannot be read	D:\Documents\Projects\Test\Test\main.d	3	

I am assuming this means that gl.d can not be found. However, my 
derelict source files are in


In my VS project under the options panel, I pointed my DMD 
install path to D:\Documents\Projects\DMD2 .

Do I need to set the Import and Library path as well?

How to get Visual D working with Derelict2?

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Pons

Hey everyone,
I am new to D, and interested in using it with Derelict2 for game 
development. I plan on using Visual D, which I have installed 
already. I used the visual studio 2008 solution file to build the 
libraries and the .di files but unfortunately I do not know where 
to put these files once built or alternatively setup Visual D to 
recognize their location.

Lastly, how would I import these libraries in the code?

Such as this, simple test program:

module main;

import; //--- This doesn't work, how would I 
import with the //lib and .di files in the right place?

import std.stdio;

void main()
   try {
   writefln(Successfully loaded the OpenGL shared library.);
   } catch (Exception e) {
   writefln(Could not load the OpenGL shared library.);

Thank you for being patient with me!