Re: how to catch D Throwables (or exceptions) from C++?

2016-12-02 Thread Elie Morisse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 December 2016 at 08:13:51 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2016-12-01 02:58, Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d-learn 


extern(C) void dfun(){assert(0, "some_msg");}

extern "C" void dfun();
void fun(){
// works but how do i get "some_msg" thrown from D?

At least for a C++ exception it's possible to get the current 
exception with __cxxabiv1::__cxa_current_primary_exception(). I 
verified and it works for C++ exceptions. I would think that 
the following works for D exceptions, but I cannot even catch 
the D exception in C++. Maybe it's not working properly on 

// c++
void foo();
const char* getExceptionMessage(void*);

void bar()
void* e = __cxxabiv1::__cxa_current_primary_exception();
if (e)
const char* msg = getExceptionMessage(e);
if (msg)
printf("%s\n", msg);
printf("no message\n");
printf("no exception\n");

// d

extern(C++) void foo()
throw new Exception("foo");

extern(C++) immutable(char)* getExceptionMessage(void* e)
if (e)
auto t = cast(Throwable) e;
return t.msg.ptr;

return null;

I'm compiling the C++ code with clang++ and I need to link with 

Exceptions thrown from D set a different exception class in the 
header, and the C++ personality routine (i.e the function that 
gets called for each catch block) only handles exceptions which 
displays the C++ exception class, so let D exceptions slip 

To catch exceptions thrown by D code in C++ I think this would 
have to be done by throwing a C++ exception (eventually wrapping 
a D class), but this is yet to be implemented.

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2016-05-26 Thread Elie Morisse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 06:23:17 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
The difference is that it's impossible to do 
10.opBinary!"+"(15), so if you're forced to do 
foo.opBinary!"+"(bar) to get around a symbol conflict, it won't 
work with built-in types.

Obviously operator overloading should be limited to class and 
struct types, so that's not really relevant.

UFCS does not have that problem, because you're dealing with 
free functions and can choose to not use UFCS and provide the 
full import path or to alias the function, which you can't do 
with operators - particularly built-in operators.

I still don't understand what you're getting at, unfortunately.

D was designed to be much cleaner with operator overloading 
than C++ is. It restricts what the definitions of the operators 
are so that you don't have to define as many of them to get the 
basic operations (e.g. opCmp for most of the comparison 
operators or op!"++" for both pre-increment and post-increment) 
and so that they aren't easily overloaded to do stuff that does 
not correspond to what that operator does for built-in types. D 
doesn't even use + for string concatenation, because Walter 
thought that that was operator abuse. Allowing arbitrary code 
to add overloaded operators to an existing type is not at all 
in line with that philosophy.

Regardless, there really isn't much point in arguing this. If 
you want things to change, you're going to need to convince 
Walter, which I very much doubt is going to happen.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks for taking the time to explain, although I still fail to 
see a good justification for disabling UFCS for operators. I will 
look for more discussions on the topic and if still no opposing 
argument seems valid I might push the issue forward.

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2016-05-25 Thread Elie Morisse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at 21:50:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
It's not an overloaded operator anymore at that point, and that 
definitely fails to work for generic code, since not all 
operators are overloaded operators. Free functions don't have 
that problem.

Sorry to reiterate the previous post but is that really the case?

  void FuncTemplate(...)(...) {

  import ModuleA; // contains FreeFunc
  import ModuleB; // contains a conflicting FreeFunc overload

  FuncTemplate!()(); // fails

Where is the difference with writing generic code with operators 
(overloaded or not)?

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2016-05-25 Thread Elie Morisse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 23:43:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 23:19:32 Elie Morisse via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Saturday, 13 October 2012 at 22:58:56 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> Afaik free-function operator overloads (but not in the 
> context of UFCS) were considered and turned down because D 
> did not want to get amidst discussions about adding Koenig 
> lookup. UFCS does not do Koenig lookup.

I don't get it, aren't the current symbol lookup rules enough 
to make free function operator overloads useful? To me it 
looks like they are.

Sorry for digging up this thread, just getting irritated by a 
restriction that seems pointless and arbitrary.

Overloaded operators would suffer from the same potential 
abuses other methods are subjected to if UFCS was enabled, 
nothing more as far as I can see.

If UFCS doesn't work, because there are two free functions with 
the same name which take the same arguments, then you can 
differentiate between them by not using UFCS and using their 
full import paths, or you can alias them so that they don't 
have the same name. Neither of those would be possible with 
operator overloading. If overloaded operators were allowed as 
free functions, then if there were ever a symbol conflict, 
you'd be screwed.

- Jonathan M Davis

  X.FreeFunc(Y); // multiple matches error
  ModuleA.FreeFunc(X, Y); // ok

  X * Y; // multiple matches error
  ModuleA.opBinary!'*'(X, Y); // ok

Is there much of a difference between the two?

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2016-05-24 Thread Elie Morisse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 October 2012 at 22:58:56 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
Afaik free-function operator overloads (but not in the context 
of UFCS) were considered and turned down because D did not want 
to get amidst discussions about adding Koenig lookup. UFCS does 
not do Koenig lookup.

I don't get it, aren't the current symbol lookup rules enough to 
make free function operator overloads useful? To me it looks like 
they are.

Sorry for digging up this thread, just getting irritated by a 
restriction that seems pointless and arbitrary.

Overloaded operators would suffer from the same potential abuses 
other methods are subjected to if UFCS was enabled, nothing more 
as far as I can see.