Re: How to hash SHA256 from string?

2023-12-05 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 13:42:53 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:

Use botan so easy:

Well, what about:

import std.digest.sha;
import std.stdio;

void main()
string appKey = 


Not sure if it's really more complicated than Botan 路‍♂️️

Re: D style - member functions

2023-04-26 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 18:24:08 UTC, DLearner wrote:

struct S1 {
   int A;
   int B;
   int foo() {

struct S2 {
   int A;
   int B;
int fnAddS2(S2 X) {
   return (X.A + X.B);

There are scenarios that won't let you use the second form, e.g. 
putting your struct under the `with()` statement:

with (S1) {
auto sum = foo(); // Works correctly

with (S2) {
auto sum = foo(); // Error: function foo(S s) is not callable 
using argument types ()


In this case, the first option will be better. But there are no 
real "best practices" defined AFAIK.

However, the second form let you generalize the pattern by using 
template declaration:

int fnAdd(T)(T v) {
return (v.A + v.B); // Doesn't matter what type is this if it 
has both members A and B



Re: Returning a reference to be manipulated

2023-04-13 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 April 2023 at 07:05:10 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to return a reference to something 
that may not be a reference type.


struct Stats
float[string] data;

ref opIndex(string key) return
// The `require()` takes care of non-existing values, 
initializing them

return data.require(key, 0);

void main()
import std.stdio;

Stats foo;

// 1. You can't "capture" a reference, only use it directly
foo["tacos"] += 2;

// 2. You can use an alternative function-calling form 
(sometimes replaced by the `with` operator)

((ref float val) => val += 2)(foo["burritos"]);

// 3. As a last resort, use pointers or make struct wrappers 
around them

auto x = ["quesadillas"];
*x += 2;


Re: constant pointer failing to compile

2023-04-06 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 6 April 2023 at 20:23:29 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:

On Thursday, 6 April 2023 at 00:46:26 UTC, Josh Holtrop wrote:

I am trying to port a small C project to D and am getting a

Ah, just noticed that other people have already responded! Sorry 
about that!
BTW, your `[0]` C-like pointer will also work in D's 
version, although it's probably a bit uglier.

Re: constant pointer failing to compile

2023-04-06 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 6 April 2023 at 00:46:26 UTC, Josh Holtrop wrote:
I am trying to port a small C project to D and am getting a 
compilation error I don't understand.

It seems like the compiler is just missing some type hints. Try 

import std.stdio;

__gshared immutable ubyte[4] data = [1, 2, 3, 4];

__gshared immutable ubyte* p = data.ptr;

int main()
writeln("*p = ", *p);
return 0;

Look how I provided the `ubyte[4]` hint to the compiler so it 
thinks that it's a constant.

I'm not sure why this happens, but sometimes the compiler can't 
deduce static arrays, especially if you're explicitly saying that 
they're not static (`ubyte[]`).

Re: Convert binary to UUID from LDAP

2023-03-28 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at 05:05:58 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:
`Error: cannot cast expression 'cast(ubyte*)arr' of type 
'ubyte*' to 'ubyte[16]'`

Here is the working example:

import std.stdio;
import std.uuid;

void main()
	ubyte[] arr = [159, 199, 22, 163, 13, 74, 145, 73, 158, 112, 7, 
192, 12, 193, 7, 194];

UUID(arr[0 .. 16]).writeln;
You just need to take a slice of your array to guarantee that it 
has only 16 elements, and thus, pass it to `UUID`.

Re: Why are globals set to tls by default? and why is fast code ugly by default?

2023-03-27 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 26 March 2023 at 18:07:03 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
What i do not understand is the reasoning behind choosing tls 
global by default in D

Because the language maintainers decided that they want to 
emphasize the actor model with no default shared state in the 

This is quite beneficial, BTW, as multiprocessor programming is 
by no means an easy problem, so the language just pushes you 
towards the error-free code by default.

As for `__gshared`, this is intended only for interfacing with C 
and other languages where global variables is the default way of 
doing things.

This may seem ugly, but if you write your program completely in D 
and want to avoid TLS, why don't you avoid globals at all?

Just allocate some state on the stack and pass it to your 
functions as `ref`.

This way it will actually be much cleaner and easy to understand 
and test, because global variables are tempting to be mutated, 
which makes the program control flow much less transparent.

Re: Implicit type conversion depending on assignment

2023-03-24 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:59:47 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:46:26 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:
BTW, you can also `alias this` your struct value and then use 
`std.conv : to` for casting, if you don't need specific 
casting rules.

I don't quite understand what you mean? Could you show me an 

I mean, it would be the same code except that you don't define 
any `opCast` or other operators for a struct, just alias the 
value to `this` and use `std.conv : to` directly as follows:

struct MyVal
string value;
alias value this;

void main()
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

auto MyInt =!int;
auto myFloat =!float;

writeln(MyInt, ", ", myFloat);

Re: Implicit type conversion depending on assignment

2023-03-24 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:39:00 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:
On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 
Is it possible to convert such records inside the structure to 
the assigned type?

BTW, you can also `alias this` your struct value and then use 
`std.conv : to` for casting, if you don't need specific casting 

Re: Implicit type conversion depending on assignment

2023-03-24 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 
Is it possible to convert such records inside the structure to 
the assigned type?

struct MyVal
string value;
// Here it would be possible to use an alias to this, but 
it can only be used 1 time


auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

int MyInt = a;// Implicitly convert to target type
float myFloat = b;// Implicitly convert to target type

Here is another working variation of Ali's code, try it yourself:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

struct MyVal
string value;
T opCast(T)() { return!T; }

void main()
auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

auto MyInt =!int;
auto myFloat =!float;

writeln(MyInt, ", ", myFloat);

In general, all type casting and parsing stuff usually exist 
under `std.conv` in the standard library, so you can take 
advantage of it.

Re: Easy sockets - don't exist yet?

2022-12-06 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 December 2022 at 11:08:53 UTC, Vincent wrote:
Unfortunately even TECHNICALLY stream never was a "range"! It's 
more like "queue of bytes", where you can never be sure you 
even get these bytes.

A stream is exactly a range, a "range of ranges" if more 
specifically. All network devices work with chunks of data 
(buffers), either it's 1 byte or 4096 bytes in size.

So, such ranges may work either with strings (with "\n" 
terminator, like `byLine` or your `readLine` example), or a chunk 
of bytes (like `byChunk`).


As for your request about "Easy sockets": it seems there is 
nothing like that available for now in the standard library. 
Besides, your example with google is oversimplified: for example, 
there is no simple way to determine the transport layer protocol 
for a specific domain name and port:

auto sock = new ClientSocket("", 80);
sock.WriteLine("GET / HTTP/1.0");

You can technically guess between IPv4 and IPv6 by resolving the 
address via DNS, but you can't guess TCP vs UDP without trying to 
connect to a host. Moreover, there are other protocols like QUIC, 
which is built on top of UDP but has different semantics.

However, your demand is quite understandable. There is some 
ongoing work toward these ideas.

For example, what would you say about the following interface:

auto s = socket("tcp://");
s.writeln("Hello world");

or, if asynchronous:

auto t1 = socket("tcp://")
  .writeln("GET / HTTP/1.0")
  .readln((sock, msg) => doSomething());

auto t2 = socket("tcp://")
  .writeln("GET / HTTP/1.0")
  .readln((sock, msg) => doSomethingElse());

wait(t1, t2);

Re: How to store a pointer to class contructor

2020-12-24 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 10:23:09 UTC, Dmitriy Asondo 


I'm trying to check some js-like features. For example, if I 
want to store somewhere in array|tuple a list of pointers to 
classes (app services) how may I do that?

Hi, it seems that what you're looking for is Prototype 
Inheritance, which is not quite common among staticly typed 
programming languages due to its runtime nature.

Please note that the way you've implemented it in JavaScript 
doesn't take compile-time class constructors into consideration. 
Just look at how you're passing constructor parameters to your 
objects. In D, each class may have its own constructor, so the 
arguments may be totally different.

Also, it looks like you're trying to implement some kind of a 
Service Locator.

Could you tell what are you trying to achieve with this code? Are 
the arguments and the array index received at runtime?

Re: Small program producing binary with large filesize

2019-11-10 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 October 2019 at 19:20:04 UTC, Prokop Hapala wrote:
What exactly should I specify to make it link dynamcially and 
produce as small binary as possible (without increasing 
compilation time) ?

Hi! Sorry, just found your response here. In order to force it to 
link dynamically, add these lines to your `dub.json`:

"buildTypes": {
"release-shared": {
"dflags": ["-link-defaultlib-shared", "-release", "-O3"]
"postBuildCommands": [
"strip ./"

Then build it like that:

dub build --build=release-shared --compiler=ldc2

Make sure that you replace  under `postBuildCommands` 
with your own application (binary) name.

The thing is that LDC2 links statically by default, so you have 
to add a few flags to the command line

Distinguish float and integer types from string

2019-03-09 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn


Recently, I was trying to solve some funny coding challenges 
The questions were really simple, but I found it interesting 
because the website allows to use D.

One of the task was to take a string from STDIN and detect its 
There were a few options: Float, Integer, string and "something 
else" (which, I think, doesn't have any sense under the scope of 
the task).

Anyway, I was struggling to find a built-in function to 
distinguish float and integer types from a string.

I came to the following solution:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.conv;
import std.string;
import std.format;

immutable msg = "This input is of type %s";

void main()
string type;
auto data = stdin.byLine.takeOne.front;

if (data.isNumeric) {
type = data.indexOf(".") >= 0 ? "Float" : "Integer";
else {
type = "string";


But I think that's ugly. The thing is that in PHP, for example, I 
would do that like this:

if (is_integer($data)) {
// smth
else if (is_float($data)) {
// smth
else {
// smth

I tried to use and std.conv.parse, but found that 
they can't really do this. When I call `!int`, the value 
of "123.45" will be converted to int!

Is there any built-in way to detect these types?


Re: opEquals() non-standard return type

2019-01-24 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 17:28:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
The best way to do this is to use a string DSL or a delegate as 
template argument. For example:

auto result = User.filter!q{ == "John" };


auto result = User.filter!(u => == "John");

I didn't know about q{} token strings! This looks very cool for 
implementing different DSLs.

Thank you!

Re: opEquals() non-standard return type

2019-01-24 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 00:47:37 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Yeah, that can't work. Remove the bool-returning one and your 
code works with the 'alias this' above.

Wow, this is an amazing workaround! I didn't think about it in 
that way.

It perfectly solves the issue.

Thank you!

Re: opEquals() non-standard return type

2019-01-23 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 15:28:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
But regardless of the specifics of operator overloading in D, D 
does not support overloading _any_ functions on the return type.


opEquals() non-standard return type

2019-01-23 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to check whether it's possible to implement Python's 
SQLAlchemy-like query syntax in D, but I get stuck a bit.

Here is a simple example of what I want to achieve:

auto result = User.filter( == 10);
result = User.filter( == "John");
result = User.filter(User.age > 18);

Expressions like ` == 10`, `User.age > 18`, etc. should 
return a struct instead of a bool (let's call it `struct 

So I'm making the two versions of opEquals: one returns a 
BinaryExpression, and the second - a boolean value.

However, when I want to use the same expression for the `if` 
operator, the compiler cannot decide what function to call and 
shows an error: "overloads bool(int b) and BinaryExpr!int(int b) 
both match argument list for opEquals".

I'm wondering, is that possible to declare multiple versions of 
opEquals() and evaluate them in the different places depending on 
return type?

Here is my test code to check:


Re: Compile time opAssign/@property constraints

2019-01-05 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 January 2019 at 14:36:16 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

v is a run-time value, not available at compile time.

Sorry about that, looks like if I edit the text in the editor, the link also gets updated. I was using 
"void opAssign(T)(T v)" in the initial example, but it seems that 
I got the idea.

So even if I'd write opAssign or @property as a template 
function, I won't be able to get their arguments at compile time 
because every template takes different set of arguments: for 
compile time and for run time.

And due to the fact that D is calling opAssign as 
obj.opAssign(arg) and not as obj.opAssign!(arg)(arg), this is not 
possible to get the runtime arguments.

On Saturday, 5 January 2019 at 01:38:43 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

I suggest that you read

IIRC, it's still a work in progress, but it should give you a 
much clearer idea of how CTFE fits into things.

Many thanks for this article! Now I understand it much better.

So it seems that the only "true way" is to use the struct 
invariant feature, but this will work only at run time.

It turned out that I just want some compile-time mechanism 
(static analyzer?) that will validate (solve) all reachable 
constraints in the program.

Then I'd like to reformulate the question: is there any tools or 
compiler features that are capable of validating asserts at 
compile time?


Re: Compile time opAssign/@property constraints

2019-01-04 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 January 2019 at 11:45:24 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:

Here is the simple example:

Sorry, invalid link.
Here is a new one:

Re: Compile time opAssign/@property constraints

2019-01-04 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 January 2019 at 11:41:59 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:
The thing is, compile-time tests like static if and static 
assert can only test values that are known at compile-time, and 
are for the most part useful only in templates.

Thanks for this answer! That's sad to hear.
But, is there anything to do with CTFE? Can it help somehow in 
such situation?

Re: Compile time opAssign/@property constraints

2019-01-04 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 January 2019 at 10:34:07 UTC, Basile.B wrote:

Show us some code.

Here is the simple example:

The thing I'm trying to do is to make an experimental port (for 
education purposes) of library 
for Scala, which allows to set constraints on basic types like 
numeric, bool, string, etc.

For example, you can force an integer variable to take a range 
between 0 and 15. And if constraint is not satisfied, you get a 
compile time error.

There is no predicate in my example, but even if I add one (using 
alias template parameter), it shows the same error.

So is that possible in D?

Compile time opAssign/@property constraints

2019-01-04 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'd like to implement some compile time constraints for a struct 
(though not sure if that's possible).

I already tried to place "static assert" or any kind of static 
condition into a body of @property and opAssign(), but every time 
it shows the error "variable cannot be read at compile time".

Is there any way to catch and validate assignments or struct 
initialization at compile time?


Re: How to understand context type of a delegate?

2018-09-08 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 16:53:42 UTC, NX wrote:
Is there a way to know what kind of context a delegate has 
either in compile time or runtime?

Also is there any way to check whether a pointer legitimately 
points to an Object instance?

No and no. I was fighting this problem in std.signals but found 
only one way to fix that without breaking backwards 
compatibility: we can use core.memory.GC class in order to check 
whether the object was allocated by GC (GC.addrOf). If it was, we 
need to retain the delegate context pointer to prevent accidental 
deallocation of this class by GC.

And if the object is not managed by GC, it means that the 
delegate's context is a simple anonymous function, struct 
function, or manually allocated delegate's heap (there are few 
more cases though).

In this case we just allow the user to manage this object 
manually. So if he decides to deallocate the entity behind the 
context pointer, he should be ready for a segmentation fault if 
he didn't remove an object from listeners before deallocation.

The main reason why std.signals allows only objects to be used as 
a delegate context is that every object is tracked by D runtime 
(by the so-called Monitor object) and even in the case of manual 
deallocation (if you're using the std.experimental.allocator), 
you will be notified about object destruction if you were 
subscribed to this event.

This makes the implementation extremely safe, but the author of 
the original library didn't finish his work properly. So 
std.signals now is a good candidate for replacement.

I'm working on the fix and will create a pull request soon. Not 
sure if it will be accepted, but this module definitely needs to 
be replaced. If you want to join me in this work, I can share 
additional details about the situation around std.signals in 

If you don't want to spend your time on this, check this module: - it's a part of the DlangUI project which already contains most of the things you may need.

Re: Is there a simple way to check if value is null for every case?

2018-08-27 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 27 August 2018 at 14:11:32 UTC, SG wrote:
On Monday, 27 August 2018 at 13:02:28 UTC, rikki cattermole 
So Nullable in D and C# is basically the same except C#'s has 
language support.

Shouldn't it be in the standard library?

I think it's worth it to create a feature request in Phobos for 
that. Or at least make a bug report.

Such inconsistencies must be handled by a standard library, not 
manually, I believe.

Re: Small program producing binary with large filesize

2018-08-01 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 15:19:19 UTC, Dan Barbarito wrote:

Hi all,

I am starting to write a command line tool.


First, Vibe.d will increase your binary size because it contains 
a lot of unnecessary things inside it. So instead of using the 
entire vibe.d library, you may point dub to specific vibe.d 
parts, like `vibe.d:core`, `vibe.d:http` etc.

If you put the whole vibe.d framework as a dub dependency and use 
it like `import vibe;` the things like mongodb drivers, email 
libraries, redis driver etc. will be linked to your binary as 
well, even if you don't need them.

Second, you need to compile your code in the release mode to cut 
all debug information out of it. Also, you can try to use the 
`strip` command line tool to cut all export symbols if your 
binary is an executable file, not a library. This will reduce the 
size. In some cases a lot.

The third thing is already mentioned: by default, the DMD 
compiler builds and links the code statically. In other words, 
your binary contains parts of the DRuntime and the Phobos 
libraries (those parts that you've used in your program).

This thing helps to distribute compiled binaries without external 
dependencies (except libc and libpthread), because your binary is 
already contains all needed stuff.

If you're not happy with it, you can try to use the LDC compiler, 
which uses the dynamic linking by default. Your binary will be 
really tiny, but in order to execute it, you'll need to have the and installed in your system. This 
may add additional issues if you plan to distribute your program.

Sadly, we still don't have the D runtime libraries installed in 
all popular OSes. Currently only the libc has this privilege 

I hope the situation will change in the future.

Re: Dlangui customize app icon on dock or menu bar

2018-07-25 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 09:42:00 UTC, Ivo wrote:

I'm a macOs user and I need to build a application with a GUI.

Not sure if the author of the DLangUI is visiting this forum so 
often to be able to answer.

If you won't get an answer in the next few days, I would 
recommend to make an issue in the DLangUI repo:

Re: High memory usage in vibe.d application

2018-07-01 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 05:20:17 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:
Now I tried it and indeed, it's vibe.d's fault. I'm not quite 
sure what causes it and if this problem is known, I'll look 
into that later and open an issue if it doesn't exist already.

Yes, please do this when you have time. That would be really 
helpful for further vibe.d improvement.

I remember a pretty old (and closed) bug of HTTP client here:

So it might be somehow related to this one. Probably something 
wrong with HTTP client or TLS/SSL related logic. You example code 
is very good and I was able to reproduce the same issue with the 
latest stable compiler, so I hope the guys will find the problem.


Re: High memory usage in vibe.d application

2018-06-30 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 17:40:07 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:

So, long story short:
- Usage of Mallocator instead of theAllocator made it a little 
bit better

- VibeManualMemoryManagement had no (or little) effect
- Manually calling GC.collect had no (or little) effect

You could try to call GC.minimize in pair with GC.collect:


to return all freed memory back to the OS.

Not sure that the leakage of this type is possible because if 
you're running your program on 64bit Linux the probability of it 
is very low. AFAIK the GC is launched every (almost) time you 
allocate the memory, and if it finds "dead" pointers, it 
definitely must clean them out.

Vibe.d may also leak. Have you tried to run the same code without 
Vibe.d, say, using as an 
HTTP client?

Also, have you tried to change vibe.d's event loop engine, like 
libevent or libasync?

Re: Can't start application on heroku

2018-06-16 Thread Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 01:24:04 UTC, crimaniak wrote:

Hi all!

The first try to host application on Heroku provider. The 
application is started and starts to listen in 3 seconds on the 
port, provided by heroku-buildpack-d. But the server doesn't 
detect listening and stops the application. On the local 
machine, the application works as expected. What can be the 
problem here?


Probably you could try to change your listening address from to