Re: Recommended GUI library?

2014-10-18 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for the extra suggestions! I'll check them out.

Re: Initializing D in C to use?

2014-10-17 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 16:35:46 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
I'm starting a new project, and I plan on creating a C 
interface in case other languages want to use it. I remember 
reading something(but my googlefu is weak today) about having 
to initialize the runtime if you are using D inside another 
language. Can anyone confirm this is the case?

I just wanted to make sure I make that explicit for users if 
they don't want to use the library with D.

Thanks all!

Sorry if this isn't the most helpful answer but.. Do you have
Adam Ruppe's book?
On pg96, "Writing part of a C program in D" it sounds like he
does what you're asking.
I was gonna write more, but being I haven't tried it before, I
don't wanna start giving potentially false info
...I mean I could write more but it's probably a bad idea getting
help from me xD

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2014-10-17 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 16:41:21 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:

I highly recommend gtkD.

It works on Windows, OSX, and Linux and provides a very nice OO 
interface to Gtk+.

ooo looks pretty good. I'll go try it out;

Thanks, Jeremy!

Recommended GUI library?

2014-10-17 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm looking for suggestions for a GUI library, to create a
somewhat light GUI that can also be created without too much
fuss, and support for Windows & Linux.

The GUI I'm looking to make would be one that is just one window,
with support for tabs (just like the ones in the properties page
for items on Windows), and support for opening up file browsing
(just normal system one is good).
Then pretty much each of the tabs are just gonna be for setting
up info to send to a bunch of smaller programs.

Ive used Tcl/Tk with Python before, and I briefly tried out a D
version, with choppy results.
So what library would anyone suggest for what I'm looking to do,
or which library have you taken a liking to?

Thanks, for any suggestions!

Re: generate unique variable names?

2014-10-07 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 02:06:28 UTC, Brian Schott wrote:

I'm 99% sure you actually want an array or associative array. 
Something like this maybe?

ImageType[string] images;
images[format("image%03d", i)] = new 

oooh okay I see what you mean. Yeah that will be wy better.
It'll help me get rid of all my extra temp variables and
string/int conversions, too.

Thanks! :)

generate unique variable names?

2014-10-07 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a way to generate variable names using strings? What I'm
trying to do in this particular case is use a for loop, to
generate variables (then probably put them in an array in the
end) that represent images. So the name is pretty much "image" +
the image padding + iterator number. So image001, image002, etc.

So visually (though not real syntax):
auto "imageName" ~ "imagePadding" ~ i = new 

The problem is I can't figure out how to actually create the
unique variable.  I was thinking of trying to use 'new' some how,
but still not sure.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Re: is scid still maintained

2014-09-20 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 13:40:32 UTC, uri wrote:

Hi All,

I'm wondering if SciD is still maintained because the last 
commit to this repo is a while ago now...

Is there a fork, or some other repo that is more up to date I 
should look at?


The author has his email on his github profile page so you could
email him. I'm pretty sure he's on here a lot too so you could
wait and see if he spots this.

Re: how to create and compile reesources for dmd 64

2014-09-20 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 22:20:59 UTC, Cassio Butrico

Hello everyone,
When I create and compile resouces to 32 works perfect, but 
when I try to compilat of 64 error

LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file.
I do not know if it has to do with comverter COFF to OMF.
can someone give me a light?
Thank you for your attention.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure dmd doesn't
actually support or compile 64-bit, despite what it tries to tell

If you really need 64bit than GDC will probably work.

Re: compile "automation", makefile, or whatever?

2014-09-16 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 21:17:19 UTC, Cliff wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 21:05:18 UTC, K.K. wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 20:53:08 UTC, Cliff wrote:
Would you be willing to provide some more detail on what 
about it
you didn't like (errors, missing features, etc.)?  I ask 

build systems are a particular interest of mine and I have
projects in this area which can always use more user data.

I'll try, but I haven't used it at all since maybe.. April?

One of the main things that annoyed me about it was how 

it could be. The best comparison I can give is that it reminded
me ALOT of Haxe. Both are very flimsy, and very poorly
documented. (Nothing beats a good manual as far as I'm 

The other thing, as I briefly mentioned, was it really didn't
speed anything up, unless maybe you were working on a larger

Obviously I'm not a master of any sort, but the main point I'd
take from this is it wasn't inviting.

Hope that helps a bit :3

Yep, that's useful information to me.  Over the years I have
found that build systems *generally* tend to be uninviting.  My
suspicion is that comes down to a few reasons:

1. Builds end up being a LOT more complicated that you would
expect as soon as you step out of a single project with a few
source files and default options
2. Build tooling is typically built and maintained by people who
end up being relatively specialist - either they are part of the
small cabal of people who know the tooling intimately, or they
have been forced into it and know just enough to get by for 

3. Most build tooling is designed to solve a particular subset 
actual build-related problems, with much less though given to 

it fits holistically into the entire developer workflow.
4. Build tooling is almost never treated like an actual product 

documentation is written for wizards, not lay-people.

As a result, the casual user is a bit SOL.

(NOTE: This is not a rant specifically aimed at DUB, but my
general observation on the state of build tooling.)

Yeah I absolutely agree with you on that!

Something I see alot in place of actual documentation is the
developer repeatedly saying "email me" (aka google searching
peoples name's and usernames until you find it), but I'm
generally reluctant to do so because it means I'm gonna have to
ask them very straight forward streamlined questions (usually
meaning I'd have to take my problem out of the context I'm having
trouble with) and then pray that they'll answer more than one
email, and also hope they'll answer within at least a few days.
Some people are really good an answer within a few hours, other
times you won't get a reply at all.

Also when reading your post i remembered something else about
DUB.. I don't remember precisely what I was doing, but I had a
quick experiment that was just supposed a window opened and
displayed a small image. Using DMD it worked fine, but for some
reason when using DUB, the picture wouldn't load at all. It was
quite the mystery.
So you can probably see why I've happily made text files,
folders, and powershell my go to tools :P

Re: compile "automation", makefile, or whatever?

2014-09-16 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 20:57:20 UTC, Andrei Amatuni

Have you tried ->

only a tiny bit... I've haven't quite figured rdmd yet :\

I'm actually trying it out right now.

Re: compile "automation", makefile, or whatever?

2014-09-16 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 20:53:08 UTC, Cliff wrote:
Would you be willing to provide some more detail on what about 

you didn't like (errors, missing features, etc.)?  I ask because
build systems are a particular interest of mine and I have
projects in this area which can always use more user data.

I'll try, but I haven't used it at all since maybe.. April?

One of the main things that annoyed me about it was how sensitive
it could be. The best comparison I can give is that it reminded
me ALOT of Haxe. Both are very flimsy, and very poorly
documented. (Nothing beats a good manual as far as I'm concerned!)

The other thing, as I briefly mentioned, was it really didn't
speed anything up, unless maybe you were working on a larger

Obviously I'm not a master of any sort, but the main point I'd
take from this is it wasn't inviting.

Hope that helps a bit :3

Re: compile "automation", makefile, or whatever?

2014-09-16 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 20:31:33 UTC, Cliff wrote:
Out of curiosity, why are you not using dub (on the 

I'm not against using it or anything, but I've found that it
didn't help me significantly nor did I have the patience to
figure out it's whole set of issues, D by itself is already
enough trouble xD

Plus with my spastic work style, it kinda slowed me down.

However, it is something I may consider when I have an actually
organized project with a final goal. A lot of what I'm doing
right now is just experiments. Though, if Cmake + D does the
trick then I might not use DUB in the end. Hard to say atm.

Re: compile "automation", makefile, or whatever?

2014-09-16 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 19:26:29 UTC, Cliff wrote:

I want to say somewhere on the forums are some descriptions of
using CMake for this.  Might try searching for that.

Yeah I just looked up the CMake thing. It definitely seems worth
playing with, though I'm not really sure how extensive it's D
support currently is :S

compile "automation", makefile, or whatever?

2014-09-16 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hey I have a quick question: Does D have it's own version of
makefiles or anything (preferably simpler)?
So instead of typing in PowerShell "dmd file1.d file2.d
lib\foo.lib -Isrc\ ." I could just type most of that into a
file and then just type "dmd file.X"

I've seen some people make really complex .d files that have a
lot of interchangeability but at the moment I wouldn't really
need something of that scale. Also, I'm not using DUB; I'd prefer
to just use the command line.

..Can pragma's help with this, aside from linking just the libs?

Re: DUB help plz

2014-07-03 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 July 2014 at 07:20:52 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Thursday, 3 July 2014 at 04:46:02 UTC, K.K. wrote:

Is the only thing I'm missing the .dll's?


Yes, everything went fine, and you find the missing DLL here:

On Thursday, 3 July 2014 at 09:38:23 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
Derelict contains bindings to other libraries, not these 
libraries themselves. dub downloads only these bindings, not 
original libraries (since they are written in C, not D, and not 
included in dub repositories). You should manually get 
necessary libraries and put them in folder where .exe will be 
placed or in some path from PATH environment variable, so 
application would be able to find them at runtime.

O okay. That really clears things up; thanks for the help

DUB help plz

2014-07-02 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

I've been trying to figure DUB out and have been having a bit of
trouble. I'm trying to make a simple program that uses Derelict
GL3 and SDL2. I keep getting this error though:

Failed to load one or more shared libraries:
 SDL2.dll - The specified module could not be found.

I'm not sure how to get that .dll, I tried doing 'dub upgrade'
but that didn't do much.

Here's what some of my files look like:
app.d :

import std.stdio;
import derelict.opengl3.gl3;
import derelict.sdl2.sdl;

void main()
writeln("Edit source/app.d to start your project.");

dub.json :


"name": "testbuild",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2014, Kyoji",
"authors": ["Kyoji"],
"importPaths": ["lib/"],
"dependencies": {
"derelict-gl3": ">=1.0.2",
"derelict-sdl2": ">=1.2.1",



I setup a lib folder from the project root, and I have the source
files for the packages under 'import'.

Is the only thing I'm missing the .dll's?


Re: Can't link libs?

2014-06-07 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 June 2014 at 16:06:39 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Yea, I think a lot of people do: building C++ takes some extra 
steps out of necessity that you can just ignore in D for the 
most part :)

I still don't think I've fully figured out compiling in C++! For
compiling the way you showed me, it almost reminds of running
and/or compiling python. :3

Cool, write amazon reviews when you're done too if you feel 
like it :P

I'm nowhere near done with the book, but I happily wrote you an
Amazon review already :)

(I think it said they have to review my review first or
something? Idk, despite all the shopping on amazon that I do, I
rarely write reviews)

BTW also feel free to ask here or to even email me if you see 
anything in the book that you want clarification or more info 

Thanks I'll keep it in mind!

Re: Can't link libs?

2014-06-06 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 16:52:24 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 16:41:24 UTC, K.K. wrote:

I have kept all the files in one folder. So if I don't need to
explicitly call the .lib in DMD, does that mean the .lib is 

a passive object? Should I make libs in place of object files?

If you pass all the .d files at once, you don't need the .lib 
at all and the compiler will also just do one object file.

Simplest (and usually fastest!) way to build:

dmd yourfile.d otherfile.d lib/file.d lib/otherfile.d 

and so on - then don't worry about object or lib files. Of 
course if you need a dll or something that's different...

Oh okay, I get what you mean. I guess I was really over
complicating it then? xD

Thanks for the help Adam! -I'm totally digging your book btw!

(I'll save the trouble of figuring out dll's for another day!)

Re: Can't link libs?

2014-06-06 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 16:33:27 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
When you compile the final program, the library .d file needs 
to be available too, either in the folder based on its name or 
passed straight to dmd explicitly.

Despite the presence of the .lib file, the .d file is still 
needed so it can get code prototypes and type names, etc., out 
of it.

(If you have the .d though, the lib is rarely needed. Indeed, 
the way I do most D libraries is to just pass all the .d files 
to the compiler at once and forget about lib files.)

Hey Adam!
I have kept all the files in one folder. So if I don't need to
explicitly call the .lib in DMD, does that mean the .lib is just
a passive object? Should I make libs in place of object files?

Can't link libs?

2014-06-06 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

So being a noob and all I've gotten stuck on something stupid...
Whenever I try to compile using DMD, and try to link .lib files I
always get errors like:

"file4.d(2): Error: module file3 is in file 'file3lib\file3.d'
which cannot be read
import path[0] = %cd%\file3
import path[1] = C:\dmd2\Windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[2] = C:\dmd2\Windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import

For reference on this I've been using Adam's book and this page:

I also tried using COFF2OMF and COFFIMPLIB (everytime I used
coffimplib it just said "Error: Missing archive signature")

Here's the code I was working with (plz excuse my lazy
variable/file names, wasn't feeling creative this morning :P):

File3.d which I turned into a .lib
module file3lib.file3;;;
import std.stdio;

class shit
int lead;
this(int y){lead += y;}
int fuck(int x)
lead += x;
return lead;

void main()
auto okay = new shit(10);

module file4;
import file3lib.file3;
import std.stdio;

void main()
auto thing = new shit(2);

I tried using different names, and making extra directories but
that didn't help much ofcourse..
+I know there's that weird thing I did with file3lib & file3, but
I swapped that around a bunch of times with no success.
Everything's just been getting messier as I go on.

I've sortof just been going in circles so if anyone could point
out what I'm doing wrong it'd be a huge help! :)

Re: Help plz: Using to libraries in D?

2014-04-29 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 21:16:38 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
I would recommend using dub for managing dependencies and 
building libraries etc.

Oh wow this looks awesome! I'll start messing around with it now 
- Thanks!

Re: Help plz: Using to libraries in D?

2014-04-29 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn
btw, please ignore my completely broken English in the title. 
Apparently I had a moment.

Help plz: Using to libraries in D?

2014-04-29 Thread K.K. via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi! I've kinda got a few noob questions...

I've been trying to learn D for the last few months, and I've got 
a pretty good grasp of the syntax, but I've been having trouble 
figuring out how to use libraries(excluding the standard lib).

I've been trying to setup a game engine, so I've tried libraries 
like Derelict, Allegro(the derelict version and the C version), 
and GFM. Plus later on when I'm having less trouble I was hoping 
to get PyD involved.

I tried using the makefile that came with Derelict2 (win32.mak 
through powershell with DMD), and everything worked fine but I 
still didn't know what to do with the D interface files or the 
object lib files. Do I only worry about them at compile time? 
-but I still need to link to the libraries in the files that need 
them right? and which one, there seems to be multiple 
locations to go to.

But then ofcouse GFM is based off of Derelict3, which doesn't 
seem to have any makefiles, so idk.

I feel like I'm on the right path here, and have all the pieces 
but am totally lost on how to put it together. I feel like I've 
gotta ask someone directly at this point because I've just been 
reading manuals and books for this one step for like 2 weeks now.

So if someone could break it down for me, or atleast give me a 
few links to some guides that'd be greatly appreciated; Thanks!

(If you need me to elaborate some more on what I'm trying to do, 
I'd be happy to oblige)