Idea/request: If you have a DUB project, add a badge to README

2014-12-30 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn
A few weeks/months ago someone here mentioned that it'd be good 
if DUB projects linked to to help anyone who runs 
into such a project quickly discover other D projects.

MAny GitHub projects have badges/shields on top of their 
READMEs - little image strips showing things like continuous 
integration status, code coverage, etc.

There's also a service generating these:

I generated a simple listed at| shield, and 
added it to my project READMEs as a link pointing to for example, see D:YAML README:

You can do the same by either linking to or downloading the 

(used red... because mars)

and putting the image (whether as a link to or your 
own copy) into your README.

It's not likely to be a huge improvement, but I expect it *can* 
help people notice more D projects and it's trivial to do.

Re: Idea/request: If you have a DUB project, add a badge to README

2014-12-30 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:19:52 UTC, jklp wrote:

On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:12:38 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
A few weeks/months ago someone here mentioned that it'd be 
good if DUB projects linked to to help anyone 
who runs into such a project quickly discover other D projects.

MAny GitHub projects have badges/shields on top of their 
READMEs - little image strips showing things like continuous 
integration status, code coverage, etc.

There's also a service generating these:

I generated a simple listed at| shield, and 
added it to my project READMEs as a link pointing to for example, see D:YAML README:

You can do the same by either linking to or downloading the 

(used red... because mars)

and putting the image (whether as a link to or your 
own copy) into your README.

It's not likely to be a huge improvement, but I expect it 
*can* help people notice more D projects and it's trivial to 

red is connoted negative/agressive, I think blue would be 

Or maybe yellow-mustard for those who have doubtful tastes...

If you want blue, just replace red with blue. I used red 
because it's the color of the D logo, site and the color of Mars 
(as D was originally called Mars and lot of D things are named 
after Mars, e.g. Phobos/Deimos etc.)

Re: Idea/request: If you have a DUB project, add a badge to README

2014-12-30 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:19:52 UTC, jklp wrote:

On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:12:38 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
A few weeks/months ago someone here mentioned that it'd be 
good if DUB projects linked to to help anyone 
who runs into such a project quickly discover other D projects.

MAny GitHub projects have badges/shields on top of their 
READMEs - little image strips showing things like continuous 
integration status, code coverage, etc.

There's also a service generating these:

I generated a simple listed at| shield, and 
added it to my project READMEs as a link pointing to for example, see D:YAML README:

You can do the same by either linking to or downloading the 

(used red... because mars)

and putting the image (whether as a link to or your 
own copy) into your README.

It's not likely to be a huge improvement, but I expect it 
*can* help people notice more D projects and it's trivial to 

red is connoted negative/agressive, I think blue would be 

Or maybe yellow-mustard for those who have doubtful tastes...

aand what I was supposed to post (I didn't itend to put this in 

Re: Hunting down rogue memory allocations?

2014-10-03 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 October 2014 at 08:18:45 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 20:16:56 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
Say i have created a program written in D, what tools are 
available for me to track memory allocations?

I wrote a tiny module trackallocs.d that inserts a GC proxy and 
outputs to log file (or stdout) all the allocations, gathering 
some stats.

You can turn tracking on and off in any place of your code.

Used it before 2.066 where @nogc appeared to check whether my 
code was allocation-free. Current version works in both 2.066 
and earlier versions. Find it here:

Inside it uses one hack based on knowledge of D runtime 
internals, so in future versions of D runtime, if Proxy struct 
changes again, it may need to be changed as well.

This is really cool stuff, I needed something like this but 
didn't know it was possible.

Mind if I use some parts of it in my profiler? (there's no 

Re: Hunting down rogue memory allocations?

2014-10-02 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 20:16:56 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
Say i have created a program written in D, what tools are 
available for me to track memory allocations?

If you write a program and its performance is slow because you 
suspect too many allocations are taking place in unrecognised 
areas, what tools or techniques do you use to find where they 
are and eliminate them?

If *time* spent by allocations is a problem, profile with `perf 
top` (assuming you have Linux): Look for 'gc', 'malloc', 
'calloc', etc.
(Plain perf record will also work, but not be as 
quick/interactive. CodeXL works too.)

See - you 
probably need some specific arguments to get caller info, didn't 
use it for a while so I don't remember.

If e.g. the GC is an issue, it should be immediately evident with 
some GC function taking e.g. over 5% of time. Usually the actual 
overhead will be much higher but divided into multiple smaller 
functions that will take little time individually. Drill down 
into one of these and look at its callers. Eliminate the most 
common source of calls, look again, repeat. Usually removing a 
source of alloc calls will result in better speedup than the 
profiler suggests.

If *space* is a problem, Valgrind doesn't work with most D 
programs for some reason (probably D's fault), so, good luck with 
that. But eliminating the biggest time wasters usually helps 
space as well (or rather, it makes it more controllable as you 
know better where you allocate memory).

Re: How to get nogc to work with manual memory allocation

2014-09-04 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 August 2014 at 08:03:11 UTC, Bienlein wrote:


I was having a look at the new nogc annotation and therefore 
wrote some code that creates an instance on the heap bypassing 
the GC (code adapted from 
Problem is that calls to call the class' constructor, 
destructor and others can't be called anymore once nogc is 
used. So the question is how to get manual allocation and 
deallocation done with using nogc. Here is the experimental 

T nogcNew(T, Args...) (Args args)
import std.conv : emplace;
import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;

// get class size of class object in bytes
auto size = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);

// allocate memory for the object
auto memory = malloc(size)[0..size];
import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;

// call T's constructor and emplace instance on
// newly allocated memory
return emplace!(T, Args)(memory, args);

void nogcDel(T)(T obj)
import core.stdc.stdlib : free;

// calls obj's destructor

// free memory occupied by object

void main()
TestClass test = nogcNew!TestClass();
test.x = 123;
test.x = 456;   // no protection violation ?!

// remove @nogc to run this
TestClass t = new TestClass();
t.x = 789;
delete t;
t.x = 678;  // protection violation as expected

I have omitted the code for the TestClass class to save space. 
Problem is that the compiler outputs this:

Error: @nogc function 'main.nogcNew!(TestClass, ).nogcNew' 
cannot call non-@nogc function 
Error: @nogc function 'main.nogcNew!(TestClass, ).nogcNew' 
cannot call non-@nogc function 'std.conv.emplace!(TestClass, 
Error: @nogc function 'main.nogcDel!(TestClass).nogcDel' cannot 
call non-@nogc function 'object.destroy!(TestClass).destroy'

Is there a way to get around this? Then the test.x = 456; did 
not cause a protection violation although the instance was 
deallocated before calling nogcDel. Something with the 
deallocation in nogcDel seems not to work. Some hint 
appreciated on this. When calling delete t the protection 
violation happens on the next line as expected.

Thanks a lot, Bienlein

@nogc is *no GC*, it has nothing to do with where you allocate 
from, no matter how some would choose to interpret it (I use it 
to mean 'no heap' pretty often in my own projects, though, can be 

You can mark it @nogc by wrapping the non-@nogc stuff in a 
function and casting it, but you *absolutely* must be sure GC is 
not used in any called functions.

You could possibly do that by requiring T's constructor to be 
@nogc, not sure if the other functions can use GC or not.

Also, your function seems to be written only for classes,
if this is intended, you should have an

if(is(T == class))

template constraint there.

Re: Non-GC based List/Set/Map implementation?

2014-08-26 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 10:38:47 UTC, Bienlein wrote:


does anyone know of a List/Set/Map implementation that does not 
rely on the GC? The would be the last thing I need for D to be 
really happy with it ;-)

Thanks, Bienlein

These use the work-in-progress std.allocator and seem to be more 
maintained, although they don't seem to take advantage of DMD 
2.066 (@nogc) yet:

Re: Learning D

2014-08-25 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 16:46:11 UTC, Ryan wrote:

Me: Software developer for 30 years.

So perhaps this is old fashion, but I wanted to start using D 
by whipping together nice little personal utilities.

I tried installing MonoDevelop and Mono-D.  I can't even figure 
out the basics, such as adding references to a project.  There 
are no options in the context menus, and although it looks like 
drag an drop might work (a '+' sign appears by the cursor), 
dropping a file from the filesystem doesn't work either.

Although I dream of someday being able to add a reference to a 
project, I'm not really sure what I might drag in.  I managed 
to download and compile GtkD, since it seems like a GUI would 
be a nice place to start (again, old fashion).  I got three 
*.lib files out of it... H... Maybe these are references??

I had installed the Visual Studio plugin, but I don't want to 
use this since I would like to eventually migrate away from 

Let me cut to the chase.  I have no friggin' clue how to start, 
and I can't seem to find a tutorial anywhere...

What IDE should I use? I'm not big fan of Eclipse, although if 
I had to use it this wouldn't be a dealbreaker.  Give me 
something easy and lightweight, unless you've got a GUI builder 
(this is why I started with MonoDevelop, though this isn't 
working so well for me).

What Widget library should I use?  I started with GTKD, but 
since there are no tutorials does this mean nobody actually 
does this?  Should I use DWT?  What about QT?

I just want something simple and mainstream to start learning D 

Any thoughts?

I don't use an IDE, but MonoD seems to be the most recommended 
cross-platform option. It has a wiki page here if it helps:

I recommend only using an IDE that uses DUB 
(, which is becoming the de facto 
standard for building D projects, and is cross-IDE, allowing you 
to move between IDEs and to work with developers using other 
IDEs. MonoD probably uses this, as does DDT(Eclipse). I have no 
idea what interface MonoD or other IDEs offer for DUB, but DUB 
uses a 'dub.json' file where you specify libraries you use and 
their versions. DUB will automatically download the libraries 
when you compile the project. Available DUB packages 
(libraries/apps) are listed at . That is 
probably also the best list of D libs we have at the moment, 
although many projects are not there yet.

Only use DWT if you like Java-style code. QtD is not in usable 
state yet. GtkD should be good, better for 'big' apps (i.e. more 
features), TkD for simple ones (simpler to use).

To learn about the language itself, this (free) book is really 

Re: struct or class

2014-08-24 Thread Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 August 2014 at 11:56:44 UTC, nikki wrote:
I come from languages that don't offer structs, I have this 
json load function that has to keep some data and intuitively 
I've written a struct, I've read about the differences, heap vs 
stack, value vs reference, but know I think i am overthinking 

Is this decent:
bool loadFromFile (string path)
auto data = readText(path);
JSONValue parsed = parseJSON(data);

struct AtlasSpriteData
SDL_Rect clipRectangle;
int xOffset;
int yOffset;
AtlasSpriteData[string] dict;

foreach( string name, value; parsed[frames] ){
SDL_Rect clipRectangle;
auto spriteSourceSize = 

clipRectangle.x = to!int(frame[x].toString());
clipRectangle.y = to!int(frame[y].toString());
clipRectangle.w = to!int(frame[w].toString());
clipRectangle.h = to!int(frame[h].toString());
int xOffset = to!int(spriteSourceSize[x].toString());
int yOffset = to!int(spriteSourceSize[y].toString());
auto data = AtlasSpriteData(clipRectangle, xOffset, 
dict[name] = data;

Or should I use a class for that AtlasSpriteData?
reading about it I get the impression everytime I'll look up 
data from that dictionary data will get copied ?

In this case class makes sense (assuming AtlasSpriteData has few 
instances that will be shared around a lot). But you could also 
use a pointer to a struct, especially if you manually allocate it 
and want to avoid the GC. Also, you can read data from the 
associative array by reference (basic example, no error checking):

ref AtlasSpriteData spriteData(string name) { return dict[name]; }