Re: GTKD TreeView - Delete TreeView SubItem with Button?

2015-11-20 Thread Michael Robertson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 November 2015 at 17:09:50 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:


is it possible, to delete a selected TreeView SubItem with a 

My Code currently looks like this:

import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.Main;

import gtk.Button;
import gdk.Event;
import gtk.Widget;

import List, Languages;

void main(string[] args){
MainWindow win = new MainWindow("TreeView Example");

Box box = new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);

auto list =  new List();
auto german = list.addCountry("German", "Germany");
auto city = list.addCountryCity(german, "German", "Munich");

auto sweden = list.addCountry("Swedish", "Sweden");
auto cit = list.addCountryCity(sweden, "Swedish", "Stockholm");

auto treeView = new LanguageTree(list);
box.packStart(treeView, true, true, 0);

auto btn_Delete = new Button("Delete");


class DeleteButton : Button
this(in string text)
private bool del(Event event, Widget widget)
return true;


But i neither know how i get the currently selected item nor 
how i could delete it within the "del"-Event of the 

TreeIter iter = treeView.getSelectedIter;

then you can use the TreeIter to delete the item.
If your List is a ListStore or TreeStore, it has a remove method 
that you can call.
If its a custom store you will have to implement it yourself like 

class List:TreeModel
void remove(TreeIter iter)
		//maybe remove item from your actual data structure or other 

//send rowDeleted signal


Re: GTKD TreeView - Delete TreeView SubItem with Button?

2015-11-20 Thread Michael Robertson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 November 2015 at 19:45:26 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:

So like this?

public void remove(TreeIter iter)

If i do this, i get a stackoverflow error :(

Your List inherits from TreeStore correct? just get rid of your 
custom remove method entirely, or correctly override it

public override void remove(TreeIter iter)

Re: Derelict Assimp not loading mesh properly? (Maybe index buffer)

2015-03-09 Thread Michael Robertson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 March 2015 at 02:41:19 UTC, Bennet wrote:
I wrote a custom OBJ file importer which worked fairly well 
however was not robust enough to support everything. I've 
decided to give AssImp a shot. I followed some tutorials and 
have set up my code to read in the vertices, tex coords, 
normals, and indices of an OBJ cube model that I have had 
success loading with my custom importer. The cube model's faces 
do not render properly, instead only rendering a few tri's of 
the cube. The way AssImp handles the data is obviously a bit 
different than my solution because the normals, 
positions/vertices, tex coords, and indices do not match my 
custom solution. I would very much appreciate some insight into 
why I'm having issues as all of the tutorials I've found have 
matched my approach. If a picture of the faulty rendered cube 
would be helpful I can work on getting a screenshot up. Thank 

My Asset importing class is at:
The rest of my code is at (Mesh Class is in source/graphics):

Imagine a square mesh made up of two triangles, the un-indexed 
version has 6 vertices, but the indexed version that you would be 
using has 4 vertices because a side is shared by the two 
triangles (which is managed by the index array). This is why you 
can't assume each face has 3 vertices.

I have been trying to learn opengl and D recently together and 
this is the simple code I have been using to load models from 

for(int i = 0; i  mesh.mNumVertices; i++)
aiVector3D vert = mesh.mVertices[i];
verts ~= vec3(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z);

aiVector3D uvw = mesh.mTextureCoords[0][i];
uvs ~= vec2(uvw.x, uvw.y);

aiVector3D n = mesh.mNormals[i];
normals ~= vec3(n.x, n.y, n.z);

for(int i = 0; i  mesh.mNumFaces; i++)
const aiFace face = mesh.mFaces[i];

indices ~= face.mIndices[0];
indices ~= face.mIndices[1];
indices ~= face.mIndices[2];
