Re: Iterating over an enum associative array

2011-03-14 Thread Peter Lundgren
== Quote from Nebster ('s article
 I'm having some problems iterating over an enumerated associative array.
 It comes up with this error at compile time:
   Internal error: e2ir.c 4835
 I cut the code down to this:
   import std.stdio;
   enum int[string] assoc = [;: 0, =: 1, +: 2, -: 2, *: 3,
 /: 3];
   void main()
  foreach(op; assoc.byKey())
  writefln(op: %s, op);
 What does this mean/how can I get this to work?

That's a rather cryptic error message. Hopefully someone smarter than I can 
down why this doesn't have better error reporting. I suspect the problem has
something to do with CTFE. Because you're using an enum, D assumes you want its
value to be computed at compile time. However, currently, associative arrays can
not be evaluated at compile time. Using a static this to initialize the value at
runtime, as already suggested, should solve your issue.

Static Associative Array

2011-03-06 Thread Peter Lundgren
Can you define an associative array in a way that can be evaluated at compile
time like you can with non-associative arrays?

Re: Static Associative Array

2011-03-06 Thread Peter Lundgren
== Quote from Jonathan M Davis ('s article
 On Sunday 06 March 2011 14:05:04 Peter Lundgren wrote:
  Can you define an associative array in a way that can be evaluated at
  compile time like you can with non-associative arrays?
 I'm pretty sure not. I think that it's currently suffering the same fate as 
 like classes and is not yet able to be CTFEed. Some day...
 - Jonathan M Davis

If not, then what is the D way to initialize a static field of a struct or 
class a
la Java's static initializer blocks? I don't mind constructing the associative
array at run-time if I have to, but I can't afford to do it more than the once 

Benchmarking with -profile

2011-03-06 Thread Peter Lundgren
How do you guys benchmark your D code? I tried using the -profile option, but
was surprised to see wildly varying results (greater than an order of
magnitude difference in Func Time) from one run to the next.

Re: Template type parameters with their own type parameters

2011-03-05 Thread Peter Lundgren
== Quote from spir ('s article
 On 03/05/2011 04:02 AM, Peter Lundgren wrote:
  I have a function that I think should look something like this:
  MyStruct!T myFunc(T)(MyStruct!T x, ...) {
  return MyStruct!T(...);
  and the closest I can get to is:
  T myFunc(T)(T x, ...) {
  return T(...);
  which works, but doesn't make clear the intended use and gets in the way of
  overloading. How can I express the intent of the first version.
 Maybe I do not exactly understand your problem; anyway, the following runs 
 by me:
 struct S (T) {
  T v;
 S!T inc (T) (S!T s) {
  return S!T(s.v + 1);
 unittest {
  auto s1 = S!int(1);
  auto s2 = inc(s1);
  assert ( s2.v == 2 );
 Could you provide (1) context (2) example (3) errors?

Thanks for the help. I'd convinced myself that it didn't work and missed the
actual problem. I was mixing template type and template value parameters. What I
really wanted was this:

MyStruct!v myFunc(string v)(MyStruct!v x, ...) {
 return MyStruct!v(...);

Template type parameters with their own type parameters

2011-03-04 Thread Peter Lundgren
I have a function that I think should look something like this:

MyStruct!T myFunc(T)(MyStruct!T x, ...) {
return MyStruct!T(...);

and the closest I can get to is:

T myFunc(T)(T x, ...) {
return T(...);

which works, but doesn't make clear the intended use and gets in the way of
overloading. How can I express the intent of the first version.

Re: Parameterized Structs

2011-03-03 Thread Peter Lundgren
== Quote from Ali Çehreli ('s article
 On 03/02/2011 11:11 PM, Peter Lundgren wrote:
   == Quote from Ali Çehreli ('s article
   On 03/02/2011 08:56 PM, Peter Lundgren wrote:
   Where can I go to learn about parameterized structs? I can't seem
 to find any
   literature on the subject. In particular, what are you allowed to
 use as a
   parameter? I would like to define a struct like so:
   struct MyStruct(T, T[] a) {
   but I receive the following error:
   Error: arithmetic/string type expected for value-parameter, not T[]
   Are arrays not allowed?
   Are you trying to parametrize by the type of the container or just
   trying to use an array of a specified type? (As opposed to say, a linked
   list of the specified type?)
   If the former, it's simple. And the simplest thing is to just use an
   array in the implementation:
   struct S(T)
 T[] a;
 void foo(T element)
 /* Just use like an array */
 a ~= element;
 a[0] = element;
   void main()
 auto s = S!double();;
   If you want to use a different container of the specified T, then a
   second template parameter can be used. This one uses an array as the
   default one:
   class SomeContainer
   struct S(T, Cont = T[])
 Cont a;
 void foo(T element)
 /* This time the use must match the allowed container types */
   void main()
 auto s = S!(double, SomeContainer)();;
   I would recommend pulling information out ;) of this page:
   Template Alias Parameters is very different after C++ and can be very
   I'm using this for an alternative implementation of a string, if you
 will. Where T
   is the type of a single character and a would be the alphabet (an
 array of allowed
   characters). The rest of the implementation of the struct would, of
 course, depend
   upon the provided alphabet.
   I guess value parameters can't be arbitrary types. I can probably get
 by with
   using a string for my alphabet just fine, it just seemed an arbitrary
   Why accept only arrays of characters when the code will be the same
 for any type?
 I think the SomeContainer example above should work then: it is not
 arrays of characters. T[] was just the default implementation. If
 SomeContainer is templatized, then I think this is what you want:
 /* A templatized container */
 class SomeContainer(T)
  /* having container functions */
  void add(T element)
  T access(size_t index)
  return T.init;
 /* This is your alternative implementation of a string. Can use any
   * container type, the default is array of Ts */
 struct S(T, Cont = T[])
  Cont a;
  void foo(T element)
  /* here the use must match the allowed container types */
 void main()
  /* We are instantiating it with
   *   double as the element type
   *   SomeContainer!double as the container type
  auto s = S!(double, SomeContainer!double)();;
 But we can make it better, because 'double' and 'SomeContainer!double'
 repeat double. Here the alias template parameters are handy:
 struct S(T, alias ContType)  // -- alias
  ContType!T a;// -- ContType!T instead of just Cont
  void foo(T element)
  /* here the use must match the allowed container types */
 The second parameter is an alias template parameter. (I had to drop the
 default value; I think we can use Array!T there, but I haven't bothered
 to test.)
 Now the use is easier and less error prone, because 'double' need not be
  auto s = S!(double, SomeContainer)();

That's closer, except I want to pass a value parameter (specifically, some 
time instance of SomeContainer) instead of a type parameter, but that doesn't 
like it's supported.

Parameterized Structs

2011-03-02 Thread Peter Lundgren
Where can I go to learn about parameterized structs? I can't seem to find any
literature on the subject. In particular, what are you allowed to use as a
parameter? I would like to define a struct like so:

struct MyStruct(T, T[] a) {

but I receive the following error:

Error: arithmetic/string type expected for value-parameter, not T[]

Are arrays not allowed?

Re: Parameterized Structs

2011-03-02 Thread Peter Lundgren
== Quote from Ali Çehreli ('s article
 On 03/02/2011 08:56 PM, Peter Lundgren wrote:
  Where can I go to learn about parameterized structs? I can't seem to find 
  literature on the subject. In particular, what are you allowed to use as a
  parameter? I would like to define a struct like so:
  struct MyStruct(T, T[] a) {
  but I receive the following error:
  Error: arithmetic/string type expected for value-parameter, not T[]
  Are arrays not allowed?
 Are you trying to parametrize by the type of the container or just
 trying to use an array of a specified type? (As opposed to say, a linked
 list of the specified type?)
 If the former, it's simple. And the simplest thing is to just use an
 array in the implementation:
 struct S(T)
  T[] a;
  void foo(T element)
  /* Just use like an array */
  a ~= element;
  a[0] = element;
 void main()
  auto s = S!double();;
 If you want to use a different container of the specified T, then a
 second template parameter can be used. This one uses an array as the
 default one:
 class SomeContainer
 struct S(T, Cont = T[])
  Cont a;
  void foo(T element)
  /* This time the use must match the allowed container types */
 void main()
  auto s = S!(double, SomeContainer)();;
 I would recommend pulling information out ;) of this page:
 Template Alias Parameters is very different after C++ and can be very

I'm using this for an alternative implementation of a string, if you will. 
Where T
is the type of a single character and a would be the alphabet (an array of 
characters). The rest of the implementation of the struct would, of course, 
upon the provided alphabet.

I guess value parameters can't be arbitrary types. I can probably get by with
using a string for my alphabet just fine, it just seemed an arbitrary 
Why accept only arrays of characters when the code will be the same for any 

Re: Mixins: to!string cannot be interpreted at compile time

2011-03-01 Thread Peter Lundgren
That worked, thanks. This is interesting because the example used in The D
Programming Language on page 83 gets away with it just fine. I had no problem
running this:

result ~= to!string(bitsSet(b)) ~ , ;

Mixins: to!string cannot be interpreted at compile time

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lundgren
I'm trying to use mixins to generate an array of numbers that are coprime to a
statically known value. I've tried the following, but I receive the error:

Error: to(i) ~ ,  cannot be interpreted at compile time

string makePossibleAValues(string name, byte m) {
string result = immutable byte[] ~name~ = [;
foreach (i; 0 .. m) {
if (coprime(i, m)) {
result ~= to!string(i) ~ , ;
return result ~ ];;

bool coprime(ulong a, ulong b) {
return gcd(a, b) == 1;

ulong gcd(ulong a, ulong b) {
while (b) {
auto t = b;
b = a % b;
a = t;
return a;

mixin(makePossibleAValues(aValues, 26));

makePossibleAValues(aValues, 26) produces the correct result, immutable
byte[] aValues = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, ];, at runtime
and I know to!string can be used in mixins. Any idea as to why this particular
code is having trouble with to!string?

Defining type coercion

2011-02-27 Thread Peter Lundgren
I'd like to define a type Ordinal which behaves like an int (using a struct or
alias) that represents the 26 letters, A-Z, with the numbers 1-26. Then, I
would like to be able to coerce between chars and Ordinals appropriately.

chars and ints already have the ability to coerce between each other using the
appropriate ASCII values. So, really, I'd just like to define a type that
overrides this behavior.

As far as I can tell, the place to define such rules is with opCast!, but I'm
at a loss for how to add additional rules to built in types.