Re: Linking to Dynamic Library on Mac OS X

2015-05-16 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 May 2015 at 19:49:30 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 15 May 2015 at 19:39:53 UTC, TJB wrote:

Off the top of my head: does adding -L-L$(pwd) help?

This is what I get:

$ dmd main.d -L-L$(pwd) -lhello
Error: unrecognized switch '-lhello'

Sorry if this is completely elementary and I am being quite 


should be

$ dmd main.d -L-L$(pwd) -L-lhello

This works perfectly. A big thanks!

Re: Linking to Dynamic Library on Mac OS X

2015-05-15 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn

Off the top of my head: does adding -L-L$(pwd) help?

This is what I get:

$ dmd main.d -L-L$(pwd) -lhello
Error: unrecognized switch '-lhello'

Sorry if this is completely elementary and I am being quite dumb.


Linking to Dynamic Library on Mac OS X

2015-05-14 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have built a toy dynamic shared library on Mac OS X (in C), and 
I have verified that it works from C. Now I would like to call it 
from D. So I have created the following interface file:

$ cat hello.di
extern (C):
void printHelloWorld();

which I try to compile and run. But I get the following error:

$ dmd main.d -L-lhello
ld: library not found for -lhello
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to 
see invocation)

--- errorlevel 1

I gather that mac os x doesn't know where to find libhello.dylib 
(it is in the current directory). So how do I pass that 


Binding to C

2015-05-11 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times. I've even 
asked similar questions in the past (I've been away for quite a 
while). But all of the tutorials that I have found assume quite a 
lot and leave a lot to be inferred. Is there a simple step by 
step tutorial demonstrating how to call C code from D? With the 
separate file contents and names and compilation instructions?


Re: CSV Data to Binary File

2014-08-07 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks Marc. Not sure what to do here. I need to the binary data 
to be exactly the number of bytes as specified by the struct.

How to handle the conversion from string to char[]?


(You forgot to include the error. For other readers: It fails 
to compile with "template std.conv.toImpl cannot deduce 
function from argument types !(char[4])(string)" and similar 
error messages.)

This is caused by the two `char` arrays. `` cannot 
convert strings to fixed-size char arrays, probably because 
it's not clear what should happen if the input string is too 
long or too short.

Would it be a good idea to support this?

As a workaround, you could declare a second struct with the 
same members, but `ex` and `mmid` as strings, read your data 
into these, and assign it to the first structure:

import std.algorithm;
import std.csv;
import stdio = std.stdio;

align(1) struct QuotesBinDummy
  int qtim;
  int bid;
  int ofr;
  int bidsiz;
  int ofrsiz;
  short mode;
  string ex;
  string mmid;

align(1) struct QuotesBin
  int qtim;
  int bid;
  int ofr;
  int bidsiz;
  int ofrsiz;
  short mode;
  char[1] ex;
  char[4] mmid;

void main()
  string infile = "temp.csv";
  string outfile = "temp.bin";
  Stream fin = new BufferedFile(infile);
  Stream fout = new BufferedFile(outfile, FileMode.Out);

  foreach(ulong n, char[] line; fin)
auto temp = csvReader!QuotesBinDummy(line).front;
QuotesBin record;
record.tupleof = temp.tupleof;
fout.writeExact(&record, QuotesBin.sizeof);


The line "record.tupleof = temp.tupleof;" will however fail 
with your example data, because the `ex` field includes a space 
in the CSV, and the last field is empty, but needs to be 4 
chars long.

CSV Data to Binary File

2014-08-07 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to read data in from a csv file into a struct, and 
then turn around and write that data to binary format.

Here is my code:

import std.algorithm;
import std.csv;
import stdio = std.stdio;

align(1) struct QuotesBin
  int qtim;9   int bid;
  int ofr;
  int bidsiz;
  int ofrsiz;
  short mode;
  char[1] ex;
  char[4] mmid;

void main()
  string infile = "temp.csv";
  string outfile = "temp.bin";
  Stream fin = new BufferedFile(infile);
  Stream fout = new BufferedFile(outfile, FileMode.Out);

  foreach(ulong n, char[] line; fin)
auto record = csvReader!QuotesBin(line).front;
fout.writeExact(&record, QuotesBin.sizeof);


Here is a snippet of my csv data:

34220, 37, 371200, 1, 1, 12, N,
34220, 369000, 372500, 1, 11, 12, P,
34220, 37, 371200, 1, 2, 12, N,
34220, 37, 371100, 1, 33, 12, N,
34220, 369400, 371100, 6, 3, 12, P,
34220, 37, 371200, 1, 2, 12, N,
34220, 369300, 371200, 9, 2, 12, N,
34220, 369300, 371200, 5, 2, 12, N,
34220, 368900, 371200, 13, 2, 12, N,
34220, 368900, 371100, 13, 1, 12, N,

For some reason this fails miserably. Can anyone help me out as 
to why? What do I need to do differently?


Re: CSV Data to Binary File

2014-08-07 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 15:11:48 UTC, TJB wrote:
I am trying to read data in from a csv file into a struct, and 
then turn around and write that data to binary format.

Here is my code:

import std.algorithm;
import std.csv;
import stdio = std.stdio;

align(1) struct QuotesBin
  int qtim;9   int bid;
  int ofr;
  int bidsiz;
  int ofrsiz;
  short mode;
  char[1] ex;
  char[4] mmid;

void main()
  string infile = "temp.csv";
  string outfile = "temp.bin";
  Stream fin = new BufferedFile(infile);
  Stream fout = new BufferedFile(outfile, FileMode.Out);

  foreach(ulong n, char[] line; fin)
auto record = csvReader!QuotesBin(line).front;
fout.writeExact(&record, QuotesBin.sizeof);


Here is a snippet of my csv data:

34220, 37, 371200, 1, 1, 12, N,
34220, 369000, 372500, 1, 11, 12, P,
34220, 37, 371200, 1, 2, 12, N,
34220, 37, 371100, 1, 33, 12, N,
34220, 369400, 371100, 6, 3, 12, P,
34220, 37, 371200, 1, 2, 12, N,
34220, 369300, 371200, 9, 2, 12, N,
34220, 369300, 371200, 5, 2, 12, N,
34220, 368900, 371200, 13, 2, 12, N,
34220, 368900, 371100, 13, 1, 12, N,

For some reason this fails miserably. Can anyone help me out as 
to why? What do I need to do differently?


Some of the code got messed up when I pasted.  Should be:

align(1) struct QuotesBin
  int qtim;
  int bid;
  int ofr;
  int bidsiz;
  int ofrsiz;
  short mode;
  char[1] ex;
  char[4] mmid;


Re: Max/Min values in an associative array

2014-08-06 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn


That's it!  Perfect - thanks!!

Do you just need the min and max values or do you also need the 
keys of

those values?  If the former, here's a paste:

Max/Min values in an associative array

2014-08-06 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to find the max and min values in an associative 
array. Say I have:

double[char] bids;
bid['A'] = 37.50;
bid['B'] = 38.11;
bid['C'] = 36.12;

How can I find the max and min values. I am thinking that I need 
to use max and min functions from std.algorithm, but not sure how 


Re: Command Line Application in D

2014-08-05 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn

This is exactly what I was thinking.  Thanks so much for your


Just a little something I made for you. Untested of course. But 
takes an argument from cli, which is a glob. Foreach file under 
current working directory, if its a file write out processing.

(I gave std.stdio an alias because std.file and std.stdio 
conflict for some symbols)

import std.file;
import stdio = std.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {
if (args.length == 2) {
foreach(entry; dirEntries(".", args[1], SpanMode.Depth)) {
if (isDir( {
} else if (isFile( {
stdio.writeln("Processing " ~;
} else {
stdio.writeln("Arguments: ");

Re: Command Line Application in D

2014-08-04 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 4 August 2014 at 21:58:09 UTC, maarten van damme via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I am a little bit confused as to what you want.
There is a command line example at, and there exists 
a program

(rdmd) that compiles several D files and runs them.

Sorry. I wasn't very clear. Say I want to find all of the files 
that have a certain extension within a directory and process them 
somehow at the command line. How could I do that?

Command Line Application in D

2014-08-04 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to build some simple command line applications that I 
have written in python as a way to learn D. Can you give some 
examples for me? For instance, I think I remember once seeing 
somewhere in the documentation an example that took several D 
files and compiled them all by running some kind of system 

I much appreciate your help!


Creating Libraries Callable from C

2014-04-26 Thread TJB via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to write a library that is callable from C without 
the enduser even knowing it was written in D? That is, can a C 
programmer use the library as though it were written in C 
straightforwardly? Or for that matter, by an enduser programming 
in Python or Lua where the library is being exposed through those 
languages' C API?

I'm sure this is a widely discussed and well understood topic, 
but I am a newbie (and have no formal training in CS) and don't 
know where to look for documentation.

A little baby tutorial would be super helpful and well received 
by this newbie.

Thanks so much!