Re: core.thread.Fiber --- runtime stack overflow unlike goroutines

2014-08-14 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Infinite stack comes with a cost. Every function call first 
checks the state of the stack. This should be done with the help 
of compiler. And such a "tradeoff" could scare bare-metal 
programmers away from D. Though maybe there's a chance of making 
this stack check controllable, but not that i can think of.

On Thursday, 14 August 2014 at 07:46:29 UTC, Carl Sturtivant 

The default size of the runtime stack for a Fiber is 4*PAGESIZE 
which is very small, and a quick test shows that a Fiber 
suffers a stack overflow that doesn't lead to a clean 
termination when this limit is exceeded.

This makes it difficult to simulate deterministic alternation 
where the stack size needed is unpredictable because complex 
deterministic computations are going on inside Fibers.

In contrast, the Go programming language's goroutines can 
extend their stacks as needed at runtime, and so can be used to 
simulate deterministic alternation without this limitation, and 
yet be initially executed with each having only a small stack 

There seems to be a claim that all that's needed to add 
D-routines (goroutines for D) is a scheduler and a Channel 
type, on top of Fiber.$1ml7$
See the initial post, point 7., as well as supporting remarks 
in later replies.

Am I missing something? Is there a clean and simple way to get 
Fiber to no longer suffer a stack overflow when implementing 

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-15 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 11:51:38 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
This version seems to compile - the new manger can't handle 
extern(C++) functions with D arrays as arguments or return 

Ok, i can understand that, but what about this one:
It doesn't use d arrays in function interfaces. Should it work?

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-14 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ali, i think that paragraph is talking about another case, which 
is not my case. I'm not trying to use C++ templates, nor to 
export a D template to C++. Besides, i guess that D template, 
implementing a C++ interface is perfectly valid, regardless it's 
template arguments, since it is instantiated on the D side 
anyway. Also i guess that such types as D arrays should not 
support mangling when used as function arguments/rettype, they 
are not compatible with C++ anyway, but when they become part of 
a class template, they should mangle somehow. IMHO.

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 14:08:52 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Yeah, that is a documented limitation when using C++ code. C++ 
templates cannot be used in D. "C++ Templates" here:


Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-14 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 10:21:00 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:
that should not compile at all. Perhaps you thought extern(C++) 
interface MyClass(T) ?

Ok, how about this one?
It doesn't compile either.

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-14 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 08:47:38 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
I'm not getting any errors with the development head.  What 
os/compiler version?
Hm, now that's strange. Building with latest public version seems 
to work. However, development head is doing the following:

$ ./test.d
Error: ICE: Unsupported type string

Assertion failed: (0), function visit, file cppmangle.c, line 440.

I'm using MacOS 10.9.2.

The test.d is:

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-13 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 17:09:01 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:

What exactly is the mangling problem with extern(C++) classes?

Can't use D arrays (and strings) as function argument types.
Can't use D array types as template arguments.

extern (C++) MyClass(T)


MyClass!string a; // Mangling error

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

flamencofantasy, thanx for that! Where do we vote here? =)

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Imho, offtop, also i'm a C++/Obj-C guy and that might partially 
explain my preferences, but here are some more reasons:
1. I like the concept of CT-reflection and CTFE a lot. This makes 
metaprogramming extremely powerful without any RT overheads. It 
brings a lot more control to what goes to RT. I guess D still 
needs to shrink it's runtime a bit more, and __monitors is just 
another example of that.
2. It's extremely easy for C++/C#/Java/Objc-C developers to 
switch to D without loosing any bit of their productivity, but 
gaining lots of possibilities, that can be used in future. And 
C++/C#/Java/Obj-C is the majority of the world now. Even PHP 
developers should think of D one day =).
3. That's the most arguable, but D's syntax and semantics looks 
much cleaner and uniform to me than Rust's.

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
I don't doubt your reasons, but then again, you have what you 
have right now in D. Asking for more, you have to provide it, 
or convince others to. If it's the latter, you need to make a 
very very strong case.
I want to provide it, but before i do, i want to know if there 
were any decisions made earlier, that would render my work 
useless. I mean, i have to know all possible cons for not having 
__monitor in an instance.

What i suggest is the following:
- Object does not have any __monitor field by default.
- One can add a __monitor object to his class.
- Offset to monitor is stored in TypeInfo. -1 if doesn't exist.
- synchronized() inspects typeInfo. If an object has monitor, 
then it is used. Otherwise, the monitor is allocated/looked up in 
a global hash-table from object pointer to monitor.

This way we could achieve performance in terms of both speed and 
memory. Also old code would not break.

Some additional optimizations might always include a __monitor 
field to a class, if compiler can prove, that this class is being 
synchronized on.

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Also take a look at the Rust language, that avoids some of your 
problems :-)
Done already =). Rust is great, but I like D, and i strongly 
believe it's the next big language. If only it could allow a bit 
more tweaks ;)

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
How many of these? In order to justify saving 8 bytes per 
instance, you have have a lot. I don't see emplacing thousands 
or tens of thousands of objects on the stack.
Ok, i guess i have to agree with you. But. Why are you protecting 
__monitors so eagerly? :)

Arrays of objects are stored as arrays of object references, 
with each one pointing at a separate block on the heap.
Or again you can emplace them in the heap, so that they occupy a 
continuous chunk.

In D, class is not used for such things, struct is.
But classes have vtbls which is an ultimate feature for me, and 
moreover, it works in ctfe, while "reinventing" vtbls for ctfe 
might be a challenging task.

I'm assuming you want D classes, but without the monitor 
object. D classes derive from Object.
"Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?" Those are your 
words. What is it that you want?
Thats right. I was saying that extern(C++) almost suits me except 
for it's mangling. And you said that extern(C++) classes are not 
derived from Object? But still such objects would have RTTI which 
will forbid casting to Object, wouldn't they?

shared != thread safe. You still need to synchronize
Ok. So shared class is not a reason to omit __monitor field, as 
it still can be used, am i right here?

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
But my question more was about where do you plan to put so many 
of these objects that you will save a significant amount of 
bytes, aside from the heap (which already uses 16-byte blocks).
Hm.. Stack/emplace, arrays, n-dimensional arrays? :) Besides, if 
we're talking of D as a system language to replace C++ and to 
scratch everything out of a silicon wafer (also think of embedded 
platforms here), it's crucial for me to be able to control such 
things. From my experience, in a 5000-class project you would 
have about 20 classes that need to be synchronized on. Moreover, 
mutex synchronization is not in fashion nowadays, as we tend to 
use transitional synchronization. And so my 4980 classes will 
contain an extra field i don't use. What?? =)

It would not be derived from Object, which has the field. In 
other words, this would crash:

Those are your words.

Then what is this object? All D objects derive from Object.

Those are your words also =)

The meaning of shared is not well defined. Even TDPL is 
outdated on this.

The idea in the book is that shared types would use memory 
barriers to ensure correct ordering of access, and correct data 
access. But it does not prevent races for multiple threads, you 
still need synchronized.
Yes, i understand that. By implementing a shared class, you're on 
your own with syncing, but also you tell the user, that your 
class doesn't need to be synchronized on. Right?

Unshared objects, on the other hand, should not ever need 
synchronization tools, since only one thread has access!

Here's two use-cases.
class A {}
shared class B {}

// Somewhere in code
shared A sharedA; // This would need synchronized() on access.
A unsharedA; // This would not. But since, the class is 
defined as unshared, we still will have __monitor in it, and that 
is good, since we can cast between unshared A and shared A.

B b;
shared B sharedB; // Here in both cases we know, that we will 
never need to sync on b or sharedB, as both of those are "thread 
safe" (it's not our business, how they do it, but they kinda 
are). So do we need this __monitor, which will never be used 


Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 17:49:01 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

To what end? What are you trying to save?
I'm trying to reimplement std.variant in a nice OOP way, that 
supports CTFE, zero-size and a minimal amount of void*-casts. For 
that i'm using my VariantPayload(T) class, which i want to be as 
small as possible, as this is supposed to be an utility class 
which you never know how will be used.

It would not be derived from Object, which has the field. In 
other words, this would crash:

synchronized(cast(Object)obj) { ... }
Wouldn't cast(Object) return null here, so that synchronized will 
throw or assert or smth? I see no reason for a crash.

Perhaps you meant unshared classes? No, they don't, but a 
monitor is only allocated on demand, so you don't have to worry 
about it.
Errm.. I'm not sure i understand the subject correctly, but 
according to Alexandrescu's book, a class declared as shared does 
not require synchronized() over it. I mean, it manages it's 
synchronization inside itself, and it's user just has to trust 
it. And if so, why ever synchronizing() on it?

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 14:57:37 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
The de-facto minimum size of a class is 16 bytes, due to the 
minimum block size of the heap.

8 bytes vtbl pointer on 64-bit systems would still allocate 
into 16-byte blocks.


Yes, but still the question remains open for non-empty classes 
(e.g. want to use a 64bit useful payload), and for _emplacing_ 
any classes anywhere (e.g. on stack).

Afaiu, there's no solution except for declaring extern(C++) (yes, 
i know, it's a hack), and it will not work, if a class is 
templated on something which can not be cpp-mangled. So the 
question is: is there any reason why this is not possible? I 
mean, maybe this question was closed long before.

Also, do shared classes actually require monitors?

Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-07 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello, is there a way of reducing size of an empty class to just 
vtbl? I tried to declare it as extern(C++) which works, but has a 
nasty side effect of limited mangling.

Re: static if (__ctfe)

2014-05-07 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 May 2014 at 09:51:01 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 May 2014 at 09:47:20 UTC, Yuriy wrote:
Hello, is there any way to static if(__ctfe)? I want to 
declare class members which are only available in ctfe. Thanx.

Sadly not as far as I know. What's the use-case? There may be a 
nice solution none-the-less.

Well, i'm currently playing with std.variant so it can be 
ctfe-friendly. And it works pretty much, however i need to use 
T.stringof.ptr/length instead of typeid (typeid is ctfeable), and 
i'm not sure if it's good for performance in runtime. So for type 
comparison i'd like to compare TypeInfos in rt, and T.stringof in 
ct. Using both with rt if will likely generate more code.

static if (__ctfe)

2014-05-07 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello, is there any way to static if(__ctfe)? I want to declare 
class members which are only available in ctfe. Thanx.