Re: deimos libX11 undefined reference

2012-07-12 Thread mta`chrono
Am 12.07.2012 08:17, schrieb Jacob Carlborg:
 On 2012-07-12 01:50, cal wrote:
 Hmm, looking at the .c header, the function is not even defined. I think
 it is not used, and in this case turning macros into functions in the
 binding generates linker errors. I don't know the best way to fix this
 in the binding (I have simply commented out the functions in my repo, as
 they don't seem to be used). But its worth noting.
 If a macro is turned into a function it needs to have an implementation.

when marcos are turned into functions they introduce new symbols. it's a
pity, but in that case you have to link to deimos. so deimos will become
a wrapper rather than a binding.

Re: why is string not implicit convertable to const(char*) ?

2012-07-02 Thread mta`chrono
Your answers are remarkable elaborated. Thanks for your great effort,
Jonathan!! ;-)

why is string not implicit convertable to const(char*) ?

2012-06-29 Thread mta`chrono
does anyone know why string not implicit convertable to const(char*) ?

import core.sys.posix.unistd;

void main()
// ok

// failed
string file = bar.txt;

test.d(10): Error: function core.sys.posix.unistd.unlink (const(char*))
is not callable using argument types (string)
test.d(10): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (file) of type
string to const(char*)

Re: foreach_reverse error

2012-05-11 Thread mta`chrono
 group returns a lazy forward range. use foreach(i; group(retro(ints)))
 Yet another reason foreach_reverse needs to go.

No please don't! There are hundred and ten very usefull cases.

Re: ptrace (process trace system call) on Linux from D

2012-05-07 Thread mta`chrono
 (2) Is it more D-ish to use something like enum PTRequest { traceMe =
 0, ... } instead of the fully capitalised originals?  It doesn't seem
 to affect the working of things.

Yes, that's more D-ish. In new D code I prefer the camelcased ones, but
there are cases where you'd like to use the original ones. it's up to! ;-)

 (3) wait() is declared as returning a pid_t in the manpage, and is
 declared as such in core.sys.posix.sys.wait.  In std.c.process however,
 it returns an int.  I can't even find a process.h in my Linux install. 
 What am I supposed to use?  I know it essentially doesn't matter, as
 pid_t is aliased as int.
 Are there D alternatives to wait() and fork() that I could use with
 ptrace() instead of the C posix system functions?
 (4) Some things are declared only in core.*, not in std.*.  Will they be
 added at some point or is this how it's supposed to be?

I thing core.* (druntime) is the right place for _all_ bindings to libc.
But yeha, there are still some relicts in std.c.* of the good old days.

What do you meant by D alternatives to wait() and fork() that could be
used with ptrace(). Maybe I don't understand your intention.

Re: ptrace (process trace system call) on Linux from D

2012-04-25 Thread mta`chrono
Am 25.04.2012 18:36, schrieb Matej Nanut:
 Hello everyone,
 I would like to know how to call ptrace (the system call) from D.
 I don't know what to import or link.  If my understanding is correct, I
 need to create a .di file of some sort with stuff declared in it.  How
 would I do this?
 Thanks, Matej

Hello Matej,

I guess you're asking for

normally it's somewhere deep in druntime but I couldn't find it. Maybe
someone is able to add it for you. But neverthenless, you can just put
some declaration in your D file and call it.

import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.sys.posix.sys.types;

enum __ptrace_request

extern(C) long ptrace(__ptrace_request request, pid_t pid, void *addr,
void *data);

void main()
   // just call ptrace like you would do in C

Re: Does D supply basic error codes?

2012-01-29 Thread mta`chrono
import core.stdc.stdlib;

int main()
return EXIT_FAILURE; // EXIT_SUCCESS works here too.

Am 30.01.2012 00:21, schrieb NewName:
 Hello all.
 C has EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS to be returned from main().
 Does D have similar predefined values?

Re: char* to long

2012-01-24 Thread mta`chrono
Why not just go the good old way? you char* should be zero terminated
when coming from c.

private import  core.stdc.stdlib,

void main()
const(char)* str = 1234567890.ptr;
long lng = atoll(str);

Re: newbie question: Can D do this?

2011-12-21 Thread mta`chrono
In PHP frameworks often use $option arrays which are some kind of key
value pairs. they are merged with the default valuzes inside the function.

 - you can pass an argument by name
 - you only need to pass those who needed.

 - hash arrays

it should be possible to create a similar method in d. but I really
don't like this solution in d. it feels bad and looks ugly.


   'firstname' = 'John',
   'country' = 'France',
   'order' = 'asc'

class Model
function query($options = array())
// merge with defaults
$options = array_merge(array(
'deep' = true,
'order' = 'desc',
'type' = 'sql',
'backend' = 'mysql'
), $options);



Re: Restrict access to critical functions

2011-12-14 Thread mta`chrono
Maybe you should use a VM to run your restricted applications. Or have a
look a chroot, dchroot or schroot, to setup such stuff. The Programming
Language will not help you in this case!

Re: dup method const or not?

2011-11-28 Thread mta`chrono
Okay, what about this hack?

import std.bitmanip;
import core.stdc.string;

void main()
const(BitArray) foo;
BitArray bar;

bar.len = foo.len;
bar.ptr = foo.ptr[0 .. foo.dim].dup.ptr;

Re: dup method const or not?

2011-11-27 Thread mta`chrono
that's a real good question. it fails with the following error:

Error: function std.bitmanip.BitArray.dup () is not callable using
argument types () const

here is a hack:

import std.bitmanip;
import core.stdc.string;

void main()
const(BitArray) foo;
BitArray bar;

memcpy(bar, foo, BitArray.sizeof);

Re: auto

2011-11-26 Thread mta`chrono
Did you know that auto is not auto in the way auto behalfs. it's just a
placeholder so the compiler can determine that a variable follows. but
you can use any other keyword for type interfering, too.

void main()
const a = FunctionThatReturnsSomething();
static b = 5.0;
scope c = hey;

Re: DFastCGI

2011-11-23 Thread mta`chrono
IIRC there are two version of fastcgi / fgci ? The one is using stdin,
stdout for communication and the application is running as a child of
the webserver. And the other is running as a standalone application
using unix sockets for communcation. Is DFastCGI able to handle both?

Re: What is shared functions?

2011-10-26 Thread mta`chrono
 void main() {
 shared s1 = cast(shared)new S();
 s1.onlyShared(); // ok
 //s1.notShared(); // error: not callable using argument types () shared
 auto s2 = new S();
 //s2.onlyShared(); // error: not callable using argument types ()
 s2.notShared(); // ok

I would rather prefer auto s1 = new shared(S); because shared s1 =
new S(); seems to allocate a TLS variable which is then casted to
shared which is actually non-TLS.