Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-22 Thread Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 August 2016 at 07:00:23 UTC, brian wrote:

On Monday, 22 August 2016 at 06:19:00 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Terminology wise, we distinguish between associative arrays 
(AA) and arrays. The former should never simply be called 
'array', otherwise people will assume you are referring to 
either or both of foo[] (dynamic array/slice) or foo[N] (where 
N is an integer constant, a static array). Change your title 
to 'Creating an AA of user-defined structs' and the 
misunderstanding goes away.

That's a terribly confusing naming convention for beginners 
then! :P
Is this D-specific terminology, or is this a more general 
convention that AA are not actually arrays?
This might help my understanding of when to use or not use one 
or the other. :)

Listen to Mike. This is not specific to D and they are only 
arrays in name.

I want to provide other examples because I think I come across 
this with other words in English. Where one thing uses the name 
of another, but there really isn't enough similarities that it 
would make sense to refer to them in the same bucket.

In your case though it is similar to square vs rectangle. If you 
are trying to understand some properties about squares, you could 
talk about having a rectangle, but it is more helpful to be 
specific. Consider asking how to find the area of a rectangle, 
you'll get the answer "length * height" while asking to finding 
the area of a square you might get "length^2"

Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 August 2016 at 07:00:23 UTC, brian wrote:

That's a terribly confusing naming convention for beginners 
then! :P
Is this D-specific terminology, or is this a more general 
convention that AA are not actually arrays?
This might help my understanding of when to use or not use one 
or the other. :)

AA is an existing term and the concept is not specific to D (see 
the Wikipedia article [1]). Several other languages have them.

An AA is quite a distinct data structure from an array. Whereas 
arrays hold their items directly and tend to be laid out 
sequentially in memory (though they don't have to be), AAs do not 
and are not -- they might have linked lists, red-black trees or 
other data structures holding the items under the hood, all 
requiring the allocation of special nodes to associate meta data 
with each item. Arrays are indexed with sequential integers, AAs 
can be indexed with any properly configured key. It's only the 
read/write syntax in D that's similar, i.e. foo[key], though it 
didn't have to be that way. Take the [] syntax away from an AA 
and you might end up with something like the Java 
HashMap/HashTable or the C++ std::unordered_map. The name almost 
certainly derives from the [] syntax.

Because AAs and arrays distinct data structures (there are things 
you can do with one, but not the other), it's important to 
distinguish them in conversation.


Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-22 Thread brian via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 August 2016 at 06:19:00 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Terminology wise, we distinguish between associative arrays 
(AA) and arrays. The former should never simply be called 
'array', otherwise people will assume you are referring to 
either or both of foo[] (dynamic array/slice) or foo[N] (where 
N is an integer constant, a static array). Change your title to 
'Creating an AA of user-defined structs' and the 
misunderstanding goes away.

That's a terribly confusing naming convention for beginners then! 
Is this D-specific terminology, or is this a more general 
convention that AA are not actually arrays?
This might help my understanding of when to use or not use one or 
the other. :)

Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 23:57:27 UTC, brian wrote:

On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 23:37:38 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

testStruct[int] testStructArray;
That's not actually an array per se, that is a key/value map 
where the keys are ints.
I understand it's a map, but does my syntax not define an 
Associative Array??
That's kinda what I wanted because I want to be able to look up 
the Structs by the value of int.

Terminology wise, we distinguish between associative arrays (AA) 
and arrays. The former should never simply be called 'array', 
otherwise people will assume you are referring to either or both 
of foo[] (dynamic array/slice) or foo[N] (where N is an integer 
constant, a static array). Change your title to 'Creating an AA 
of user-defined structs' and the misunderstanding goes away.

Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-21 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 23:57:27 UTC, brian wrote:
I understand it's a map, but does my syntax not define an 
Associative Array??

yeah, it is. If that's what you want, good!

So I wanted something dynamic.

OK, then you should use pointers so you can have several 
references to the same object in different maps (so you can have 
one for ID, one for name, etc.).

Just make it

testStruct*[int] testStructArray;

and then try compiling the rest basically as it is, newing the 
struct, it should work.

Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-21 Thread brian via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks Adam.

Couple of follow up questions, if you don't mind:

On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 23:37:38 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

testStruct[int] testStructArray;
That's not actually an array per se, that is a key/value map 
where the keys are ints.
I understand it's a map, but does my syntax not define an 
Associative Array??
That's kinda what I wanted because I want to be able to look up 
the Structs by the value of int.

Either do a traditional array and copy struct values onto it or 
do an array of pointers and new them. Which option is bsed 
depends on the details of what you're doing.

This was a simple example of what I wanted to illustrate the 
problem. What I probably want for my future program state is some 
sort of hash map, as I'll be using this "array" as a lookup table.

So conceptually something like:

userid | username | structs

0001   | brian| structAboutBrian
0002   | john | structAboutJohn

I probably want to be able to look up info using either userid, 
or username, but I can settle for one of them
I'm creating the entries during execution of the program, so I 
have no idea how big the structure is going to be. So I wanted 
something dynamic.

I'm a bit of a novice in terms of theoretical comp sci, so I'm 
not sure what data structure would be best suited to something 
like that, or how to implement. Happy to take advice. :)

Re: Creating an array of user-defined structs

2016-08-21 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 23:28:14 UTC, brian wrote:

/* creates(?) an empty array of structs */
testStruct[int] testStructArray;

That's not actually an array per se, that is a key/value map 
where the keys are ints.

So you can set values to it at any position in it but not append 
or do other traditional array operations.

An ordinary array is defined with

testStruct[] testStructArray;

though what you have isn't necessarily wrong.

auto newStruct = new testStruct;

This is the cause of the pointer mismatch error - new struct 
returns a pointer to it. If you just want an ordinary struct you 
define it:

testStruct newStruct;

like that.

newStruct.aa = a.dup; = b.dup;

No need for the .dup there because strings aren't going to be 
changing under you anyway.

1) I'm assuming by the error that line 23 defines a pointer 
rather than a ... not-pointer thing. I'm not sure why it is 
doing that, and would like some explanation please. :)

It is just how new works in D, it returns a reference. For 
structs, that means a pointer to it.

2) Is this the best way to do what I am trying to do, which is 
dynamically grow an array of user defined structs?

Either do a traditional array and copy struct values onto it or 
do an array of pointers and new them. Which option is bsed 
depends on the details of what you're doing.