Re: Searching strings with indexOf vs countUntil

2017-05-25 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 18:13:15 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:

Part of the strings I'm working with can be assumed to be only 
ASCII, yes. indexOf only wants strings or char[]s, but 
interestingly if I use the same benchmark but have countUntil 
work on raw ubyte[]s, it is faster. See

There's a less ugly cast in std.string:

import std.string : representation;

//(cast(ubyte[])line).countUntil(cast(ubyte[])" :");
line.representation.countUntil(" :".representation);

Re: Searching strings with indexOf vs countUntil

2017-05-25 Thread Anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 11:55:21 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
I would guess indexOf returns a value suitable for indexing, 
therefore it counts code units, while countUntil counts range 
elements - code points in case of a string. Also number of code 
points is not suitable for indexing an utf8 string, it can be 
used to allocate a dstring, but not so much for anything else. 
What do you use the resulting value for?

I see. I would have thought indexOf would be more keen to decode, 
but that's bias talking.

The project is an IRC bot. I use indexOf/used countUntil to slice 
up strings into one part leading up to some separator (" :" in 
that example), and another into everything after it. See

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 12:46:43 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
To get rid of decoding he can cast to ubyte[]. I would do that 
if sure that the input is only made of ascii chars.

Part of the strings I'm working with can be assumed to be only 
ASCII, yes. indexOf only wants strings or char[]s, but 
interestingly if I use the same benchmark but have countUntil 
work on raw ubyte[]s, it is faster. See

Re: Searching strings with indexOf vs countUntil

2017-05-25 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 11:55:21 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
I would guess indexOf returns a value suitable for indexing, 
therefore it counts code units, while countUntil counts range 
elements - code points in case of a string. Also number of code 
points is not suitable for indexing an utf8 string, it can be 
used to allocate a dstring, but not so much for anything else. 
What do you use the resulting value for?

To get rid of decoding he can cast to ubyte[]. I would do that if 
sure that the input is only made of ascii chars.

Re: Searching strings with indexOf vs countUntil

2017-05-25 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
I would guess indexOf returns a value suitable for indexing, 
therefore it counts code units, while countUntil counts range 
elements - code points in case of a string. Also number of code 
points is not suitable for indexing an utf8 string, it can be 
used to allocate a dstring, but not so much for anything else. 
What do you use the resulting value for?

Searching strings with indexOf vs countUntil

2017-05-25 Thread Anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was profiling my program with callgrind and saw that a lot of 
time was spent in countUntil (std.algorithm.searching) on 
strings. I had chosen to use it instead of indexOf (std.string), 
with the plain assumption that countUntil wouldn't decode, while 
indexOf would.

Comparing microbenchmarks between the two I see that countUntil 
is some 7x slower.

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.string : indexOf;
import std.algorithm.searching : countUntil;
import std.datetime;

enum line = ":zorael!~n...@asdf.asdf.asdf PRIVMSG #d :Hello 

enum iterations = 1_000_000;

void main()
StopWatch sw;

foreach (i; 0..iterations)
line.indexOf(" :");

immutable usecsIndexOf = sw.peek().usecs;

foreach (i; 0..iterations)
line.countUntil(" :");

immutable usecsCountUntil = sw.peek().usecs;

writeln("indexOf:", usecsIndexOf.usecs);
writeln("countUntil: ", usecsCountUntil.usecs);
writeln(cast(double)usecsCountUntil/usecsIndexOf, "x");
} gives the output:

indexOf:160 ms and 534 μs
countUntil: 1 sec, 146 ms, and 842 μs

What is the fundamental difference between the two? When should I 
ever use countUntil on strings?