On Wednesday, 8 November 2023 at 20:43:21 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
Here's this precompiler macro from Pipewire, on which many important inline functions depend on, like this one:

 * Invoke method named \a method in the \a callbacks.
 * The \a method_type defines the type of the method struct.
 * Returns true if the method could be called, false otherwise.
#define spa_callbacks_call(callbacks,type,method,vers,...)                      
        const type *_f = (const type *) (callbacks)->funcs;                  \
        bool _res = SPA_CALLBACK_CHECK(_f,method,vers);                         
        if (SPA_LIKELY(_res))                                                   
                _f->method((callbacks)->data, ## __VA_ARGS__);                  

So far, the only way out I see is to turn it into a string mixin. (SPA_LIKELY is just a needless precompiler macro for labeling things.)

Not sure if it will work in real situations, expect memory errors.
Also I used a fixed type, you should use CTFE to cast data to proper function argument types.

import std.stdio;

bool SPA_CALLBACK_CHECK(T)(const (T)* f, string method, uint version_)
        // do some checks...
        return true;

bool spa_callbacks_call(alias callbacks, alias type, alias method, uint vers, Args...)(Args)
        const (type)* _f = cast(type*) callbacks.funcs;
bool _res = SPA_CALLBACK_CHECK(_f, __traits(identifier, method), vers);
        if (_res)
__traits(getMember, _f, __traits(identifier, method))(cast(int) callbacks.data, Args); // callback call
        return _res;

// your callback, see pipewire docs for real examples
struct Foo
        void bar(int x) const { import std.stdio; writeln(x);  }

// pipewire internals
struct spa_callback
        const(void)* funcs;
        void* data;

void main()
        Foo foo;
// instead of this naive approach you should use provided initialization method // but roughly first parameter is pointer to struct of function pointers
        spa_callback cb = { cast(void*) &foo, cast(void*) 42 };
        spa_callbacks_call!(cb, Foo, Foo.bar, 0)();

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