Re: confused with data types

2018-02-18 Thread thorstein via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for all the insights :)

Re: confused with data types

2018-02-18 Thread arturg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 13:08:09 UTC, thorstein wrote:

On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 12:51:04 UTC, thorstein wrote:

// Solution 1
foreach(row; arr)
{ foreach(col; row)
  { col[] *= skalar;
return arr;

// Solution 2
import std.array;
return array(!(b => array(b[].map!(c => 
array(c[].map!(d => d * skalar));

// Solution 3
import std.algorithm;
arr.each!(a => a[].each!(b => b[] *= skalar));
return arr;

Does the compiler optimizes all solutions equally strong or 
does it prefer implementations like solution 1?

Solution 2 is a 1-liner but a bit harder to read. Why reducing 
solution 3 to:

return arr.each!(a => a[].each!(b => b[] *= skalar));
gives a compile error? I do writeln() the function result.

If I can:
static import std.array;
return std.array.array(!(b => 
std.array.array(b[].map!(c =>...

How would I apply a similar version with 'static import 
std.algorithm' to solution 3?

static import std.algorithm;
std.algorithm.arr.each!(a => a[]... //does obviously not work

Thanks, thorstein

Sorry, Solution 2 should be:

import std.array;
return array(!(b => array(b[].map!(c => c[] *= 

and is as readable as Solution 3. However, Q#2 still remains.

Q#1: i would guess solution 1 would be the fastest and solution 2 
the slowest.

Q#2: you get a error because each returns void.
Q#3: you cant use ufcs with static imports, you have to call the 
function normaly:

static import algo = std.algorithm;
algo.each!((a) => algo.each!((b) => b[] *= skalar)(a))(arr);

Re: confused with data types

2018-02-18 Thread thorstein via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 12:51:04 UTC, thorstein wrote:
Thank you for the very informative answers showing different 
gears in D!

However, there are still some details I'm struggling with:

Assume some calculations on a very big numeric array 
'double[][][] arr'.

Now we could choose 1 out of 3 different implementations:
// Solution 1
foreach(row; arr)
{ foreach(col; row)
  { col[] *= skalar;
return arr;

// Solution 2
import std.array;
return array(!(b => array(b[].map!(c => array(c[].map!(d 
=> d * skalar));

// Solution 3
import std.algorithm;
arr.each!(a => a[].each!(b => b[] *= skalar));
return arr;

Does the compiler optimizes all solutions equally strong or 
does it prefer implementations like solution 1?

Solution 2 is a 1-liner but a bit harder to read. Why reducing 
solution 3 to:

return arr.each!(a => a[].each!(b => b[] *= skalar));
gives a compile error? I do writeln() the function result.

If I can:
static import std.array;
return std.array.array(!(b => std.array.array(b[].map!(c 

How would I apply a similar version with 'static import 
std.algorithm' to solution 3?

static import std.algorithm;
std.algorithm.arr.each!(a => a[]... //does obviously not work

Thanks, thorstein

Sorry, Solution 2 should be:

import std.array;
return array(!(b => array(b[].map!(c => c[] *= skalar;

and is as readable as Solution 3. However, Q#2 still remains.

Re: confused with data types

2018-02-18 Thread thorstein via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thank you for the very informative answers showing different 
gears in D!

However, there are still some details I'm struggling with:

Assume some calculations on a very big numeric array 
'double[][][] arr'.

Now we could choose 1 out of 3 different implementations:
// Solution 1
foreach(row; arr)
{ foreach(col; row)
  { col[] *= skalar;
return arr;

// Solution 2
import std.array;
return array(!(b => array(b[].map!(c => array(c[].map!(d 
=> d * skalar));

// Solution 3
import std.algorithm;
arr.each!(a => a[].each!(b => b[] *= skalar));
return arr;

Does the compiler optimizes all solutions equally strong or does 
it prefer implementations like solution 1?

Solution 2 is a 1-liner but a bit harder to read. Why reducing 
solution 3 to:

return arr.each!(a => a[].each!(b => b[] *= skalar));
gives a compile error? I do writeln() the function result.

If I can:
static import std.array;
return std.array.array(!(b => std.array.array(b[].map!(c 

How would I apply a similar version with 'static import 
std.algorithm' to solution 3?

static import std.algorithm;
std.algorithm.arr.each!(a => a[]... //does obviously not work

Thanks, thorstein

Re: confused with data types

2018-02-17 Thread arturg via Digitalmars-d-learn

double[][] skalar_m_2d(double[][] arr, double skalar)
import std.algorithm;
// return> a[] *= skalar).array;
arr.each!((ref a) => a[] *= skalar));
return arr;

Re: confused with data types

2018-02-17 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 February 2018 at 16:12:48 UTC, thorstein wrote:

public double[][] skalar_m_2d(double[][] array, double skalar)
  return!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar));

It'd probably be better to just do that in-place...

foreach(row; array)
  row[] *= skalar;
return array;

Note that'd overwrite the existing data though. But the compiler 
could more aggressively optimize that than the individual maps.

How can I get the result as double[][] ???

But if you do need the double[][] type exactly as well as a new 
copy instead of editing the one you have, you can:

static import std.array;
return std.array.array(!(b => std.array.array(b[].map!(c 
=> c * skalar;

The std.array.array function copies the return value of functions 
like `map` into a new array. It is called twice here because 
double[][] is an array of arrays.

(the word "array" is used way too much there lol)

The reason map doesn't do this automatically btw is because 
copying the arrays can be somewhat expensive, so it doesn't force 
you to do work you don't often need.

Re: confused with data types

2018-02-17 Thread JN via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 February 2018 at 16:12:48 UTC, thorstein wrote:


This was my goal:
public double[][] skalar_m_2d(double[][] array, double skalar)
  return!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar));

!!! But: return value is not double!

Type check for return value:

a =!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar))
writeln(typeof(a).stringof); //-> MapResult!("__lambda4, 

a =!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar))[1];
writeln(typeof(a).stringof); //-> MapResult!("__lambda2, 

How can I get the result as double[][] ???

Thanks, thorstein

I'm no expert, but importing std.array and doing a.array() should 

confused with data types

2018-02-17 Thread thorstein via Digitalmars-d-learn


This was my goal:
public double[][] skalar_m_2d(double[][] array, double skalar)
  return!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar));

!!! But: return value is not double!

Type check for return value:

a =!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar))
writeln(typeof(a).stringof); //-> MapResult!("__lambda4, 

a =!(b => b[].map!(c => c * skalar))[1];
writeln(typeof(a).stringof); //-> MapResult!("__lambda2, double[])

How can I get the result as double[][] ???

Thanks, thorstein