Re: inout, delegates, and visitor functions.

2015-10-24 Thread Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi ponce,
Thanks for your suggestion.
I think I may have found the beginning of a solution:

class E
  import std.traits;

  void apply(this F, U)(void delegate(U e) f)
if(is(Unqual!U == E))

  int val;

int main()
  void setToZero(E e)
e.val = 0;

  void printValue(const E e)
import std.stdio;
writefln("Value: %s", e.val);

  E obj;


  const(E) objConst;

  return 0;

Basically, I avoid the 'const'/'inout' attribute of the 'apply' 
function by using a 'this F' template argument.
Then, I need a second template argument 'U', otherwise, I can't 
call 'printValue' on a non-const E instance.

Re: inout, delegates, and visitor functions.

2015-10-24 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 October 2015 at 11:28:17 UTC, Sebastien Alaiwan 

Hi ponce,
Thanks for your suggestion.
I think I may have found the beginning of a solution:

class E
  import std.traits;

  void apply(this F, U)(void delegate(U e) f)
if(is(Unqual!U == E))

  int val;

int main()
  void setToZero(E e)
e.val = 0;

  void printValue(const E e)
import std.stdio;
writefln("Value: %s", e.val);

  E obj;


  const(E) objConst;

  return 0;

Clever. It works because of const inference on template functions.
Didn't know you could use 'this' as a type.

inout, delegates, and visitor functions.

2015-10-24 Thread Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,

I'm trying to get the following code to work.
(This code is a simplified version of some algebraic type).
Is it possible to only declare one version of the 'apply' 

Or should I declare the const version and the non-const version?

I tried using "inout", but I got the following error:

test.d(28): Error: inout method test.E.apply is not callable 
using a mutable object

class E
  void apply(void delegate(inout(E) e) f) inout

  int val;

void m()
  void setToZero(E e)
e.val = 0;

  void printValue(const E e)
import std.stdio;
writefln("Value: %s", e.val);

  E obj;



Re: inout, delegates, and visitor functions.

2015-10-24 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 October 2015 at 08:51:58 UTC, Sebastien Alaiwan 

Hi all,

I'm trying to get the following code to work.
(This code is a simplified version of some algebraic type).
Is it possible to only declare one version of the 'apply' 

Or should I declare the const version and the non-const version?

I tried using "inout", but I got the following error:

test.d(28): Error: inout method test.E.apply is not callable 
using a mutable object

class E
  void apply(void delegate(inout(E) e) f) inout

  int val;

void m()
  void setToZero(E e)
e.val = 0;

  void printValue(const E e)
import std.stdio;
writefln("Value: %s", e.val);

  E obj;



Hi Sebastien,

That was an interesting question and I didn't succeed with 
'inout' either without duplicating apply.
I have a partial solution here: which templatizes the delegate 
type, but is probably not what you want.

The qualifier is not carried on to the apply() function. When 
taking a const delegate it will still not be const.