Re: template/mixin magic for to! auto inferring type from variable

2024-02-03 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 February 2024 at 02:20:13 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Friday, 2 February 2024 at 23:25:37 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
The auto solution won't work for a struct however which I'm 

struct procTable{ //contains all the fields inside a file I'm 

   uint time;
   int priority;
   string name;
   // etc

Maybe you can use `typeof` in that case?

procTable pt;
pt.time = to!(typeof(pt.time))(data[1]);
// etc

...although I guess then you're repeating the field name, which 
isn't great either.

struct ProcTable2 {
   uint time;
   int priority;
   string name;

   this (string [this.tupleof.length] initializers)
  import std.conv;
  static foreach (i, field; this.tupleof)
 field = initializers [i].to!(typeof (field));

unittest {
   string [3] initializers = ["100", "-5", "foobar"];
   auto pt2 = ProcTable2 (initializers);
   with (pt2) {
  assert(time == 100);
  assert(priority == -5);
  assert(name == "foobar");

Re: template/mixin magic for to! auto inferring type from variable

2024-02-02 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 February 2024 at 23:25:37 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
The auto solution won't work for a struct however which I'm 

struct procTable{ //contains all the fields inside a file I'm 

   uint time;
   int priority;
   string name;
   // etc

Maybe you can use `typeof` in that case?

procTable pt;
pt.time = to!(typeof(pt.time))(data[1]);
// etc

...although I guess then you're repeating the field name, which 
isn't great either.

You could avoid the repetition by wrapping the above pattern up 
in a helper function, though:

void convertAssign(Dest, Value)(ref Dest dest, Value value)
import std.conv;
dest = to!Dest(value);

void main()
string[3] data = ["100", "-5", "foobar"];

uint time;
int priority;
string name;


assert(time == 100);
assert(priority == -5);
assert(name == "foobar");

Re: template/mixin magic for to! auto inferring type from variable

2024-02-02 Thread Chris Katko via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 February 2024 at 21:01:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

No, D only does bottom-up type inference, not top down.

If you want to avoid repeating the type, use `auto` on the left 

auto time = to!uint(data[1]);
auto priority = to!int(data[2]);

Okay thanks. It finally clicked what bottom-up/top-down type 
interference is.

The auto solution won't work for a struct however which I'm using:

struct procTable{ //contains all the fields inside a file I'm 

   uint time;
   int priority;
   string name;
   // etc

Re: template/mixin magic for to! auto inferring type from variable

2024-02-02 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 February 2024 at 07:43:09 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:

Is there some way to do:
string[3] data; //strings from some file input, some are ints, 
uints, etc.

auto into!(T)(T value){return to!???(value); } // ???

uint time = into!(data[1]); // We already know this is uint
int priority = into!(data[2]);

instead of:
uint time = to!uint(data[1]); // specifying type twice
int priority = to!int(data[2])

No, D only does bottom-up type inference, not top down.

If you want to avoid repeating the type, use `auto` on the left 

auto time = to!uint(data[1]);
auto priority = to!int(data[2]);

template/mixin magic for to! auto inferring type from variable

2024-02-01 Thread Chris Katko via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there some way to do:
string[3] data; //strings from some file input, some are ints, 
uints, etc.

auto into!(T)(T value){return to!???(value); } // ???

uint time = into!(data[1]); // We already know this is uint
int priority = into!(data[2]);

instead of:
uint time = to!uint(data[1]); // specifying type twice
int priority = to!int(data[2])