Re: ImportC: Windows.h

2023-12-01 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is GENERIC_WRITE awailable?

Re: ImportC: Windows.h

2023-12-01 Thread name via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 08:45:30 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

Is GENERIC_WRITE awailable?

No, it's not.

I tried building with LDC 1.35.0: 
```"D:\ldc2-1.35.0-windows-x64\bin\ldc2.exe" main.d -i 

// begin_wdm
// begin_ntoshvp

// end_ntoshvp
// begin_access


// begin_wdm
//  The following are masks for the predefined standard access 


#define DELETE   (0x0001L)
#define READ_CONTROL (0x0002L)
#define WRITE_DAC(0x0004L)
#define WRITE_OWNER  (0x0008L)
#define SYNCHRONIZE  (0x0010L)



#define STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL  (0x001FL)


// AccessSystemAcl access type

#define ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY   (0x0100L)

// MaximumAllowed access type

#define MAXIMUM_ALLOWED  (0x0200L)

//  These are the generic rights.

#define GENERIC_READ (0x8000L)
#define GENERIC_WRITE(0x4000L)
#define GENERIC_EXECUTE  (0x2000L)
#define GENERIC_ALL  (0x1000L)

//  Define the generic mapping array.  This is used to denote the
//  mapping of each generic access right to a specific access 


typedef struct _GENERIC_MAPPING {
ACCESS_MASK GenericRead;
ACCESS_MASK GenericWrite;
ACCESS_MASK GenericExecute;
alias ACCESS_MASK = uint;
alias PACCESS_MASK = uint*;
align struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
uint GenericRead = void;
uint GenericWrite = void;
uint GenericExecute = void;
uint GenericAll = void;

It ended up not producing any enums inbetween...

Re: ImportC: Windows.h

2023-12-01 Thread name via Digitalmars-d-learn

So, uh, I tried deleting the parens off GENERIC_READ's value:

//  These are the generic rights.

#define GENERIC_READ 0x8000L
#define GENERIC_WRITE(0x4000L)
#define GENERIC_EXECUTE  (0x2000L)
#define GENERIC_ALL  (0x1000L)

And... that's what works. Uhh, why?

Re: ImportC: Windows.h

2023-12-01 Thread name via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 10:23:08 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
In C macros can be defined to any expression, so ImportC 
interprets these parentheses as arbitrary expression macros and 
skips them thinking they are helper macros that can't be always 

But does that explain why using ```FILE_MAP_READ``` (in 
"memoryapi.h") also produces ```Error: undefined identifier 

Re: Advent of Code 2023

2023-12-01 Thread Sergey via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 01:01:31 UTC, Siarhei Siamashka 
Advent of Code 2023 starts in a few hours from now. I suggest 
to discuss D language solutions here.
But to avoid spoilers, it's best to do this with a 24h delay 
after each puzzle is published.

Hi Siarhei. Nice to see that you are still around D forums. I 
thought you moved to Crystall.

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread Dom DiSc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 14:10:35 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 16:38:36 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:


struct S { int a; int b; }
S2 fun3() { return S2( 5, 2 ); }


Here,`S2( 5, 2 );` violeit `DRY` principle.

Yes. I think if we have the brackets form, it should be allowed 

S Fun(){ return { 5, 2 }; }

This IS an initialization and the type is known. Requiring the 
repetition of the type is also here annoying.
So it is not a syntax reserved for initialization, but only for 
initialization with equals operator. I think this is inconsequent.
Either allow it for all initializations, or get rid of it, like 
DIP 1031 suggested.

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread Dom DiSc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 12:15:04 UTC, Dennis wrote:
The syntax was inherited from C. The 'special place' is called 
initialization, and it's special because the target type of the 
initializer is known in advance

This is no different from `S fun(){ return { 5, 2 }; }` It 
creates a new instance of a struct, and the type is known in 
advance (it's the return type). So it's not an expression. But 
this place of initialization is not allowed. Therefor I think 
calling  `S s = { 5, 2 };` 'special' is justified.

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 13:02:06 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:
Either allow it for all initializations, or get rid of it, like 
DIP 1031 suggested.

I thought the decision actually was made to just get rid of it.

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 13:02:06 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:

S Fun(){ return { 5, 2 }; }

This IS an initialization and the type is known. Requiring the 
repetition of the type is also here annoying.

The `{}` initialization method in C++ is very useful,I like it 
very much.

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 13:02:06 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:

S Fun(){ return { 5, 2 }; }

This IS an initialization and the type is known. Requiring the 
repetition of the type is also here annoying.

Technically you don't *have* to repeat the type. You can write 
the return type as `auto`:

auto fun() { return S(5, 2); }

Or you can use `typeof(return)`:

SomeReallyLongReturnType fun()
return typeof(return)(5, 2);

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 16:48:09 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

If you're using a new enough compiler, it even supports named

S3 fun2() { return S3(b: 2, a: 5); }

Indeed. Seems to be in dmd since 2.103.0 (2.102.2 didn't support 
this syntax). Alas, the Change Log [1] remain silent about it.

commit 42609ae98e0f72a8d2154da50865bc5182c4b6b3
Author: Dennis

vibe-d REST API: POSTing a struct

2023-12-01 Thread bomat via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hey everyone,

I'm looking into vibe-d, particularly how to build a REST API 

Given this struct:
struct Project
string project_id;
string name;
I could write a GETter like this:
Project getProject(string _project_id);
and a POST could look like this:
Project postProjects(string project_id, string name);

So far so good, this works.
What I don't like about the POST, though, is that I have to 
repeat `struct Project`'s members in the parameter list. This is 
redundant and will be inconvenient every time the struct changes, 
especially on ones with many members.

What I would prefer to have is something like this:
Project postProjects(Project project);
This is possible, the problem is that the POST request body now 
must look like this

project: {
"project_id": "dummy_id",
"name": "dummy"
rather than simply this
"project_id": "dummy_id",
"name": "dummy"

So my question is, is it possible to have vibe-d parse the 
request body into a struct "implicitly"?

I hope the explanation was understandable. :)
Any help would be much appreciated.


Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread bomat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I completely agree with the OP, and I want to illustrate this by 
another example which I find quite bizarre:

struct S { int a; int b; }
S[] s_list = new S[0];

// this works
S s = { a:1, b:2 };
s_list ~= s;

// this does not
s_list ~= { a:1, b:2 };

I'm a C++ programmer in my day job and the very first instinct 
I'd have is to replace the first version by the second to reduce 
verbosity and eliminate an unnecessary copy.

However, for some reason the compiler is not able to deduce the 
type in the second case, so I'm out of luck.

I'm glad to hear that, with a compiler update, I will at least be 
able to do

s_list ~= S( a:1, b:2 );
instead of
s_list ~= S( 1, 2 );
but it still seems very inconsistent.

"using `in ref` is deprecated" in client code while the module's unittest does not warn

2023-12-01 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn
After switching to dmd v2.105.3 I get this warnings almost 
everywhere. Do I really have to fork msgpack-d in order to get 
rid of these warnings?

Now I replaced every "in ref" with "in" in my own code but I do 
not add that preview flag to the compiler invocation. Is that 

now I need -allinst when dmd compiles the unittest

2023-12-01 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn
If I not use -allinst the linker complains when using the current 
msgpack-d v1.0.5, e.g.

[...]msgpack-d/src/msgpack/package.d:203: undefined reference to 
`pure nothrow @nogc @safe immutable(char)[] 
core.internal.dassert._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail(scope const(immutable(char)[]), scope ref const(int), scope ref const(int))'

[...]msgpack-d/src/msgpack/packer.d:1326: undefined reference to 
`pure nothrow @nogc @safe immutable(char)[] 
core.internal.dassert._d_assert_fail!(const(int))._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail(scope const(immutable(char)[]), scope ref const(int), scope const(int))'

[...]/msgpack-d/src/msgpack/unpacker.d:1505: undefined reference 
to `pure nothrow @nogc @safe immutable(char)[] 
core.internal.dassert._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail(scope const(immutable(char)[]), scope ref const(int), scope ref const(int))'

Re: struct initializer

2023-12-01 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi All,

I feel lonely, just as those who come from C++ find it strange, 
because I think it makes it difficult to read code.

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 14:53:16 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Technically you don't *have* to repeat the type. You can write 
the return type as `auto`:

auto fun() { return S(5, 2); }

Or you can use `typeof(return)`:

SomeReallyLongReturnType fun()
return typeof(return)(5, 2);

Paul's example is very readable and short so it's nice. Moreover, 
when there are named parameters in D, what is the need for them. 
While there is so much convenience in D, getting stuck on a very 
simple option...

You decide:
struct Point
  int x, y;

  auto opBinary(string  op : "-")(Point that)
  => Point(this.x - that.x, this.y - that.y);

  auto opBinary(string  op : "+")(Point that)
  => Point(this.x + that.x, this.y + that.y);

  auto opBinary(string  op : "*")(Point that)
  => Point(this.x * that.x, this.y * that.y);
  // Moreover, it was possible to do this trio
  // at once with mixin...

void main()
  auto upperRightCorner = Point(y:768);
  Point x =  { 10, 268  };

  import std.stdio : dout = writeln;

  dout(upperRightCorner - x);
  dots(a: upperRightCorner, b: x).dout;

alias dots = differenceOfTwoSquares;
auto differenceOfTwoSquares(Point a, Point b)
  => (a - b)*(a + b);

 * dmd -run "namedParameters.d"
 * Point(-10, 500)
 * Point(-100, 518000)

Re: ImportC: Windows.h

2023-12-01 Thread name via Digitalmars-d-learn

Minimum thing to reproduce bug:

import test;

void main() {
  auto a = FILE_MAP_READ;

#define SECTION_MAP_READ  0x0004

build with ```"D:\\dmd2\windows\bin64\dmd.exe" 
-c test.c -vcg-ast```. (```FILE_MAP_READ``` doesn't show up):
extern (C)
enum int __IMPORTC__ = 1;
enum int _M_X64 = 100;
enum int _MSC_EXTENSIONS = 1;
enum int _MSC_BUILD = 0;
enum int _WIN64 = 1;
// ...
enum int SECTION_MAP_READ = 4;
// ...