Re: [digitalradio] Weebly-warbly on 80m?

2010-08-30 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Rudy Benner 
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010   Time: 06:13:31

>IT WORKED !! This is part of a sinister plot to take over the world. First it
>puts you to sleep ... z... then I take over. BEWARE !!
>I assume you were on LSB? Could have been WISP on 3.5926 USB which
>puts the carrier on 35941 +/- a couple hundred kc. It almost sounds like a
>steady tone, you have to listen carefully to detect that it is not.
>It would also have been JT-65 on 3.576 USB, +/- a few hundred kcs. Lots
>of activity on JT-65 around 14.076 USB. All data modes use USB.
>JT-65 and WISP sound very different from each other.
>Time to adjust your (foil) hat.

Yes, Rudy, it was LSB, but it was neither WSPR nor JT-65. It was the 
distinctive gliding from one tone to another that made it stand out from 
anything I have heard before.

Ian, G3NRW

[digitalradio] Weebly-warbly on 80m?

2010-08-30 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
Listening this morning (Monday) in the UK on 3633 kHz at around 0300 
UTC, I heard a strange weebly-warbly digital signal that continued for 
at least 15 minutes without a break (then it sent me to sleep).

The striking characteristic of the signal was that the data rate was 
very low (a few bits per second?), and the transition between the tones 
wasn't sharp -- it seemed as if each tone glided gracefully up/down to 
the next.

At first I thought it was ROS, but I haven't heard ROS like this before.

Any ideas on provenance?

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] BPQ32/MultiPSK experiment

2010-06-11 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: sholtofish 
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010   Time: 23:09:24

>If anyone is around, I'm running a NETROM node (BPQ32) via MultiPSK in 
>PSK-Packet 250.
>Freq is 14.106MHz with the cursor at 1250Hz.

Is that 14.106 + 1250Hz, or - 1250Hz?

Ian, G3NRW

[digitalradio] Packet in the UK?

2010-06-04 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
I'm catching up with what has happened to packet in the UK since I was 
last involved way back in 1999-2000, if anything. Are there any 
AX.25/TCP/IP networks/nodes/switches/BBSs still operational? Where can I 
find up-to-date information on networks, key players etc?

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Digitalradio: Facebook change.

2010-05-28 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Andy obrien 
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010   Time: 06:34:43
>Please consider become a "fan" (Facebook terminology) and
>testing it out.  I'm not fully sure how to link to it, but
> seems to
>Andy K3UK

Hi Andy

Good luck with your experimentation, but there's no way I'll sign up to 
Facebook :-)

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Opposing 60M proposal

2010-05-11 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Andy obrien 
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010   Time: 21:18:20

>I will probably suggest that they authorize PS31, MFSK16 and Winmor
>500 if they are going to get mode specific.
>Andy K3UK


Does the FCC *really* have to specify all the permissible modes? Surely 
all that's important is to permit CW, SSB and narrow-band data (say, max 
500 Hz) of *any* flavor that is permitted in Part97.

Restricting data to just two or three modes is very short-sighted. If 
these modes become outdated, or ground-breaking new modes appear on the 
scene, you will have to keep going back to FCC to get the license 
conditions changed.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Why does the ARRL continue to push for Pactor III support...

2010-05-10 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Andy obrien 
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010   Time: 08:08:41

>2K80J2D (which is generally known as
>PACTOR-III) – are popular narrowband data modes.

Since when was Pactor III a narrow-band mode?

Ian, G3NRW

[digitalradio] Alinco DX70 on 5MHz?

2010-04-05 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
I want to modify my Alinco DX70 for experimental digital transmissions 
on 5MHz. I have already discovered this:

It says that to "TX/RX everywhere remove both jumpers c and e", which 
seems straightforward. However, in my radio, jumper e is already 
missing, whereas in the black-and-white photo on the above site the 
jumper e is in place.

So I want to be sure that jumpers c and e are indeed the right ones to 
remove -- the so-called "jumpers" are actually tiny SMD resistors, so I 
don't want to make a mistake. Has anyone here successfully done this 
modification, I wonder?

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] ROS discussion - will it ever end

2010-03-01 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: IMR 
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010   Time: 09:00:33

>I don't hink I can stand it any more and will just have to unsubscribe 
>from this group.I originally joined it as being the author of the 
>Data column in RSGB's RadCom, felt I ought to keep in touch with the 
>people who actually use the datamodes and was hoping for a decent set 
>of technical-type postings on the way datamode usage was moving amongst 



As a founder of the RSGB's Data Communications Committee, and the 
founder and first editor of the Data column in RSGB's RadCom, I'm 
hanging on in here. Data comms is much more than just the 

To be sure, there have been some nonsensical posts here on this matter, 
and some people seem to have been incredibly naive in their dealings 
with ARRL and the FCC, but the fact remains that we are all constrained 
by the legalities as well as the technicalities. Let the discussion 

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] LPDA calculation software?

2010-02-26 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Andy obrien 
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010   Time: 07:48:51

>Log Periodic Dipole Array

Try asking in the "" Usenet newsgroup.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] LPDA calculation software?

2010-02-26 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: obrienaj 
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010   Time: 06:12:07

>Anyone have a link to the old LPDA DOS software?  I found a couple of 
>on-line calculators  but they do not seem to allow for custom designs 
>as much as the olf DOS application did.

LPDA? I googled, but couldn't find anything related to digitalradio.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Curious sound card modes question -

2010-02-23 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: John 
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010   Time: 23:04:49

>So as to not continue growing the ROS legality discussion even further, 
>I would like to ask a fairly simple question.
>How will the modulation be determined from any SSB transmitter when the 
>source of the modulation is via the microphone audio input of that 
>Simply stated, how would any digital mode create anything other than 
>some form of FSK simply by inputting a tone at the microphone input?
>Regardless of the software being used to generate the tone(s), at any 
>given time there is nothing more than the absence or presence of a tone 
>at the audio input of the transmitter.


>With this discussion, how do we arbitrarily change the transmitter 
>output definitions? I am truly asking because that is a concept beyond 
>my feeble mind. I really do not know. To me, regardless of the "source" 
>of the modulation itself, the modulation still remains an offset of the 
>carrier frequency by the frequency of the input tone.
[More snip]

The emission designations were devised a long, long time ago when life 
was simple, and are now enshrined in ITU recommendations. Unfortunately 
they are not really *emission* designations, describing just the 
characteristics of the *emitted* signal -- the designations also specify 
the *method* of generating the emitted signals and the *content* as 
well. This leads to the utterly ridiculous designations that you see in:

Do you realize, for example, that when you are sending Morse code, the 
emission designator is now 100HA1AAN, and when you are talking on SSB 
the designation is 2K70J3EJN?

(Incidentally, there is no mention of spread spectrum on that page).

This is just codifying for the sake of codifying, and I do not believe 
the fine distinctions between method and content have any practical use. 
As technology continues to outstrip the legislators, the situation will 
only get worse.

Bottom line is that to get things changed to something more meaningful 
and useful, you have to convince the ITU. This will not happen any time 
soon, so we are stuck for now with the useless designator mud pie.

John, your mind is not feeble. You are applying common sense in a very 
non-common-sense world.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] cognitive radio systems;?

2009-12-15 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
 >-Original Message-
From: Andy obrien 
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009   Time: 05:43:46
>   3. AI 1.19 - Software-defined radio and cognitive radio systems;
>Just what is considered to be a "cognitive radio system" ?  Most
>radios these days are pretty "smart", maybe the next generation will
>think more ?
>Andy K3UK

Hi Andy,

I wondered that too. These may help:

Google for "Congnitive Radio Systems" for many more references.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Nominations for 2009 Digitalradio Awards needed

2009-12-06 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Andy obrien 
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009   Time: 11:11:22

>It is that time again, as we approach our 10th  January in existence
>it is time to seek you nominations for the Annual Digitalradio Awards.


My vote goes to Patrick -- his innovations and responsiveness to user 
requests are a shining example of the true amateur spirit.

Ian, G3NRW


2009-11-25 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Dedier Dedier <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009   Time: 18:28:29

>[Attachment(s) from Dedier Dedier included below]
>Please find a copy of supporting documents on 60 meter in Trinidad and
>Tobago my licence assigned

FYI, when I tried to open the first of these pages, Opera told me the 
Fraud Warning

The page you are trying to open has been reported as fraudulent. It will 
likely attempt to trick you into sharing personal or financial 
information. Opera Software strongly discourages visiting this page.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] What *is* that noise on 3629kHz?

2009-11-21 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Charles Brabham 
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009   Time: 17:28:09

>It's lid.
>73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL

Hi Charles,

That's what I suspect also.

(I'm removing the .wav from my site now, as it's gobbling up valuable 

Ian, G3NRW

[digitalradio] What *is* that noise on 3629kHz?

2009-11-21 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
21 Nov 2009 2030z

What on earth is this very strange noise on 3629kHz?

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Linux Here I come!

2009-11-01 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: doug_helbling 
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009   Time: 09:01:38

>I use Ubuntu 8.04 here with fldigi and qsstv and it is very well 

[Snip some very interesting stuff].

[Re wine]:

>This even includes the feature-rich Ham Radio DeLuxe and companion 
>DM780 from Simon Brown.

Hi Doug,

I have tried to get HRD working under wine, without success. Can you 
point me to anywhere that explains how to do it?

Ian, G3NRW

Re: MODERATOR: [digitalradio] Re: Fast/Wide Slow/Narrow

2009-10-29 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: John Bradley 
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009   Time: 16:30:53

>Moderator since there are only a couple of members carrying on this
>lengthy dialogue, could I respectfully suggest they take thisprivate,
>so as to not QRM everyone?s mailbox?

Hello Moderator,

There may be only a couple of people conducting this thread at the 
moment, but it's interesting stuff that is *directly relevant* to the 
digitalradio group.

Please let it continue unhindered!

Thank you.

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] K3UK Sked Pages for coordinating WINMOR beta testing

2009-09-19 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW

As I said on the sked page, I hope to be on WINMOR later today -- some 
essential chores to do first.

But right now (1210 UTC) there are at least 3 strong data sigs on 14112. 
One of them has just CWIDed C5??L I think (my CW is too rusty to catch 
it all).

Ian, G3NRW

 >-Original Message-
From: Andrew O'Brien 
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009   Time: 07:44:19

>Ian, simply a visual cue that indicates the person in smaller letters has not
>posted in at least the last 10 minutes and may not be at their keyboard.
>Andy K3UK
>On 9/19/09, Ian Wade G3NRW  wrote:
>  From: Andrew O'Brien 
>  Hi Andy,
>  On your digital sked page, in the "Users on Now" section, what is the
>  significance of some callsigns being in small characters and some in
>  large?
>  --
>  73
>  Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] K3UK Sked Pages for coordinating WINMOR beta testing

2009-09-19 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: Andrew O'Brien 
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009   Time: 06:34:01

>FYI, the digitalradio section of the K3UK Sked Pages has been busy
>with up to 10 connected stations trying WINMOR..  The sked page may be
>useful to those trying WINMOR "QSOs" over the weekend.  Conenct via
> and choose the digitalradio tab.
>Suggested calling frequencies: For WINMOR testing suggested dial
>frequencies 3587 , 7080,10136, 14112, 18107 ,

Hi Andy,

On your digital sked page, in the "Users on Now" section, what is the 
significance of some callsigns being in small characters and some in 

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] PSK-PACKET anyone?

2009-08-26 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009   Time: 20:57:35

>Anyone up for some PSK-PACKET??  63b
>on 10.141.5   1650hz
>21:00 Easttime
>Trip - KT4WO


What is PSK-PACKET 63b?

Ian, G3NRW

Re: [digitalradio] Russian PSK

2009-08-05 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
From: "Simon (HB9DRV)" 
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009   Time: 11:56:21

>Do you want to use a Russian keyboard?
>Simon Brown, HB9DRV


I don't use a Russian keyboard, just the standard US/UK Roman keyboard. 
For Russian, under Windows XP, I switch to Code Page 28595 (ISO 8859-5) 

As a general point, I wouldn't want you to expend a lot of coding effort 
in implementing Cyrillic support -- there are many far more important 
and interesting tasks for you to work on, I'm sure. My original question 
was simply to find out if any packages support Cyrillic out of the box 
-- it wasn't a directive to do some work!

(In any case, whenever I contact Russian stations I start off in 
Russian, using transliterated Roman characters, but they usually come 
back to me in English :-)

Ian, G3NRW

[digitalradio] Russian PSK

2009-08-03 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
I am interested in carrying out QSOs with Russian stations in Russian. 
Is there any PSK program that supports Cyrillic character set (screen 
and keyboard)?

Ian, G3NRW