[digitalradio] Emergency Frequencies Declared for Italian Earthquake (Apr 6; 2009)

2009-04-07 Thread James - KB7TBT
 Emergency Frequencies Declared for Italian Earthquake (Apr 6, 2009) -- An 
earthquake that registered between 5.8 and 6.3 magnitude struck L'Aquila, the 
capital of Italy's Abruzzo region, about 65 miles northeast of Rome, early 
Monday morning. News reports say the quake has killed more than 90 people, with 
at least 50,000 left homeless. According to cluster spots, 7045 and 3640 kHz 
are being used as emergency frequencies, so please keep these frequencies clear.



2009-03-24 Thread James - KB7TBT

The FCC has ruled that the claim by some owners of digital repeaters and some 
frequency coordinators that digital voice repeaters are not actually repeaters 
due to the time delay inherent in digital to analog and analog to digital 
conversions is erroneous.

In response to a request for a Declaratory Ruling on this issue from the 
Northern California Packet Association the FCC says that when a receiver and 
transmitter are tied together as a repeater  it is a repeater.  

The full text of the FCC response to  Gary R. Mitchell, President of the 
Northern California Packet Association is reprinted below.

ARNewsline will have more on this issue in our next newscast to be released on 
Friday, March 27th.



Text of FCC Digital Voice Repeater Decision

Mr. Gary R. Mitchell
President, Northern California Packet Association
P.O. Box K
Sunnyvale, CA  94087

Re:  Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed December 5, 2007

Dear Mr. Mitchell:

This is in response to the petition for declaratory ruling that you filed on 
December 5, 2007, requesting that the Commission clarify the definition of a 
repeater in the amateur service rules.  A repeater in the amateur service is 
defined as [a]n amateur station that simultaneously retransmits the 
transmission of another amateur station on a different channel or channels.  
You seek clarification of whether the word simultaneously in the definition 
refers to the signal information being retransmitted, or to the fact that the 
receiver and transmitter must both be active at the same time while acting on 
the same signal information.

Section 97.205(b) of the Commission's Rules specifies the bands on which 
amateur repeater stations may operate.  You state that some amateur radio 
operators are operating on bands other than those set forth in Section 
97.205(b) with systems that are essentially voice repeater stations, but that 
digitize and retransmit the user's voice, on the theory that because there is a 
small delay in retransmitting the signal of another amateur station, the signal 
is not simultaneously retransmitted and, therefore, the system is not a 

Prior to 1994, a repeater was defined as [a]n amateur station that 
automatically retransmits the signals of other stations.  The Commission 
revised the definition in order to clarify that certain accommodations for 
message forwarding systems do not apply to other operating activities such as 
repeaters and auxiliary stations.  The Commission proposed to define a repeater 
as [a]n amateur station that instantaneously retransmits the transmission of 
another amateur station on a different channel or channels, but ultimately 
replaced instantaneously with simultaneously because commenters noted that 
there is always a small propagation delay through a repeater.  As one commenter 
explained, The word `simultaneously' in this case means that the repeater is 
receiving and transmitting concurrently, whereas each signal might be slightly 
displaced in time between receive and transmit.

To be able to repeat another station's transmission, a repeater must be able to 
receive a transmission from another station and retransmit it.  Because the 
word simultaneously in the definition is used to modify retransmit, we 
believe it refers to a repeater station's transmitter being active when 
retransmitting the signal received by the repeater station's receiver from 
another amateur station.  We conclude, therefore, that simultaneously as used 
in the definition of a repeater refers to the receiver and transmitter both 
being active at the same time.

Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 4(i) of the Communications 
Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 154(i), and Section 1.2 of the 
Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2, the Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed 
on December 5, 2007 by Gary R. Mitchell IS GRANTED to the extent indicated 

This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 
0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.131 and 0.331.


Scot Stone
Deputy Chief, Mobility Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau


[digitalradio] Road Trip

2009-02-18 Thread James - KB7TBT
As some of you know I am going to be making a road trip starting Thursday mid 
morning sometime. I am heading up the east coast. I will have my APRS tracking 
system running, it is a TinyTrak 2 so messaging is not an option. For the hams 
with APRS you can find me under kb7tbt-9.

For those non hams or ham folks that don't have APRS I have my old faithful 
webpage still at:
My webpage has all the weather maps, bread crum trails maps and all sorts of 
other goodies to play with.
The webpage will automagicly refresh itself so no need to keep clicking it.

I will be traveling from NE Georgia to NE New Jersey. 
I will be on the 145.190 machine as long as I can hold it, the 6600 machine and 
has a gigantic footprint. 
After I am out of its range I will just be on 146.52.

APRS is set to WIDE1-1, WIDE2-2 @ 3min



2009-02-07 Thread James - KB7TBT
For those of you that may be contest junkies or for those that may just be 
interested there are a ton of activities going on this weekend on the air. 
To get a list of the events go to:


[digitalradio] There is a new sheriff in town.

2009-01-26 Thread James - KB7TBT

There is a new sheriff in town. The FCC has appointed Laura Smith to take Riley 
Hollingsworth's former position in enforcement. 

The FCC's Special Counsel for Amateur Radio slot has gone unfilled for 6 
months thus she has a backlog of work ahead of her. Fortunately she is up to 
the task. Laura is a seasoned FCC veteran with a broad communications 
background at both the FCC and in the private sector.

The FCC has been slow to fill the position and for a while we wondered if 
Riley's successor would ever be named. It looks like they were waiting for the 
right person. Now that Laura is on the job, let's give her our full support. If 
you have an enforcement issue, she may be reached by e-mail at: 

Amateur radio has always been somewhat self policed but when peer pressure is 
not enough to maintain civility, then a stronger hand is needed. The FCC has 
the muscle to demand compliance of the few wayward operators. We can help also. 
Our bands are not perfect, newer licensee's need guidance on how to properly 
share the many bands, frequencies and modes of operation that we radio amateurs 
are privileged to use. Reach out and guide (elmer) someone so that they do not 
become an enforcement issue. That is part of elmering also; it is not just 
about technical items. 

I know that some of you are wondering, Is Laura a ham? No, not yet, but she 
does have the study guides. 

If you attend the Dayton Hamvention 2009 - May 15-17, you will have a chance to 
visit with her. 

We welcome Laura to this position and wish her success.

Terry Graves, K7FE 
Editor QRZ.COM 


[digitalradio] Winter Field Day

2009-01-23 Thread James - KB7TBT
Winter Field Day is upon us. This weekend I will be running mostly Digital. 
The mode I will be running is PSK 31 but other modes may be tinkered with as 
I will be sticking to the standard frequency's for PSK 31 on all bands.
What band I will be on is the question, The one that I hear folks on is the 
answer..hi hi

Of course there will be 4 or 5 other operators on all modes. (CW, SSB, FM, AM, 

The Club call is NE4GA.
I do plan on running some 80 SSB at night, I have nets to check into..:}

I will be located in Commerce, GA

Hope to see you on the waterfall!
If not just pick your mode and check in with one of the other guys!


[digitalradio] Resolving HF Noise Issues

2009-01-15 Thread James - KB7TBT
Many folks have run into the same issue that I have in the past. The cheep 
commercial networking routers and cable modems will create tons of noise on the 
HF bands. We simply created a Faraday Cage and placed all the gear inside and 
mounted it under the house. 
The network gear consists of 1 Cable Modem, 1 Netgear router and 1 Airlink 
wireless router configured as a glorified gateway.


These photos are of my friend Sean KE7CDE working on the Faraday Cage and 


[digitalradio] My New Coffee Cup!

2009-01-09 Thread James - KB7TBT
As many of you know I am the winner of the engraved coffee cup on the Ham Radio 
Help Group. Jim worked with my logo and made the cup look excellent, I can not 
say how happy I am to have this. I received the cup yesterday afternoon and 
early this morning I had a hot cup of coco to warm me up on a cold morning. I 
have posted a photo on my blog, you can view the blog at 

Please visit http://www.jimsengraving.com/ 
The man is an EXPERT!!


[digitalradio] ---Special Event Station--

2009-01-07 Thread James - KB7TBT
---Special Event Station--
In operation at GARS TechFest
Saturday January 10th from 10:00 am until 2:00pm Eastern or 03:00 UTC. 
Look for us on 7.280 and 14.280.
You'll be working stations provided by North Fulton Amateur Radio League
One a Software Defined Radio and the other a Legacy Collins.
QSL to Norm, wa4zxv
480 N Peachtree Street
Norcross, GA 30071
Or email your info to wa4...@wa4zxv.com
More TechFest info at www.gars.org


[digitalradio] Santa Claus Is Coming to 3.916 on CHRISTMAS EVE!!!

2008-12-21 Thread James - KB7TBT
Fellow Freewheelers and to all Ham's,

On Christmas Eve, December 24th, Santa Claus will be making a 
special appearance on The Freewheeler's Tailgater's Party from 8:30 
PM to 10:00 PM Central on 3.916.

This is an excellent opportunity for any of your kids, grandkids or 
neighbor kids to talk '3rd party' to Santa through your station.  

If you would like to participate in this historic Christmas Eve net, 
please do a pre-net check in on our Database page. (See special Christmas Eve 
Prenet Checkin)  

If you have any questions, you can reach me via email 
or on 3.916 every night around 8:30 PM for the Tailgaters.  

Special thanks to Jimmy/KC0MQS (Freewheeler's Admnistrator) for 
arranging for Ol' St. Nick to be on the net.  Jimmy, because he's 
been such a good boy this year, will be net control for this 
exclusive net.  


73  Watch Out
Stone Mountain, Texas

NEGARC Activities Manager

[digitalradio] A Hams Winter Tail - By KB7TBT

2008-10-20 Thread James - KB7TBT
Old man winter is slowly creeping around , you can hear him off scuffling by 
the sound.
All the little hams will be snuggled in there shacks, playing with gadgets 
and eating there snacks.
All of a sudden the radios will come to a roar, across the room we will all 
We will make contacts, we will all pile in, grabbing at the qso's that are 
very slim.
When we finish the logs and make it all right, then we will say 73's to all 
and to all a good night

NEGARC Activities Manager

Re: [digitalradio] Re: SignaLinkUSB freq response and S/N

2008-09-03 Thread James - KB7TBT
If you use a big shovel you will eventually dig up something bad. So ask 
yourself this, does the product work? Does the product do what it is intended 
to do? Does the product stay within parameters that are expectable within 

I was making my decision between Tigertronics or Rigblaster. I looked at all 
the comments that are out there. I then made my decision of the lesser concern.

The wait time is a drawback and I have heard it is not rugged, I tend to be a 
little harder on my equipment then others, but I still went with the 

I will be happy to provide my opinion when the unit actually shows up..

NEGARC Activities Manager

  - Original My questions are still valid (even if my data are bogus, in 
which case I need to learn why), and I hope to get to the bottom of this. The 
fact still remains that my particular combination of Radio, Interface and 
computer, put together as recommended by the manufacturer, does exhibit a data 
transfer which does, on the evidence of my data, have some disturbing 
characteristics. Whether this is even significant, due to my errors or faulty 
equipment remains to be determined.

  I will report back to the groups, when I'm in the clear with this.
