Re: [digitalradio] Need help setting up a K'wood TS 2000

2010-07-02 Thread Jeremy Cowgar
I do not know about the SignaLink really, but if you have it connected 
correctly to the rear accessory port, there is nothing you need to do 
with the radio. When the PTT line is grounded, it enters TX mode.

Thus, I would look into either your software setup (look for a PTT com 
port and/or DTR/RTS high/low type setup) or possibly the SignaLink cable 
setup (if it's anything like the RigBlaster that has jumpers you have to 
setup correctly.

Also, you may want to check out the TS-2000 group: ... I belong there and 
they may be able to help as well... but I really think it's software or 
the SignaLink setup.


On 7/2/2010 3:19 PM, greathounder wrote:

This morning UPS brought my SignaLink USB. I've got it connected thru 
the 13 pin ACC port in back. I'm using Air Link EXpress. I can get it 
to decode the signal, but when I click on tune, my ptt light doesn't 
turn on. It must be something I haven't done on the radio. Any Ideas? 
Thanks in advance 73 Bill N8VWI

Re: [digitalradio] Hello?

2010-07-01 Thread Jeremy Cowgar

On 7/1/2010 1:44 AM, jim wrote:

I am BROKE  send me a $

"A" $   ? Not shooting very high, eh?

Anyway, things seem to be working over here, just nothing to say?


Re: [digitalradio] Re: Download software

2010-06-17 Thread Jeremy Cowgar

On 6/15/2010 12:37 PM, Alex wrote:

OK Andy,
but now the automatic multiple decoder of JT65-HF is easier and 
faster You know 12 seconds is not a long time to decode 
multiple sigmals and to decide who replay.
Also by the JT65-HF multiple decoder you have the time to monitor 2 
KHz of bandwidth while you are in QSO and you can be ready to start 
immediately another QSO after the 73. By WSJT no time to do it.
I believe JT65-HF is really simpler and you can get more chances for 

SRI for my poor emglish.

I agree with Andy on this. Even with JT65-HF automatically decoding 2khz 
of bandwidth, I still am a second late or two... i.e. looking up call 
signs in my logbook, did I work them before? then finding the right 
guy/gal to go back to. I couldn't imagine having to click different 
places to decode different signals, then looking up in my logbook, etc...

JT65-HF is nice software. I wish it did other JT modes though.


Re: [digitalradio] Re: Download software

2010-06-13 Thread Jeremy Cowgar

On 6/13/2010 5:38 PM, Alex wrote:

Hi Jeremy,
the most important reason that i promote this software is i want to 
increase  the diffusion

of JT65A.
You know... more traffic means more DXs for everybody.
This mode is a great resorce for DXing especially for the QRPer or who 
run poor antennas like me.
Now the JT65A traffic is very small and by JT65-HF should increase it 
brcause this software gives
good performance by the KVASD multiple decoder and it 's relatively 
simple to run for

the digi modes novices too.
73 de Alex, IZ4CZL


One thing I do to help promote it's use as well is once I work a 
station, I send a spot and the JT65 mode is displayed with that, which 
helps. I have done quite a bit w/30 watts of power!


Re: [digitalradio] Nomic vs. Signalink USB

2010-06-13 Thread Jeremy Cowgar
What the SignaLink has going for it over the Nomic (which is what I own) 
is a built in sound card. Thus, you do not have to fuss with trying to 
share a sound card w/your system. i.e. listen to the popular digital 
frequencies and your bound to hear a windows "Ding" message now and 
then. That's the least of the problem, however, the real problem is you 
listen to your MP3 player on the computer, turn the volume up a bit then 
go to use digital modes. Now you have to readjust your output, of which 
you will forget now and then, everyone does, and you'll be over-driving 
your transmitter producing horrible tones that causes interference for all.

So... had I to do it again, I'd go the SignaLink.

Maybe SignaLink owners can speak up, would any of you rather had a 
Nomic? BTW... I solved the above problems by adding an additional sound 
card to my system that is devoted to the ham radio.

Also... one other thing to think about... I know you didn't mention RTTY 
or CW, but you may want to look into an interface that provides the 
ability to key your transmitter for CW and for FSK RTTY. You can do RTTY 
w/o FSK by using AFSK but typically if you use FSK RTTY you benefit from 
some functions your radio may provide (nice filters for one).

Also... one more thing :-D ... for either, I'd see if it can connect to 
your rear accessory port instead of interfacing through your mic port. 
That may be a personal preference but I think it's just less hassles to 
deal with in setup and every day operations.


On 6/13/2010 3:25 PM, kneiper wrote:

Newbie to the digital scene and am looking for opinions on the above 
devices to be used with a Yeasu FT-747G. Right now I'm primarily 
interested in PSK31, MFSK16, and Hellschreiber.

Re: [digitalradio] Download software

2010-06-13 Thread Jeremy Cowgar


I saw your post on about the software and gave it a try, I do 
like it, however, I'm confused as to why you are promoting it so much? 
You are not the author, right? Did you acquire the rights to it or 
something? Seems like you joined the group to post this message?

Just curious,


On 6/13/2010 12:34 PM, Alex wrote:

Hi all
JT65-HF is the only software for JT65A mode that can decode 
simultaneous signals every minute.

By other JT65A you can decode only the strongest signal every minute.
So by JT65-HF you don't lose the small signal when 14076 is busy and 
it's easier to work DX or QRP stations. is free for HAM use and you can dowload it on:
73 de Alex, IZ4CZL

Re: [digitalradio] Bad sound card?

2010-06-08 Thread Jeremy Cowgar
Thanks for all the suggestions. I was unable to find where to turn off 
all the fancy options for this sound card. I did see where to enable 
some options, but all were disabled. I was connected into the Front 
Speaker jack. It does have an environment setting, which was set to 
"Normal". I could have chosen options like Small Room, Large Room, 
Auditorium, etc...

Anyway, I solved my problem by just flipping my use of the cards. I 
connected my computer speakers to the new card and used the internal 
sound card for the digital modes.



[digitalradio] Bad sound card?

2010-06-05 Thread Jeremy Cowgar

When purchasing a new radio this last week I decided to also set my 
computer up how it should have been long ago. I purchased a sound card 
to dedicate it to digital modes. The sound card purchased was:

It was $9.99... I wasn't asking for the world, but I didn't think I 
would get this. I am curious as to what you think? Here's the synario. I 
connect the line out to my rig blaster and when I transmit I get this:

This was recorded from my mom's station that is 8 miles away. Obvious 
problem. I then simply moved the line out cable from my new sound card 
to my old sound card that is built into my mother board. No other 
changes. I do not have a recording of it, but it's beautiful, exactly 
how a feldhell signal should sound.

Now, the most obvious thing would be is my sound settings wrong, i.e. 
way overdriving with the new sound card or something. I set them up the 
same. Looking at my ALC meter, I transmit into a dummy load, turn the 
line out volume up until I get ALC movement, then turn it back down 
until I cannot notice any ALC movement.

Do you have any ideas? It's just $10, but I'd really like to have a 
dedicated sound card for the ham stuff, and please do not suggest a 
Signalink as I already have a nice setup, all wired and working, I just 
need to get this squared away. Until then, I'm working off my sound card 
built into the motherboard.

Thanks for any help,


[digitalradio] ALE400 and CCW w/LotW and eQSL?

2010-05-30 Thread Jeremy Cowgar

I just made my first ALE400 and CCW QSO today but when I went to sync 
with both LotW and eQSL I received errors about unknown modes. I logged 
them as ALE400 and CCW.

Any thoughts on how to properly log and report these QSOs?

