[digitalradio] Re : Googles memory

2009-08-16 Thread Mel
Having been an enthrusiastic user of amateur radio web pages for many years you 
must have heard of the expression "Google knows all" !


[digitalradio] Re: PSK 10 years on

2009-03-13 Thread Mel
I remember reading about PSK in QRZ, which I could afford in those days. As a 
user of PacTOR I was quite excited about this, so later in the year when I 
visited the amateur radio show in the UK known as the Leicester Rally I 
intended to gain some information and buy an opto coupler. I walked all round, 
asked at various stands about buying a PSK opto coupler and all I got was " 
What's PSK?" The designer of PSK was unknown to those in Britain.

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re: Signalink USB Problems

2009-01-04 Thread Mel
Sounds like the RX audio level is too high. Can you reduce the level?

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "n4hra"  wrote:
> I am having a problem with a new Signalink USB depending on how 
> a station is I get multl signal on the waterfalls from the same 
> it does not matter what PSK software I am running.
> I did not have this issue when I was running a home brew Rascal
> SET-UP: RIG: Kenwood TS-2000,OS: Vista 
> Any Idea?
> Thank you
> Lew

[digitalradio] Re: WSPR mystery

2008-12-21 Thread Mel
Set your dial to 10.1387. Decode a frame and double click on the 
waterfall on a clear spot to set the transmit frequency. At that 
point, you should be good to go assuming that your computer clock is 
acurate withing a couple of seconds and your signal is stable and 

Mel, VE2DC

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Kim"  wrote:
> I am active on Digimodes and have worked a lot of state side and DX
> stations using Olivia, PSK31, and JT65A modes mostly. I have
> transmitted my signal on WSPR mode a total of about four hours 
> times the past two weeks on 10.402 MHZ at times when many other
> stations are present there. I also go to the WSPRnet.org site and 
> seen my station in the database as a station that has uploaded many 
> Here is the mystery: No one has ever heard nor uploaded an 
> they have spotted my transmission. This is twilight zone territory. 
> monitor my transmitted signal using fldigi so I know my transmission
> is going out (5-10 watts) and is in the correct range of 
> Can anyone give me any suggestions why no other station has ever 
> me on WSPR?
> Thanks for you input in advance.

[digitalradio] Re: How Can We Push HF Emcomm Messages to the Field?

2008-11-27 Thread Mel
Regarding horizontal antennas... they also have a big advantage in 
rejecting intermod due to being cross-polarized with most commercial 

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rick W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Skip,
> Have you found that DominoEX is the best overall digital mode for 
FM? I 
> know that PSK modes can have doppler errors from aircraft, but 
> seem pretty good for weak signal.
> Your point is well taken that many of the hams who participate in 
> service activities, may tend to be the younger ones who are 
> class and can mostly operate on 6 meters and up with their vertical 
> antennas and FM only rigs. The number of hams with the 
> multimode/multiband rigs is increasing, at least in our area. It is 
> easy to get them to try SSB, much less SSB digital though.
> The claim about the ground gain for horizontal antennas may be true 
> I have not seen this definitely tested. Have you done some 
> with low 2 meter antennas, such a mobile to low base antenna with V 
> H and found H consistently better? I don't hold too much stock in 
> software modeling and only would go with empirical data for that 
kind of 
> test.
> We will probably bite the bullet eventually and put a rotor back up 
> the low tower and maybe go with a Gulf Alpha 11 element V and H 
> for some reasonable gain. Then we could do the test. The ham that 
> going to help us lost his QTH and will not be able to relocate his 
> antenna farm. Of course they are quite high so maybe there would 
> have been as much difference in such a case. One of the best known 
> ops in my Section says that after running many tests he has never 
> either polarization is any different. But he has high antennas so 
> that accounts for it.
> We hope at least soon do some digital mode comparisons on 2 meters, 
> whether SSB or FM.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> kh6ty wrote:
> > Hi Rick,
> >
> > Thank you for your comments on Howard's and my posts.
> >
> > Of course, we prefer using SSB on VHF, because the range is 
longer. First 
> > tests indicate that DominoEX with SSB has at least a 3 dB 
advantage over 
> > using FM with DominoEx. We are arranging more tests to be sure.
> >
> > However,  the fact that today, maybe half of the U.S. amateurs 
hold only a 
> > Technician license, and do not have access to full HF 
priviledges, together 
> > with the fact that many hams only have inexpensive FM-only 
transceivers (but 
> > only a relative few may have VHF or multimode 2m transceivers 
with SSB 
> > capability), we have decide to explore ways that more hams can 
> > in emcomm activities, which means finding out how to use FM-only 
> > transceivers without repeater assistance.
> >
> > Although you have previously pointed out that many hams already 
> > vertical antennas, the fact remains that a vertical antenna close 
to the 
> > ground (2 wavelengths), has about 6 dB less gain than the same 
> > horizontally polarized. At VHF, a 6 dB disadvantage is an 
> > disadvantage, plus many of the directive antennas used for FM are 
fixed on a 
> > particular repeater, and cannot currently be rotated anyway. Just 
model a 
> > vertically-polarized antenna over real ground at 2 wavelengths 
and compare 
> > the gain to the same antenna rotated 90 degrees to horizontal 
> > to see the difference. In order to confirm Cebik's assertion 
about the gain 
> > difference, I did the modeling myself and found that he is 
> > correct. No difference in free space, but a huge difference over 
> > ground.
> >
> > So, putting it all together, we can get significantly more range 
by simply 
> > investing in a horizontally-polarized antenna, using the same FM 
> > that people already have, and, better yet, in an inexpensive TV 
> > rotator so we can communicate in any direction. The optimized two-
> > quad that we used for the FM/DominoEx tests (7.5 dBi in free 
space) can be 
> > built for less than $15 in an hour with all parts from Lowes, 
plus a SO-239 
> > connector, and turned with a $60 Philips TV antenna rotator from 
> > because its wind loading and boom length (13") is so small. A 
picture of the 
> > little quad is here: 
http://home.comcast.net/~hteller/OptimizedQuad.jpg. It 
> > is only 20" x 20" x 13", so it will fit in the trunk of a car 
without having 
> > to be dismanteled. Construction uses schedule 40 PVC, 
fiberglass "driveway 
> > markers" for spreaders, and #14 insulated house wire, so it is 
very rugged.
> >
> > I wish that all existing equipment could be used intead, but 
without a gain 
> > antenna and horizontal polarization, range without repeater 
> > appears to be just too limited.
> >
> > It would be useful to know how much range you can get in your 
hilly rural 
> > area by using FM, Dom

[digitalradio] Re: Olivia mode comparisons, testers needed.

2008-11-20 Thread Mel
Interleave is a tradeoff... improved error correction
vs latency. If you are going to use a digital mode, as an Amateur, 
you have a responsibility to learn something about how it works. For 
the general population, software needs to be "idiot proof". This 
shouldn't be a constraint for software used by Amateurs ;-)

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew O'Brien" 
> Folks, when Simon was first adding Olivia to DM780 he studied Pawel
> Jalocha's coding and consulted with him about the correct 
> The lag noticed in DM780 is reportedly as the Pawel Jalocha  
intended.  What
> I am looking for is people to get on the air with Olivia and see if 
> applications that may have less lag , have any noticeable decoding
> degradation.  Since I know Olivia in MixW and Multipsk work well, I 
> wondering if the "proper" implimentation of Olivia in DM780 is 
worth the
> delay and issues this causes during a QSO (those not knowing about 
the lag
> think we are not coming back to them and start a transmission 
again )
> Andy
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:18 AM, Simon Brown (KNS) 
> >   The lag is in the software - it's part of the design for the 
> > correction. Where error correction is part of the design then *in 
> > with Ham modes you have to wait a while before text is decoding 
is the
> > error
> > correction is applied. The lag is not caused by CPU load.
> >
> > To really understand this it's best to analyse the Olivia design 
> > this can be rough for the brain :-)
> >
> >
> > Simon Brown, HB9DRV
> > www.ham-radio-deluxe.com
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "captcurt2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> >
> > > Sooo. a 500Mhhz machine running at 20% is going to perform the
> > > integrations and decoding same delay as a 2 Ghz machine running 
at 20%??
> > >
> > > That seems counter intuitive to me..
> > >
> > > I'm sure you're right but I don't understand how that can be.
> > >
> > > I thought the load information talked about resources not speed 
> > > execution.
> > >
> > > Help me understand..
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Andy K3UK

[digitalradio] Re : PSK 63 Contest today

2008-11-16 Thread Mel
I checked out the contest a few times today and I never saw a new 
station that I hadn't already worked. A few "popped up" to give their 
call sign from "somwhere in Russia" and then promptly vanished into the 
ether. I think I must now have worked every PSK station in Europe ! It 
will be nice when we get some sunspots !

And it would be nice if the EPC organisers could make including the 
IARU locator No. as part of the CQ test response. There must be more 
people who collect locator squares than EPC numbers.


[digitalradio] Re : lots of 80 metre contacts

2008-11-06 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

That was a very impressive list of WSPR "contacts" but may I ask "what 
is the purpose of this mode " ?

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re: ARLB014 ARRL Files Petition with FCC against Experimental License Using 40 Meter Band

2008-10-25 Thread Mel

In response to the October 20 ARRL Petition for Modification or 
Cancellation of Experimental Authorization (Petition) concerning an 
experimental license issued to Digital Aurora Radio Technologies 
(DART)station WE2XRH, the FCC today issued an amended license that 
redefines one of the station's frequency ranges to eliminate conflict 
with the Amateur Radio Service. This revision addresses ARRL's 
concern that the original 7.10 to 7.60 MHz range would cause 
unacceptable interference to Amateur Radio operations in the 40 meter 
band. The amended license narrows the range to 7.30 to 7.60 MHz and 
gives as the reason for the change, "operation in the band 7.1-7.3 
MHz will cause harmful interference to Amateur Radio Service 

"We are delighted that the FCC acted so promptly to correct this 
error and are pleased that the matter has been resolved," said ARRL 
CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ.

WE2XRH will be testing a proposed domestic broadcast service using a 
20 kHz bandwidth digital emission at a transmitter output power of 
100 kW and an ERP of 660 kW within a radius of 1500 kilometers of 
Delta Junction, Alaska. According to the amended license, the 
transmissions will take place in the frequency ranges 4.4 to 5.1 MHz, 
7.3 to 7.6 MHz and 9.25 to 9.95 MHz.

[digitalradio] Re : Whispering om 160 metres last night

2008-08-17 Thread Mel
What is Whispering ? I Googled Whispering but nothing of any relevance 
was found.

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re : Mix W software.

2008-06-27 Thread Mel
Regarding the previous post's mention of re-calibrating the sound card, 
how is this done ?

Kind regards,  mel G0GQK 

[digitalradio] Re : New hams and the new digital technology

2008-06-22 Thread Mel
I agree with the comments posted by Rick KV9U and Dave AA6YQ.
But why all this concern about age ? Also, the comment about split 
frequency operation with PSK ? Many tranceivers don't have the 
capability for this, and who is going to waste time setting it up when 
the bands are in poor condition and QSB takes contacts away in minutes ?

Its stated that the bands are being taken over by governments in 
Africa, South America and Asia. Millions of people in these countries 
spend most of their time surviving, earning a low wage for a hard days 
graft, trying to earn a crust for themselves and their families. They 
have no money to buy the important things in life, and a radio 
tranceiver certainly isn't one of them !

Can you control the activities of the US government, could ten million 
people stop it doing anything they didn't like ? The short answer is 
NO ! If there were half a million young radio amateurs using 40 and 80 
metres every day, if the PRC decided they wished to use the frequencies 
for their radio stations they would do it. It would, and it does, and 
the US nor any other government will stop it.

There's a rapid increase in active radio amateurs in China ! Of course, 
with a population of 1.2 billion people, the relaxation of hard line 
rule by the PRC government, people earning more money, enjoying 
themselves in new activities like driving cars and going to concerts.

The populations of the western countries are getting older, most people 
know that, Russia has a serious problem, the birthrate is low and has 
been going down for years. Males die early, caused by drink, drugs and 
misery. In Britain 20% of the population are over 65.

In the US and Britain there are now more severe restrictions on public 
activity and radio amateurs, after having passed the basic requirements 
to operate an amateur radio station have huge problems in gaining 
permission to install any kinds of suitable radio masts and antennas, 
and most applications are turned down. So you are 21 years old, bustin' 
a gut to be a radio amateur but the council turns down your 
application. Get out of that one ! 

The only sensible thing to do is to stop mithering about what is,what 
should be, what ought to be, and just get on with calling CQ whether 
your using old technology or the latest whiz- bangery

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re PSK 31 But I know that already

2008-05-31 Thread Mel
It was interesting reading the transcript of a fictitious PSK 
contact, its quite obvious that if many contacts are similar to that 
one they are quite a bit different to those in Europe.

I suppose I could say that we are more formal and informative because 
the response will be, DL0ZZZ de G0GQK   Hello Bill, nice to see you 
on 15 metres today. Your signal report is 5/9 My name is Mel and the 
QTH is Newport in Shropshire England, IARU locator IO 82 TS, and EPC 
#1803. OK Bill to you from Mel G0GQK in Newport BTU. Quick and 

The required station information is sent first time, there is no 
requirement for someone to ask for a repeat of name or QTH because 
this information is sent twice on the first over if QSB causes 

I've noticed when I've had contacts with US stations that there is a 
preamble which doesn't occur in Europe because most operators speak 
English only as a second language. When QSB has been severe the 
preamble can be the cause of information not being passed 
successfully and I have experienced situations where the station has 
vanished into the aether, with me knowing its cold in Boston, but not 
knowing the fella's name ! 
So I have to look in QRZ.com

Best wishes and kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re : Digital Stone Age

2008-05-08 Thread Mel
To those of us residing in places outside of the USA, meaning the rest 
of the world, in plain English, what does all this rejection of the 
petition mean ? May I hazard a guess and suggest that when the radio 
conditions improve and communications around the world resume to a 
reasonable standard, will we, in Europe, be subject to QRM where QRM 
does not exist at the present time ?


[digitalradio] Re : 30 metres alive

2008-04-17 Thread Mel
That made me smile ! Hams are split into two types,
(1) those who never call CQ
(2) Those who call CQ, but rarely.

Is there another of the species I wonder ?  Sounds like how one 
commentator described a football match, er, soccer to those on the left 
side of the Atlantical Ocean, as being a game of two halves !

Regards, Mel G0GQK 

[digitalradio] Re : Best line of the day

2008-04-13 Thread Mel
I would have thought by now, with conditions having been the way they 
are for some considerable time, all users would have seen strong 
transmissions, suitably described as 5/9, within seconds deteriorate 
into barely readable signals. This phenomona, for those who may have 
temporarily forgotten is referred to as QSB. Also there are many who 
have 5/9 enshrined in their macro's, which they send to every contact, 
somewhat like contest reports which are accepted by millions of 
contesters as quite normal.

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re : is there any digital DX on 40 metres ?

2008-02-26 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

Thankyou for all the replies from various parts of the world. It seems
that there are still quite a number of operators busy at 01.00 UTC,
and I'm not surprised that there are many CW operators using 7.038 +
or - Some people don't like the idea of PSK users having a bit of the
00.00 UTC is a bit later than I normally operate and I did rather
expect that the band would be busy. Perhaps when the broadcasting
companies finally pack their bags it might become a more pleasant
place to be.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Is there any digital DX on 40 metres ?

2008-02-23 Thread Mel

During the last few days there's been evening DX activity on 30 metres
between Canada and the US and a number of European stations. Has
anyone in the US observed or been active on 40 metre DX.? The European
frequency used is around 7.038 and the US uses 7.070, so has any
European phone activity been heard on 7.070 or European digital
activity on 7.038 ?

Mel G0GQK  

[digitalradio] Re; SSB on 14.070 Mhz

2008-02-09 Thread Mel
Luckily in Europe we don't seem to be affected by intruders other than
people who will insist on using the PSK frequency for every digital
mode known to man. They seem to regard 14.070 as being the place where
they can call CQ while they try out every club in the bag.
They are completely unaware, or disregard the fact that this small
section of frequency is for PSK, and that if they wish to try their
new toy they should be operating in the frequencies which are
suggested should be used.

However on 30 metres, which is now being used more than it ever has
been since 1988, there are French and east European CB'ers using
10.140, as well as the RTTY boys and other unusual communication
modes. Thirty metres is a vast area of unused frequencies, which had
lain idle for years, but now that interest has been raised on using
the band everybody drops on 10.140. A month ago there was even an IQ
zero placing music from a BC station, he sounded like a Russian. It
also seems to be a magnet for the occasional lunatic who creates QRN
and an awful raspy noise, what this is.. who knows.

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re : Asus Eee

2007-12-05 Thread Mel
Most of the comments have been about the OLPC computer so it seems
that it is stil a little early for anyone to have tried any digital
activity on the Asus.

It's selling for $199 but in Britain, as usual, the dollar price is
changed to £ sterling and its £199, which is double price as in the
US. This always happens !

A PC article suggests that the OLPC production line is having problems
and that very soon the price will increase from $100 to $170. It uses
four cell batteries with 3 hours of life usage, and it has four USB
2.0 ports. The notebook has been tested and will work on XP, but it is
not delivered ex-factory with XP installed because of the cost. The
standard model has the Linux operating system and has anti virus installed

The Asus Eee does seem to be a better proposition for anyone wishing
to use digital communication in a temporary or portable situation and
I'm sure before not too long someone will be using this baby notebook.
It will be interesting to read about their experience.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK 

[digitalradio] The Asus Eee low cost laptop computer

2007-12-04 Thread Mel
I've been reading different press articles about the new small Asus
Eee laptop and the comments are that it is selling very well,the best
selling present for Christmas. Is there anyone in the group who has
purchased one and is using it for digital communications ? 


[digitalradio] Re : Windows 98 doesn't decode PSK 31

2007-07-23 Thread Mel

Perhaps you have a problem to solve in your system. I can use Digipan
with Windows 98 via the ACC socket and have no difficulty in receiving
or transmitting.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] The ARRL

2007-05-01 Thread Mel
Well, the ARRL seems to get you all wound up ! Seems to me a lot of 
you folks are having a bad hair day, every day !


[digitalradio] Re; CQ CH

2007-03-22 Thread Mel
I've just been reading all the recently posted comments and thinking, 
What the devil is CQ CH ? I then find that this is an abbreviation 
for County Hunting in the US. This leads me on to thinking, why, as 
PSK is a visual communication, operators cannot put in their 
transmitted message "CQ County Hunters". This also applies to most 
European Special Event Stations, who for some reason refuse to give 
their names, locations and IARU locators, even when asked.

I have always been under the impression that a radio amateur should 
give this basic information to a contact, as this is a requirement of 
being a radio amateur. 

Regards, Mel G0GQK IO82TS

[digitalradio] Re :bad PSK transmissions

2007-03-11 Thread Mel
Regarding the comments on poor quality PSK transmissions, rather than 
hoping there are "observers", who on seeing such a terrible 
misdemeanour as a wide overdriven transmission,who will instantly 
issue a Pink Slip, why not contact the operator yourself?

In days past, if a signal was "rotten" someone would contact him and 
say " I called you because your signal is very wide Old Man, sorry to 
have to tell you but you are splattering all over the band, and my 
jolly old chums are getting a wee bit hairy about it, hope you don't 
mind "

The offending chap would apologise profusely, hope that he hadn't 
caused too much of a bother, and then disappear to check out what the 
problem is.  

Sounds simple enough to me.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK 

[digitalradio] Re : 30 metre propagation

2006-12-29 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

That was an interesting observation by Andy K3UK. During the day the 
band extends about 200-500 miles, this is what I have noticed having 
made a few contacts into mainland Europe, mostly Germany.

I've tried sunset but have heard nothing and had no replies to CQ's, 
but as for operating at dawn, absolutely no chance, the mouth or 
brain doesn't function well these days at daybreak !

I seem to recall many years ago when I made some casual visits to 30  
metres I was surprised to hear some weak Australian voices. For quite 
a while  there were a couple of Frenchmen who used to chat every day. 
I haven't heard them for some time so they must have been 
ordered "off the grass"

N7DC seems to be doing quite well on 30 metres, its amazing to me 
that he can contact so many people.

Kind regards, New Year greetings to All,


[digitalradio] Re : Regional Communications

2006-12-27 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

The posting by Paul K9PS was very interesting. I have a fascinated 
interest in 30 metres, primarily because it should be a very useful 
band for digital activity, and yet the band is always devoid of user. 
s. May I ask Paul if he could advise us when 30 metres is at its best 
because its a complete mystery to me !

I remember reading an RSGB article when the band was first given to 
us and its characteristics were suggested to be a cross between 20 
and 40 metres. As we know both of these bands are always busy, but 
the one in the middle isn't !

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Re: Grumble

2006-12-21 Thread Mel
Hello Everyone,

I've just been reading all the controversial comments about 
transmitting PSK in upper case or lower case, speed of delivery and 
losing text in conditions which are far from being good.

If your daily newspaper was printed entirely in upper case letters, 
people would stop buying the newspaper and it would be out of 
business in a very short time. Mr Murdoch the great newspaper owner 
would sack immediatly any editor who even suggested the idea. There 
is a reason why we have capital letters and lower case, its easier on 
the eye and the brain.

It is always stressed that amateur radio is about learning and self 
training. One has to learn something about the complexities of radio 
to obtain a radio license.  Why should it not be accepted that if one 
chooses to transmit digital modes that one should also learn how to 
type in order to transmit messages which resemble a page from a book 
or a page in a newspaper and can be easily understood ?  Could it be 
the same thinking which is that one never reads a tranceiver 
instruction manual until a week has been spent trying to understand 
why the darned thing isn't working properly.?

Just a thought

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All,


[digitalradio] No RX on my computer waterfall

2006-12-09 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I've just changed the shack computer and I can't get a signal from 
the rig to the PC waterfall even when I use a simple connection from 
the rig speaker socket into the LINE IN on the PC, but I can transmit 
OK  The original PC using XP works OK.

This computer has Windows 98, and it seems that I'll need to get 
inside the PC and either check or un-check something. The soundboard 
is working for ZAPS, WHAMS and ZOINKS on internet kids games so can 
anyone tell me where I need to go, I'm stuck !

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

[digitalradio] Portable PSK operating

2006-09-21 Thread Mel
Recently I've been reading odd bits and pieces about portable PSK 
operating, and the other evening I was looking at a picture of a 
Windows mobile pocket PC with a built in keyboard.

Knowing absolutely nothing about the activity, could someone who 
operates portable PSK tell me what specification is required in a 
pocket PC to transmit PSK ? Normally of course I would be 
communicating from the shack.

Is it possible to transmit macro's or must communication be limited 
to to keyboard messaging ?

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

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The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/
DigiPol: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Digipol  (band plan policy discussion)

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[digitalradio] Anyone using a Cushcraft R5 /R7 on digital

2006-05-01 Thread Mel

Hello everyone,

Many thanks to all who replied to my query regarding the RF problem.  
the antenna has been in the same position for years and I never 
experienced an RF problem when using SSB so putting a PC in the shack 
changed that situation !

I do have a couple of toroids in the spares box and wrapped the LINE 
IN and LINE OUT cables together around one at the rear of the PC, and 
the noise from the computer soundcard was quite dramatic so perhaps I 
should have done it on the individual cables.

It was interesting to  know that the R7 uses a toroid core which acts 
as a choke to prevent current flowing on the outside of the cable 
which explains why I have never experienced this problem using SSB.

During the winter I did try the quick method to solve RF on the co-ax 
by making an  8 inch coil of the cable about two feet from the 
feedpoint. When I checked I found a strange thing had happened, the 
resonant frequency at 14.070 had moved down to 14.010 so that was 
removed immediatly !

During the weekend I moved all the cables and switches further away 
from the PC and that gave me 10 metres which now tunes sweetly. 
Previously the PC squealed very loudly at the very sniff of RF so the 
situation is improving.

What is surprising is that I still have a problem with 12 metres, I 
would have thought that solving the problem on 10 metres would have 
solved it on 12 as well, but apparently not.

The next thing to try is a toroid on the individual lines in and out 
and I can move the antenna further away from the shack and see if 
that helps.

Kind regards,  Mel  G0GQK  

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/
DigiPol: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Digipol  (band plan policy discussion)


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[digitalradio] Anyone using a Cushcraft R5/ R7 on digital ?

2006-04-29 Thread Mel


I'd like to have an offline discussion with someone who is using a 
vertical, and if they solved RF problems into the PC soundcard on the 
higher bands.

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

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[digitalradio] Good HF conditions

2006-04-13 Thread Mel
The conditions on 17 and 20 are not good, but stations can be worked 
with patience, the bands are extremely unstable and the QSB is 

Being able to hear a DX station on a dipole lying on the ground 
proves one thing, you don't need a high antenna to work DX. My wire 
antenna 90 feet long, is 12 feet above the ground, and is fed under a 
tree. Using PSK I have made contacts on 40 and 80 metres to Gibralter 
about 1,500 miles distant, as well as contacts deep into Russia.

A wire dipole antenna three feet above the ground will get you 
contacts 500-750 miles away, but many find this hard to believe.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK 

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

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[digitalradio] Can someone explain why this happens.?

2006-04-08 Thread Mel

Operating PSK with a Cushcraft R5 and an Icom 746 on 20 metres and as 
happens in the UK at this time of the year we have heavy rain which 
comes very quickly.

I am aware that in this kind of weather the SWR of the R5 rises very 
quickly so that when it reaches about 1:4 the RF power reduces.

What I had not realised was that as the SWR went up, so did the ALC
Looking first at the SWR/POWER meter I saw the SWR going up and the 
power going down, then looking at the 746 I saw that the ALC, which 
before the sudden rain was not evident, was now showing four markers 
on the 746 scale. 

Why does this happen ?


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[digitalradio] More use of 30 metres

2006-03-28 Thread Mel

Just to clarify my comment that I don't like the idea of one wide 
band mode taking up the space which is being USED, by at least 20 PSK 
users.  As I clearly said, at least six QSO's were wiped out.

Is that not sufficient reason ?


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[digitalradio] More use of 30 metres

2006-03-27 Thread Mel
Pleased to see that there is more encouragement for people to use 30 
metres it has always been a rarely used band ever since the day it 
was given to us. I remember when the only people who used were some 
amateurs in France who used to chat to each other on phone.

Of course there were mumblings about the use of SSB, but better that 
than no use. I think I also remember hearing Australians chatting as 
well. Obviously the band wasn't being used for morse code so, what 
the hell, just chat !

I make calls on the band using PSK31 but after half an hour, and 
maybe a contact, I go where its a bit busier. I call regularly on  17 
metres which is rarely used these days in Europe, and very often have 
a contact with a Stateside station.

Can't say that I like this idea of filling up digital space with one 
wide band digital mode where 20 PSK 31 users could be operating. Last 
week I saw at least 6 QSO's wiped out when someone opened up on top 
of them. Its a Gatling machine gun operation, kill off everything in 
its path.

Kind Regards, Mel G0GQK 

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[digitalradio] Anybody know why ?

2006-03-22 Thread Mel
Ref my Digipan query, I do close down Digipan correctly, and then I 
close the computer down correctly. As I wrote, when I switch the 
computer on, and then load Digipan, it opens up on PSK63, and I have 
to give Digipan a squirt of CQ or anything I fancy at the time, and 
when the screen re-appears, as if by magic, it changes to BPSK 31.
And like I wrote, I don't use BPSK63. 
Any ideas ?


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[digitalradio] Anybody know why ?

2006-03-21 Thread Mel
I use Digipan to operate on BPSK31, I transmit for a couple of hours 
and then switch off the computer to have a bite to eat.

When I return to the shack, I switch on the computer, load up Digipan 
and the screen shows PSK63, I don't use PSK63. I then put a quick 
shot of CQ with BPSK31 on to the screen and the traces change from 
fat slow wide ones, to the quicker thin ones. This has been happening 
now for weeks.  Anybody know the reason why, and how do I stop it ?

Kind Regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] A question for UK members, ref RS 232 connectors.

2006-03-15 Thread Mel

I found out today that RS 232 connectors are now unavailable from 
your ordinary computer shop.

Is there a UK member of the group who knows where I might purchase a 
new, or obtain a used 25 pin RS 232 plug for the cable on a PK 232 MBX
I found that the cable I need must have a male plug at both ends. The 
one supplied with the PK 232 had a male one end, and female on the 

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Re: The US ham radio service

2006-03-04 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

Hey! What's all this about "As just a hobby, amateur radio (no 
capitals, sorry) would not require licensing. It would be on the same 
level as woodworking etc.

Listen up, in Europe we do have to pay for a radio license and have 
always had to pay for a radio license.

And, as a matter of interest, I thought that the description of this 
group was  Digital Radio : a reflector for amateur radio digital 
transmissions, RTTY, PSK, MT63, MFSK16, MTTY and more

I did ask in my original posting, "The US Ham radio service" How do 
PSK and other digital modes blend into this service.? Despite the 
many words, my question has not yet been answered.

How many comments in the last weeks have been about RTTY, PSK, MT63 
MFSK16 or MTTY ? Are these modes used in the US Amateur Radio 
Service ? Most of the comments have been about the hated Pactor mail 
service.  Is that not correct ?

Kind regards 73, Mel G0GQK


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[digitalradio] The soundcard mystery

2006-03-01 Thread Mel
Hello Joe W4SJI and Flavio,

Thanks for the responses. As I mentioned I can tune CORRECTLY
and without any problem on all the other bands, 80, 40, 30 metres  on 
a dipole and I could tune 17 and 20 metres on the R5 until 3 weeks 
ago, and I was on 20 metres every day,until something happened!

If I now have the RF control on full output on the 746 I can adjust 
the WAV and the VOL until there is no output and the power is 
spluttering, and only then does the ALC go away, when there's no RF ! 

I do use Quickmix and when I was able to tune 20 metres without any 
ALC I saved the settings. When the rig was removed from the shack, as 
I have to after every session, the following day the settings which 
were saved were of no use because the ALC had re-appeared.  
But.this does not occur on any of the other bands, 80, 40, and 30 

And Flavio, I do not use the speech processor because I have the 
connection to the computer via the ACC1 into an opto interface and 
then to the PC.

I appreciate the  suggestions so if there are any more let me know. I 
Would appreciate help from anyone who has knowledge of soundcards. 
Can they be affected by RF ? Do they stop functioning slowly, or 
quickly ? Can an adjustment to the VOL and WAV be made in the PC ?
The soundcard is set at 11025, can it be set on another figure ?
What does 11025 mean ?

Kind regards  Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] The soundcard mystery

2006-03-01 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I was hoping that some of the more experienced users of digital 
communication would be able to shed some light on the problem I am 
experiencing regarding loading up PSK 31 on 20 metres. I still have 
the problem with my computer, Digipan and an Icom 746 and I am unable 
to remove ALC when loading up.

It has become more severe and now affects 15 and 17 metres, and I 
have tried every way possible to tune up without having any ALC 
showing but it is just impossible. There is no problem at all in 
tuning up 10 and 12 metres and the RF control on the 746 adjusts the 
ALC as one would expect.

I have transmitted on 15, 17 and 20 metres using SSB near the same 
frequencies, after the band had gone dead, and there is no problem in 
making adjustments for an SSB output of 30 and 100 watts with a clean 
audio and the appropiate amount of ALC

Despite being told that the PC soundcard will be unable to 
differentiate between one frequency or another there seems to be no 
sensible answer to this problem. I can tune properly for a PSK 
transmission on every band with the exception of 15, 17 and 20 metres

Could the soundcard have been damaged in some way ?  Is there an 
adjustment that can be made on the soundcard ? 

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening ? Surely I cannot be 
the first to experience this seemingly unsolveable problem.

Any ideas will be appreciated,

Kind regards, Mel G0GQK 

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

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[digitalradio] The US Ham radio service

2006-02-28 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

The belief that in the United States of America amateur radio is 
regarded like the USN, the USCG,the USAF etc.is pretty widespread 
among the amateur radio fraternity. It would be interesting to know 
how PSK and other digital modes blend into this service.

I believe it would be safe to assume that in the many countries of  
Europe, radio amateurs regard talking to their friends or sending PSK 
messages on their transmitters to other amateurs as a hobby, a 
pleasant pastime. We don't attach the seriousness and intensity to 
the hobby as do our American friends, perhaps we are too relaxed with 
this attitude. This is reflected in the civility which is shown to 
all the users of 80 and 40 metres from the many countries of Europe,, 
and this makes amateur radio a pleasure.

Mel G0GQK  

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[digitalradio] Visual identification of digital types

2006-02-26 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I have found a couple of sites which identify some of the digital 
modes, one by N1NKM and another by G4UCJ but unfortunately neither r 
of them feature any of the latest. The suggestion that the mode of 
transmission should be displayed by operators would be of no use 
whatsoever unless one had the capability of identifying the sound. 

Somewhat like trying to play golf in the dark, being unable to pull 
the right club out of the bag, see the ball, or drive it in the right 
direction to the unseen green with a flag on the pin!


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[digitalradio] The soundcard mystery solved

2006-02-26 Thread Mel
On the 22nd I wrote to the group to ask for some help in trying to 
find the reason why I was having a serious problem tuning PSK with 
the 746 because I could not adjust the RF power to remove the ALC 

What was so mysterious was that I found it impossible to show no ALC 
on 20 metres and surprising to me, prior to this problem, the ALC 
markers could be removed by increasing the RF power, rather than 
reducing it. Why is this ? Can someone tell me ? 

While I was having this difficulty I was still able to tune up 
properly on 30, 40, and 80 metres and having been told that the 
soundboard could not recognise any differences in frequencies why was 
I having this problem ?

For two days now I've been trying to reason  why, but then I found I 
couldn't tune 17 metres, then 30 metres, then 40, and finally only 
80  could be tuned.

So I pulled out all the cables and found that a short cable which is 
permanently plugged into ACC1 had a ground wire which was now almost 
disconnected from the pin and when I connected the ACC1 cable proper 
the problem now seems to be solved, but has caused me concern in 
another way.

When transmitting on some frequencies the sound of PSK could be heard 
from inside the computer, but now I can hear the sound coming from 
the 746, and not the PC. Is this harmful to the rig? Is the sound 
only in the speaker ?  It can be heard with the audio off.Can someone 
advise me that it will not be creating a problem in the innards of 
the 746.

Kind Regards,  Mel G0GQK

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

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[digitalradio] Soundcard mystery

2006-02-25 Thread Mel
Hello Ron W4LDE,

Thanks for your suggestion, I did try that but it didn't make any 
difference. Its quite peculiar because I can go to any other band and 
make the required adjustments without any difficulty. On 20 metres 
its a real pig and on some settings I just cannot remove the ALC 
markers, they just won't go, its crazy !

Not that there was much happening on 20 yesterday, I got so b.
cheesed off, 17 was dead, so I moved to 40 metres.

I did ask the group if anyone knew of a site where I could see some 
pictures of the latest digital modes but as yet no response. Any 
suggestions ?

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK 

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

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[digitalradio] Visual identification of digital types

2006-02-24 Thread Mel

I am trying to identify some of the different digital mode traces 
which I see. Is there a web page where I can see examples of Domino, 
Contestia and others which have been introduced recently.? There are 
now so many but one in particular keeps appearing in Europe.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK 

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[digitalradio] Software control

2006-02-22 Thread Mel
Hello Clint,

Just read your mail. Have a look at 

www.ptpart.co.uk/quickmix/  or  


It might solve your problem

Regards Mel G0GQK


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[digitalradio] Soundcard mystery.

2006-02-22 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I know nothing about computers and soundcards so can anyone explain 
why I have this problem? I use Quickmix to hold the correct PSK 
settings for each band I operate, and this works mostly OK, with one 
exception, and that is 20 metres.

I have to disconnect the rig after every operating session because my 
shack is in the garden. Each time I re-connect the rig, I load the 20 
metre setting, and every time I have to re-adjust it. Quickmix sets 
it in the same place then I find the ALC is showing so I make the 
correct adjustment and re-load the new setting into Quickmix and then 
everything is OK

The following day I have to go through the same procedure again, but 
only on 20 metres. Why should the VOL setting on the PC be OK for 20 
metres one day, but not the next.?  Sometimes the variation in the 
setting on the VOL scale is quite noticeable.I use an ACC1 cable. Its 
not a big problem, its just irritating.


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[digitalradio] The 14.080 scared cow frequency !

2006-02-20 Thread Mel
That made me smile, we have a few million cows in Europe but as yet 
we don't have a frequency for frightened cows on 14.080 Mhz.


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[digitalradio] Why do I get this noise in the computer ?

2006-02-13 Thread Mel

I use a Cushcraft R5 for my radio activity from 20 metres upwards and 
a dipole for the lower bands. I have observed that when I use the R5 
for PSK on 17 metres that the computer emits loudly the sound of a 
PSK transmission, but when I use the dipole the computer is quiet.
Is this noise RF, and if it is, how do I stop it ? The noise occurs 
on a couple of bands when I use the R5, but it never happens using 
the dipole. I'll be interested to know why.

Kind Regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] The problem of excessive ALC

2006-02-13 Thread Mel
Hello Tim,  TG6124,

I solved the problem and I think it may have been RF. The day before 
the antenna had been playing up and I moved the coax cables and in 
doing so placed the cables from the ACC1 to the ISO box in a place 
where they seem to have caused this trouble. I separated them and the 
problem seems to have gone away.

Many thanks for your response, I was surprised to have one as most of 
the correspondence seems to be involved with only one subject.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] A new problem using PSK software

2006-02-11 Thread Mel
I'm hoping someone in the group can help me with this little problem.
For months I have been using Digipan on 20 metres with an Icom 746, 
and quite suddenly two days ago, I couldn't tune up properly with out 
masses of ALC showing.

I use Quickmix to retain the soundcard settings, and the connection 
to the computer is via ACC1. There is no problem in loading and 
tuning correctly and transmitting on 10, 12, 17,40 and 80 metres. 
When I adjust the RF power on the 746 it doesn't matter whether I 
move the adjustment clockwise, or anti-clockwise, the ALC will not 
reduce. I always tune up using the correct method and have never 
transmitted with any ALC showing.

Can anyone suggest what the problem is ?  Is the soundcard damaged 
and now unable to be used on 20 metres ?

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] The UK Amateur Radio Band Plan

2006-02-07 Thread Mel
For those who may be interested to know

80 metres
3.500 to 3.510CW DX portion

3.500 to 3.560CW band allocation

3.560 to 3.585Novice portion

3.580 to 3.620CW and digital modes

3.620 to 3.800Phone allocation and CW

3.775 to 3.800Phone DX portion

I cannot recall when I last heard anyone using CW in the phone section

20 metres

14.000 to 14.069  CW portion

14.070 to 14.099  digital modes

14.099 to 14.101  beacons

14.101 to 14.112  digital mail boxes etc

14.112 to 14.350  phone allocation and CW

14.125 to 14.300  SSB contest allocation

14.225 to 14.235  SSTV/fax allocation

Once again I cannot recall the last time I heard CW in the phone SSB 

This plan has been in force for many years and as far as most 
operators are concerned the allocations of band space work quite 
satisfactorily.  Having read most of the comments regarding what are 
called sub-bands, not subbands, it is difficult to understand why 
there should be any conflicts of interests.


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[digitalradio] Curious about the software picture.

2006-01-16 Thread Mel
Hello John W0JAB,

How strange ! Do you not see a picture on the home page for Digital 
radio, which is the operating screen of some digital software ?

Have you never seen it ?

Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Curious about the software picture

2006-01-15 Thread Mel

I'm just being curious, but which digital software is it ? 

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Using logger 32 for PSK operation

2006-01-12 Thread Mel

I downloaded Logger 32  tonight to have a look at the software and 
see if I would like to try it for PSK.  I have only used Digipan and 
I am a little confused, perhaps someone can advise me.

When receiving with Digipan, mouse clicks on the callers 
callsign,name, and QTH will enter the details into the various boxes.
 Where are the boxes in logger 32 ? How are these details entered ?

Kind regards,  Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Re: Why is Mix W so popular ?

2005-12-30 Thread Mel
I have been noting those who use Mix W, and its popularity in Europe 
is quite astonishing. I have now attained a sort of expertise in 
guessing who is using the software by the similarity of the text 
content transmitted by its users.

If my wife could see me constantly being referred to as "My dear 
friend O M Mel" she would begin to wonder about my activities in the 
shack !

Its a great pity, but fully understandable, that most foreign 
operators use the various digital systems as they would if 
transmitting using Morse code. There are many radio amateurs who are 
unable to converse confidently in English, and I, of course would be 
unable to converse in Bulgarian or Swedish. For those who are quite 
able to speak  and write English I cannot see why the stilted form of 
communication, which is applied using Morse code, is used when using 
PSK 31.

The complexity of writing macro's in simple English seems to have 
defeated many operators with  signs like = and <<<<< and >>>>> 
and * and + and  } appearing all over the monitor 
screen with monotonous regularity !  

If people regularly sent mail to these pages such as TNX FER YR TX FB 
CPY U R 5NN I'm sure there would be some comment and that included 
with the keyboard flotsam and jetsam !

Plain English as it is spoken, with less = and   would be 
appreciated. To those unable,  Hpy Nw Yr fer 06. SK

Kind regards   Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] MultiPSK query

2005-12-21 Thread Mel

Thankyou Patrick and Jerry for the help in solving my problem, and 
thanks for the information about the MultiPSK group. I shall now go 
and sign on.

Kind Rgards, 73,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Re: why is MixW so popular ?

2005-12-20 Thread Mel
In response to Rod's comments, I also seem to be a rarity in Europe 
as I find the simplicity of Digipan and PSK-PAL to be ideal for my 
needs.All I wish is that some of the features on the one were 
included in the other.

I downloaded the lot a few weeks ago and when I feel like a 
masochistic 30 minutes I take a look at some of these PSK programs.
Some are awful and others are like Mercedes cars, you need a 
Batchelor of Arts university degree to be able to comprehend the 
intricacies of the finer art of computer programming. Far too many 
boxes, buttons for this, buttons for that.Far,far too clever. Its 
like the PK 232, all those fantastic modes in that black box, and all 
that everybody used was Packet ! What a waste !

When I make a contact I want it to be simple and easy, not have to 
get tied up remembering what the next action should be. But that's 
me, just a simple country boy.

73,  Mel G0GQK 

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[digitalradio] MultiPSK query

2005-12-20 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I've been having a look at MultiPSK today, ploughing through the help 
pages, and then filling in all the required details. Then came the 
confusion. How do I enter the call and name of the other station ?

I've tried highlighting and dragging and double clicking and I can't 
think of anything else except typing the details in. But surely not !
So can someone enlighten me please, reading the far from user 
friendly help pages has already addled my brain !

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Why is Mix W so popular ?

2005-12-17 Thread Mel
During the past month I've been noting the types of operating 
software used by PSK operators, and the most popular one in use is 
Mix W. I've never used it, in fact I've never seen illustrations of 
the operating page.  

Why is it so popular.? And it isn't even free ! What advantages has 
Mix W over other software ?

73,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] QRM bythe Commerce Department

2005-12-15 Thread Mel
Yak,Yak,Yak comes cheaper than music- no royalty payments


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[digitalradio] Is there anybody in the whole wide world using PSK-PAL ?

2005-11-26 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I have a log problem with PSK-PAL. Is there anyone in the world using 
this program ? If you are, and you would like to give me a little 
advice, please don't hold back !  I NEED you !

Contact me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Please !  

73,  Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Help with PSK-PAL

2005-11-23 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

May I ask for some help with the log on PSK-PAL please?
I have been playing about with this on and off for days and I still 
don't get it!. It's plain that I am misunderstanding the procedure, 
so is there someone about who can give me step by step guidance.?

I am trying to understand the logdata files using widows XP. Quoting 
the help page in PSK-PAL it says " the logbook is designed for almost 
instant display of the call details. Log searches for a call as it is 
typed into the CALL BOX, letter by letter and displays the result 
when a match is found" or "Type in the new call details and SAVE."

When "the program "boots up", a copy of logdata file is saved as 
LOGDATA.BAK  On the first use of the program, entering the first 
saved call will generate a log data file "

OK.   I now have a logdata file in DOCUMENTS, and the file is 
named "PSK-PAL log data file". Right click on the file, Choose SELECT 
and the PSK-PAL log data file appears. I have to enter a file name, 
and the first part of the  name must be "logdata", and I name the file
"logdata PSK-PAL". and then click OPEN.  Underneath this window is a 
box labelled " Files of type" with the wording "All logdata files" 
inserted, and underneath that is an unchecked box, "open as read only"

When OPEN is clicked, the logdata file in DOCUMENTS closes and then I 
am returned to the PSK-PAL operating page. If I return to SELECT 
logdata directory, the file name I typed in  "logdata PSK-PAL"  has 
disappeared and the window is empty again.

Another problem problem I have is when I highlight a CALL and NAME.
I click SETUP , scroll down and choose "locate logdata file to use" 
and the PSK-PAL logdata file appears, which is located in DOCUMENTS. 
A box appears with choices, CALL,  NAME, SEND TO LOG DETAILS, SEND TO 

I can get all to function, except for "send to log details" "copy" 
and "clear marker". The 3 mentioned items just disappear.

I am completely confused, any help will be appreciated. It may be 
easy for some people but its not for me ! 

73,  Mel G0GQK  Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[digitalradio] QuickPSK

2005-11-16 Thread Mel
Hello Rich,

I have already checked Google for QuickPSK and every one of them, 
except for w3.uhf.net, are dead, like dead ! The only thing which 
moves on them is the stork on the page. Try it and see !

So I'm still asking if anyone knows of a site which has an active 
download for QuickPSK

73, Mel GoGQK

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http://www.mixw.net";> MixW 
http://f6cte.free.fr";> MultiPSK 
http://www.dxlab.com:> DXLAB 
http://www.qsl.net/hamscope";> Hamscope 
http://mmhamsoft.ham-radio.ch/MMvari/";> MMVARI 
http://xoomer.virgilio.it/aporcino/Chip64/";> Chip64 

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[digitalradio] DownloadingQuick PSK

2005-11-16 Thread Mel
Hello Rich, K2TFT,

Thanks for the response I had a look at the OK2PYA site but 
unfortunately the download site he has doesn't work. All the 
download sites with QuickPSK are dead except w3.uhf.net.they have a 
stork flapping its wings and some text and that's it ! 

The computer works on the page with a bit of patience and I 
downloaded some software.

Many thanks Rich 73,  Mel

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http://f6cte.free.fr";> MultiPSK 
http://www.dxlab.com:> DXLAB 
http://www.qsl.net/hamscope";> Hamscope 
http://mmhamsoft.ham-radio.ch/MMvari/";> MMVARI 
http://xoomer.virgilio.it/aporcino/Chip64/";> Chip64 

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[digitalradio] Have a problem downloading software

2005-11-16 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I would like to download QuickPSK but I'm having problems with the 
shack computer. The house computer is OK I can download the software 
but it would be in the wrong computer.

Does anyone know if there is another site with Quick PSK and WINPSKse 
other than w3.uhf.net where I can download to have a look at it ?
The computer will download on some sites but not others eg. no 
problem on g3vfp.

Perhaps someone here might know how to solve my problem. When I go to 
the site all I see are w3uhf's tranceivers and the panel on the left 
is blank and there is a square with a X in it. I've switched off the 
windows virus and security. The computer is a Compaq EN desktop with 
XP, it will connect to BT, accepts my password,but my passwords will 
not be accepted at other various sites, including yahoo.

Any help appreciated,

73,  Mel G0GQK 

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http://f6cte.free.fr";> MultiPSK 
http://www.dxlab.com:> DXLAB 
http://www.qsl.net/hamscope";> Hamscope 
http://mmhamsoft.ham-radio.ch/MMvari/";> MMVARI 
http://xoomer.virgilio.it/aporcino/Chip64/";> Chip64 

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[digitalradio] software to save digital settings

2005-11-14 Thread Mel
Hello everyone ,

During last week I read somewhere, but I can't remember where, about 
some software which saves the settings on Wave and Volume when a 
change is made from Digipan to Stream for example. But I can't 
remember where I saw it. Does anyone know where it is ?

73,  Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Multi PSK query

2005-11-09 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

Last week I downloaded MULTIPSK and since then I have been pressing 
this and that. Since then I find I am unable to get the morse sound 
trying out the CW. I was entertaining a young friend by putting 
messages in the macro, listening to them in morse code, logged off, 
moved the computer to another place,  and now I find the sound has 
gone !

Its not of world shattering importance, but does anyone know how to 
get it back.? I'm using Windows XP and I've lost the introductory 
music when the computer starts as well.  

73,  Mel

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[digitalradio] Transferring PSK software to another computer

2005-11-08 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I downloaded some PSK software into this computer a few years ago and 
I would like to transfer the unused items, not now available, into 
another computer.

Can this be done, is this done by using diskettes ?  If not, can 
someone explain the procedure please ? PS. I'd rather not buy a 
special cable connector just for this job.

Kind regards, 73, Mel  G0GQK

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[digitalradio] Can a Compaq Deskpro user help me please ?

2005-09-29 Thread Mel
Hello everyone,

I have recently bought a Deskpro but do not have a users handbook and 
I'm a little confused so may I ask for a little help ?

I want to use it for Digipan communication this winter but I don't 
understand the symbols on the back of the CPU.

On the left are two rectangular shaped USB connections and between 
those and the mouse and the keyboard jacks are four circular jacks.
Two have what appear to be musical notes, top L one pointing right, 
bottom L one pointing left, what are these for ?

The top R jack has a symbol like a penny farthing with a fat tyre, 
and the one below on the R gas what appear to be headphones. Once 
again, what are these for ?

As I'm not a whizz on computers I need to know what's what before I 
start pushing plugs in holes.

I'm sure some kind person with a Deskpro, or a Compaq will be able to 
help me.

Kind regards, 73,  Mel G0GQK

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[digitalradio] re: Keyboard to keyboard

2005-09-26 Thread Mel
Just been reading Ed Woodrich`s post 11432, Keyboard to Keyboard.

The most powerful word when selling and marketing any product placed 
before the buying public is NEW. That`s why every packet of Wizzo, 
Grot-nuts, or Zed-Lite, when they are first promoted, or re-launched, 
have a big NEW on the front. Chips 64 is NEW, the tasting has begun.

Ed mentioned losing messages in QSB using PSK31. However, Pactor, 
which is rarely used these days for one reason or another was 
excellent in poor radio conditions. Could it be that digital 
operators took backward steps when they rejected Pactor and replaced 
it with other NEW products ?

73,  Mel  G0GQK 

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[digitalradio] Buying a used desktop

2005-08-20 Thread Mel
Hello Richard VA3RSA and Walt, K5YFW,

Thankyou for your advice regarding the purchase of a used desktop. I 
have taken note of your comments.

The other members who replied perhaps misunderstood my question as I 
am not looking to purchase a laptop, but one of those older computers 
where the screen sits on top of the CPU.

Kind regards,  73,  Mel

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[digitalradio] Buying a used desktop PC

2005-08-18 Thread Mel
I wish to buy a used desktop PC, the type where the monitor sits on 
top. What would be the smallest required to use Digipan ? I would 
appreciate some suggestions as to which manufacturers or their models 
are RF proof.

Kind Regards,  73,  Mel

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[digitalradio] High speed CW

2005-08-17 Thread Mel
Its been a long time since I used the 232 MBX for Pactor, but I never 
did manage to find anyone who was transmitting CW generated by 
computer when I was using it. The old computer was thrown away and I 
don't think the Packratt 32 (?) will work with Windows 98.

But I did send out some CQ's very fast and it was amazing, and I was 
a bit sad that I was never able to try it out. I used to thoroughly 
enjoy using Pactor but I had exactly the same problem as the PSK 
users, the roving Pactor station used to cut me up, I used to get mad 
so I gave up. Ham radio is a hobby and getting angry when someone 
unknown is doing things to make you angry is not the way.  

I often wondered why there were no users of high speed CW,using it 
just for fun, but I suppose this would be regarded as the act of a 
traitor. !  Only once did I decode a contact and it was amazing, no 
mistakes, which always happens when operators send poor CW too fast 
and think they are fantastic operators !

73,  Mel

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[digitalradio] High speed CW

2005-08-16 Thread Mel

Iv'e often wondered about this. Is there anyone who uses high speed 
CW using a PK 232 MBX ?

73,  Mel

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[digitalradio] Help with PK 232

2005-07-08 Thread Mel
I have a PK 232 MBX which I purchased 10 years ago, sitting in a 
cupboard. Can it be used with a computer with Windows 98.?

Any help appreciated,  73,  Mel  G0GQK

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