--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "WD8ARZ" <wd8...@...> wrote:
> Congratulations Andy, and have to say how much it was appreciated for all the 
> help Bonnie gave ya getting it up and going too.
> 73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

I think this is what you were referring to, Bill

Jan 21, 2007 
Hey folks, please check http://groups.yahoo.com/group/digitalradio/

This is our web based "homepage" for the digitalradio group. Since I
added calling frequencies and suggested software to the group
description, it became rather "busy" to read. So, we have revised the
appearance rather dramatically. Check it out.

It was very nice to have a member help me out with the code and logo's,
that's what I like to see ...good initiative from the membership.

There may be a few more finishing touches. Please note the frame at
the bottom of the description. This section will contain occasional
news items related to this group.

Andy K3UK

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