Re: [digitalradio] STOP THE BITCHING AND MOANING!!!!

2007-12-27 Thread bruce mallon
I just move to another frequency and move on. There
are plenty channels to use out there!!. 

The problem will be you will run out of places to go.

I AGREE ! we do need to solve these problems however
as long as 1% of all hams feel they Are entitled to
50% of the bands or more its not going to happen.


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2007-12-26 Thread jeffnjr484
I know there are problems with the automatic winlink systems i've run 
into them myself but when I do I just move to another frequency and
move on. There are plenty channels to use out there!!. The thing I
fear the most from all this is one day the FCC is going to say to heck
with ham radio all they do is cause us grief lets sell all those
frequencies to the highest bidder and make some money and shut them
up!!. Or they will decide that the bands we love for personal
communications need to stop and only get used during emergencies . All
this complaining about digital stuff but nothing is said about all the
radio jerks on voice who hog channels or make delibrate qrm to chase
people off the air (keying up or blowing in the mike or switching on
high power anything to disturb an ongoing qso) no complaints filed
with the FCC on these things but anything that could eventually hurt
our hobby and our advancement in our art of communications is attacked
. It's time to work together folks most of the problems with automatic
stations are caused by the operators of those stations not the mode
they are using if someone is not where they supposed to be then report
them don't kill the mode or make it harder on everybody else who
enjoys the many modes of ham radio . With the conditions and the
propergation these days no one can really know if they are
interferring with another station if they can't hear them on there in
it occurs a whole lot in radio not just on digital all modes can be
quite locally and cause interference distances away and only the
person receiving the qrm will know about it. An how about the hams
with the big amps running 1000 watts and coming through on five
channels in the qso is with someone 10 miles away!!! There are many
problems in our hobby but 90% of them are the operators who feel they
own the bands for themselves only so how come a letter has not been
sent to the FCC on these problems . Im off my soap box now and if I
've stepped on toes im sorry but its just getting way to out of hand
these days with the grumbling!!
Jeff kd4qit

Re: [digitalradio] STOP THE BITCHING AND MOANING!!!!

2007-12-26 Thread W2XJ
The problem with PACTOR III is that it is downward compatible with 
narrower  modes PACTOR AND PACTOR II. The 500 kHz mode is compatible 
with narrow modes in the CW sections. The wide mode is only compatible 
with SSB. If you look at the SCS website, they promote PACTOR III as a 
commercial mode mostly for maritime operation. The rules in the US seem 
to prohibit PACTOR III if it is downward compatible. I still believe 
that if you can afford a sea going yacht you can afford the appropriate 
non amateur communications systems that are much more reliable.

jeffnjr484 wrote:
 I know there are problems with the automatic winlink systems i've run 
 into them myself but when I do I just move to another frequency and
 move on. There are plenty channels to use out there!!. The thing I
 fear the most from all this is one day the FCC is going to say to heck
 with ham radio all they do is cause us grief lets sell all those
 frequencies to the highest bidder and make some money and shut them
 up!!. Or they will decide that the bands we love for personal
 communications need to stop and only get used during emergencies . All
 this complaining about digital stuff but nothing is said about all the
 radio jerks on voice who hog channels or make delibrate qrm to chase
 people off the air (keying up or blowing in the mike or switching on
 high power anything to disturb an ongoing qso) no complaints filed
 with the FCC on these things but anything that could eventually hurt
 our hobby and our advancement in our art of communications is attacked
 . It's time to work together folks most of the problems with automatic
 stations are caused by the operators of those stations not the mode
 they are using if someone is not where they supposed to be then report
 them don't kill the mode or make it harder on everybody else who
 enjoys the many modes of ham radio . With the conditions and the
 propergation these days no one can really know if they are
 interferring with another station if they can't hear them on there in
 it occurs a whole lot in radio not just on digital all modes can be
 quite locally and cause interference distances away and only the
 person receiving the qrm will know about it. An how about the hams
 with the big amps running 1000 watts and coming through on five
 channels in the qso is with someone 10 miles away!!! There are many
 problems in our hobby but 90% of them are the operators who feel they
 own the bands for themselves only so how come a letter has not been
 sent to the FCC on these problems . Im off my soap box now and if I
 've stepped on toes im sorry but its just getting way to out of hand
 these days with the grumbling!!
 Jeff kd4qit