Re: [Discuss] Dropping obsolete commands (Linux Pocket Guide)

2015-11-11 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 11/11/2015 07:32 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
>> From: Discuss [] On
>> Behalf Of Chuck Anderson
>> According to Ted Ts'o (filesystem developer), it is NOT a recommended
>> way to backup your filesystem:
>> "It does read the mounted block device directly, and so it's certainly
>> not a _recommended_ way to back up your ext4 filesystem. It should
> That's correct, but unfortunately, it doesn't leave you with anything else 
> you can use. The problem is that the live filesystem can have stuff changing 
> while the operation is in progress. Because you're not using a block-level 
> snapshot. So even if you use something like rsync or rsnapshot, the tool will 
> walk the live filesystem (on top of the filesystem layer, unlike dump which 
> operates below the filesystem layer, but that distinction is irrelevant) the 
> filesystem could be changing while in the middle of an rsync operation. Or 
> tar, or cpio, or whatever. Your database files are not safe with *any* of 
> these tools, because of no block-level snapshot.
> If you make a block level snapshot, for example with lvm, you could then 
> safely backup the snapshot block device, just as you could safely mount the 
> snapshot and run rsync. But god, lvm snapshot, what a nightmare.
> This is the reason ZFS was invented. Maybe btrfs will be good someday too 
> (maybe it already is).

I would recommend against btrfs. This is the first filesystem I've used
in two decades where a power failure caused corruption.

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Re: [Discuss] Dropping obsolete commands (Linux Pocket Guide)

2015-11-09 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 11/09/2015 05:19 PM, Daniel Barrett wrote:
> While writing the third edition of my book, "Linux Pocket Guide"
> (O'Reilly), which focuses on Linux commands that are the most useful
> to know, I am considering dropping some topics that were in the
> previous edition. I welcome any opinions on whether the following
> commands are still widely useful enough to keep in the book.
> 1. dump and restore
> I grew up with these commands, but personally haven't used them in
> well over a decade. What do you think?

Been using Linux for over a decade, and never even run across these (and
they're not installed by default on Debian or Ubuntu). Looking them up,
it seems like what I'd use rsync/rsnapshot for. Do you include those?

> 2. finger and chfn
> Likewise. Does anybody make use of finger information anymore, whether
> on a single host or multiple?


> 3. telnet
> I'm planning to mention telnet only for its utility in hitting
> arbitrary ports (telnet myhost 80), and to drop all discussion of
> remote logins with telnet, since it's largely been replaced by
> ssh. (And maybe have a footnote about kerberized telnet being OK for
> logins.)  Agree/disagree?

Agree. I might mention that it was historically used for remote login
and been obsoleted, but that's about it.

> 4. dnsdomainname, nisdomainname, ypdomainname
> These are just links to /bin/hostname for convenience and I never run
> them. Do you?


> 5. write and talk
> More commands I grew up with, but I suspect these have been completely
> obsoleted by instant messaging. (Though I always liked "banner wake up
> | write joe". :-)) Any reason to keep them?
> 6. Usenet
> The 2nd edition still covered slrn, but personally haven't run a
> newsreader in years.

For 5 and 6, I'd be slightly inclined to keep them, despite obsolescence
because they're still about things to explore/have some fun with. (I
guess this applies to finger as well, except there's no content, unlike
Usenet, which has, if anything, too much.)

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Re: [Discuss] Cloud-backup solutions for Linux?

2015-09-29 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/29/2015 10:28 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
>> From: Bill Bogstad []
>> While some OSes/filesystems handle power interruption well at this
>> point, it seems to me that there are lots of apps/servers which do not
>> and which people still need to use.   Particularly in a VM environment
>> where you might be running legacy OS/app combinations because you
>> can't replace them, it seems to me that suggesting this method as a
>> generic way to backup VMs is not really appropriate.   Sure we should
>> all replace our old software systems with ones that use transactions
>> to protect against this kind of failure, but I don't think we are
>> there yet.
> I haven't seen an OS, Filesystem, or a daemon, it at least 15 years, that 
> couldn't gracefully survive a power interruption. Except ownCloud.  ;-)

Not a power failure, but twice in the last 6 months I had a random
reboot that left me unable to mount my root btrfs partition until I
booted into a live CD to run 'btrfs check'.

I've been trying out using subvolumes instead of partitions, but next
reinstall I'm going back to ext4.

I suppose it's possible that it was the btrfs error that caused the
random reboot, not the other way around, but that's hardly better.

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Re: [Discuss] Reusing Passwords on Different Sites Should be OK

2015-09-18 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/17/2015 03:58 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
> The present standard practice is for clients/users to establish an HTTPS 
> connection and 
> then send username and password over the wire, where the server will encrypt 
> it using a
> rate-limiting function such as pbkdf2, bcrypt, or scrypt, to protect it 
> against hackers
> or bad employees who have access to the password file or database or 
> whatever. But wait!
> We should assume, that hackers and bad employees who can access the password 
> file can
> also access the encryption programs (drupal, wordpress, apache, etc that run 
> bcrypt etc)
> and have access to the password in-memory before it's encrypted.
> Worse yet, even if the server is never breached and the employees are always 
> perfect,
> users sacrifice their legal right to privacy by merely making it possible for 
> the
> employees to see it.

This is such a bizarre interpretation of "Third-party". A password
should be considered a secret between two parties: client and server.
But again, conceded that this is a problem.

> This is like a
> person writing their password on a postcard and assuming the mail carriers 
> will never
> bother to look at it. Why do we make a distinction between the employees 
> operating the
> routers on the internet, and the employees operating the web servers at 
> google and
> facebook and everywhere else? We know we should never login to an http:// 
> site because
> the random unknown employees who operate internet routers could see the 
> credentials in
>-flight. We've all been trained to only login on valid https:// sites, even 
> potentially thousands of random unknown employees might be at work on the 
> other end,
> able to see the credentials in-flight.
> tl;dr
> There is no good reason to do the encryption on the server. It should be ok 
> to reuse
> passwords on different sites, as long as the passwords are never exposed to 
> the servers.
> I work at Concept Blossom, and we're promoting awareness about this issue. We 
> produce
> MIT open-source crypto library to address this issue. 
> We're
> resource constrained on development, so development is taking place, but 
> slower than
> we wish. Please spread the word and raise awareness as you wish. Even if some 
> other
> implementation eventually becomes dominant instead of CBCrypt, this is a big 
> important
> issue that I don't want affecting my daughter when she grows up.

I've skimmed the docs. My understanding is that you're implementing
per-site, unsigned client certificates that can be deterministically
derived so that a certificate store isn't needed. And the protocol would
basically be:

- Open SSL session
- Share public key
- Challenge/response
- Server looks up user data associated with public key

A few thoughts:

1) The advantage to deterministically deriving keys is that I can go to
somebody else's computer and login. The disadvantage is that now I'm
giving access to my key material to any corrupted terminal. Keyloggers
would be catastrophic since you're reusing passwords and don't need some
kind of additional secret data.

2) You'll need browser buy-in to make the exchange happen at all on
normal websites. Doing this in javascript is feasible (see
but doesn't resolve any trust issues at all. (For APIs you could do this
no problem.) And you need some way of guaranteeing to users that *this
site* is using CBCrypt or similar, otherwise reusing the password for
your CBCrypt gives any password sniffer on the other end the ability to
generate your keypairs as long as they can guess your username at each
site, which is a catastrophic failure.

3) If you were to implement this in a password manager that could
interface with a browser as a SSM, that might be the cleanest way to
transition from a predominantly password-based ecosystem to a keypair
ecosystem. For sites that don't have CBCrypt, randomly generated
passwords can still be used. For sites that do, derived public keys
could be shared, and the challenge/response could take place in the
password manager, so private key material never leaves. Ultimately,
replacing the SSM with a USB HSM would be ideal.

4) Given that, what advantage is deterministic key derivation giving you
that a secure private key store wouldn't? Then the keylogger attack
would be ineffective without also compromising the security module.

Anyway, it's cool to see work along these lines. Key-based
authentication that's aiming to be usable by the general public would be
great. I'm glad to see the community moving away from the "everybody
should learn crypto" model.

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Re: [Discuss] Reusing Passwords on Different Sites Should be OK

2015-09-18 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/18/2015 10:27 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:
> On 9/18/2015 10:10 AM, Chris Markiewicz wrote:
>> This is such a bizarre interpretation of "Third-party". A password
>> should be considered a secret between two parties: client and server.
>> But again, conceded that this is a problem.
> It's not a bizarre interpretation. It's case law. If you store your mail
> (for example) on my server then you have voluntarily given your
> information to me. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy
> regarding that information. A password is no different.
> If you think my privacy policy protects you then think again. It only
> stipulates that I won't give (or sell) your information to /other/ third
> parties. It offers you no protection within my organization.

I think you misinterpreted. I didn't say that you and your organization
don't have access to information I voluntarily provide you, but that
considering the person or machine I directly give information to as a
"third party" and therefore public enough for government search and
seizure without a warrant is bizarre. I recognize that it's case law,
hence why I conceded the problem. That is in no way an argument against
bizarreness. I'm not sure why people think asserting facts not in
dispute is ever a relevant response to aesthetic judgments.

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Re: [Discuss] Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - Jeff Schiller and PGP/GnuPG Keysigning Party XV

2015-09-10 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/10/2015 06:54 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> When:  September 16, 2015 7PM (6:30PM for Q)
> Topic: Jeff Schiller and PGP/GnuPG Keysigning Party XV
> Moderator: Jeff Schiller
> Location: MIT Building E-51, Room 335

Any chance the fingerprints on the website can be put in a monospaced
font, to reduce visual clutter in the table?

I suspect it will make the process of verifying fingerprints at the key
signing a little easier, as well.


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Re: [Discuss] privacy with pgp keys

2015-09-10 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/10/2015 12:52 PM, John Abreau wrote:
> At a keysigning party, the process is to verify each participant's
> identity, and verify that the key they claim ownership of is actually under
> their control. Each participant verifies their key id and fingerprint, and
> then all participants examine each others' photo ids, and afterward each
> participant signs the keys they feel confident about and emails each signed
> key to the corresponding person, encrypted so that only the owner of the
> key can retrieve the signature.
> If a key has been stripped of all traces of the owner's identity, I don't
> see how it would be possible to adequately verify trust of that key during
> the keysigning party.

Outside the technical issues of what a keysigning party entails, and the
standard policy for signing (some people aren't as strict or don't place
much weight on government-issued ID), there is simply the question of
what signing a key means.

A key signature is an assertion that the identifying information in a
UID accurately describes a person proven to have access to the key. The
idea is that a person who trusts me (for some definition of trust) and
wants to communicate with a person whose UID was signed, can believe
that the public keys associated with that UID will help them talk to
that person.

Without UIDs, a key signature is meaningless. Sure, you may be able to
build a trust path, but without a UID, you know nothing about who signed
a message, or to whom you're encrypting a message. The signature itself
is proof that the person who holds the key signed the message.

The problem described by Mayuresh seems to be: (1) assure users of the
key they're communicating with you; (2) don't provide metadata to
surveillance. The web of trust is fundamentally incompatible with (2).
Key signing parties will not help you get there. You'll need to
distribute knowledge of your keys in some other way.

If you want to use PGP/GPG for difficult-to-surveil communication, I
would read this:

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Re: [Discuss] privacy with pgp keys

2015-09-10 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/10/2015 04:23 PM, Mayuresh Rajwadkar wrote:
> hi
> That uploaded key as a MD5 and SHA224 of the ID aka email...
> One can verify that the email and fingerprint I provide will match up to
> those hashes..
> Its not entirely impossible...

If I understand you properly, when somebody wants to communicate with
you, you would tell them something like:

> Take my name and email address, and run the following commands:
> $ UID='NAME '
> $ echo -n $UID | md5sum
> $ gpg --search-keys `echo -n $UID | sha224sum | sed -e 's/ .*//'`
> Check the MD5 sums are the same, and make a note of the UUID, so you
> can use it whenever you want to encrypt something (or put it in your
> enigmail rules)

At that point, why not simply use something like minilock
(, where you just publish a 46-character public key?

> I do appreciate Derek's concern...
> In my example I have used a UUID, which is the ultimate but one can use a
> FirstName/LastName
> which can be a little bit liberal, than providing an email address,
> embedding a thumb-print jpeg, or
> a IRIS-scan jpeg, or providing some kind of  DNA fingerprint/sequence would
> be kind a overly  liberal  ☺ than
> just an email address, which is also possible... if privacy is no
> concern...

This honestly just sounds ill suited to PGP. Given that PGP isn't very
popular, and is already inconvenient to learn and use, I'm not sure that
augmenting it with an extra layer of work for anybody wishing to
communicate with you is really compelling. Avoiding spam seems like a
losing proposition, no matter what.
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Re: [Discuss] how much can i use a smartphone as a computer?

2015-09-09 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/09/2015 12:25 PM, barry wrote:
> i.e. manipulate text read (and maybe type with external (bluetooth?)
> keyboard), cut and paste across apps, pdfs, manipulate files in
> directory structure, write and execute programs in, say, python
> (accessing some of the opsys capabilities?)  lets say android, lets say
> rather low end for now
> it's time for me to get new cellphone, thinking of graduating from
> simple flipfone...
> thanks

I wouldn't expect to be able to seriously use it as a general purpose
computer, mainly because of battery life and screen size make heavy use
and multi-tasking difficult. There are decent filesystem browsers, and
you can do most of the things you mentioned in a pinch, but beyond
copy-paste and quick annotations, I think you'll get frustrated.

My personal list of reasons I would keep my smartphone over going back
to something I only have to charge once a week:

1) Maps. Advance planning is now only for things that need itineraries.
How to get somewhere you've never been can be figured out on the way
there. (There are also bus maps which show live locations.)
2) Ebooks/Games/Podcasts/etc. A variety of ways to occupy yourself, if
you're looking for them.
5) TextSecure. Probably the encrypted messaging app that is hardest to
use wrong. You can use it to text, but if you're talking to someone with
TextSecure (or Signal on iPhone), it'll use a forward-secret OTR-like
4) The Internet with a usable interface. Actually don't use this a lot,
but when you need to quickly look something up, it's so much better than
old phones.
5) A bunch of little utilities for notes or syncing shopping lists with
housemates, or splitting checks. A lot of banks have apps that will let
you deposit checks by taking pictures of the front and back, now.
6) Quality cameras, unless you're *really* into photography.


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Re: [Discuss] how much can i use a smartphone as a computer?

2015-09-09 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 09/09/2015 03:38 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
> P.S. I don't use my Android devices for banking or brokerage accounts.
> These enormous, new OSs are too big a target, too scary. I'll stick with
> my Linux notebook for that; I run far less "interesting" software there.
> Also I don't use any password managers on my daily phone or tablet for
> the same reason that I don't trust them, rather I have a very cheap
> little brand-x Chinese Android phone dedicated to being a password safe,
> with nearly no software is installed on it, and I never let it connect
> to the internet nor to any cell systems--I don't need to trust it that
> much if I keep it incommunicado. (More likely I will use my Linux
> notebook to look up passwords. Good passphrases are hard to enter on a
> little touch screen.)

Regarding passwords: I maintain a device-specific password database for
things I need on each Android device, and keep separate, device-specific
accounts when there isn't a compelling reason to use the same account
across devices. This is mostly to limit the damage if my phone is stolen
*and* the password manager (I use KeePass variants) is somehow broken into.

Malware apps aren't very high on my list of threats, and I firewall the
password app itself. I suppose something could traverse the filesystem,
look for password databases and exfiltrate them, but the number of
cycles they'd have to burn to crack more than a few databases puts this
in the realm of targeted attacks.


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Re: [Discuss] A laptop for Linux

2015-06-23 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 06/23/2015 09:03 AM, Ted Roche wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Bill Ricker wrote:
 The enterprise T-series Lenovo had been fine, but I'm hearing the
 latest models that no longer have mice buttons aren't up to the old
 standard. The last of the old enterprise models are still in refurb
 And the new-ish T450 and 550s are just arriving in the refurb
 channels. These have the new and improved buttons that replace the
 all-in-one trackpad that replaced the buttons we all loved.

Can't speak to the T series. Last I had was a T61 that was pretty solid.

I will note though that I've had problems with the X series. Nothing in
the way of days spent dealing with driver issues and kernel recompiles
but sleep/hibernation are finicky and sometimes require a hard reset,
and my work X230 ate through 3 hard drives and 3 LCDs before they
finally gave up fixing it and ordered me a new X250. This thing uses an
onboard Intel GPU which is... delicate. Videos that ran fine on older
machines are now flickery, and sometimes it craps out mid-repaint and
all of your windows turn into flat gray blobs until you reboot.

I've run a supported (either current or latest LTS) Ubuntu on all of my
ThinkPads, so it's wasn't a distro switch that caused the issues.

Frankly, I'm disinclined toward Lenovo entirely at this point, but if
anybody knows how much cross-pollination happens between the X and T
lines, that would probably be useful for making a decision on modern T

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Re: [Discuss] cell Network time no longer provided

2015-03-16 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 03/16/2015 09:46 AM, Shirley Márquez Dúlcey wrote:
 CDMA networks (Verizon, Sprint, and their MVNOs) are unlikely to make
 that change because they MUST have accurate time sources available at
 every cell site. Correct operation of the network requires that the
 sites be synchronized within milliseconds, because CDMA does soft
 handoffs as you travel. The network can reassemble partial reception
 from more than one site to piece together your conversation, and that
 requires that the timing be accurate. It's done by having a GPS time
 reference at each site. Since accurate time must be available in any
 case, they might as well continue to provide it to customers.
 T-Mobile, the other major GSM network in the US, still provides network time.

Can confirm that my phone updated to DST on Sprint's network.

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Re: [Discuss] Rekonq doesn't trust my Certificate Authority

2015-03-12 Thread Chris Markiewicz
On 03/12/2015 07:28 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:00:59AM -0400, Bill Horne wrote:
 I've come across an odd problem with Rekonq, and I'm looking for help.

 I have a real SSL certificate for my website, It
 shows, as is expected, a padlock icon when I go to .

 Except when I use Rekonq, and then the KDE browser gives me an
 untrusted error, saying that the root CA certificate is not
 trusted for this use.  Google searches show that it's a known
 problem, but the only pages I found were of suggestions that there
 was a MITM attack in progress or warning against using a self-signed

 I took a screen shot of the deails page: it's at .  All suggestions are welcome,
 and thank you in advance.
 You probably have some certificate chain problems that Rekonq is
 sensitive to.

Yes, specifically, Bill is sending a GeoTrust Global CA cert signed by
a weak (1024-bit) EquiFax CA. He is also not sending the RapidSSL
intermediate cert. So Rekonq could be upset at the broken chain or
possibly the partial chain being untrustworthy.

Replacing your chain with the RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3 cert with
fingerprint 0e34141846e7423d37f20dc0ab06c9bbd843dc24 should resolve
this. (Can be found here:

 You support weak algorithms -- try:
 SSLProtocol -ALL +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2
 SSLCompression off
 With RC4, you have some weakness, but without RC4, you'll lose a 
 lot of older browsers. In a year or three you can probably drop
 that, too.

If it's a personal website, I don't see much disadvantage to dropping
these. If somebody complains they can't see it, maybe consider
reenabling RC4, but if you don't need to worry about losing business
from people running XP, there's no need to preemptively weaken.

On sites where I'm interested in making sure friends and family can
connect, this is my suite:


Again, though, I'm interested in personal users who have almost
certainly upgraded machines in the last 5 years, not corporate clients
who may be running early-00's tech.

 And when you renew the cert, you should get SHA2 instead of

Bill's is SHA2. It's the chain that's not.
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