Re: [jQuery] n related select boxes

2007-03-26 Thread David Duymelinck
Andy Matthews schreef:
 Does anyone have some jQuery code for n-related select boxes that they 
 might be willing to share? I'm going to Google and check the plugin 
 page now, but wanted to ask on the list as well.
do you mean a table of boxes? I did it with id arrays but it's not very 
elegant or light code. i meant to clean it up and make it into a plugin 

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Plugin released: textify. PROBLEMS UNSOLVED

2007-03-20 Thread David Duymelinck
Abel Tamayo schreef:
 Hi everyone.

 Finally I'm releasing the plugin I've been so busy developing in the 
 last month. Textify (see homepage) 
 It's a function that transforms a regular iFrame element into a text 
 editor and I hope it will serve everyone who needs it well. Think of 
 all the possibilities: email applications, blog, forums, maybe chats...

 Nice plugin but is it possible to bind it to an input field or a 
textarea? Without javascript the iframe has no function on the page. I 
think the easiest way to do this is to check if the tag is an iframe, if 
it's not get the dimensions of the element and replace it with an iframe.

I don't know if it would add much code to the plugin but it would 
degrade nicer. I'm just thinking aloud.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Creating a visible link to show and unhide content.

2007-03-14 Thread David Duymelinck
[-Stash-] schreef:
   $(document).ready(function () {
 $('').click(function() {

i think you look for something like this

   // create link and hide spoiler
// toggle the spoilers
   function(){ $(this).next('.spoiler').show(); },
   function(){ $(this).next('.spoiler').hide(); }

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Get text from selected dropdown option

2007-03-07 Thread David Duymelinck
I thought this was easy because it's easy to get the selected value from 
a dropdown but i ended up doing something like this


Is there another way to get the text?

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Get text from selected dropdown option

2007-03-07 Thread David Duymelinck
Klaus Hartl schreef:
 I can only imagine to make that a little shorter:

 $('#dropdown').change(function() {
  $.log( $('option:selected', this).text() );

A little is good enough for me :) thank you

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Plugin: jdMenu 1.3.beta2

2007-03-07 Thread David Duymelinck
Jonathan Sharp schreef:
 Yep that is correct. Since the javascript just adds the behavior, the 
 plugin is search engine friendly!

I think Bruce got confused by the demo page where there are different 
menu parts that don't work without javascript so they will be added by 
javascript and you have menu parts with links that are working without 
javascript but nested links can't be reached because they are styled 
only for the javascript menu. Shouldn't there by a setting you could let 
your plugin work for a mixed menu ?

If you want i will set up an example this evening.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Announce: Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery andsymfony

2007-03-02 Thread David Duymelinck
François Zaninotto schreef:
 Yes, that is exactly that. All calls to UJS helpers feed a buffer and the
 code doesn't appear directly in the page. But the page includes a JavaScript
 file, in which the buffered code is written. Therefore, all code included in
 a UJS call is separated from the content, even if, for the developer, it
 appears inside the template code.


 -Message d'origine-
 part de John Resig
 Envoyé : vendredi 2 mars 2007 09:17
 À : jQuery Discussion.
 Objet : Re: [jQuery] Announce: Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery andsymfony

 David -

 I think the catch was the very last item that was mentioned on the
 page: Grouping all inline JS snippets into a single file. That's what
 makes the plugin all worth it.

That is great, thanks for having patients with me. it wasn't clear to me 
how it all comes together.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Manipulating several independent elements at once

2007-03-01 Thread David Duymelinck
Bernd Matzner schreef:

 is there a way to manipulate different selectors in one step?


 I.e. I don't want to replicate the show() part three times, but sort
 of group the #a, #b, #e selectors. Of course, this is an example, I
 need a general method of achieving this.

just use a comma separated string

$('#a, #b, #e').show();

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Announce: Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery andsymfony

2007-03-01 Thread David Duymelinck
François Zaninotto schreef:

 What you ask is exactly what the plugin does. Take a look at the blog post
 explaining how you can use it to replace obtrusive javascript at:

It's my mistake, I got it now you can write obtrusive but you have an 
helper to create unobtrusive javascript. Now i'm wondering is there a 
place for that helper in the plugin? It can be the cause for confusion 
and i'm example one :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jqModal r7 release!

2007-03-01 Thread David Duymelinck
Brice Burgess schreef:
 Ladies and Gentleman of the jQuery,

   ...errr, more so the Gentleman...

 I am happy to bring you jqModal r7, codenamed listen. R7 is a major 
 feature enhancer, and brings about some API changes and parameter 
 reduction. I recommend upgrading  porting your existing code to the new 
 version... well worth the added flexibility // maintaining support.

It's aready r9 but the plugin stays the same :)

I finally got around to use the plugin but i had a problem with the 
(function($){})(jQuery); code, in firebug i got the error: is not a 
function. When i replaced the internal $ with jQuery the plugin works 
like it should.

The way i use javascript is to combine the plugins and the actual code 
for the site in one javascript file.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jqModal r7 release!

2007-03-01 Thread David Duymelinck
Brice Burgess schreef:
 Are you compressing (JS compressor, not gzip output) the combined 
 javascript output? I've played with similar techniques, and found 
 compressors and the capsulated function don't play well.
No i didn't use any compression method but i do use it in an 
page maybe that is the problem? I haven't figured out yet how to avoid 
default javascript behavior.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Announce: Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery and symfony

2007-02-28 Thread David Duymelinck
François Zaninotto schreef:
 Hi list,
 I just pop in to mention a new plugin for the symfony framework 
 ( that uses jQuery to implement 
 unobtrusive scripting. It's still in its infancy, but it takes the 
 best of the jQuery syntax concision and provides useful tools for 
 interface developers who worry about accessibility.
 The plugin description is available at:
I took a look at the demo's on the plugin page and the first thing i 
noticed was the use of the onclick event. My idea of unobtrusive 
scripting is to strip as much javascript as possible out of the html code.

wouldn't it be possible to do something like this

?php UJS_Placeholder(); ?
div id=foobarclick me/div

?php UJS_add_behaviour('#foobar', 'click', alert('foobar')) ?

and render it like this

script type=javascript

$('#foobar').click(function() { alert('foobar') });

div id=foobarclick me/div


i'm just thinking aloud. It could also be good to cache the javascript 
like this
?php UJS_Placeholder('/js/testpage.js'); ?

Anyway nice work. I feels good to see jquery hooked into php, before we 
know it will be the prototype library of php :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] ANNOUNCE: Thickbox Reloaded alpha

2007-02-27 Thread David Duymelinck
Klaus Hartl schreef:
 * Automatic type detection depending on type of element, respectively on 
 type of link:
  image: href is an image
  content: href is a hash
  ajax: href is internal and not image
  iframe: href is external and not image
  confirm: element is form
Is it possible to bind the confirm to the button and not to the form, 
that way there can be different confirms for a form. I'm thinking about 
a datagrid with two delete buttons, one to delete a row and one to 
delete all the data.

Nice work so far, looking forward to the final release.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] ANNOUNCE: Thickbox Reloaded alpha

2007-02-27 Thread David Duymelinck
Klaus Hartl schreef:
 David Duymelinck schrieb:
 Klaus Hartl schreef:
 * Automatic type detection depending on type of element, respectively on 
 type of link:
  image: href is an image
  content: href is a hash
  ajax: href is internal and not image
  iframe: href is external and not image
  confirm: element is form
 Is it possible to bind the confirm to the button and not to the form, 
 that way there can be different confirms for a form. I'm thinking about 
 a datagrid with two delete buttons, one to delete a row and one to 
 delete all the data.

 Thats not really possible, because you can always submit a form by 
 hitting enter. Besides that it won't degrade graceful, e.g. I'd consider 
 that obtrusive - a button (type button) without JS is useless.

 Can't you just use two forms?
The way i use the buttons in php is by coding different behavior 
according with the button names so they are not useless without JS but 
because of the greater loss of data deleting the datagrid i style the 
confirm box more in your face then the delete row confirm. so i was 
thinking something in the line of

$('#form').thickbox({confirms: ['#deletedate': '#confirmdeletedata', 
'button.deleterow': '#confrimdeleterow']});

it is just something i was wondering about when i saw the demo i don't 
know if it's a useful extension of the code for others. Another use may 
be a submit and a reset button.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Progress Bar Plugin

2007-02-26 Thread David Duymelinck
mrcarxpert schreef:
 As promised I'm slowly releasing my jQuery based code for public consumption. 
 This is more css than anything else, but it does use jQuery.  This is
 something I just came up with one night and have yet to use it in a project,
 so it is basically untested.  It appears to work in FF2 and IE7.  

 I have made the source code and examples available at 

 Please let me know if you have any problems with this especially those on
 other platforms.  Feedback is welcomed! 

When i tested the demo in FF1.5 on xp i noticed the content of the page 
jumped a bit down. it only happens when the page is loaded for the first 

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jqModal r7 release!

2007-02-22 Thread David Duymelinck
Brice Burgess schreef:
 Ladies and Gentleman of the jQuery,

   ...errr, more so the Gentleman...

 I am happy to bring you jqModal r7, codenamed listen. R7 is a major 
 feature enhancer, and brings about some API changes and parameter 
 reduction. I recommend upgrading  porting your existing code to the new 
 version... well worth the added flexibility // maintaining support.

 Plugin Page;

 I've updated the examples, and included a demonstration on overriding 
 alert() + confirm() dialogs.

 Here's what has changed;

   +  Added $.jqmShow, $.jqmHide to manually hide/show dialogs
   +  Added $.jqmAddTrigger and $.jqmAddClose to bind show/hide to elements
   +  Added onLoad callback (called after ajax return)
   +  Added support for handling multiple dialogs @ once across ALL functions
   -  Removed auto-fire parameter, replaced via $(e).jqm().jqmShow()
   -  Removed $.jqmClose()
   -  Removed wrapClass parameter, updated base CSS
   *  CSS z-index value takes priority over zIndex parameter
   *  Triggers can hide, show, or hide AND show jqModals
   *  Overlays+IE6 iframe are now fixed positioned - support for ie6 
 quirks + standards mode
   *  Internal Improvements, no event data

 Well, I guess we now have the EXT widgets to look forward to :) .. but 
 the good news is that I was able to accomplish all these changes in  
 120 bytes -- so we're still looking at a  3k full featured dialog plugin.


 ~ Brice

 jQuery mailing list

may i say wow :)

At first the hourglass cursor threw me off with the modal example but 
it's a nice find to show the underlying page is inaccessable.

And your code still looks so clean. even the css is clearner than before 
or is it just my imagination.

Nice work.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Hide/show question with dl/dt/dd

2007-02-20 Thread David Duymelinck
Bruce MacKay schreef:
 Hi folks,

 I have a simple faq application with the question within a dt tag and 
 the corresponding answer within a dd tag.

 I had hoped that my onload code of:


you don't need parent if the you want the following dd element

function(){$(this).next('dd').slideToggle(500);return false;});

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] tables - is this possible ?

2007-02-19 Thread David Duymelinck
ronaldo schreef:
 Hi all,

 I have pretty basic js  jquery skills so need some input on whether this is
 With some code, would i be able to scan the html page for a table/table
 tag; and create an excel file based on the table data ?

 if so, whats the correct syntax to loop through td?

 The main advantage for this would be speed and bandwith, as it'll save me
 making a call to the database.



The none jquery question would be: isn't it possible to fetch your data 
to a variable or an object and output that as html and make an excel 
file? this will not fatten your javascript code which needs to be 
downloaded too.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] CSS: Wasteful requests when switching input image

2007-02-16 Thread David Duymelinck
Brice Burgess schreef:
 Regarding; input type=image src=a.gif /

 Using Firebug's (FF 2) net monitoring,  I noticed that every time I 
 switched the src of an input image it would request the new src image 
 from HTTP. FF simply does not cache these images. This is kind of 
 annoying because it can waste a lot of bandwith or slow the user 
 experience down --  especially when involving a lot of hovers, or 
 frequent hover overs such as the close button of a modal window.

 I noticed this while looking @ the close button of jqModal. You can see 
 a demonstration @ the jqModal page, or better yet, see;

 The w3schools uses a background change on a text input, while jqModal 
 changes the src of an image input. The reasons for the input is that it 
 takes the focus() event, and allows you to tab into it. Regardless of 
 the method.. I was able to rack up 103kb by moving my mouse back  
 fourth for 10 seconds in the w3schools example. Not major.. but NOT 

 So.. here is my way around this -- which I'll work into jqModal examples 
 once I get some feedback on it. Vs. changing the source, I inline both 
 versions of the input (the over  the out), alternating their 
 display value.

 input type=image src=close.gif class=jqmOut /
 input type=image src=close_hover.gif class=jqmOver hidden /


 script type=text/javascript
 $().ready(function() {

 $(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOver').show();  $})
 .focus(function(){ var 
 f=$(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOver').show()[0]; f.hideFocus=true; 
 f.focus(); });

 $(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOut').show();  $})
 .blur(function(){ $(this).hide().siblings('input.jqmOut').show(); });

 (( the hideFocus() is for aesthetic purposes involving IE ))

 Anyhow.. does anyone have any thoughts on this topic? Or can this be 
 improved upon?


 ~ Brice  (another one of those 3am posts... ;) )

 jQuery mailing list

I saw a css technique where the initial and the mouseover image where 
one image and they swiched them with by showing only that part of the 
picture that was needed.
I can't find it back right now but i think it was on a list apart.

i got an article here :

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Creating Custom Show/Hide system

2007-02-02 Thread David Duymelinck
Mark Harwood schreef:
 Im trying to get my head around jQuery again, this time im wanting to 
 create a simple show hide system.

 I have a simple UL base menu and a couple of SPANs within a DIV which i 
 wish to show/hide depending on which link is clicked.

 Im unsure as to the best way of creating a custom function for doing so, 
 i wish to pass thru the ID of the div i want to show and then hide any 
 others that are shown, similar to the accordion plugin.

 Anyone able to help?

simplest way i can think of is giving all the divs a class and then you 
could use

   // to catch the id of the div
   // to hide and show

i'm not sure if $('div.class').not(this).hide() would work too?

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] image position question

2007-01-22 Thread David Duymelinck
Stephen Woodbridge schreef:

 div id=mymap style=overflow: hidden; height:300; width:300;
   img class=map style=z-index: 10; /
   img class=cross style=z-index: 100; /

in css to position one image on top of another you best use absolute 
positioning but if you want to position it only to its parent element 
you have to set it to relative. the default static position doesn't 
cascade child element positioning.

div style=position:relative
img style=position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index: 10;
img style=position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index: 100;

Now you can use jQuery to change the z-index to make a roll-over image.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Interface 1.1

2007-01-15 Thread David Duymelinck
Stefan Petre schreef:

 Paul and I, with help from many jQuery developers, put together a new 
 release of Interface. It has a number of new features, new plugins, 
 speed improvements, nice demos, 
great to see all those cool interface plugins you posted here are in the 
new release and i don't remember the sortables had so many options.  :)
 and improved documentation (there's 
 still a lot to improve there). If you would like to learn more about the 
 1.1 release of Interface, check out our brand-new news section as well 
 as the updated changelog!.

a few problems with the new site:

When i opened the site in FF2 on windows i got the warning to stop the 
script because it wasn't responding.

If you click on documentation you don't get directed to the docs page it 
only opens the extended menu. I noticed it because i clicked on one of 
the items and when i hit the back button i got back to the demo page. 
Maybe i'm too picky but all other menu items direct you to a page.

Still very nice work on the interface plugin.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Look Ma no IMG-tag - FaviconLinkMarker Beta3 out

2007-01-12 Thread David Duymelinck
Olaf Bosch schreef:
 David Duymelinck schrieb:

 What about this?

 With the #text a links your own links don't show the favicon in FF2 and IE7

 :) it's a feature, no Favicon with *intern* links, this Script is for 
 external Links
 The last 2 Links are to my domain, for testing, and href=../

 and this all automatic.

 Thank you for your Feedback.

Ok i will stop posting at the end of the day :) anyway nice plugin in, i 
like it better then showing an icon that users can interpret differently 
but what happens if a site doesnt have a favicon? If i look at your 
code nothing will happen. maybe you could add  an option to display a 
default icon.  I don't know how you could check if an emoticon exists or 
I think it should check the title attribute so it's not nessesary to add 
a title through javascript.

My shot at the plugin :

jQuery.fn.favicon = function (settings) {
   settings = jQuery.extend({
 place: right
  }, settings);
return this.each(function() {
 var hoststring = /^http:/;
 var hrefvalue = this.getAttribute(href);
 if ( != -1) {
   var domain = this.hostname;
   if (domain != document.location.hostname) {
 if(jQuery(this).attr(title) == ){
jQuery(this).attr({ title: +titletxt+ +hrefvalue+ })
var cuesrc = http://+domain+/favicon.ico;;
   background: transparent url(+cuesrc+) no-repeat center,
   padding-right: 19px,
   white-space: nowrap});


David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] mousewheel plugin updated

2007-01-11 Thread David Duymelinck
Brandon Aaron schreef:
 Test page:
I tested the page on FF2 and i didn't see the log frame.

In IE7 tests 6 and 7 fail their limitation. They both show movement up 
and down.

Nice work. I didn't know it could get the speed of the movement but i 
haven't used it yet. I already made it into a game to get the highest 
movement (24.975) :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Simple(ish?) bring to top method

2007-01-11 Thread David Duymelinck

 onStop : function() {

 On 1/9/07, *Su* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got something I'm building wherein several boxes will be
 draggable. What I'd like to do is have a function that can be
 called when dragging stops(Interface onStop), or just when a box
 is clicked that would bring it to the top of the stack via the

 Of course, the writers of the CSS spec didn't think to just
 provide a top value, so this isn't directly possible.
 I tried something like just:

 onStop : function() {

I believe you have to use zIndex. You have to search the previous 
threads. It's been discussed before.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1a

2007-01-08 Thread David Duymelinck
Klaus Hartl schreef:
 David Duymelinck schrieb:
 Klaus Hartl schreef:
 Performming .click(), .blur(), .focus(), .submit()
 will actually trigger the browsers default action
 for those events.
 Oh no... is there a way to prevent this?

 -- Klaus
 If you want the 1.0.x behaviour you have to use .bind(). I don't know 
 how the compatibility plugin will deal those functions.

 You mean trigger()? bind() will simply attach the event...

 -- Klaus
I taught that was what you meant by preventing the triggering of the 
.click(), .blur(), .focus(), .submit() functions. I'm sorry if i 
misunderstood your question.
only the argumentless functions trigger the default action.  i read 
further and .click(fn)  will also attach the event. to prevent it you 
can use a function with event.preventDefault(); i guess.

it's a bit of a search trying to get used to the new behaviour of the 
functions :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Smooth page scrolling between internal anchors

2007-01-08 Thread David Duymelinck
[-Stash-] schreef:
 Code snippet:
 $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]#]').each(function(i){
 return false;
That is the scrollto function of the interface plugin: you can download it there too.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Smooth page scrolling between internal anchors

2007-01-08 Thread David Duymelinck
Stefan Petre schreef:
 I made this a plugin. $(document).ScrollToAnchors(500);

 This will make all the a href=#anchor to animate to the element. Will be 
 released when jQuery 1.1 is released.
Nice. but wouldn't it be better  to use  a name=anchor? Anchors don't 
need href .

Are there more changes in the to be released interface? or do you keep 
them under the hat to surprise everybody :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Smooth page scrolling between internal anchors

2007-01-08 Thread David Duymelinck

 [-Stash-] schreef:
 Code snippet:
 $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]#]').each(function(i){
 return false;
i think you have to do

$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]#]').each(function(i){
if($(this).next('[EMAIL PROTECTED]#]').size() == 1){ // check if there is a 
innerlink further on the page
return false;
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]#]')[0].ScrollTo(2000); // go to the first innerlink
return false;

i don't know if it works but it can be a step in the right direction

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Auto scrolling the page to a specific point - like anchor links with animation

2006-12-28 Thread David Duymelinck
Andy Matthews schreef:
 I've seen some sites (not sure if they're jQuery powered or not) that have a
 page scroll triggered where the window auto-scrolls down to a certain point
 on the page. Sort of link using an anchor link, but you can actually see the
 page moving.
it's a part of the interface plugin. scrollto it the name of the function

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Auto scrolling the page to a specific point - like anchor links with animation

2006-12-28 Thread David Duymelinck
Andy Matthews schreef:

 I've downloaded the ifxscroll.js file and I've set it up after the call to
 jQuery.js in my code. I've got this line:


 And it's giving me this error:

 jQuery.iUtil is null or not an object.

iutil is a different js file. most of the functions of interface rely on 
it to get things like height, width, ...

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] googlemaps plugin with IE ?

2006-12-28 Thread David Duymelinck
vince schreef:

 locations.forEach seems to cause problems with IE...
 Is there a workaround ?

 thanks in advance
maybe this can help,guid,c2d0f53f-afc7-4831-b60e-f4354ae3f7fa.aspx

mozilla is a few versions of javascript ahead of IE, it works in 
javascript 1.6. so you can pray IE will adopt it soon :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] googlemaps plugin with IE ?

2006-12-28 Thread David Duymelinck
vince schreef:
 thanks for the link ...
 But i wonder how i can rewrite the code with this ForEach function.. it's
 not the same syntax ? sorry but i'm not very good with javascript.

 here is the code :

 link = ' # '' br /';

if think if you use

function ForEach(array, fn)
  for (var n = 0; n  array.length; n++)

you have to rewrite it like this

ForEach(locations,function(element, index, array) {
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(element.latitude,
element.longitude), {title:});
GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
marker.openInfoWindowHtml('Name: ''br /Latitude:
'+element.latitude+'br /Longitude: '+element.longitude+'');   

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Removing Parent Node

2006-12-26 Thread David Duymelinck
Mohsen Saboorian schreef:
 Naturally it doesn't work :)

 if($(this).is(span.a)) would never be true, since this is refering
 to the parent node of span.a.

It was too easy to be true :) I thought because it was in an each loop 
this referred to the elements caught by the parent function because it's 
possible to get the text out the different tags and put it into the 

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Removing Parent Node

2006-12-25 Thread David Duymelinck
Mohsen Saboorian schreef:
 Thanks Jake, but unfortunately it does't fix my problem.The parent node might 
 have other children which should not be changed, e.g.
 span  babc/b span class=aefgh/span iijkl/i/span
 should be changed to:
 span  babc efgh iijkl/i/span
 On 12/26/06, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: try: 
 $(span.a).parent().each(function() {   
   var t = $(this).text() 
 $(this).html(t) })

i don't know if it works but try

$(span.a).parent().each(function() {
  var t = $(this).text();

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] a tablesorter library

2006-12-22 Thread David Duymelinck maybe some inspiration for 
the tabelsorter plugin guys ;)

There are some nice examples on the example page.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jquery session handling versus PHP

2006-12-20 Thread David Duymelinck
Juha Suni schreef:
 David Duymelinck wrote:
 Putting post data in a session isn't a good choice because cookies and
 sessioncookies have a limited file size.

 Ermm... the session data is not stored in the cookie (thank god). Therefore 
 filesize for regular POST-requests should not be a problem.

 Storing huge amounts of data in the session file is totally possible, 
 although mostly not recommended. You might get a big performance hit. 
 Termporarily storing a few kB's of POST data is not a problem at all, 

 I've seen programming leakage that resulted in session files of several 
 megabytes, causing some minor slowdowns, but still functioning 100%.

 Sessions are incredibly handy and powerful, if used correctly. I'm not 
 recommending dumping all your data there, but you shouldn't avoid storing 
 some stuff for the duration of the session. That's what they were built for.

 And as suggested earlier, it's better to keep your auth data in the session. 
 Permanent cookie is ok for picking a theme though.

Ok i didn't know that. thank you for correcting me.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jquery session handling versus PHP

2006-12-19 Thread David Duymelinck
Kim Johnson schreef:
 Thanks to all three of you for the responses :)

 To explain a bit more about the extent of how I use
 the sessions, the majority of why I use them is to
 restrict access to certain areas. I have varying
 levels of permissions on each user account, and do the
 usual check if they are logged in on each page
 scenario. In addition I allow selecting a permanent
 skin choice, which I put into a session variable that
 expires a zillion years in the future. There are a few
 other optional flags that I need to know about on each
 page, per user/session, for similar skin-type reasons
 -- things that they have chosen not to see, how to see
 it, etc. 

 I've also sometimes passed an object as a session
 variable because I didn't want to have to deal with
 the $_POST array, but that could very well be a
 terrible coding choice. 

 Given those exact things, do you three (or anyone
 else) have an opinion on which would be better in php
 or jquery? The auth, at least, will need to be almost

the logged in variable is best stored in a session variable, the same 
with level of permission. It's also good practice to not only identify 
the user by sessionid. Sessionid's can be hijacked.

the permanent skin data is best stored in a non expiring cookie. If you 
put it in a session and you have a lot of users you are going to have a 
large sessioncookie directory because of the permanent sessioncookie.

If there are a lot of flags  put them in a  database or alternatively 
you can put them in a per user json file.  

Putting post data in a session isn't a good choice because cookies and 
sessioncookies have a limited file size. If you want to use $_POST i 
suggest you write a function for it and use global variables for them, 
$postFormnameInputname could be a way to identify them. Post data 
shouldn't live longer than  needed for database manipulation or form 
redirecting if an error has occurred. You could also create a second 
cookie to hold the form data but i've never done that.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Disabling a tags

2006-12-12 Thread David Duymelinck
Sam Collett schreef:
 That prevents the link being followed, but still keeps the href the
 same (incase you want to enable it again). Also, I think it is better
 performance wise to use '#myid' rather than 'div#myid'
I thought div#myid was less generic than #myid so that the performance 
would improve using something like that. #myid could match a form, a div 
or some other tag you apply the id to.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery is now on!!!

2006-12-12 Thread David Duymelinck

 manalang wrote:
 FYI -- for all those that know about, jQuery
 (ver 1.0.3) is now available on their site.

 If you don't see it under the AJAX and Frameworks section, you may need
 refresh your browser cache.

for the ones that don't really like the common interface there is

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] modalContent Plugin 0.7

2006-12-01 Thread David Duymelinck
Gavin M. Roy schreef:
 The file size (6.2K) is based upon heavy whitespace and comments.  I'm 
 working on a comment-less version to cut down on file size and will 
 offer both on the page.

You could reduce the code by using switch instead of all those if/else 
statements. for example

// Apply our css and positioning, then show
  if ( animation == 'fade' )
$('#modalBackdrop').top(wt).css(css).height(winHeight + 
'px').width(winWidth + 'px').show(); + 'px').left(mdcLeft + 'px').fadeIn(speed);
  } else {
if ( animation == 'slide' )
  $('#modalBackdrop').top(wt).css(css).height(winHeight + 
'px').width(winWidth + 'px').show();
  modalContent.hide().top(mdcTop + 'px').left(mdcLeft + 
} else {
  if ( animation == 'show')
$('#modalBackdrop').top(wt).css(css).height(winHeight + 
'px').width(winWidth + 'px').show(); + 'px').left(mdcLeft + 'px').show();

change to

   case 'fade':
$('#modalBackdrop').top(wt).css(css).height(winHeight + 
'px').width(winWidth + 'px').show(); + 'px').left(mdcLeft + 'px').fadeIn(speed);
   case 'slide':
$('#modalBackdrop').top(wt).css(css).height(winHeight + 
'px').width(winWidth + 'px').show();
  modalContent.hide().top(mdcTop + 'px').left(mdcLeft + 
   case 'show': 
$('#modalBackdrop').top(wt).css(css).height(winHeight + 
'px').width(winWidth + 'px').show(); + 'px').left(mdcLeft + 'px').show();

It also makes the code easier to read and manipulate ;)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] highlight table column on hover

2006-10-30 Thread David Duymelinck
Jez McKean schreef:
 Hi all,
 has anyone made this as (part of) a plugin?
Just use the hover function, there is no plugin needed.


David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] highlight table column on hover

2006-10-30 Thread David Duymelinck
David Duymelinck schreef:
 Jez McKean schreef:
 Hi all,
 has anyone made this as (part of) a plugin?
 Just use the hover function, there is no plugin needed.

I should read the subject before answering, the hover won't do :)

But check
for column highlighting

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Enhanced jQuery Events Module

2006-10-27 Thread David Duymelinck
Blair Mitchelmore schreef:
 I was saddened and chagrined to discover that the event system didn't 
 have additional arbitrary arguments as I thought it did and so I wrote 
 them in. I modified the event system very slightly to allow for both 
 additional arguments and scope modification (two features of the Yahoo 
 Event Utility I always thought were very useful when I developed with 
 it). I have my typical level of documentation (read: as little as I can 
 manage) at the demo page I set up ( ). 
 It was a pretty simple rewrite and hopefully it will be of use to someone.
I liked what i saw but can you explain why you need to set the variable 


David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Height overwrite

2006-10-27 Thread David Duymelinck
Olaf Bosch schreef:
 Hello @ all,
 this works not for me, what to do?

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-latest.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
   var THeight = $(textarea).height();
   var Diff = 40;
   NHeight = (THeight + Diff);
   NHeight = (NHeight+px)
   alert (NHeight);
 a href=# class=resizehöher/a

 NHeight is set the correct Height, see alert, the CSS works not :(

have you tried $('textarea').css(height,NHeight).slideDown('slow');

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Height overwrite

2006-10-27 Thread David Duymelinck
Olaf Bosch schreef:
 Hello @ all,
 this works not for me, what to do?

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-latest.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
   var THeight = $(textarea).height();
   var Diff = 40;
   NHeight = (THeight + Diff);
   NHeight = (NHeight+px)
   alert (NHeight);
 a href=# class=resizehöher/a

 NHeight is set the correct Height, see alert, the CSS works not :(

I think you got the solution :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] How to cache jQuery

2006-10-26 Thread David Duymelinck
Truppe Steven schreef:

 i use jQuery on multiple pages of my site so it would be nice to make
 sure that this file is only loaded once and not on every menu change. Is
 there a cross-browser way (for jQuery supported browsers) to cache the
 file and make it load only once ?

Maybe a solution that is to simple to be the one you want: isn't it 
possible to load every page in a master page then you can put jquery.js 
in the masterpage.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Off topic : javascript css

2006-10-23 Thread David Duymelinck
Thank you all for the response, I'll try to mold all the information in 
an article.

To summarize the thread:

- use document.writeln( 'link rel=stylesheet href=jquery.css 
type=text/css media=screen' ); to import javascript css file
- style all essential css in the plugin/general javascript code.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] load(),get(),post() params issue

2006-10-20 Thread David Duymelinck
Miel Soeterbroek schreef:


 Consider the following two pieces of code:

 function someFunction() {

 var params = {

 name: ‘John’,

 surname: ‘Doe’


 $.post(‘save.html’, params, function(data) {




 This works just fine…

 The following piece of code doesn’t:

 function someFunction() {

 var params = new Array():

 params[‘name’] = ‘John’;

 params[‘surname’] = ‘Doe’;

 $.post(‘save.html’, params, function(data) {




The common way to do this with jquery plugins is

function(options) {
   var settings = jQuery.extend({
 name: 'John',
 surname: 'Doe'
   }, options || {});
  $.post(‘save.html’,settings, function(data){ alert(data);});


David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Checking select option has class?

2006-10-19 Thread David Duymelinck
Luc Pestille schreef:
   // add class to change colour
change to 


This seems to be a common mistake. Maybe on one of the learning sites or on the 
documentation page of there should be a list of common mistakes 
found in the mailing list to guide newcomers and even 'veterans' :). 

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Selectors [EMAIL PROTECTED]|=val] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Have they been removed?

2006-10-19 Thread David Duymelinck
Choan C. Gálvez schreef:
 On 10/18/06, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I don't doubt that people use the lang attribute as intended
 (considering that I've never made a non-english site) - however,
 there's certainly never been a need for the ~=  selector - which is
 only remotely useful with lang-related attributes.

 But the class name isn't the only attribute which accepts
 space-separated values. There's the `%linkTypes;` [1] value type, used
 in `rel` and `rev` attributes.

 I can see a use for the `~=` selector in matching XFN [2] marked up links.

 It could be useful too when using custom XML.

John is right about the lang attribute. There is no point of having 
multiple languages in the the same lang attribute. I dove in middle 
disscusion without reading the whole thread, that was my mistake.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Selectors [EMAIL PROTECTED]|=val] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Have they been removed?

2006-10-18 Thread David Duymelinck
John Resig schreef:
  Honestly, I've never seen anyone use
 the lang attribute - let alone have a need to select it using a CSS
 selector. Hence the reason for removing it.
I've used the lang attribute of the html tag to extract the right 
language for the links in a  multilingual top level navigation. This is 
the code i use

var currentLang = $(html).eq(0).attr(lang);

I change the lang attribute with php. by doing that the site is also 
semantically correct. we have three languages here so everything i do 
has to be at least  multiple language ready.

Some people use the things you least expect :)

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-17 Thread David Duymelinck

 Why not just .request(method, options) or .http()
I like the thought of request to replace the load, get, post functions. 
The ajax prefix is to narrow of a definition on what you can do with 
that function. In my eyes it also refers to the xmlhttpRequest object.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Tabs plugin - back button

2006-10-17 Thread David Duymelinck
Sam Collett schreef:

 Have you thought about separating out the history handling into a
 plugin? It may prove useful for many other jQuery developers.

There already a history handling  plugin : But it only handles 
ajax calls. Maybe Klaus' code could be merged with that plugin?

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Variable from PHP to Jquery

2006-10-16 Thread David Duymelinck
Olaf schreef:
 Oh, i stupid
 This works great :)

 script type=text/javascript
 $('#menu-layer0').tabs({on: $layer});
It's a bit scary to see it like that. If you are going to mix two 
programming languages try to seperate them visualy. It will save you 
much debugging time if you look at that same code  months later.

 $('#menu-layer0').tabs({on: ?php echo $layer; ?});

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] new plugin : texrep

2006-10-16 Thread David Duymelinck
Andrea Ca'Zorzi schreef:
 I'm sure I'm missing something, but why do you need the hardcoded baseurl?

from experience i know things can go wrong if you don't hard code your 
baseurls that why i added that.

you could use baseurl = '/'; if you want to or just strip that part of 
the code :)  but then you also have to remove it from the image creation 

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] mp3player plugin

2006-10-10 Thread David Duymelinck
I did send a link yesterday evening but i think it got lost in space :)

I will add some examples later today.

My main to do things are optimizing the code  by reusing the flash 
object string and check if the flash object can be styled with the style 
attribute alone.

Rafael Santos schreef:
 pls show us the docs and the source again, i havent tagged it on 
 delicious yet.. =)
 and there may have new ppl on the list who would like to have it on 
 their gmail account.. hehehe

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] animate problem

2006-10-10 Thread David Duymelinck
Klaus Hartl schreef

 I ran into the same problem with the tabs plugin. The original object is 
 modified for the animation, so as a workaround I copy the object each 
 time before passing it to animate:

 $.fn.test = function(options){
  var anihide = $.extend({}, options.anihide); // copy object
  var anishow = $.extend({}, options.anishow);
  var anitime = options.anitime;
 anitime).end().animate(anishow, anitime);

 Jörn has already filed a ticket for this:

 -- Klaus

 jQuery mailing list

i was also thinking about copying the object but in a more basic version :)

 var anihide = options.anihide;
 var anihide2 = anihide;
anitime).end().animate(anishow, anitime);

But that didn't work and i regret to say your workaround didn't work either. :( 

I downloaded the uncompressed jquery and according to firebug the error is 
situated in lines 91, 344, 979, 1350, 1359, 1370 and 1380. But that is after 
the anihide object is set to true so i don't know if it's useful information.

If i find another way to avoid this i will let you know.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] input and textarea field resizing

2006-10-03 Thread David Duymelinck
Brian Litzinger schreef:
 I ran across a plugin that would automatically expand an input or text area
 field while typing... but I can't seem to find it  now. Anyone know what I'm
 talking about or where its at? Thanks.
I think you are talking about this and the dowload can be 
found at

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Newbie question about document ready statement

2006-10-03 Thread David Duymelinck
You can put all your functions inside one  $(document).ready( ); , or 
use the shorthand $(function(){}); , but then you have to be aware that 
ajax generated html will not fire because the page hasn't reloaded.
For ajax generated code you best put your functions outside the 
$(document).ready( ); and call then inside.

Caton, Paul schreef:
 Please forgive what might seem a stupidly basic question but I'm new to
 jQuery and the tutorials/API doc have not made the answer clear to me:

 Should you use a separate 

 // Your code here

 for each function you write, or do you just have one wrapping ready
 statement and put all your functions inside it?


 Paul Caton.

 jQuery mailing list


David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Newbie question about document ready statement

2006-10-03 Thread David Duymelinck

 I personally use a modular approach, since different pages may utilize only a 
 portion of the available functions. My attitude is, why load what isn't used? 
 Of course, YMMV (your mileage may vary).

The approach I take for loading functions is taking a page element id 
that is unique for the website and check if it's there with the size 

if($('#someid').size()  = 1){
   //functions for that page

i don't know if it's the best way but it worked for me so far.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] 'this' can't be used in $('elt').bind('event', function(){}) under IE

2006-09-29 Thread David Duymelinck
Have you tried this :

$('#list_element  ul  li').click(function() {

it's a shortcut for the bind method. Other events are supported also.

Balkanski schreef:
 Hi, the following problem occurred to me under IE. Firefox is dealing OK with
 the code.

 For example :

 $('#list_element  ul  li').bind('click', function() {

 IE throws a JS error

 I think that under IE 'this' is not recognized as the object just being
 If we have in the body of the function - alert(this.tagName) - 
 FF - alerts 'LI'
 IE - alerts 'undefined'

 I'll be very grateful for any sugestions and solutions, thanks in advance.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Ajax only works once

2006-09-04 Thread David Duymelinck
ivan quintero schreef:
 I have form elements that update an HTML table within a DIV. It's an 
 invoices application and the each detail element (invoice items) on 
 the invoice has a input button with that when clicked on it deletes 
 that item.

 The problem is that it works only once. I click on the button, the 
 item is deleted, the div is updated with the new HTML. But afterwards 
 all of the input buttons that delete the items stop working. I click 
 on them and nothing happens. I have to refresh the web page to get 
 that functionality again.

 Why this behaviour?

The ready function can't read the new formed html because the page 
doesn't reload. You can find more on this in the archives.

The best way, i understood,  is to put all the events and behaviour you 
need in a function outside of the ready function and call that function 
in the ready function and in the callback of the ajax function. I assume 
you use ajax to generate your new html.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] powered mp3 player plugin

2006-08-30 Thread David Duymelinck
Franck Marcia schreef:
 I tested it with IE5.5, IE6, IE7RC1, FF1.5.0.6 and Opera9 and it works
 fine... if you remove object and only keep embed:
Thanks this really did the trick and cut down the code a lot.

I will add a more flexible optional parameter field so that the player 
is adjustable too and checking for the href attribute and if the file is 
an mp3 file.

David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.0

2006-08-28 Thread David Duymelinck
I can help with the Dutch translation.

Roman schreef:
 What languages are currently being translated? I can help to translate 
 to Russian if that interests anyone.

 Realazy XA Chen wrote:
 And I wonder, is our INTERNATIONAL work ready to begin? Which things 
 need to
 translate? I can't wait for it!

 2006/8/26, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'd like to take this opportunity to announce the brand new jQuery
 1.0! A lot of work has gone into this release. A lot of bugs fixed, a
 ton of new features, and a complete overhaul of how the jQuery
 development process is run.

 In reality, this release is so large, it's going to take a couple days
 to release it (this includes a new version of the jQuery web site). So
 bare with us as we make the transition over to full release. There's
 some kinks that'll have to be worked out (namely, finalizing the new
 documentation) but it's all in the pipeline and will be ready within
 the next couple days.

 For now, here are some relevant links to get you started:
 * jQuery 1.0
 * jQuery 1.0 - Compressed
 * API Documentation
 * (Partial) Test Suite

 If you want to build your own copies of jQuery, you can check it out
 of Subversion and build it from the command line. You can get the
 latest jQuery by doing:
   svn co svn://

 There's so much more to come. I'll be doing a post every day this week
 detailing some aspect of jQuery 1.0 along with some screencasts
 demonstrating what you can do with all the new code. Please, if you
 spot any bugs, file them in the bug tracker:
 * Bug Tracker:
 * Submit New Bug:

 I'd like to thank everyone who made this release possible. It's been a
 lot of work, but the journey is only just beginning. I can't wait to
 delve into some of the very exciting advances that we have planned.
 Happy Coding!


 jQuery mailing list



 jQuery mailing list

 jQuery mailing list


David Duymelinck


jQuery mailing list