Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-17 Thread Raffael Luthiger
Klaus Hartl wrote:
 Of course you still have know that you have to pass a function reference 
 of some kind to click() and the like, but if you want to use an API you 
 should get familiar with it by reading the documentation to a certain 
 extend, be it a designer or a programmer. Fortunately jQuery has a 
 pretty good documentation.

In my opinion (as a programmer) the documentation is pretty good. But I 
can understand very well that a designer could have some problems 
getting into the language. I've been reading now the first two tutorials 
again and tried to look at them as a designer. I can imagine very well 
that a designer has some problems to understand them if already in one 
of the first sentences the expression ... we start adding events 
etc... appears. I guess a designer does not know what events are.

The question is, should the 'beginner tutorials' cover only jQuery or JS 
in general as well?

As I said the documentation is good enough for me and I say thank you to 
everyone who wrote something. But I can understand very well if people 
without good programming knowledge have problems getting into jQuery.

-- Raffael

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Best way for storing user preferences?

2006-10-11 Thread Raffael Luthiger

I've seen searching lately for a good way of storing preferences which a 
jQuery script needs later on. The specific information the script needs 
is the starting state of a div element (either open or closed). The 
preferences are stored in a DB and sent from there somehow to the 
browser. The sent and storing part is now the part I am searching for.

After searching around for a while I found several ideas/solutions. But 
none seems to be perfect for me. So I wanted to ask you what is the best 
way to do it:

1) Store the information in an invincible div at the end of the page. 
And then parse this div. E.g:
div id=prefs
var1: value1;
var2: value2;

2) The js-script gets generated each time the page is called. And the 
corresponding vars are set in there.

3) Every time the page is loaded the js-script asks the server for a XML 
(or JSON) file with the preferences in there.

4) Write a XHTML DTD module in order to extend the div element with a 
state-attribute. E.g:
div state=closed

5) More (and better) ideas?

To say is that those pages are often reloaded.

 From my point of view 3) generates to much traffic on the net. 1) is 
just a hack and therefor not really a good solution. I have my jQuery 
scripts already in an external file. This way they can be cached by the 
browser and don't have to be sent every time. So I don't really like 2) 
either. Right now I would go with 4) unless someone has a better idea.

Does anybody have a better solution?


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Best way for storing user preferences?

2006-10-11 Thread Raffael Luthiger
Thanks Gilles, Mark and Luke!

I was thinking about the cookie as well. But the problem I see here that 
a cookie can have in the maximum the size of 4k. It's not that I would 
reach the limit now, but I don't want to run into strange problems as 
soon as the application get larger over time. From this point of view 
Mark's solutions is more flexible. And I can generate those hidden input 
fields when I generate the page as well.

The idea with the classes can get a little bit messy since I already 
have IDs and classes on those divs.

At least I see that nobody would go for my favorite option. So I can 
probably drop it.


Webunity | Gilles van den Hoven wrote:
 Option 3, but save the data you got from the server in a cookie, which 
 you destroy after 1 day or something like that. Each time the user 
 changes the div, a new cookie is set and data is send back to the 
 server. This saves you half in traffic and is the best solution if you 
 ask me.

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Only allow PDF File upload

2006-09-11 Thread Raffael Luthiger

I would like to create a simple file upload form. The whole thing should 
be something like described here:

But I would like to restrict the upload to PDF files. Since I already 
have jQuery running for other purposes I was thinking about using it for 
this as well. (At least for the first stage to check the last three 
letters of the filename. If I am right it is not possible to check the 
MIME type before sending)

My idea is to check the file-input field as soon as the name of the file 
is in there. I am not sure now if I can treat this file-input field like 
a text-input field or if I have to look for something special. If I have 
to treat is special can someone give me more information on how to do it?


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