Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password Masking and Chroma-Hash

2009-08-03 Thread Mark Hines
@Jordan Dobson

I don't see how being color blind would be an issue.

I believe most can still see color but just not the entire spectrum.
They would just end up with a different version colors.

It's not quite that simple. While most of us with colorblindness can still
see color we perceive them differently and have varying levels of ability
to distinguish one color from the next. As someone who is red-green
deficient, the most common deficiency I believe, it's not just that I see a
different version or shade of green. I also have a hard time
distinguishing some reds from some greens because they appear similar to me
(My wife brought two green peppers to me in the store. I said we needed a
red one too. She held up the red one to let me know we were covered).
What's more is that colors with red or green in them (purples look blue,
browns can be red or green, and forget about salmon or fuchsia) can be
problematic (And it's getting worse as I get older). Contrast will certainly
help but doesn't that add another dimension to it? How do you explain this
concept to users? If you can perceive colors do this? If you can't perceive
colors do this?

Given the variations in perception that are only exacerbated by other random
elements such as monitors, tiny swatches (grr) and age (which effects both
perception an acuity) I don't see how this model would be appropriate for
something as critical as logging in.

Mark Hines.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] iRise sues Axure for patent infringement

2008-06-10 Thread Mark Hines
At the end of the day it is going to have to be the responsibility of the
subscriber to avoid these topics. There are simply too many potentially
problematic topics to manage proactively in a practical or foolproof way.
Especially in this environment.

This patent  discussion is a perfect example. The fact that it was an issue
for some members of the community wasn't even understood until it was
probably too late. And as we've seen above accidents also happen. What
process would have prevented that? If having an email in your inbox is
problematic then it would seem that the best way to avoid exposure is to
never receive it. And how do you do that on an open list? Does tagging a
problematic email with a problematic topic tag in the header make it any
better? How many tags will we need? Where does it end? And finally, would
you bet your legal health on my listserv tagging diligence?

If you think liability or exposure is limited to IP or patents, think again.
In my personal experience things as innocuous as unsolicited resumes, job
postings and even current events have been legally problematic topics for
me. In some cases I could reasonably control my exposure in others I had to
make difficult choices, such as unsubscribing from this list for a period of
time. Frankly, it never occurred to me to ask the community to act on my

However, if someone asked me to avoid discussing a topic in an open forum
because it might cause them harm, I probably would as a matter of common
courtesy. On the other hand I would also accept, albeit grumbling under my
breath, someone else's decision not to.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 6:50 AM, Todd Zaki Warfel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This way IxDA doesn't have to get involved and those who want to avoid it
 can avoid it and we all display some professional coutesy.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] iRise sues Axure for patent infringement

2008-06-10 Thread Mark Hines
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Todd Zaki Warfel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, we don't need to tag everything — don't go overboard here and use
 some common sense. This is obviously a sensitive topic and one that would
 warrant such a workaround. So, where does it end? Well, for now it could end
 w/[Patent]. It doesn't need to go further than that for now. Take it case by

All very good points. Perhaps I was overstating it. If this is really about
making someone feel more comfortable about participating or simply raising
awareness then by all means add a rule. My note was directed a little more
towards those who may be at risk than those who would have to implement the
rule since a loosely enforced guideline on an open list that you voluntarily
subscribe to is a pretty thin veil. Andrei offers some sage advice in his
last note:

If you are unaware, simply walk over to your friendly corporate lawyer and
ask them, hey... if you got a moment, could tell me all about this patent
thing and what I should know going forward?

Mark Hines.

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