Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to introduce experience design in high schools?

2009-01-22 Thread Mike Quibuyen
I imagine it would be fun and relevant for current students to perform
an ethnographic study on the new student high school (and middle
school) experience.

They can, from afar and up close, observe new students as they
assimilate into high school. For example, how do they they use maps
and handouts to familiarize themselves with campus layout? Do students
gets lost easily on the first day and how do they recover? What kind
of resources they use to plan their curriculum, and do they work well?
Are important buildings centralized and easy to find? Which campus
officials are the most helpful? To what degree are parents involved in
shaping the high school experience and does it affect their planning
in a positive/negative way?

As the year proceeds, how does new student behavior evolve? Interview
those new students on a bi-weekly basis with questions which can help
evaluate the effectiveness of those previously mentioned maps and
handouts. Observe other behaviors: have certain bathrooms more popular
than others and why? Which resources go unused? At this point, it
might be good for the research students to explain why they're asking
these questions and plug the experience design studies they've been
doing to generate future interest.

After all the fieldwork, you can have the researchers evaluate and
make changes to the maps, handouts, new registration process, etc.
Test them on transfer stuents or on new students who enroll midterm.
Refine and evolve.

This would be very useful in providing the best possible experience
for nervous freshman, while also making current students more
empathetic towards them. The result might be mindblowing (and could be
another study in itself). This idea might have been more timely in
August/September, but I'm sure much of this can be performed now.

Mike Quibuyen

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Public Transportation Experiences

2008-12-06 Thread Mike Quibuyen
I had a great experience using the Emery Go Round system in
Emeryville, CA due to their NextBus real-time tracking implementation,
however their web site can definitely use some work and isn't as
simple or direct as One Bus Away's site. You can retrieve real-time
shuttle status from the bus stop and the web site, and the system
worked great for me while I was there. Take a look:

Btw, let me know if you'd like any thoughts on the LA area MTA and
Metrolink. The public transportation experience is so fun to think
about and dabble in, and I love conjuring up ideas each time I ride.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] what helped most in your career?

2008-03-18 Thread Mike Quibuyen
Experiences + Curiosity: Having many of them. Giving each experience
context by exploring its gamut. Consciously experiencing things I
naturally wouldn't. Questioning everything. Challenging beliefs. Being
wary of product/service idolatry.

Risk: (What I might call) strategically-executed risk and deviance can
be fun and rewarding, and equally deflating. Very necessary in making

Alliances: Finding and creating strategic alliances--necessary to get
things done in certain climates. The process is fun--it's like social

Self-reflection + feedback: Continually evaluating and improving
myself until I croak. Being open to feedback from quality sources.

and most importantly...

Quality of life: Focusing on my own and advocating it for my peers and
colleagues has been the most helpful, most rewarding attitude thus

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