I¹d love to hear people¹s opinion on how closely navigations titles should
match page titles.

E.g. A primary nav might include ³Products | Services | Customer Service |
About Us². These titles need to be short to fit into the space and to make
choosing one easy and strait forward.

Clicking on ³Products² in the navigation would bring you to a page that has
an top heading (H1).

Should that H1 title be exactly the same? E.g ³Products²
Is it OK if it is a little friendlier? E.g ³Our Great Products²
Is it OK if it very different? E.g ³All the great stuff we make²

The copywriter wants page titles to be witty, the search engine guy wants
them to help SEO, and the UX wants them to match to avoid confusion.

What do you think and how important is it to you?


John Romano  |  Web Developer  |  capstrat
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