Tomorrow is the deadline to get your submission in for a
presentation, discussion, activity, or demonstration session at
Interaction 10, to be held in Savannah, Georgia Feb 4-7, 2010.

Sessions selected will receive a complimentary registration to the

Submit your proposals at:

Public Comments & Feedback

We'd love for you to help us review and select the public session
submissions for Interaction 10 by providing your comments against the
submissions. We're excited to let you view and comment on the
submissions so we have a better idea of what type of content you
would like to see. Your comments also allow each proposer to clarify,
tighten, and otherwise improve their submission, so ask questions,
highlight gaps, suggest extensions or changes!

Here's how this will work. You can view all of the submissions and
are free to comment on them. The deadline for final proposals is
September 15, 11:59pm EDT (tomorrow!). Public comments will close
October 1. The proposer can edit and re-submit their proposal until
that date.

Review submission proposals at:

How will sessions be selected?

Selections will be curated by the conference committee using input
from the public opinion. Our goal is a variety of session types, a
variety of new and experienced interaction designers, and a variety
of international voices.

Thank you! See you in Savannah.

Bill DeRouchey
Jennifer Bove
co-chairs Interaction 10
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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