Anyone else use the livescribe pen?  Looks like pretty cool
> > technology.  Is it worth the $$?
> >
> > -eva

Also second Chauncey and and Michael's posts.

I've been using the LiveScribe pen since it first shipped and have been very
happy with it. Personally, note taking in usability tests and meetings had
been problematic. I could never scribble fast enough.

With the pen, I'm able to relax and know that all the audio is being
recorded, plus I always have the option of starting and stopping the
recording. The Pen also syncs what I've recorded with what I'm putting down
on the special LiveScribe paper.

Using a USB connection, you can download the "session" to Livescribe's
software on your computer, where you can listen, edit and see the actual
pages you've written in digital form. The one issue I'm wrestling with is
telling folks you're recording everything. Apparently you're supposed to do
that, but I wonder how much that affects what people say.

It's more than paid for itself IMHO

Mark Hoffman  
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