Re: [IxDA Discuss] The People's Front of Design (was JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote)

2009-03-31 Thread Andy Polaine


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The People's Front of Design (was JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote)

2009-03-31 Thread Jen Randolph
Richard's comments mirror my thoughts exactly, and going off his
point about a coordinated approach...

When it comes to finding work, I don't think forcing everyone under
one job title is the right thing, but it sure would make looking
through job listings a lot easier. User Experience Designers,
Experience Architects, Producers, Information Architects, Interaction
Designers - every recruiter and every organization uses different
words to describe the same job, so it ends up that we job hunters
must read every job description to try and figure out if it's
something we should apply for or not. Thus the titles are totally

And not just for people applying for the jobs - but for those who are
listing the jobs, it's gotta be difficult for them to figure out
which title(s) to use in order to attract the right applicants.

It also makes it difficult for the uninitiated to understand what we
do, which is a really bad thing - the uninitiated are often those who
need to understand how we can provide them with value! All those
titles like User Experience Designer and Interaction Designer sound
cool, but I think the fact that we don't seem to be very unified can
make people skeptical about the value of our field altogether.

It's ironic, but at times it's a real IxD challenge to explain my
job to people :)

Jen Randolph, Interaction Designer

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The People's Front of Design (was JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote)

2009-03-30 Thread David Malouf
Great clip. I love it!!!

look at my response to Josh. What is funny is that as the situation
subsides, people are chiming in with messages like this.

It shows me that people don't get it. Arguing is not destructive.
Arguing is learning. It is sketching in language. 

The most obvious brilliant examples in this conversation for me were
from Jon Kolko and Chris Fahey. The energy created through the
passionate back  forth is not without use. It is a means of working
out difficult issues, which are very hard to express. For myself, I
have found new ways of discussing these issues, and equally
importantly affirmations in the ways I've framed things but didn't
know how to express.

While some are sick of it. I have some 5 messages a day in my
mailbox telling me how much they enjoy it. The same thing happened
last night during a twitter cage match between myself and Chris
(which now leads me to better appreciate his pt of view he posted on
this list).

Guys, don't get all hung up on the moment. The list ebbs and flows.
Just chill and it will rush back to glory as it has always done.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The People's Front of Design (was JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote)

2009-03-30 Thread Richard Dalton
Chris, I don't consider myself a community leader either. I've only
been involved in the community for the last 5 years, i'm not
invested in either the IAI or IxDA. I'm still not quite sure how I
got so involved in the IA Summit.

As a *member* of the community though, I can tell you that I give
advice to people trying to enter the UX field all the time. To
colleagues at work, to friends, hell I can even imagine a discussion
about it with my mildly precocious 6 year old at some point in the
near future - and trying to explain the different organizations and
resources available to them is difficult at best and confusing at
worst. I'll say again - i'm not necessarily advocating merging
organizations or anything - i'm just wishing for a more
*coordinated* approach to what we're all doing.

 - Richard

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