Re: FW: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-13 Thread Bruno Lowagie

this mail was forwarded to me, and I immediately subscribed to
the mailing list to set something straight.

Rushforth, Peter wrote:

In the XML world, the answer to graphics rendering is SVG + XSL-FO,
generated by XSLT scripts according to styling rules.  XSL-FO
is then rendered via a formatting objects processor, like Apache FOP.

OK, but... you do know that this is only true for small datasets.
For large datasets FOP is a bad choice performance wise.
For instance: if you have to convert an XML to a PDF and you
expect the end result to be 50 pages, Apache FOP might be a
good choice. If you expect 10,000+ pages, then it's a bad choice.

A document with 10,000+ pages is not as unusual as most PDF newbies
think. I've just created a PDF with 28,500 pages; each page is
a letter to one of the 28,500 students of Ghent University.
I've heard from banks that create PDFs with 100,000+ pages.
In this case, I use iText (obviously: I'm the developer of iText):

iText is used by Google, NASA, DoD,... It's purpose is to create
all kinds of PDF files as fast as possible.

I'm of the opinion that a pipeline like:

GML +/- (any XML data) + SLD/FE + WMS graphics  = XSLT = SVG+XSL-FO -
pdf, (?geopdf anyone?)

XSLT? XSL-FO? What a performance killer!

would make for a killer map scripting environment.  Plus, it has the
added benefit of being based on standards or de facto standards
across the board, with open source solutions available in each

Use Cases:
I.  Interactive Browsing (e.g. web mapping)  1. Good-looking 
web maps (more control of grid/graticule


FOP doesn't support all PDF features.
For instance: I've made a map in PDF that shows a raster image
when you first open it. Then when you zoom in, the PDF automatically
switches to vector data.

FOP doesn't support OCG! iText does!
OCG = Optional Content Groups: meaning you can turn on and
off layers in a PDF file. For instance: you could add street
names to a map in English en French and define the OCG so that
only one language at a time is shown.

II. Ad-hoc Authoring (one-time GIS style layout using GUI)  
1. Good-looking printed (ps,pdf,etc) maps automatically 
providing grid/grat, scalebar, legend, north arrow, SRS description

- provide an API to exiting GIS apps?

FOP isn't fast enough to create detailed PDFs on the fly.

III. Automated Mapping (script driven)
 1. Map Series (single page, identical layout)  2. Map Atlas 
(mostly map with some text, multi-page)  3. Map-centric 
documents (mostly text with some map,

 4. Route Alignment Sheets (rotated (non 90 deg) to fit

With iText you have direct access to all PDF operators and
operands. you can draw every shape you want.

Please download chapter 1 of my book:
There's an example of a map of a (fictive) city.
I hope you'll find it very interesting!
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-13 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Dave Patton wrote:

Actually, dealing with the legend, or the contents
of the entire map collar, is non-trivial, however, a
library that can render the content within a map's
neat line has all the tools necessary to be able to
render the map's collar. The difference may be that
there would need to be some additional functionality,
or different methods of calling the same underlying
functionality, in order to make the tasks involved
in composing the collar easy.

If you make the map in PDF, you could provide the
legend as a floating annotation that can be moved
around by the user.
If you are using OCG, you also have the Optional
Content panel that can be used as a legend and that
can be used to make certain layers visible/invisible.

All this is fairly easy to achieve in PDF.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-13 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
For me the question of PDF is not limited by number of pages, or options 
that PDF offers, but whether or not it is an efficient format for 
sharing cartographic information - for which, so far, I'd say it fails 
miserably.  How many times have I went to a municipal mapping site only 
to find their maps are all in PDF - what a pain!  It might just be me 
though :)

It depends on how they are made. Do they have a street index
that allows you to jump to the exact location when you click
on a streetname? Are they made out of raster images converted
to PDF or are they drawn using vector data?

Also, in the operational/industrial GIS map production environments I've 
been in, we've needed easy ways to print and re-print maps without 
having to open a viewer (and our printers didn't support PDF natively - 
though I assume some do now).  To print, I've focused on native plotter 
file formats and/or Postscript since most plotters can support it. Of 
course this isn't going to be good for web distribution.

There are ways to work around that print problem ;-)

For delivering digital files, I've often converted the PS files into PDF 
but it's been far from ideal. 

But then you get a 'flat' PDF without any interactivity.
I don't see any added value when you convert PS to PDF.

I increasingly believe that web-based 
tools are going to be the only option.  So what about off-line 
delivery?  A CD or USB runable system is an interesting and more 
effective way than a PDF in some cases, though of course both have some 
memory overhead issues.

So, is it just me or does stuffing a 1:20,000 topo map into a PDF makes 
a huge file that is virtually unusable unless you have gigabytes of RAM 
and dual processors.  Delivering a 40MB PDF to client who is running an 
old computer doesn't bode well for your service ;-)

Er... stuffing a 1:20,000 topo map. The fact that you mention 1:20,000
indicates that you are probably talking about raster images, not about
vector data. If you write the vector data to a PDF, all the data is
compressed. You get really small file sizes when compared to other

In short: the major problem with PDF in the GIS world is a lack of
understanding of the Portable Document Format by people who are
specialized in GIS. Of course PDF sucks if you just stuff if with
raster images or use a PDF that was converted from PS. Even a FOP
generated PDF has no added value.

As soon as I have the time, I'll make you some examples.
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-14 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Jachym Cepicky wrote:

The site isn't working for me.

While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
* Read Error
The system returned:
(104) Connection reset by peer
An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please 
retry your request.

All I need is a zip file with limited data of, for instance, a city.
Any city will do. As long is I just get the raw vector data and
a small explanation of how to use it.

With Open Street map, I don't have access to the help/wiki and my
first impression of the (blank) home page is that I'll have to
compile my own data set. I don't have time for that.

I don't ask you being 'PDF newbies' to read the PDF Reference
(1,200+ pages), but I'll be happy to explain every feature that
could be useful in a GIS application. In return I ask only one
favor: please give me some data I can use without doing any
extra GIS effort. I'm willing to write some Java code for free,
but I'm not a GIS developer (haven't done any GIS development in
the last 9 years).

best regards,
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-14 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Paolo Cavallini wrote:

All this does not show off in evince, however.

Evince is as they promote it simply a document viewer.
It's not a full blown PDF viewer (well, maybe it is for
most users, but for me as an avid PDF user it isn't).
Evince doesn't support all the features that are explained
in the PDF Reference manual. OCG was introduced in PDF 1.5
(dating back from 2003). You will see the OCG layers in
Adobe Reader starting with version 6.0.
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-14 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Paolo Cavallini wrote:

So the question is: is there a free (as speech) and Open Source full
blown PDF viewer?
I think OSGeo is about open source software.

I'm a F/OSS developer, so I'm going to use my standard answer:
What's keeping you from adding OCG support to Evince? *LOL*

My own library iText is 'free' as in 'free beer'; although it is
available under the MPL/LGPL it's supposed to be free as in 'free
speech' too, but I don't agree with the FSF argument that Licensed
Software (any license: GPL, LGPL, MPL,...) is free as in 'free speech'.
If it were, companies using iText wouldn't keep on harassing me about
the license (and about the fact that they don't like the MPL/LGPL).
If iText were really Free, they wouldn't have any reason for not
using iText.

I interpret the 'Free' in 'Free Software' as 'Free to pay for value'
(Google for 'Voluntary Economies'). But than again: companies like
Google for instance use iText in many different project but they've
never paid anything for using it.

That's why when people lecture me about 'Free Software' annoy me:
most of them USE F/OSS for free (as in Free Beer), but the number
of people CONTRIBUTING (*) source or PAYING for value is very limited.

(*) By the way: this is the list of people who contributed code to
the iText project:

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Your open source career

2008-05-05 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Landon Blake wrote:

The lack of good user documentation is a weakness of many open source
projects. The problem is that most of us like to code, but few of us
like to write!

Speak for yourself! ;-) Am I the exception to the rule? *LOL*

Please don't regard the following as shameless promo. I just want
to share a very interesting experience with future F/OSS writers.

I'm an Open Source developer ( )
but I also like to write. In 2004, I took some time off from
my day job to write a free online tutorial for iText because
the lack of proper documentation was a problem that had to be
addressed (you're right about that, Landon).

Once the first pages of the free tutorial were online, I immediately
received an offer to write a book about iText, first from O'Reilly,
later on also from Manning. After long consideration, I decided to
try writing a book for Manning Publications Co. because they have
the reputation that they are very demanding.

You may think I'm a masochist, but I thought that would be the
best guarantee to write a good book. And it was! I talked with
some authors who claimed that writing their first book for
Manning was a good choice. In hindsight, I agree, although I
might choose for O'Reilly next time ;-)

I spent 3 months writing the book proposal (full TOC included).
6 months writing the manuscript. After these 9 months of hard
labor, another 9 months were needed to get the book ready for
production (copy editing, proof reading, making the index,...).

The result is:

Want to know how much I earned? No problem! Have a look at
my Quarterly overviews here:
The revenue listed is limited to the Royalties. You don't
get rich from writing a book, but I also have indirect revenue
from sales (when people buy the book after clicking a link on
my site). I get 10% Royalties and if you study the Quarterly
Overviews, you'll see that the sum I get for each book varies
depending on many factors (time, location,...).
I get between 5% (Amazon) and 15% (Manning) for selling the
book using a link on my site.

But it's not only about the money: the product has gotten
much more attention and it has really boomed! Having a book
is (almost) a guarantee for success for every F/OSS project.

If you are planning to write a book, and you want an introduction
at Manning Publications; or if you just want to talk about starting
such a venture, let me know, and we'll chat.

I know plenty of people who dream of writing a book, how I would
like to persuade them that they should just start writing.
I like to quote Henry David Thoreau: If you have built castles in
the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them.

best regards (and please pardon my enthousiasm),
Bruno Lowagie
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source development metrics

2008-05-29 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Jody Garnett wrote:
Try for a couple of the metrics you use when evaluating open source 

If a project or F/OSS developer has been around for a while,
there are bound to be online metrics about it/him/her, for
instance on Ohloh. Some examples:

Sure, this is just an indication based on an algorithm that
takes many parameters into account, but indications such as
increasing year-over-year development activity and maturity
can't be faked.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source development metrics

2008-05-29 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Jody Garnett wrote:
Just a word of warning; those sites get tripped up; you can see the 
history for geotools is missing because we just cleaned up our 
subversion repository a bit.

True: in my personal history, it's as if I have been inactive for
years, but in reality all the CVS data disappeared when we switched
from CVS to SVN.

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