[OSGeo-Discuss] Open GIS! Conference, Moscow, Russia, Nov 21-22

2015-10-08 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Hi all,

We're excited  to  announce  that  we're running Open GIS'2015 this
November 21-22 (Sunday, Saturday) in Moscow, Russia  (45 days left)

First  Open  GIS  conference  happened  in  2012  and brought together
diverse crowd of 250 people from  150  organizations. We had about 50
presentations  and 12 workshops. This year we expect at least the same
numbers  or  more. We  hope  this will be a very positive, diverse and
active event. 

This  conference  is  grassroots  and  organized by members of Russian
GIS-Lab  and  OpenStreetMap communities (think FOSSGIS, but completely
informal). Attendance and workshops are free.

Though  this is a national event, English-speaking presenters are very
welcome.   We   already   have  few  presentations  and workshops from
people  from  abroad (for example from Victor Olaya). We can guarantee
lots  of  attention  and  challenging  questions. If  you're with a
company this might be a major 'undeveloped market' for your products.

Please  let me know if you'd like to come. You will most probably will
require  a  visa,  but  there  is  plenty  of  time  to  get one. Your
participation   is   critical  for  building  stronger  ties  between
technically  apt,  but  isolated  user&developer  community  here  and
outside open source geospatial world.

We're  also  looking  for  sponsors,  primarily  to  cover  travel for
international visitors and may be students.

Hope to see you in Moscow.

Maxim Dubinin

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[OSGeo-Discuss] opensource GIS case studies

2009-06-02 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Hi all,

We're preparing a roundtable discussion on the topic of Opensource GIS
to  take place on rather big GIS event in Russia in about a week and I
looking   for  some  information  that  can  attract  more  users  and
developers  to  geospatial  opensource.  The  audience  will be rather
diverse,  governmental officials, business, researchers. My goal is to
make  a  stronger  point on the benefits of opensource GIS software by
including  some  numbers  or  case  studies  clearly illustrating such

I have plenty of info on what software is there and how it can be
used, but not much on the monetary side.

I will be helpful for any hints, links etc that can provide
examples of the actual use of osgis software especially by businesses
and governments, comparisons, benefits or may be problems. I studied
OSGeo case studies wiki already and was wondering if there are some
classics I've missed.

I'd be also grateful for any suggestion from the people who may be already
coordinated or participated in such discussion. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
 skype: maximdubinin
 jabber: s...@gis-lab.info

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Next 5 years for OSGeo

2009-09-30 Thread Maxim Dubinin

Local OSGeo chapters are great, but how about existing non-OSGeo groups? Does 
OSGeo have a strategy to
build communication with them?


Вы писали 30 сентября 2009 г., 11:03:35:

>> where the cost of software licenses is far to high for the
>> budgets thay have. Naturally, some of the users use cracks, but it won't be
>> that easy enymore, especially in the domain of web services. OSGeo could
>> support education in FOSS4G in those countries - with active marketing,
>> sending information letters to the bodies responsible for mapping and
>> environment.

FW> I am a big believer in folks "pulling up their own socks" in this regard.
FW> I am dubious about OSGeo trying to seed into countries without local
FW> advocates, but there are things we can do to help support locals who
FW> want promotional and training materials, and some introduction into
FW> international circles.

FW> Hopefully we can also provide an aura of deserved respectability
FW> for our projects that will make it easier for decision makers to take
FW> them seriously.

 >> OSGeo could also participate in dvelopment projects - like
>> those small grants of GSDI, providing FOSS solutions, not mentioning
>> European FP7 projects addressing Africa. For know the quite steep learning
>> curve to get into FOSS4G is very often keeping the potential users away.

FW> There are things we can do, but to a large extent the benefits will go
FW> to those users who realize some investment in learning is worthwhile.

>> Is OSGeo targeting those users now? If you look onto the map of registered
>> members: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:OSGeo_Member, well, not
>> everyone added himself to the map, but enyway, Africa, Asia and South
>> America look quite empty (-;

FW> There are things we are doing now, including holding FOSS4G in South
FW> Africa last year, and making an effort to involve geographically diverse
FW> folks in the charter membership and board.  We have also been supportive
FW> (though perhaps we could be more so) of local chapters where they are
FW> established by local advocates.

FW> But, clearly we still have had only modest success getting folks in
FW> the developing world actively involved in the global OSGeo activities.

FW> Best regards,

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[OSGeo-Discuss] GIS-Lab (Russia)

2009-10-01 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Hi all,

Arnulf, thanks for explanations, this is the answer I was looking for.

I  think  I  never formally introduced our group so here it is. I hope
this  will be an interesting read for some of you. I want to emphasise
that  a  lot  of  efforts  and  time  spent  is required to bring such
community  to  life  and take its niche. But I hope our experience,
though very country-specific can be helpful.

We've  build virtual non-commercial GIS/RS community that became first
place  to  look  for  GIS/RS  field  related information in Russia and
around,  mainly  of  technical  nature,  but  more and more on general
topics  either.  We're  not  officially  registered  and at the moment
consider  such  status as a rather an impediment than benefit overall.
We  operate  under a main principle that community should not advocate
any  particular  brand or type of software, though some of its members
are passionate about one or another (myself included).

We  are  online  since 2002 and since then created about 400 articles,
various   education  materials,  documentation,  data,  training  etc.
Regarding  OS  software  we  focused  our  efforts  on  3  things:  1)
Translation,  we've  translated  manuals  for gvSIG, GRASS, MapServer,
PostGIS (QGIS  is  underway),  2)  i18n, we've localized gvSIG, GRASS,
QGIS,  Geoserver,  3)  Data  -  very  critical issue, we've focused on
creating  really  free datasets like a localized database on populated
places,  translation of GNS and alike 4) Tools support - we contribute
to  several  tools that we actively use: QGIS (including programming),
other   OS   tools   -   bugreporting  5)  Articles-articles-articles,
overwhelmingly using OS software lately.

Overall  our  goal  is  to  provide  a framework for collaboration and
discussion,  focusing on independecy and solid results. We have around
2000  (1+  posts)  registered  users  at  our forum, similar number of
subscribers  of our maillist and around 3000 hits every day. Of course
the core group is smaller ;)

Finally  and  that  is  why  I enquired about non-OSGeo groups. We are
willing  to  collaborate  with  OSGeo  in  all  ways possible and will
continue our work in this field regardless of what organizational form
it will take again stressing vendor-type free concept.

Wow, that was a long email and it was fun trying to summarize everything
we've done in few words :)


ACO> On Wed, September 30, 2009 18:49, Maxim Dubinin wrote:
>> Hi
>> Local OSGeo chapters are great, but how about existing non-OSGeo groups?
>> Does OSGeo have a strategy to
>> build communication with them?
>> Maxim

ACO> Maxim,
ACO> yes, OSGeo's intent it to embrace and support existing organizations with
ACO> the same vision instead of being exclusive. There is a Wiki page with some
ACO> links and always happy to be updated:
ACO> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Like_Minded_Regional_Organizations

ACO> Please also feel free to introduce OSGeo to organizations that have not
ACO> yet stumbled across us.

ACO> In Germany the existing Free Software Geospatial organization FOSSGIS e.V.
ACO> (then named "GRASS user's group") meanwhile has become the official OSGeo
ACO> Local Chapter and we are working on the same goals and appear jointly at
ACO> conferences, trade fairs, organize hack sprints, etc. It is a lively
ACO> community and growing strong. It did take some time to work out the
ACO> details as is always the case with integrating existing organizations but
ACO> now all seem to be quite happy with it.

ACO> Best regards,
ACO> Arnulf.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Will there be an OSGeo Desktop shootout atFOSS4G 2010?

2009-12-20 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Title: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Will there be an OSGeo Desktop shootout atFOSS4G 2010?

Sometime ago, we were also interested in why are there so many desktop open GIS packages. So what we did was the following, we created a model project with several groups of different type layers and recreated it with 10+ packages, opensource, proprietory, even some web-based ones. It is was quite interesting exercise, where a dozen of people participated and it was pretty clear in the end where opensource GIS are in comparison with proprietory and in between themselves.

Of course this only covers simple project building and does not compare analysis etc. Moreover, the initial goal of this dataset was not comparison, but easy start with any common desktop GIS package + assistance to devs and education purposes, some ability to conclude which one was better was sort of a side-effect.

You can check the results here, (originally in Russian):


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Will there be an OSGeo Desktop shootout atFOSS4G 2010?

2009-12-20 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Title: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Will there be an OSGeo Desktop shootout atFOSS4G 2010?


I was merely suggesting an approach. As I said, we didn't have a goal to inform other what Desktop GIS is the best, we just wanted to present a model dataset for many different packages, so that a person can try and choose by himself. 

However, there are some notes for each package at the bottom of the page. Personally, I have a favorite, of course, but I don't think this is appropriate to describe it here. That said, I think this will be relatively easy to construct a matrix based on our experience with missing bits for this particular task. We're currently going through updating software and this project and will discuss this among participants.


Вы писали 20 декабря 2009 г., 16:52:06:


I looked at the webpage but could not find an outcome -- which system worked the best?
Cheers Simon
Simon Cropper 
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
mailto: scrop...@botanicusaustralia.com.au 
web: www.botanicusaustralia.com.au 

Maxim Dubinin wrote: 

Sometime ago, we were also interested in why are there so many desktop open GIS packages. So what we did was the following, we created a model project with several groups of different type layers and recreated it with 10+ packages, opensource, proprietory, even some web-based ones. It is was quite interesting exercise, where a dozen of people participated and it was pretty clear in the end where opensource GIS are in comparison with proprietory and in between themselves.

Of course this only covers simple project building and does not compare analysis etc. Moreover, the initial goal of this dataset was not comparison, but easy start with any common desktop GIS package + assistance to devs and education purposes, some ability to conclude which one was better was sort of a side-effect.

You can check the results here, (originally in Russian):

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia

2012-07-25 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Title: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia

Hi all,

let me provide some quick info first. We are going to make bigger formal announcement later everywhere including this list sometime next week.

Yes we're preparing a conference on open GIS from software, data and methods aspects (http://gisconf.ru). This will be a grassroots conference organized not by a particular company, but a group of enthusiasts from http://gis-lab.info and hopefully OpenStreetMap community.

I guess the right person to contact at this point would be me.

I'd love to hear about any suggestions on how we can make our conference better and wider and how we can work more closely with OSGeo.

Thanks for your interest, glad to know news ran ahead of us :)


Вы писали 25 июля 2012 г., 20:52:57:


is anybody monitoring / aware of this event: http://gisconf.ru/en/

If you have any contacts there please suggest to them that we would be

happy to connect them with OSGeo, add their event to our calendar, maybe

give a presentation (any volunteers there?) and so on.




Exploring Space, Time and Mind



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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia

2012-07-25 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Title: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia

Hi all,

let me provide some quick info first. We are going to make bigger formal announcement later everywhere including this list sometime next week.

Yes we're preparing a conference on open GIS from software, data and methods aspects. This will be a grassroots conference organized not by a particular company, but a group of enthusiasts from http://gis-lab.info and hopefully OpenStreetMap community.

I guess the right person to contact at this point would be me.

I'd love to hear about any suggestions on how we can make our conference better and wider and how we can work more closely with OSGeo.

Thanks for your interest, glad to know the news spread before any formal announcement :)


Вы писали 25 июля 2012 г., 20:52:57:


is anybody monitoring / aware of this event: http://gisconf.ru/en/

If you have any contacts there please suggest to them that we would be

happy to connect them with OSGeo, add their event to our calendar, maybe

give a presentation (any volunteers there?) and so on.




Exploring Space, Time and Mind



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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia

2012-07-26 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Title: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia


sure, we'd love to hear about opensource GIS from everyone around. It is very important to show what others are doing with it to get it going in Russia more actively.


,#,m ,a,Z,c,Q,],Z 26 ,Z,p,],q 2012 ,T., 11:03:00:

Hi Maxim,
Nice to see FOSS4G activity in the neighbourhood. (-:
BTW-  conference website:
Is a national event or there will be a room for international participation?
Wishing you a great event:
DR. Rafal Wawer
The Department of Soil Science Erosion Control and Land Protection
The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research institute
ul. Czartoryskich 8
24-100 Pu))awy
Member of the OSGeo Foundation: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Wawer_Rafal
mobile: +48601516434
web: www.erozja.iung.pulawy.pl
From: discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Maxim Dubinin
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:29 PM
To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia
Hi all,

let me provide some quick info first. We are going to make bigger formal announcement later everywhere including this list sometime next week.

Yes we're preparing a conference on open GIS from software, data and methods aspects. This will be a grassroots conference organized not by a particular company, but a group of enthusiasts from http://gis-lab.info and hopefully OpenStreetMap community.

I guess the right person to contact at this point would be me.

I'd love to hear about any suggestions on how we can make our conference better and wider and how we can work more closely with OSGeo.

Thanks for your interest, glad to know the news spread before any formal announcement :)


,#,m ,a,Z,c,Q,],Z 25 ,Z,p,],q 2012 ,T., 20:52:57:

is anybody monitoring / aware of this event: http://gisconf.ru/en/

If you have any contacts there please suggest to them that we would be
happy to connect them with OSGeo, add their event to our calendar, maybe
give a presentation (any volunteers there?) and so on.


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list


Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Open GIS! Conference, Moscow, Russia, Nov 17-18

2012-08-24 Thread Maxim Dubinin
Hi all,

As promised, formal announcement and invitation.

We've   excited   to   invite   everyone  to  the upcoming conference on
everything  related  to  free  and  opensource  GIS:  data,  software,
methodology, organized by members of Russian GIS-Lab and OpenStreetMap

Nov 17-18, Moscow, Russia  (84 days left!)

More   information   here: http://gisconf.ru/en/

We've   already   representatives   from   more   than   80  different
organizations (150+ people total) registered (mostly Russian) which is
quite  inspiring.  We  hope  this will be a very positive, diverse
event beneficial for everyone.

Please  register  if  you'd like to come, this will help us a lot with

Do not hesitate to contact us at i...@gisconf.ru if you have any questions.

Maxim Dubinin

PS: apologies for some duplication.

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