[slim] Re: Ripping speed

2007-01-06 Thread KeithL

Eric - I have now set itunes aiff to automatic with error correction.
First disc ripped at between 15 to 20 x. Second disc dropped to 5 x.
Does high speed ripping effect quality?

SuperQ - I'm running Panther and the Max ripping program needs Tiger.

Thanks for the replies.



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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Skunk

I would suggest letting joe blow do his thing, as it's hard to add to
the convenience factor of 60 Gig MP3 players, not to mention that some
of them look good enough to eat (or is that a new cell phone).

OTOH the a reputation for audio quality is an advantage SD holds over
the competition, and that could be quickly lost by catering to joe. 

My favorite thing about the Transporter is that it raises the
benchmark. I just don't want to see it *remain* the benchmark while R+D
is poured into a candy bar.

With a slick interface and touchscreen (thanks ben!), I'm pretty sure I
could sell a squeezebox to a deaf person who never used a computer..


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[slim] Hang when zapping currently playing song ?

2007-01-06 Thread erland

I just noted that SoftSqueeze seems to hang when I try to move the
currently playing song to the zapped playlist by holding Add down in
the Now Playing screen.

Does anyone else have the same problem or is there something with my
setup that is causing this ?

I'm running latest 6.5 nightly (2007-01-05) on Ubuntu Linux. No third
party plugins installed.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'

erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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[slim] Wireless connection

2007-01-06 Thread oconnellc

I have had my squeezebox for some time, but finally moving it into
another room where I will have to connect to the wireless network in my
house.  For testing, I decided to just connect while it was set up right
next the wireless router.  I can get it to connect and start playing a
song, but it will only play for about 15 seconds or so and then it
disconnects and I have to power cycle everything (yes, the router too)
to connect again, only to have it get dropped after 15 seconds of play.
Any ideas?  I have searched the FAQ and not seen anything helpful.  I
haven't updated the firmware (version 55) since I got it.  Do I need to
upgrade that?  Any help (or even sympathy) would be appreciated.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread SuperQ

Peter;167582 Wrote: 
 JimC wrote:[color=blue]
  Cool.  Can you open up a few hundred more houses for me to send
  prospective customers to?
  On a less facetious note, WHY do they realize it's great?
 Exactly, because in my experience, it's not an easy sell at all.

Never underestimate the network affect!

I saw the slimp3 on slashdot many years ago and thought damn, that's
cool.. but I had just got my empeg, so it seemed kinda lacking.  A few
years later, I don't drive to work anymore, so I don't listen to music
in the car so often,  and spent more time at home listening via the
linux box I kept in stereo cabinet.  A friend of mine said hey, check
out this new toy I got  this was my introduction to the squeezebox..
pretty cool, so i got one for my parents to listen to music with. 
Another move, and I end up in Mountain View, and discover the SD office
is near by.. neat, I should get the new box SB2.  I ended up getting 2,
so I can stream to 2 rooms.  I show it to a few co-workers, and a few
of them get them.

I do a bit of check it out, it's handy  and a bit of oh.. play
around a bit

I've also sold a couple via softsqueeze demos.


SuperQ's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2139
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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-06 Thread whitman

Thank you bpa and danco.

I have got as far as step 8, and the 
./mplayer --version 
command returned the following:

MPlayer 1.0pre8-3.3 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
AltiVec found
CPU: PowerPC
Creating config file: /Users/tonybacon/.mplayer/config

Unknown option on the command line: --version
Error parsing option on the command line: --version

How am I doing?


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

Skunk wrote:

I would suggest letting joe blow do his thing, as it's hard to add to
the convenience factor of 60 Gig MP3 players, not to mention that some
of them look good enough to eat (or is that a new cell phone).

A software client is just an add on, technically and audiophilically. 
Most top end car makers know that they need good looks as well as 
technical excellence.

OTOH the a reputation for audio quality is an advantage SD holds over
the competition, and that could be quickly lost by catering to joe. 

That's the advantage of the split between the Transporter and the 
Squeezebox. You can do both.

My favorite thing about the Transporter is that it raises the
benchmark. I just don't want to see it *remain* the benchmark while R+D
is poured into a candy bar.

If a slick Windows client (one skilled programmer can do that) is what 
it takes to get considerable extra sales, SD/Logitech would be would be 
fools in a commercial sense to do that. You don't get to be as big as 
Logitech by being a commercial fool...

With a slick interface and touchscreen (thanks ben!), I'm pretty sure I
could sell a squeezebox to a deaf person who never used a computer..

You must be a better salesman than me.


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

SuperQ wrote:
Peter;167582 Wrote: 

JimC wrote:[color=blue]

Cool.  Can you open up a few hundred more houses for me to send
prospective customers to?

On a less facetious note, WHY do they realize it's great?

Exactly, because in my experience, it's not an easy sell at all.


Never underestimate the network affect!

I'm living proof of the fact that the network effect doesn't work that 
well in this case.

I saw the slimp3 on slashdot many years ago and thought damn, that's
cool.. but I had just got my empeg, so it seemed kinda lacking.  A few

That was different for me, I was waiting for the thing even before it 
was announced, check out my 2001 news post:


years later, I don't drive to work anymore, so I don't listen to music
in the car so often,  and spent more time at home listening via the
linux box I kept in stereo cabinet.  A friend of mine said hey, check
out this new toy I got  this was my introduction to the squeezebox..
pretty cool, so i got one for my parents to listen to music with. 
Another move, and I end up in Mountain View, and discover the SD office

is near by.. neat, I should get the new box SB2.  I ended up getting 2,
so I can stream to 2 rooms.  I show it to a few co-workers, and a few
of them get them.

I do a bit of check it out, it's handy  and a bit of oh.. play
around a bit

I've now got 4 SB3's, an SB1 and a SliMP3. I loaned my SB1 to 3 
co-workers, they liked it but only one of them bought one. It's to 
complicated to give one to my mum, I fear. She won't want to keep her PC 
switched on.

I've also sold a couple via softsqueeze demos.

That's good to hear. I was one of the people who persuaded Richard to 
write SoftSqueeze (I even invented the name) partly because it would be 
a great way to show people how the SS/SB combo works in practice. I'm 
glad to see it actually worked out that way in practice. I must have at 
least some commercial sense, then... ;)


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

Mr_Smiley wrote:

The squeeze boom box has been dicussed a number of times and I thought
about trying my hand at one (since I'm an Industrial Designer).  A
squeeze walkman has also been mentioned..  It seems to me that the
satellite radio concept could work.  Where you have a reciever that
plugs into your car or your stereo or a boom box with speakers.  Just
plug your SB3 into place and it's ready to go.  The boom box itself
would just need to have the interface, the battery and the speakers. 
Some controls and a wi-fi booster might be nice as well.

Don't forget my car Squeezebox (with external USB disk) based on the 
free Rockbox firmware. That would fit great in the community concept.


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Re: [slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

Hercules wrote:

I've had a Maxtor one (albeit 160GB) for a few years.

Never had any problems with it, and they seem to have a good

(Maxtor have been taken over by Seagate I think)

I second that. I've had two Maxtor One Touch external 300 GB drives 
connected thru firewire to my Linux box/slimserver. They've been on 
permanently and they haven't failed me yet.


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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-06 Thread danco

I guess the --version option is just irrelevant to on the Mac. Anyway we
know what version it is.

Next thing is to try to run mplayer on a BBC stream and see whether
that works.

Run mplayer in the terminal with the options

-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/fmg2.rpm

That should produce the Radio 4 live stream.

If that works, you just need to move mplayer into a suitable place. If
it doesn't work, we need to see the log to find out why.


danco's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=210
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Re: [slim] WiFi frustration! (But happy ending... for now)

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

Brian Ritchie wrote:

Since then, all has been fine. (For an hour now, at least.)

I still have no idea what really went wrong. Maybe the router was
generating a load of junk; maybe something else was. Clearly, Signal
Strength does not equal or even necessarily correlate with Actually
Useful Information Bandwidth. I probably need some better diagnostic
tools. Next time, turning the router off and on again will be the FIRST
thing I try.  And if that doesn't work, then I *will* smash the little
fecker off the wall. I don't buy these things just to waste my days
trying to get them to work!

It's probably a whole different story, but some weeks ago (after years 
of trouble free wifi-ing), my SB3 started to hiccup. My laptop became 
pretty slow too, so, even though the wifi bars in the docking area 
showed full strength I checked the speed. It had switched to 2 Mbit for 
no apparent reason. My slimserver is on a wired server, so it seemed 
obvious the problem was in the (Asus) access point. I power cycled that 
and all was well again.

I don't lose much sleep over things that occur so rarely. AFAIC the WAP 
just had a moment of weakness after years of reliable service. I find 
the SB3's wifi pretty good. I even used it to replace my webcam's 
marginal wifi connection (by turning the SB into a bridge) which helped 
quite a bit.


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Re: [slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

drewe181 wrote:

i made my own cables using CAT6 wire. details can be found here


there are a few different configurations and designs, and also an
article comparing the different configurations sound and technical wise

Direct links are always appreciated.


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Re: [slim] Re: The Ultimate In-Car System

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

Beann50 wrote:

One of my reasons for stuffing the SB2 in the dash of my car was to be
consistent with all the other places I listen to music.  Now if I go in
my living room, bedroom, office, or car I can listen to anything in my
music collection in the same way.  I don't have to stop and think what
button to press to do a certain task, or is a certain song available. 
The only thing I ever have to think about is what song to play.  

I also only use flac files.  You can argue that you wouldn't be able to
tell the difference between flac and mp3 in a moving car, but at least
this way if I listen to older music that wasn't recorded that well I
know the limitation is the actual music and not a poorly encoded mp3. 
Actually, I shouldn't say older music since lots of recent music is not

recorded very well either.  I don't expect to ever see a system designed
to work in a car that will support lossless files, have a large amount
of storage, and sell for a reasonable amount of money.  Too many people
have embraced the whole buy a crippled song with DRM and no physical
media for just as much money as a CD idea.

I agree. I have an iRiver H140 40GB mp3 player running Rockbox in my 
car. Rockbox is a free replacement firmware for iRiver and iPod players 
that supports Ogg and Flac and most of the other stuff:



I've been trying to sell my idea for an economic (  $100? ) and 
practical car player for a while, but no-one seems to be buying it. The 
idea is to create something like an H140 without the (expensive) tiny 
hard disk. Just a (cigarette box sized but flatter) display with some 
buttons. It has 12v power in, line audio out and a USB connection to add 
a commodity external USB drive (the type that costs next to nothing, can 
be synced with you main library easily and fits in your glove box). The 
hardware must be easy and cheap to put together, since the components 
are shared with lots of other players. The software is taken from the 
Rockbox project, where people are enthousiastically developing it. 
Adapting it to the Squeezebox navigation can't be that hard (if that's 
really needed).

Add a $100 USB 100GB harddisk and you'll have your FLAC/WAV/MP3/OGG 
player for a lot less than the price of a new SB3. The free and open 
software will give it the same kind of appeal to third party developers 
and the community as the other SD devices.

I would buy one in a second!


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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-06 Thread bpa

Well done - hope it wasn't too painful.

There is no version option in mplayer but it stops it trying to do
silly things and proves that the basic executable is OK.

Follow Danco's advice - if Radio 4 works, then all you need to do
install mplayer in the right place - in your case I think it may be a
case of replacing the version of mplayer which doesn't work.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Patrick Dixon

JimC;167482 Wrote: 
 Hi there.
 My name is Jim Carlton.  I'm a Virgo.  I like long walks on the beach,
 candlelit dinners, and dancing under the stars.
Shame listening to music didn't figure in there ;-)

Patrick Dixon


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[slim] Re: Odd search/browse behaviour

2007-01-06 Thread chris . mason

Ah, of course you are right, the simple search does return tracks - I
wasn't thinking clearly, for some reason assuming song titles were
different from tracks...

However, the problem still remains, but I don't think I've explained
the issue clearly.

If I search for Vivaldi using the simple search, I get one artist
retrieved, no albums and no song titles.  This is correct.  If I click
on the returned artist (Antonio Vivaldi), three Albums are listed. 
However, these are not the only three albums that Vivaldi appears on. 
There is another which happens to be a compilation album.

If I search on Artist using Advanced Search, *all* the tracks from
*all* the albums are in returned, i.e. including the compilation album

And just to re-iterate, all my tracks have Artist populated - in the
case of my classical music, the artist is the composer, but I have also
populated the composer tag, as a duplicate of the artist tag, just to
make sure...!

Jim, In answer to your question, I get the same behaviour whether I
have the Composers behaviour switched on or off.  When I browse by
artist, I see all the composers that don't have compilation albums, as
they are listed under Various Artists.  This is because as mentioned
above, the Artist tag is populated as composer as well.  Hope I'm not
confusing everyone...!



chris.mason's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3323
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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-06 Thread drewe181


try this:  http://www.tnt-audio.com/clinica/diycables.html

a small list of diy speaker cables, mains cables, and interconnector
the comparison test i mentioned is on another site (i thought it was on
tnt-audio) I'll try and find it and post the link




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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-06 Thread drewe181

got it!!


fairly lengthy read but it just goes to show that just because some
cables are quite expensive doesn't mean they they're worth it




drewe181's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8129
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[slim] Re: Hang when zapping currently playing song ?

2007-01-06 Thread erland

SoftSqueeze also seems to hang if I hit play on the SoftSqueeze remote
2-3 times on the same album or track.

The strange thing is that it only seems to happen on flac tracks while
mp3 tracks works fine.

Is anyone else seeing these problems with SoftSqueeze ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'

erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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[slim] How to enable standby and resume?

2007-01-06 Thread erichabg

Dear All!

First my configuration:
Via Epia with Windows XP SP2 (MediaCenter edition)
Slimserver V 6.5.0
100MB wired network

Squeezebox 2
connected with network cable, no wireless network used

Now my question:
How can i configure slimserver, so that the server goes into standby
(S3) some minutes after (or immediatelly after) the squeezebox was
powered off?
And also that the server wakes up when i switch the squeezebox on

Can I configure the sqeezebox to send a WOL (magic paket) to the
server? (If yes, i would be able to set the Only managed stations can
wake the system in the device manager.)
But up to now i think the squeezebox didn't sent any IP paket to the
server, because the server even doesn't wake when this option is
disabled and only this device can wake the system is enabled).
Any ideas?



erichabg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9442
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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-06 Thread whitman

Thanks for your speedy and helpful responses, bpa and danco. I do feel
I'm in safe hands, even if stuff is whizzing over the screen that means
nothing to me. And, well, it was pretty painless, as you ask. Only three
cups of tea.

I can't get mplayer to run in terminal, mainly because I can't see
where it is. Do I not have to 'install' it first, and then run a test? 
Or is it staring me in face?


whitman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9053
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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-06 Thread bpa

When you are in the terminal window, to run mplayer type 

Note there is a dot and slash before mplayer - this says use the
mplayer in this directory

So to run the test
./mplayer  -playlist

If you a few more diagnostics

./mplayer -v  -playlist


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[slim] Re: Transporter broken?

2007-01-06 Thread Lost Viking

My brandnew Transporter also is dead/won't start anymore...

This not enough I can't open the case (for checkig the fuse) as I don't
have a 1/13'' hex key. (metric system here)

Lost Viking

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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-06 Thread whitman

Fantastic. I did what you said and ran the test: fine. I put it in the
usr/local/bin folder, where the errant one used to live, and bingo!
Lovely streaming BBC and all the AlienBBC benefits on my Squeezebox. 

Thank you both for all your help. I really do appreciate it.

Would you like me to send this build of mplayer to you so others might
be able to use it, bpa, as you suggested earlier?


whitman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9053
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Re: [slim] My squeezebox won't start at all

2007-01-06 Thread Michael Herger

Any ideas what's wrong?

Did you check the brightness setting (brightness button on the remote  
control)? Do you still see it in the slimserver web interface? If yes: can  
you still play music?



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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[slim] SB3 has arrived and how good?

2007-01-06 Thread steve4586

Brilliant is the answer! I am as pleased as a very pleased person could

Technology for me is only as good as it is usable.  So having set up
the SB on the network I handed the remote to my wife, who is a
confirmed technophob.  It is a testament to the design of this system
that my wife was able to select albums, artists, internet radio
stations in seconds.  She was thrilled with music being so accessible!

At least her reaction lets me off the hours I've been sweating and
swearing over the linux build problems I had!  She now understands.

All that remains is to sort out the NFS connectivity problems, so I can
get more music on to the server.


steve4586's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7928
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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Marc Sherman

Skunk wrote:

I would suggest letting joe blow do his thing, as it's hard to add to
the convenience factor of 60 Gig MP3 players, not to mention that some
of them look good enough to eat (or is that a new cell phone).

I agree 100%. The people in this community are _not_ in the least 
experts on what it would take to sell Slim Devices products to a 
mythical Joe Blow. Logitech has a professional marketing and product 
development team for that. What this community is an expert at, and what 
I hope Jim pays more attention to in this thread, is what it would take 
to sell _more_ Slim Devices products to us.

- Marc

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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-06 Thread adamslim

Skunk;167477 Wrote: 
 Did anyone see Wired on PBS HD last week? Something about viruses as
 storage, and memory that can be injected into a being. I think
 Panasonic has taken over or is funding research now. I didn't catch it
 all so sorry about lack of details. Google wasn't much help.

Wow, so eventually we could just store the FLACs directly in our brains
and then we wouldn't need to listen to them at all :)


SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

adamslim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7355
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread CCRDude

I bought two Squeezeboxes a year ago, and now a Roku Soundbridge, which
probably is the competition. And to be honest, when I show both
around to friends, the Roku clearly wins - hope I am allowed to say
this here - I'll try to explain what people like more about it, and why
two of those I showed bbought a Roku as well.

Soundbridge wins over Squeezebox:

* Setup: plug in the Soundbridge, and it'll show your PC (see next
topic), every dummy can do that. Plug in the Squeezebox, you've got to
enter your IP (DHCP didn't work well back then, and home users often
don't have DHCP), enter the server IP (otherwise I had problems as
well)... the first, I can give to my mother, the second I can only
recommend to friends who know their network, which is about 5% of

* Connecitivity: plug in the Soundbridge, and you'll see iTunes,
Windows Media Player or a dedicated Firefly installation. Plug in the
Squeezebox, and you have to install its special server software. Having
it connect to something existing, I can again give even to my mother,
telling people they need to install this special software, I hear oh
well, nice idea, but with my luck, I'll spend days getting it to

* Speed: having the PC running all the time? Few people I know would
want that. The alternative: an old PC in a corner where the noise won't
harm, or for people who also think about energy consumption (a 24/7 PC
can use up a few hundred Euros here in Germany), a NAS. But while using
a 200 Mhz NAS with Firefly and a Soundbridge is lightning fast, a
Squeezebox connecting to Slimserver on that machine is s slow. And
Firefly is a good proof that platform independent code is possible even
in C and doesn't need that slow Perl stuff.

Squeezebox wins over Soundbridge:

* Display: visualisation and progess bar are advantages; sadly no t
ones that weight a lot imho, since the size allows to choose songs from
about the same distance.

* Plugins: quite nice to have the weather on it in standby mode, for
example. But to be honest, Plugins are geek features for a small
percentage of possible users.

* Web interface: Slimserver has a nice web interface. I like the
ability to browse (even though on the NAS its quite slow) and create
playlists that way. But then... the point of a stand-alone player is to
NOT switch the PC on to manage. A dedicated remote with display like the
earlier mentioned one could be a very nice advantage, but the web
interface in itself, while being quite nice, is something for people
who sit too much in front of their PC, not for casual PC users.


* Sound: lets be honest, this is still mostly about MP3s. Audiophiles
may gain something from the Transporter etc., but the big consumer
market won't hear any difference.

* Security: WPA for the Soundsbridge took a long time - and that SD was
caring about WPA security is in my personal eyes a very important
thing... but then, I'm more thinking about security than most people.
To me and my recommendations to others, that weighted more than all the
Soundbridges advantages... until now that Roku has WPA.


Within a year of having Squeezeboxes, people looked at them, liked
them, but found them too complicated once I explained the additional
work. Within a week of having a Soundbridge, I had someone buying
himself one as well (and that guy knew the Squeezeboxes).
So if you want to hear my opinion what could be made better: have a
server thats available as native bytecode (can still be OS and
multiplatform), and make those boxes able to connect to iTunes and WMP
at least (in the worst case with some kind of really easy to
one-click-install proxy software) to give users instant success. Or in
shorter words: improvements that would allow you to give one to your
mother with the confidence that you won't need to help her. Competition
has proven that it's possible ;)


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox the name...

2007-01-06 Thread Nickok

See also: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24859 for more
on the history of the name.


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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-06 Thread Andyoz

If that 50Tb prediction in 10 years relates to hard disk type storage,
what about solid state memory?

RAM sizes at the moment seem to lag behind HD type storage by a factor
of about 1/100, i.e. currently 4Gb RAM is readily available versus
400Gb HD's.

So are we looking at 500Gb RAM (or possibly 1Tb) within 10 years?  I
like the idea of not having little HD's wizzing away in the attic for
my server.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread fathom39

I've never understood the whining by some about horrible out-of-box
experiences.  Maybe it is the 80/20 rule in effect.  I am neither a Joe
Blow nor a Ted Techie.  I don't like products that insult my
intelligence (e.g., Microsoft Office, Clippy, you have unused icons on
your desktop, etc.) nor do I try to out-think a company's product.  I
found SB/SS to be very intuitive for me.

My SB experience

1.  Spring 2005 saw Roku Radio Paradise web site.
2.  Began reading Roku forums and found references to Slim Server
3.  Researched SD web site and bought SB2, intending to compare SB2
(30-day return) with Roku at Fry's.  Never did.
4.  SB2 arrived two days later.  I opened the box, hooked it up,
installed the SlimServer software, and successfully played a few MP3
5.  Later, I learned more about .flac, EAC, file tree organization,
6.  I have upgraded SS, and the firmware, flawlessly about three times.
Pretty darn close to ridiculously simple.


1.  Knob, fat server, larger screen, display menu on TV, Sonos style
remote, etc. might help you sell more units.  Just dont' abandon any of
the current features we also love: no knob, slim server, small form
factor, etc! :-)

2.  Stick with a web-browser UI... along the lines of the Yahoo! Mail
beta which is crazy quick and slick.

3.  Add support for streaming video and displaying images onto TVs.  I
know this is primarily a sonic device but how hard could it be to add
flix/pix?  I suspect the majority of homes still use the 'entertainment
center' concept in their living rooms.

1.  What's that?! my friend mocked when I showed him the web site. 
After I explained the concept he thought it was cool.  Another friend
still doesn't get it.

2.  I tried describing my system to another guy who does home audio
wiring and he went off on me about how X Box kicks ass and can find
any media on any networked PC and play it.  Oh, well.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread adamslim

tyler_durden;167577 Wrote: 
 When was the last time you bought an item at the store and and had to
 jump through hoops for a week to get it working and were satisfied with
 the purchase?
 The whole system is too complicated for your average Joe Blow.  People
 see/hear the SB3 and think it's great, but then they find out what is
 involved in setting it up and they balk at the ripping/tagging, network
 setup, server setup, and etc.  I think if you want to go mass market you
 will need to do some sort of server hardware as someone said in a
 previous post.  If it doesn't work right out of the box it will never
 become a consumer item.
 You might even have to start your own itunes' type operation (or make
 a deal with one of the existing ones) where you supply CORRECTLY tagged
 flac files, either a disc or song at a time, that can be ordered via the
 SB remote control.  Maybe set up your own web radio station to play new
 releases and have a purchase button on the remote.  Leave out the DRM
 (digital restrictions management) or forget the whole idea.
 You may need to think about streaming video, too.  I don't think there
 are many audio only systems left in the world except among audio

I agree with all aspects of this post:

The hassle of setup will alienate many people.  You need to have a
properly set-up wireless network, and it took me an hour to get
anything at all, and longer to get it working well.  Part of the
problem was a rather duff wifi access point, so it's not a problem that
Slim Devices can solve, but it was grief.

Tagging and general navigation through (especially large) libraries is
an issue too - I agree that the web front end needs work, although I
actually quite like it myself.

And the video point is well made: as it is, the SB3 is limited to
audiophiles that are computer fans too - probably a big enough market,
I guess, but...

So my ideas:

- Release a mini-server box, that has basic server software and a 300GB
HD for less than the price of a Squeezebox.  It needs ethernet and just
enough oomph to run SlimServer, probably on linux.  It needs to be
small - the size of the SB2, maybe - and quiet.

- Consider releasing a mini-server that can operate completely without
a PC (i.e. has a CD drive and a display so you can rip directly into

- Put some more cleverness in the SB4 so that it can access USB

- Release a video SB that can access the video files and TV cards in
the server PC.  But I wouldn't buy it ;)

- Release a SB that comes with a HomePlug adapter built-in, and offer a
complete package with a HomePlug for your computer too.  Support this
entire package.

- How about a HomePlug adapter built into the server mentioned above?

- Release a Sonos-like remote.  I've tried using my HTC Universal and
it's flaky; I'd like the interface to look better too.  (The 770 skin
doesn't work well.  Handheld works, but boy it's ugly!)

My in-laws have recently bought a Sony thing that has an HD; they feed
in their CDs, and it looks them up on the internet, and rips them (in
ATRAC...).  They want a simple solution - not a computer that's on all
the time.  The Sony works, and they like that.  Shame it sounds so



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[slim] Re: LAN/WLAN issue

2007-01-06 Thread sdenner

torwinen;163164 Wrote: 
 Dont know if this is already discussed here but:
 I just bought a WLAN version of Squeezebox and I am very happy with it.
 Just one problem (or an improvement idea) about LAN and WLAN. My PC is
 connected to Squeezebox via LAN and Squeezebox to internet via WLAN
 (via AP and ADSL). PC is accessing internet via Squeezebox which has
 LAN bridged to WLAN. Now, my problem is that I dont have the WLAN
 always ON in my house. Whenever this is true, I have to change the
 settings in the Squeezebox to connect to server via LAN instead of
 WLAN. I wish Squeezebox could sniff the available networks and change
 to the one that is available (would need a setting which one to prefer
 is both are available). One option would be if Squeezebox could have
 easier way to change between connecting profiles. Now I have to go
 through all the settings to change from one to another. How about an
 ability to save the settings to settings 1 and settings 2?
 Until that, I guess I have to keep the WLAN always ON. Or do I have
 some other options?

I have the same setup as this - slimserver on Wired and Internet on
Wireless, but the music does not stream through the WLAN. My reason for
putting my slimserver PC on the wired Ethernet port of the SB was to get
more bandwidth for streaming FLAC files and making the SB display scroll
smoothly. The walls in my house are thick and the wireless router is
upstairs so the signal strength is not great. The setup works
perfectly, the only drawback is I have to have the wireless access
point switched on in order to make Wake On LAN on the slimserver work.

Once the slimserver is booted the wireless access point can be turned
off and the music still streams at 100Mbit/s.

I wish the Squeezebox would attempt Wake On LAN using both the wireless
and the wired connection as that would complete the setup.


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[slim] Re: Ripping speed

2007-01-06 Thread Eric Seaberg

The quality of AIFF will not change.  It is an exact copy of the
original AIFC file on the CD.  Once you've got your songs as AIFF you
can ALWAYS re-encode them later to anything else, including FLAC.  

I hope you've got lots of storage space!  AIFF files will rip at a size
of 10MB/minute of music.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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[slim] Re: My squeezebox won't start at all

2007-01-06 Thread xpics23

1. I pressed all the buttons on the remote, but nothing happens on
screen. There is clearly a red infrared light coming from the top of
the remote so it's not the faulty part.

2. Slimserver does not find the player, but it never did when I had the
player connected to the squeezenetwork/pandora. Squeezenetwork seems to
say the player is connected.

Where is the reset button? :)

Michael Herger;167643 Wrote: 
  Any ideas what's wrong?
 Did you check the brightness setting (brightness button on the remote 
 control)? Do you still see it in the slimserver web interface? If yes:
 you still play music?
 http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
 http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR


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Re: [slim] Re: My squeezebox won't start at all

2007-01-06 Thread Michael Herger

Where is the reset button? :)

Unplug your SB, press and hold the ADD button on the remote while you plug  
it in again. Almost as intuitive as ctrl-alt-del :-)



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates

On 1/5/07, tyler_durden


Here are my thoughts.

When was the last time you bought an item at the store and and had to
jump through hoops for a week to get it working and were satisfied with
the purchase?

Straw man. You're trying to simplify the purchase of a complex system
into the terms of a simple system. Besides which, you're still
incorrect -- I'll bet you, like most people, have a junk drawer full
of simple items that didn't work out but are too inexpensive and
unimportant to bother returning.

The whole system is too complicated for your average Joe Blow.  People
see/hear the SB3 and think it's great, but then they find out what is
involved in setting it up and they balk at the ripping/tagging, network
setup, server setup, and etc.  I think if you want to go mass market you
will need to do some sort of server hardware as someone said in a
previous post.  If it doesn't work right out of the box it will never
become a consumer item.

Another straw man, and a familiar one from the OS fanboy arguments...
first the argument never takes into account people's willingness to
take action for an outcome (how many Joe Blow types are able to
successfully work their VCRs or Motorola phones, both of which could
take UI tips from Slimserver), and second the argument assumes that
99% penetration of the electricity-using population is in fact a
reasonable goal.

You might even have to start your own itunes' type operation (or make
a deal with one of the existing ones) where you supply CORRECTLY tagged
flac files, either a disc or song at a time, that can be ordered via the
SB remote control.  Maybe set up your own web radio station to play new
releases and have a purchase button on the remote.  Leave out the DRM
(digital restrictions management) or forget the whole idea.

That seems insane to me.

You may need to think about streaming video, too.  I don't think there
are many audio only systems left in the world except among audio

By that logic, there should also be a games console. Quite frankly, by
that logic the thing should make cake. I've asked for it a number of
times now, and my wishes are being ignored... come on,
LogiSlimTechDevices I want a cake maker in my SqueezeBox!
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Can't connect to Internet Radio

2007-01-06 Thread wodehouse

My SB3's timeout when trying to load a radio stream, but when I click on
the URL in the Slimserver UI, Windows Media Player pops up and plays
them just fine. This tells me the firewall and network are just fine,
and the problem must lie between the SS  SB?  Running on an Infrant by
the way with 6.5.1


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[slim] Memory not being written error - HELP!!!

2007-01-06 Thread Scoop

I get the following error part way through the scanning process for my

The instruction at 0x28089994 referenced memory at 0x0004. 
The memory could not be written.

The scanning process ends at this point and my entire music library is
not scanned and therefore it is not accessible. 

Does anyone have a solution???  Please!!!

Thanks, Scoop.


Scoop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9148
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Re: [slim] Memory not being written error - HELP!!!

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates

On 1/6/07, Scoop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I get the following error part way through the scanning process for my

The instruction at 0x28089994 referenced memory at 0x0004.
The memory could not be written.

The scanning process ends at this point and my entire music library is
not scanned and therefore it is not accessible.

Does anyone have a solution???  Please!!!

Thanks, Scoop.

Sounds like bad RAM to me.
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Skunk

Peter;167602 Wrote: 
 If a slick Windows client (one skilled programmer can do that) is what
 it takes to get considerable extra sales, SD/Logitech would be would be
 fools in a commercial sense to do that. You don't get to be as big as 
 Logitech by being a commercial fool...[color=blue]

My point was that the niche market of high quality streaming should
continue to be SD's domain, while logitech could market anything of
subpar audio quality under their name- just like car manufacturers. Why
ruin a good thing when unit sales could stay the same through ppl buying
the logitech product instead?

If you want to drastically increase the niche then audio should go to
the back burner and you should be working on getting an hdmi out into
one of the new products...


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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Re: [slim] How to enable standby and resume?

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates

On 1/6/07, erichabg

The Squeezebox sends a WOL packet when it powers on and finds that the
server isn't around. It must be on the same wired LAN for that to
work; routers block the magic packet. Make sure you've enabled WOL in
the BIOS of your server. As for your other question, check out the
PowerSave plugin.
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread upstatemike

Another niche market that I hope is not abandoned is the whole house
audio crowd. While the majority of Squeezebox sales are 1 or 2 units
used wirelessly, there are some folks who use several players in sync
to provide distributed music. Most find that once you go above 8 or 10
players that keeping things in sync with wireless players becomes a
challenge and switch to hardwired networking.

I'd like to see a slightly less expensive player without the wireless
functionality targeting the distributed audio crowd who need to sync a
large number of players. It would also be nice if it had some
additional mounting options such as a way to mount it to the underside
of a kitchen cabinet. A shorter form factor would also help with this
type of mounting.


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

upstatemike wrote:

Another niche market that I hope is not abandoned is the whole house
audio crowd. While the majority of Squeezebox sales are 1 or 2 units
used wirelessly, there are some folks who use several players in sync
to provide distributed music. Most find that once you go above 8 or 10
players that keeping things in sync with wireless players becomes a
challenge and switch to hardwired networking.

Absolutely, the music distribution stuff is great.

I'd like to see a slightly less expensive player without the wireless
functionality targeting the distributed audio crowd who need to sync a
large number of players. It would also be nice if it had some
additional mounting options such as a way to mount it to the underside
of a kitchen cabinet. A shorter form factor would also help with this
type of mounting.

I'm sure you must be aware of the present cheaper wired variety (not 
available in all black)...?


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[slim] Re: Cannot connect to network

2007-01-06 Thread JKC

I had the exact problem and this fixed it instantly.  I had been in
contact with support and they didn't mention this.  I wasted a month
trying to disable firewalls, reinstall software etc.


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[slim] Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-06 Thread jamullian

Executive Summary:

Winamp (v5.32 basic)has no problem playing Shoutcast Internet radio
streams on my system; Slimserver hardly ever manages a connection
(although it does OK on Alien BBC, for example).

The full story:

I have been lurking and reading other people's threads on similar
issues here for months; I'm the kind of guy who tries everything he can
think of and more himself before asking others. 

I have SlimServer running on Win XP2 (have tried it on 2 different
machines) and an SB3. SlimServer has no problems streaming mp3s from my
computer to the SB3, works great. However, when I try to use Slim to
connect to even the most obvious of Shoutcast stations, such as SomaFM
or Digitally Imported, at best it connects for a few seconds or maybe
minute or two before the buffer exhausts and rebuffering never works. I
have been downloading nightly updates of 6.5.1 for months in the hope
that it might get solved, but it never does.

Here's some of what I've tried:

- Increasing the buffer size, all the way up to 30 seconds, in stages

- Increasing the timeout, up to 60 seconds

- Uninstalling SlimServer and reinstalling (but note that I see the
same issue on two machines)

- Deleting the cache

- Disabling anti-virus scanning

There are a number of ways in which the issue can arise - most often
the stream never starts (with an Error no items found in playlist
showing on the SB3) or at best it plays for a few seconds or minutes,
runs out of buffer and does not rebuffer.

My current settings are 20 secs on radio station buffer and 45 secs on
radio station timeout.

The important thing to note here is that Winamp (plain vanilla default
install) never has a problem, never drops or jitters.

I am very disappointed, I bought the SB3 in major part to listen to
Internet radio. BTW, FWIW, Alien BBC works fine, but the Sirius plug-in
gets as far as showing the track info but never plays the music.

The only unusual thing about my setup is that I'm on a satellite
broadband connection, with typical d/l speeds of 2Mb (plenty of
bandwidth) and 150-400kb up. Problem (insoluble, due to laws of physics
and where I live) is the latency, which is between 800 and 1200ms. BUT I
would have thought that the buffer and timeout would take care of this -
and again, Winamp never has a problem.

I'm not trying to laud Winamp here - I'm trying to get SlimServer to
work. But worst case scenario might there be a way to capture and send
the Winamp audio to the SB3?

All suggestions will be read with interest. Any useful ones will be
rewarded with praise and acknowledgment!

SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11099 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread upstatemike

Peter;167722 Wrote: 
 I'm sure you must be aware of the present cheaper wired variety (not 
 available in all black)...?

No longer available in any color.


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[slim] Re: Cannot connect to network

2007-01-06 Thread ModelCitizen

Glad to be of service.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread EnochLight

fathom39;167661 Wrote: 
 2.  I tried describing my system to another guy who does home audio
 wiring and he went off on me about how X Box kicks ass and can find
 any media on any networked PC and play it.  Oh, well.

I own an Xbox 360.  My entire mp3/aac library is accessible via my 360,
and the fullscreen visualizations on my 50 plasma are awesome in HD. 
And it worked out of the box without much issue the first time I turned
it on...the moment I installed WMP11 on my PC that is.  Oh, and a codec
that allows it to see my iTunes library.  And another codec that allows
it to see the id3 info embedded in those files.  Sometimes.  And - woops
- doesn't play FLAC or Ogg?  And I can't save playlists on it unless the
media is actually on the 360's own hard drive?  Well that would be fine
and dandy if the anemic hdd wasn't a crappy 20 gig..  *grumble*

The Xbox is a mediocre media server front end at best, IMHO.  I still
prefer my Squeezebox over the 360 for music. Video is kind of cool on
the 360, though...if it's in WMV format that is.



EnochLight's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3392
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread tyler_durden

I think there might be a big market in bars and restaurants for an SB
juke-box type system.  Put a connector on the side of the thing to
allow a bigger display to be plugged in and when it isn't playing music
it can display RSS feeds of sports scores, weather, stock quotes, and



tyler_durden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2701
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread ModelCitizen

Patrick Dixon;167615 Wrote: 
 Shame listening to music didn't figure in there ;-)
It'd be quite unusual to be dancing without music though.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Mike New


I've been a Slim customer for several years, and have purchased a total
of 5 Squeezeboxes for myself and for gifts. Suffice to say, I'm a fan.

Things I like...
- Support for FLAC - and overall attention to sound quality
- Incredibly powerful, flexible server software (thanks to all!)
- Ability to sync multiple Squeezeboxes
- Direct access to Internet radio and other music sources
- The sleep  alarm clock functions (I have an SB at my bedside)
- The ability to browse music by folder (I wish my iPod could!)
- The ability to rescan a library (another iTunes shortcoming)
- All the things I can easily do with the remote.

What I don't like...
- The UI.  Despite the power of the software, it really fights back
when I try to manipulate music.  The process of changing the position
of a song in a relatively long playlist is awful. Having to return to
HOME for everything and then stepping through all the screens to browse
for songs is cumbersome.  (I have a large music library.)  The UI
desperately needs a complete makeover.

Things I'd like to see...
- An iTunes-like interface, where you can drag/drop music; re-order
columns for artist, song, etc.; scroll to anything; change song
filenames and tag info; find and delete duplicates.  
A sliding progress bar for Fast Foward and Rewind would be very cool.

- The ability to play iTunes playlists without adding the iTunes
library to the Slim library.  Since I use FLAC on Squeezebox and MP3
for everything else, I can't play iTunes playlists without having two
of everything in the Slim library.  I've tried re-creating the same
playlist in Slimserver, but it just makes me angry.

- The ability to create a playlist that isn't now playing.  This
would allow, for example, the ability to preview a song before adding
it to a playlist.  It would also help prevent wiping out a nice list in
progress when accidentally hitting Play.  As with iTunes, it would be
nice to just drag a song to a playlist.

- Changeable remote codes.  When I lower the volume on my Squeezebox,
the drawer on my DVD player opens.

- Better control of fast forward and rewind via the remote.  It would
also be a nice touch to pop up a large progress bar on Squeezebox
during the operation.

Bottom line, I think this music system is awesome - except the poor UI.
Throw some good talent at this aspect and you'll have a system with
widespread appeal for anyone who truly appreciates music (not just
hard-core geeks and audiophiles).  

Good luck and best wishes for huge prosperity!
Cheers - Mike

Mike New

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread ModelCitizen

It's obvious that the web GUI is the main gripe for most people.
I tend to alt/tab when I am doing anything with Slimserver web GUI so I
can get on with something else whilst it is loading or going to the next
menu. I can't think of any other programs I have to do this with.
However, I don't care too much as the web GUI is not a major part of my
SlimServer experience. The remote is much (much) more important. I
suspect this is the case with most Squeezebox, and especially
Transporter, users.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread tyler_durden

Jack Coates;167696 Wrote: 
 Straw man. You're trying to simplify the purchase of a complex system
 into the terms of a simple system. Besides which, you're still
 incorrect -- I'll bet you, like most people, have a junk drawer full of
 simple items that didn't work out but are too inexpensive and
 unimportant to bother returning.
  The whole system is too complicated for your average Joe Blow.  
 Another straw man, and a familiar one from the OS fanboy arguments...
 first the argument never takes into account people's willingness to
 take action for an outcome (how many Joe Blow types are able to
 successfully work their VCRs or Motorola phones, both of which could
 take UI tips from Slimserver), and second the argument assumes that 99%
 penetration of the electricity-using population is in fact a reasonable
  You may need to think about streaming video, too.  
 By that logic, there should also be a games console. Quite frankly, by
 that logic the thing should make cake. 

Actually, I'm an engineer and I don't have anything sitting in a drawer
that doesn't work.  I fix most of my stuff when it croaks, and other
people's stuff, too.  When I buy something that doesn't work it goes
back immediately.  If something dies and is unrepairable, I throw
usually it away, unless I can harvest some interesting parts before I
throw it away.  I make a lot of my own stuff.  You can see some of it
here:  http://mark.rehorst.com

I had no trouble setting up my SB3 system, but I have maintained
computers for other people for years, so I am familiar with Joe
Blow's ability to deal with computer networks, software to rip,
compress, and tag music files, and his ability to fix it when something
goes wrong.  I am also familiar with the effort he is willing to expend
to get that cool sound system up and running.  Most are not willing to
do so.

Streaming video is obvious, making cake isn't.

I think what is needed here is to separate the SB audio system from the
home computer system.  That means a box that works the minute you plug
it in because that is all that Joe Blow can handle.  That means plug in
an internet connection, a CD player/ripper (or have one built in), all
the software to rip, compress, and tag the music, a big HDD to store it
on, and preconfigured wireless networking.  Essentially a Sonos or
similar competitive system without the amps built into the remote
receivers and hopefully without the high prices, too.



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[slim] Re: My squeezebox won't start at all

2007-01-06 Thread xpics23

I've tried that reboot thing but the screen still remains blank. I can't
imagine what's wrong with this thing.


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[slim] Is Top 500 Shoutcast broken in nightlies?

2007-01-06 Thread bennyTHEshap


Is the Shoutcast top 500 broken for anybody else?

When I click it, I get the following error:

There was an error loading the remote feed for : ( unclosed token at
line 24, column 0, byte 2496 at
line 187 )



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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

upstatemike wrote:
Peter;167722 Wrote: 
I'm sure you must be aware of the present cheaper wired variety (not 
available in all black)...?


No longer available in any color.

I didn't know that. Can't say I'm surprised, though. I bet they weren't 
selling very well compared to the wireless version and it's always extra 
hassle to keep up different models. It would've been nice if they'd 
lowered the wireless price to the wired to mark the occasion. I'd always 
spend the extra $50 for he wireless option, you never know when you 
might need it.

It would be interesting to know how well the other stuff is selling in 
comparison. White, black and all black models and of course the 
Transporter. But they're not *that* open, are they...? ;)


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[slim] Help !

2007-01-06 Thread pjdowns

For Christmas my fiance bought me a Squeezebox 2. This is an excellent
bit of kit and considering what it is and the price it doesn't sound
half bad in my system either !

I do however have a couple of issues that I hope you'll be able to
assist with.

For your information:

I am using a G5 Apple Mac as the server and streaming the data down to
the Squeezebox through a Cat5 UTP cable through a Linksys Wireless
Router.  All of the music has been ripped to AAC (192 over 44) m4a.


1. The server occasionally locks up while in use causes blips in the
music and very occasionally locks up the entire machine and I have to
switch it off at the power button. (Surely not ... this is a Mac ;)

2. The Slim Devices network system doesn't appear to be able to find
all of the albums that I have converted. These seem to be primarily
Greatest Hits albums.  Could this be anything to do with the way that I
have ripped them ?

Any help would be most apprciated.




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[slim] sound level seems too low

2007-01-06 Thread tintin

I recently set up my nifty new SB3 and followed the directions as best
as I could to RIP some CDs to FLAC with EAC/AccurateRIP/freedb. 
Everything I play - including my wifes iTunes playlists created earlier
in some other format - all plays very softly on my stereo.  If I turn
the volume up it sounds fine - but the volume is double or more what I
would set if I was just playing a CD directly.

I connected the SB3 to the MD/DAT inputs on my Sony.  Should I use
another jack?  Use digital cables?

Thanks in advance for the help.


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Re: [slim] Re: My squeezebox won't start at all

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

xpics23 wrote:

I've tried that reboot thing but the screen still remains blank. I can't
imagine what's wrong with this thing.

Well, believe it or not, it could actually be broken. When you get over 
the disappointment you might contact support to get it fixed. I had one 
of my 4 SB3's break on me, so they seem to do that sometimes. I hope the 
phenomenon is limited to the first year of ownership, though...


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[slim] Re: sound level seems too low

2007-01-06 Thread tommypeters

Have you set the SB3 volume to full?

And yes, if you have digital inputs on your reciever/preamp it's no
need for one extra D/A and one A/D conversion.


SB3--Meridian G68--NuForce Ref8--Bc Acoustique ACT A3

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Re: [slim] How to enable standby and resume?

2007-01-06 Thread Peter

Jack Coates wrote:

On 1/6/07, erichabg

The Squeezebox sends a WOL packet when it powers on and finds that the
server isn't around. It must be on the same wired LAN for that to
work; routers block the magic packet. Make sure you've enabled WOL in
the BIOS of your server. As for your other question, check out the
PowerSave plugin.

Why wouldn't it work on a wireless LAN bridged with a wired LAN?
That's the usual configuration for a network isn't it?


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Re: [slim] How to enable standby and resume?

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates

On 1/6/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jack Coates wrote:
 On 1/6/07, erichabg

 The Squeezebox sends a WOL packet when it powers on and finds that the
 server isn't around. It must be on the same wired LAN for that to
 work; routers block the magic packet. Make sure you've enabled WOL in
 the BIOS of your server. As for your other question, check out the
 PowerSave plugin.

Why wouldn't it work on a wireless LAN bridged with a wired LAN?
That's the usual configuration for a network isn't it?

If the computer side is wired and the Squeezebox side is wireless and
it's a bridge, not a router, then yes, it should work.

I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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Re: [slim] Help !

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates

On 1/6/07, pjdowns

For Christmas my fiance bought me a Squeezebox 2. This is an excellent
bit of kit and considering what it is and the price it doesn't sound
half bad in my system either !


1. The server occasionally locks up while in use causes blips in the
music and very occasionally locks up the entire machine and I have to
switch it off at the power button. (Surely not ... this is a Mac ;)

Yes, they do suck just as much as much as any other computer :) In
particular, they tend to be slow. How much RAM, is it busy doing other
stuff? The network health plugin might be useful too (use this from
the Squeezebox's remote). Also, do you have iTunes integration turned
on or are you using the music folder?

2. The Slim Devices network system doesn't appear to be able to find
all of the albums that I have converted. These seem to be primarily
Greatest Hits albums.  Could this be anything to do with the way that I
have ripped them ?

It's probably a tagging issue -- how are the tracks organized and tagged?
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Reading emails on the Squeezebox

2007-01-06 Thread marlar


Having owned the SB for 2 weeks now, I have already created some nice
scripts for it.

Now I have got the idea that it is possible, in fact quite easy, to
read emails on it. But before I make the scripts I would like to hear
if such a thing already exists?



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[slim] Re: Reading emails on the Squeezebox

2007-01-06 Thread andyg

Probably the easiest thing to do is create an RSS feed from your email,
and you're done.  You can already do this for Gmail, there's a previous
thread about it if you search for it.


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[slim] Re: Naming added radio stations.

2007-01-06 Thread peterw

Millwood, thanks for the tip. I've been annoyed by this limitation for a
while, and I appreciate having a workaround that allows me to name my

I saw a bugs.slimdevices.com ticket for naming Favorites on
SqueezeNetwork (http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1953), but
nothing obvious for SlimServer, so I just opened a feature enhancement
ticket for this:



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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates


Actually, I'm an engineer and I don't have anything sitting in a drawer
that doesn't work.  I fix most of my stuff when it croaks, and other
people's stuff, too.  When I buy something that doesn't work it goes
back immediately.  If something dies and is unrepairable, I throw
usually it away, unless I can harvest some interesting parts before I
throw it away.  I make a lot of my own stuff.  You can see some of it
here:  http://mark.rehorst.com

Cool stuff -- so okay, you don't have a junk drawer, but I still think
that it's not that unusual :)

I had no trouble setting up my SB3 system, but I have maintained
computers for other people for years, so I am familiar with Joe
Blow's ability to deal with computer networks, software to rip,
compress, and tag music files, and his ability to fix it when something
goes wrong.  I am also familiar with the effort he is willing to expend
to get that cool sound system up and running.  Most are not willing to
do so.

Correct -- and that's okay. The same fellow doesn't have an RJ-45
crimper, either, and is more inclined to replace his wireless router
than to change its default channel to one that doesn't conflict. He is
not the target consumer for this product. If you want to make a
product for him, fine, but changing this one into his product is a Bad

Streaming video is obvious, making cake isn't.

Correct -- it's a reductio ad absurdum argument, used in order to
point out that streaming video is outside of the functionality that
the Slim Devices product line is currently targeted at. A video
streaming product would be kinda cool, but it's not a
Squeezebox+Slimserver, and I don't think it should be.

I think what is needed here is to separate the SB audio system from the
home computer system.  That means a box that works the minute you plug
it in because that is all that Joe Blow can handle.  That means plug in
an internet connection, a CD player/ripper (or have one built in), all
the software to rip, compress, and tag the music, a big HDD to store it
on, and preconfigured wireless networking.  Essentially a Sonos or
similar competitive system without the amps built into the remote
receivers and hopefully without the high prices, too.

There is only one reason to go into a market with a well-defined
owner, and that is to trounce them by doing a better job. Sonos wins
the turnkey solution folks, Slim wins the hackers.

I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Help !

2007-01-06 Thread pjdowns

Hi stinkingpig,

Thanks for your prompt reply;

The locking up thing I have now found is actually the rubbish Logitech
software I have installed for the mouse I am using. When I go back to
the wireless Mac mouse everything works a treat again.

1. Thanks. Damn good little machine. Not quite as good as my CD player,
but considering the original price difference I am not exactly

2. Although it has to be said that the blips are sometimes there. I
have just upgraded the Squeezebox's version by holding down the
brightness button. Hopefully it will be better now. The Mac doesn't do
anything else other than this at present. It does however seem to get a
bit confused if it is downloading something else on the network or if I
am using one of the other computers I have and downloading something on
the internet, but then again that makes total sense. The Mac has 2GB RAM
so should be enough and it is one of the last True Macs, being a G5
and using the Motorolla Chip rather than the Intel. I am using the
Music Folder rather than ITunes. Felt this was slightly better, am I
correct ?. One note, When you look in the music folder rather than
under Artists I can find all of the albums correctly. It is only when
looking under either Albums or Artists that there appears to be an

3. I used ITunes to burn them all, that is as far as I know ?? Sorry I
am now slightly lost !


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[slim] Re: sound level seems too low

2007-01-06 Thread peterw

If you tweak the SB3 output to be just right with the SB3 volume
control and want to keep it there, you might try my VolumeLock plugin.


I haven't tried it with digital outputs (my hifi gear is older), but
you might find it useful.



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[slim] Re: Reading emails on the Squeezebox

2007-01-06 Thread peterw

There are some email plugins listed here:

If you do roll your own, please consider releasing it and adding it to
that list. :-)



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[slim] Re: Reading emails on the Squeezebox

2007-01-06 Thread marlar

andyg;167761 Wrote: 
 Probably the easiest thing to do is create an RSS feed from your email,
 and you're done.

Yes, that was my idea. I will take a look at Peter's link and see what
I find.


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[slim] Re: Reading emails on the Squeezebox

2007-01-06 Thread marlar

I have found that the email addons are plugins for SlimServer. I would
rather prefer simple scripts to put on any web server as I don't really
like being dependent on having my computer turned on.

I will return with more info when I have made the script.


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[slim] Re: Memory not being written error - HELP!!!

2007-01-06 Thread DasGutHerrDoktor

Suspicious looking memory location - possibly some other error. Suggest
you enable the d_scan debug flag and repeat the process. This will show
which track the scan failed on.

I have seen corrupted tags cause this (on linux). Best solution is to
move the entire directory in which scan failed outwith your music path
and re-scan. If this then completes it is time to fathom out what SS
doesn't like about the file(s) in that directory, fix them and move the
directory back into the music path.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread morberg

Peter;167584 Wrote: 
 A professional version of something Moose would do.
Agreed, if you add local playback that doesn't rely on softsqueeze.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread adamslim

EnochLight;167730 Wrote: 
 I own an Xbox 360.  My entire mp3/aac library is accessible via my 360,
 and the fullscreen visualizations on my 50 plasma are awesome in HD. 
 And it worked out of the box without much issue the first time I turned
 it on...the moment I installed WMP11 on my PC that is.  Oh, and a codec
 that allows it to see my iTunes library.  And another codec that allows
 it to see the id3 info embedded in those files.  Sometimes.  And - woops
 - doesn't play FLAC or Ogg?  And I can't save playlists on it unless the
 media is actually on the 360's own hard drive?  Well that would be fine
 and dandy if the anemic hdd wasn't a crappy 20 gig..  *grumble*
 The Xbox is a mediocre media server front end at best, IMHO.  I still
 prefer my Squeezebox over the 360 for music. Video is kind of cool on
 the 360, though...if it's in WMV format that is.

And the Xbox sounds like a jet aircraft taking off...  Even my 14
year-old nephew complains about that!!!



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread morberg

CCRDude;167653 Wrote: 
 Squeezebox wins over Soundbridge:
You made some excellent points in your post, but missed one that made
the choice easier for me: 802.11g rather than 11b.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Gary_W

Since I bought my SB3, two work colleagues have bought based on my
raves.  The things I like:-

Sound quality / native flac support

The ability to browse your whole music collection really easily.

The 3rd party pluggins are great.  Pandora is fantastic, though it
needs the ability to use it via Slimserver as well as through
Squeezenetwork so you can log your tunes on LastFM ;)

The display is great, and the overall look is very easy on the eye.

I don't like:-

Playlists / integration with iTunes.  I have an iPod, as do an awful
lot of potential customers.  This means I have 500 odd albums ripped as
MP3 and another 150 or so ripped as FLAC.  All the FLACs have MP3
duplicates so I can listen to them on the iPod.  I want Slimserver to
ONLY play the best quality of song it can, so if there is a FLAC
version I don't want it to bother with the MP3.  At the moment, it
causes a terrible amount of faffing around that I still haven't really
got to grips with.

The web interface isn't so good.

I use a Harmony 895 remote.  As you're all the same company now, better
895 support should surely be pretty easy?  It works fine, but it should
be bang on out of the box.  




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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-06 Thread Dave Dewey
Quoting tyler_durden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I had no trouble setting up my SB3 system, but I have maintained
 computers for other people for years, so I am familiar with Joe
 Blow's ability to deal with computer networks, software to rip,
 compress, and tag music files, and his ability to fix it when something
 goes wrong.  I am also familiar with the effort he is willing to expend
 to get that cool sound system up and running.  Most are not willing to
 do so.

But how many of those people are serious music listeners?  In my opinion,
the Squeezebox is not a product for people that are content listening to FM
radio in their cars or are content with the storage capacity of their Nano.

Most people in my experience that are serious enough music fans to
accumulate large collections are technologically savvy enough to deal with a
Squeezebox.  They may be audiophiles, dealing with highly complex systems
and concepts, or they've already been involved for some time in downloading
music to accumulate the collections they've built.

Just look at the size of the music collections that people on these forums
have.  I haven't seen many (any?) posts from people that have 200 songs in
their iTunes library and are interested in Slim products.  The slimserver
market, again in my opinion, is comprised of passionate music fans that
aren't going to be daunted by the minor complexities of setting up a server.

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[slim] RSS Feed with links to streams - how to play?

2007-01-06 Thread asteinmetz

WFMU has an RSS feed with links to their most recent shows.  An entry
from the XML file looks like this:

WFMU MP3 Archive: Michael Shelley's show from Jan 6, 2007

I can load it into the SlimServer RSS reader but pressing play doesn't
hook to the stream.  It can also be viewed from the podcast plugin but
can't be played.  Manually entering the .m3u url in a playlist text
file will play the stream but then it doesn't update of course.

I feel like there is a way to do this but I can't figure it out.  Any
guidance?  Thanks.


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[slim] Re: Live 365 problem

2007-01-06 Thread kyle1bre

Hi Ross,
the IP address checked out fine and I rebooted my Mac and now the radio
options seem to be working. So fingers crossed it was just a reboot or
restart of server issue.  Many thanks for you prompt support on this
issue.  Great.



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[slim] Re: Broken Slim

2007-01-06 Thread empty99

Matt Shaw;9646 Wrote: 
 Hiya, I posted in here earlier about problems with play back with my
 slimp and it making popping noises when playing songs. Which suddenly
 started out of the blue. 
 I have since taken it to a friends house and tried it on his system
 he has one as well) and it seems it is my Slim. So the question is
 in the UK can I send it to be fixed? (Not best pleased as I only
 it back in October)

Just happened about 2 weeks ago...check this:

Still haven't found the culprit. I just wrote Slimdevices customer
service this morning. I will try to stay in touch.


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[slim] Re: Wireless connection

2007-01-06 Thread SuperQ

oconnellc;167755 Wrote: 
 Problem not related to the squeezebox.  I found a firmware update for my
 wireless router and things are working (so far)?

Glad we could help ;)

Are you running Slimserver 6.5?  There is a great wireless data test
that you can run under Plugins - Network Test

Once the network test is running press the down arrow till it hits
2000kbps, that should be able to stay at Avg 90%.  My little d-link
802.11g can do 99% at 5000kbps no problem.


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[slim] Re: Broken Slim

2007-01-06 Thread empty99

3 years old post! But my problem is similar and still current...Any help
much appreciated. TN


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[slim] Re: Broken Slim

2007-01-06 Thread Craig

If you only bought it in October then it's a warranty job and should go
back to your dealer.



MC2Slim - Windows Shell and J River Media Center Integration for


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Re: [slim] Re: Help !

2007-01-06 Thread Jack Coates


2. Although it has to be said that the blips are sometimes there. I
have just upgraded the Squeezebox's version by holding down the
brightness button. Hopefully it will be better now. The Mac doesn't do
anything else other than this at present. It does however seem to get a
bit confused if it is downloading something else on the network or if I
am using one of the other computers I have and downloading something on
the internet, but then again that makes total sense. The Mac has 2GB RAM
so should be enough and it is one of the last True Macs, being a G5
and using the Motorolla Chip rather than the Intel. I am using the
Music Folder rather than ITunes. Felt this was slightly better, am I
correct ?. One note, When you look in the music folder rather than
under Artists I can find all of the albums correctly. It is only when
looking under either Albums or Artists that there appears to be an

That all sounds fine... the firmware upgrade probably will help,
especially if you go to a 6.5.1 nightly from

One other thing to try is to use your remote to go to Plugins 
Network Test, then press down until you see problems.

3. I used ITunes to burn them all, that is as far as I know ?? Sorry I
am now slightly lost !

I don't like iTunes or Mac myself, but basically you need to modify
the tags for those albums. Are the tracks present when you browse by
artist? Do you have your music in Artist  Album folders?

I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: WiFi frustration! (But happy ending... for now)

2007-01-06 Thread Brian Ritchie

Recoveryone;167539 Wrote: 
 I was about to ask you some question about your provider, but I notice
 your in the UK, and from some other posting from people form across the
 pond I come to learn your providers are like night and day from ours in
 the US.

Our provider is NTL (broadband cable); they supplied a cable modem.
However, the wireless router that it plugs into (Linksys WRT54G or
something like that) is entirely ours. For once, I don't think NTL have
anything to do with the problem!

There was another failure today... my wife was listening to a long
playlist, randomised, when after a couple of hours it suddenly stopped.
I had gone out for a few minutes, and was surprised to return to
silence. It stopped mid-track, and when it came on again, it started
the playlist from scratch, so I stopped it.  I assumed it was another
WiFi glitch, until I went upstairs and discovered that the PC had
crashed and rebooted! No idea why; I'd left MediaMonkey converting a
ton of FLACs to mp3 for the iPod, but this was nothing unusual.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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[slim] radioio Failed to Parse Error

2007-01-06 Thread ChrisNY

When I try to connect to the radioio menu the squeezebox is giving me a
Failed to Parse... error after it tries to fetch the menu...Any
ideas?  I am running 6.50 on Windows XP.



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Re: [slim] radioio Failed to Parse Error

2007-01-06 Thread kdf
There are some known parsing problems with 6.5.0.  You'll want to try 
the latest nightly builds of 6.5.1 here:



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[slim] Is it better to wire the server or the SB? One has to be on wifi...

2007-01-06 Thread bigmdime

For quality - is it better to have the server wired in the network and
the SB on wifi?  or the server on wifi and the SB on the network? 
should one choice be better than the other?


bigmdime's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4956
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[slim] Re: Is it better to wire the server or the SB? One has to be on wifi...

2007-01-06 Thread seanadams

If you're using Internet radio or SqueezeNetwork, it would be better to
make the Squeezebox wired so it has the best connection ot the
internet.  If you're streaming from the computer, it doesn't really
matter - if you get dropouts one way, try it the other way.


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[slim] Re: Is it better to wire the server or the SB? One has to be on wifi...

2007-01-06 Thread bigmdime

seanadams;167833 Wrote: 
 If you're using Internet radio or SqueezeNetwork, it would be better to
 make the Squeezebox wired so it has the best connection ot the
 internet.  If you're streaming from the computer, it doesn't really
 matter - if you get dropouts one way, try it the other way.

Thanks - i's not for squeezenetwork but for streaming from the
computer.  moving the cable box/router isn't insignificant for me. 
right now both are wfi and i'm getting drop-outs.  so i have to move
the wire to one or the other.  which is more likely to fix the problem?
i'd rather just move it once.


bigmdime's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4956
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Re: [slim] Re: Is it better to wire the server or the SB? One has to be on wifi...

2007-01-06 Thread Pat Farrell
bigmdime wrote:
 Thanks - i's not for squeezenetwork but for streaming from the
 computer.  moving the cable box/router isn't insignificant for me. 
 right now both are wfi and i'm getting drop-outs.  so i have to move
 the wire to one or the other.  which is more likely to fix the problem?
 i'd rather just move it once.

It is impossible to say remotely. It can depend on wires and pipes in
the walls, neighbors with microwaves or wireless telephones, etc.

just test it. Drag cable from each to your switch/router.
Make sure that fixes it. (sure, it has lousy WAF, but this is just a test).

Then unplug one, test, plug it back, unplug the other, retest.


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[slim] Re: Is it better to wire the server or the SB? One has to be on wifi...

2007-01-06 Thread JJZolx

bigmdime;167832 Wrote: 
 For quality - is it better to have the server wired in the network and
 the SB on wifi?  or the server on wifi and the SB on the network? 
 should one choice be better than the other?

Like Pat says, for quality it could go either way.  What exactly does
your network look like, including the physical layout, locations of the
Squeezebox, the server, router/switch, etc?  Do you have any other PCs
on the network?  I'm curious why you say you can only move the wire
to one or the other - does your router only have a single Ethernet



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[slim] Re: Another new music site supporting DRM

2007-01-06 Thread LULU

I've tried soundtaxi.  It converts well on the DRM from musicmatch. I
converted with no problem and the songs play well on slimp3.
Files from Itunes seem to skip.  I've now tried to convert with a lower
level quality and some of them seem to convert fine but not all of
It's not a bad deal.


LULU's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9163
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[slim] Re: Another new music site supporting DRM

2007-01-06 Thread azinck3

LULU;167842 Wrote: 
 I've tried soundtaxi.  It converts well on the DRM from musicmatch. I
 converted with no problem and the songs play well on slimp3.
 Files from Itunes seem to skip.  I've now tried to convert with a lower
 level quality and some of them seem to convert fine but not all of
 It's not a bad deal.

But back to Michael's question...how does it work?  If it's actually
stripping the DRM then sound-quality wise you're ok, but if it's
transcoding back to a lossy format or doing something along the lines
of what Boywonder suggests then you're losing sound quality.


azinck3's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3967
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