Re: [slim] Pandora app no longer shows on home page

2022-03-13 Thread mherger

Did you double check on Is it still there and
configured? Anything server.log, in particular messages about signing in
to Did you double check your mysb credentials in LMS?


"It doesn't work - what shall I do?" - "Please check your server.log
and/or scanner.log file!"
(LMS: Settings/Information)

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Re: [slim] mp3 track transition problem on Linux - clicks between tracks

2022-03-13 Thread deadushka

cliveb wrote: 
> Do you have replaygain switched on, and if so is it set to track gain?
> A sudden change in replaygain setting on track transition could cause a
> "tick".

I have Track Gain on. But I tried to switch it off and the deffect

*System 1:* 12TB i7 Fedora 34 Server + LMS 8.2.0 > RaspberryPi3 +
IQaudIO Pro > 2xTPA3116 Mono Balanced Amps > NHT 1.5 + NHT SubTwo (1000W
with DSP Bass Management)
*System 2:* 8TB i5 Fedora 34 Server + LMS 8.2.0 > RaspberryPi3 + Generic
PCM5242 I2S DAC > 2xTPA3255 Balanced Amps with DSP Bass Management > NHT

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Re: [slim] mp3 track transition problem on Linux - clicks between tracks

2022-03-13 Thread deadushka

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Do the clicks only appear when the transition is from FLAC to DSF and
> vice versa?

It's random.

*System 1:* 12TB i7 Fedora 34 Server + LMS 8.2.0 > RaspberryPi3 +
IQaudIO Pro > 2xTPA3116 Mono Balanced Amps > NHT 1.5 + NHT SubTwo (1000W
with DSP Bass Management)
*System 2:* 8TB i5 Fedora 34 Server + LMS 8.2.0 > RaspberryPi3 + Generic
PCM5242 I2S DAC > 2xTPA3255 Balanced Amps with DSP Bass Management > NHT

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread Michael Herger

If I may, a completely different question.  I have a subscription to the

I recommend starting new threads for new, unrelated questions. But this 
one is simple enough :-).

"Announcement - ickStream open beta release on Squeezebox !".  Do you
know if anyone is working on a plugin to connect LMS to the Digital
Concert Hall?

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread svetter

Hi Michael - Everything is good.  As per my earlier posting I ended up
removing and reinstating the Deezer account within the mySqueezebox
environment as you also noted.  A little awkward, but now I know.

I really appreciate the support I have received from you and others on
various questions over the years about the LMS environment and usage /
configuration ossies.

If I may, a completely different question.  I have a subscription to the
Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall (, and
it would be nice to be able to browse / play concerts from this source
through the LMS environment.  I guess similar to the YouTube plugin
which allows searching for videos and streaming the audio portion
through the LMS system.  I have searched the forums for
digitalconcerthall and got only a single match - in the forum topic
"Announcement - ickStream open beta release on Squeezebox !".  Do you
know if anyone is working on a plugin to connect LMS to the Digital
Concert Hall?

Many thanks,

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Re: [slim] mp3 track transition problem on Linux - clicks between tracks

2022-03-13 Thread cliveb

Do you have replaygain switched on, and if so is it set to track gain?
A sudden change in replaygain setting on track transition could cause a

Until recently: Transporter -> ATC SCM100A, now sold :-(
House move forced change to: piCorePlayer(RPi2/HiFiBerry DIGI2 Pro) ->
Meridian 218 -> Meridian M6

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Re: [slim] MB Vs MiB

2022-03-13 Thread sodface

This is an interesting and timely thread, having just worked on a
directory index script which includes file sizes:

It's the classic directory index style, also used by the Alpine mirrors:

I didn't like that stat returned bytes and started looking at converting
it to something more human readable. An interesting discussion here:

I'm going to leave it at bytes for now just to keep things simple. I
doubt I'll get any complaints.

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[slim] Pandora app no longer shows on home page

2022-03-13 Thread mnvelocitypilot

OK, so I'm sure this is going to be a dumb question, but, 

I've Lost Pandora!  It no longer shows up in my home page, apps library,
anywhere!  What the heck!

It used to work just fine!  And I miss it!  I don't know of anything
I've changed (I do have my plugins set to automatically update).  

Some more details:  I'm running a network of three RPi players, each
running Max2Play v1.0.2 based on v1.8.4-726, and Logitech Media Server
Version: 8.2.0 - 1627922070.  The Pandora plugin (V3.0) is installed,
and I've uninstalled/reinstalled it.  

I've confirmed that I'm logged into Pandora, and that all of my players
are set to enabled, and they're all set to "display on home menu".

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread Michael Herger

That said, I could not find a plug-in settings link (either on the LMS
"Server Settings" screen Plugins tab or on the Advanced tab), where I
could easily update the password.  In order to make the password update

On MySB you should be able to remove the account from the service's 
settings page, and re-authenticate.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread svetter

Hi Michael - Thank you for pointing this out.  I had done a general
review / regeneration of passwords a few months ago, and that is when
things must have gotten out of sync.  I had subsequently updated the
password directly on Deezer, but didn't think to update LMS at the same

That said, I could not find a plug-in settings link (either on the LMS
"Server Settings" screen Plugins tab or on the Advanced tab), where I
could easily update the password.  In order to make the password update
I ended up uninstalling the plugin, deleting and recreating my Deezer
plugin credentials on  Is there
an easier way to do this?

Many thanks! - very happy to have my Deezer functionality back within my
LMS environment.

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Re: [slim] mp3 track transition problem on Linux - clicks between tracks

2022-03-13 Thread slartibartfast

deadushka wrote: 
> I have the same problem. The difference is that I have Fedora 34 Server
> and the files are flac's and dsf's. It plays the whole albums without
> any clicks or pops, but when you choose Random Play that's where this
> effect demonstrates itsef. These clicks are very noticable but some
> songs seem to not have them at all, very elusive.
> I've tried various options of crossfade - no result. Checked if I had
> the same deffect with Roon - Roon doesn't seem to have the same deffect.
> Must be some kind of flaw with gapless feature. Looks like random play
> use some other gapless option. It's very annoying once you noticed
> that.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.Do the clicks only appear when the transition is from FLAC to DSF and
vice versa?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] mp3 track transition problem on Linux - clicks between tracks

2022-03-13 Thread deadushka

maggior wrote: 
> I've been using SlimServer on a Windows XP machine for 9 months now. 
> Recently I moved to a Linux server for better performance.  Last night I
> noticed some gaps in some songs.  They are small (clicks actually), but
> they are noticable.
> All of my mp3s are created with LAME specifically for the gapless
> feature.
> If I play these files directly from my Linux server using foobar2000,
> there is no gap whatsoever.  I never noticed these gaps on my Windows
> machine (if they were there, I would have noticed - I'm sensitive to the
> gap issue).
> I'm running 6.5.3 with 81 FW.  I've rescanned my library (clear and
> scan), reloaded the FW by holding down brightness, restarted the server,
> and disabled the iTunes update plugin (I have it configured to update
> locally).  I verfied that the "audio startup" parameter for the player
> is set to 0.
> Suggestions?  This one has me stumped.  
> I reverted back to my Windows setup.  1st with it accessing the files
> from my Linux server and 2nd in the original configuration.  The click
> is still there.  Guess it's been a long time since I listened to Abbey
> Road.  It doesn't appear to occur with all songs, which makes it more
> elusive.
> I see that there was a gap issue fixed in FW 81.  I wonder if in fixing
> this another issue was brought about.  I'm going to revert back to 6.5.2
> and see how it goes.
> So the Linux part of the equation is a red herring.  I'm going to revert
> to 6.5.2 and see what happens.
> Thanks!

I have the same problem. The difference is that I have Fedora 34 Server
and the files are flac's and dsf's. It plays the whole albums without
any clicks or pops, but when you choose Random Play that's where this
effect demonstrates itsef. These clicks are very noticable but some
songs seem to not have them at all, very elusive.

I've tried various options of crossfade - no result. Checked if I had
the same deffect with Roon - Roon doesn't seem to have the same deffect.
Must be some kind of flaw with gapless feature. Looks like random play
use some other gapless option. It's very annoying once you noticed

Any ideas?


|Filename:   |

*System 1:* 12TB i7 Fedora 34 Server + LMS 8.2.0 > RaspberryPi3 +
IQaudIO Pro > 2xTPA3116 Mono Balanced Amps > NHT 1.5 + NHT SubTwo (1000W
with DSP Bass Management)
*System 2:* 8TB i5 Fedora 34 Server + LMS 8.2.0 > RaspberryPi3 + Generic
PCM5242 I2S DAC > 2xTPA3255 Balanced Amps with DSP Bass Management > NHT

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread Michael Herger

however, in the last ?half-year? Deezer have dumbed down the plugin, so
that the plugin only plays "smart radio" channels.

If you only see smart radios then you either don't have a premium (paid) 
subscription, or your Deezer credentials on are invalid.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread jimwillsher

It works okay for me?


|Filename: 2022-03-13_080043.jpg|

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