[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-29 Thread Aslak

Morbiato Wrote: 
 As a non-techie new owner I can't help thinking that this wonderful
 device would be accepted in GB rather more if it was possible to get
 the BBC digital transmissions on it! Ok so there's AlienBBC but I have
 been quite unable to get it working and before the last software update
 had got Radio 7 in my Favorites which have now gone - for ever?

I agree with that.  I have a DAB radio too, but I hardly ever use it
because it's stand-alone and not plummed into the hifi.  Being able to
listen to more regular and digital radio stations would be great.  I
have managed to find Virgin in one of the radio index's though. :) It
sounds quite backward to want to listen to regular FM and digital
radio on the Squeeze but there you have it.

Haven't tried Alien but read about it, and it scared me.  And I've been
using Unix/linux since 1996

I do think Slim need more PR/reviews in the UK though.  I got mine
through broadbandstuff.co.uk and am very glad I did!


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[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-29 Thread Aslak

danco Wrote: 
 On 29/8/05 at 04:58 -0700, Aslak wrote
 Haven't tried Alien but read about it, and it scared me.  And I've
 using Unix/linux since 1996
 It's really not that difficult if one is used to Unix, and even if 
 one is not. The trouble is that one has to pick up bits from various 
 sources and they don't all work well together. But there's no actual 
 mystery, or hard Unix work, about it.

Looking at AlienBBC I remember now what the problem was.  I run
SlimServer on my fileserver box (Fedora), and it dosn't have X, which
is a requirement for mplayer.  So I'm kind of screwed because I really
don't want to clog up the machine with an X install.  Well, I guess the
problem is my own making.


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