Re: [slim] One for the gurus and boffins - connection time out issue

2010-04-08 Thread EarthWalker

I must apologise for the very tardy reply.

I have been busy over the last week or so re installing the OS and
programs on this notebook which has never played with the SB3 well.

I think I have finally fixed it (says he grabbing a piece of wood). 

My guess is it was the "Beeping" security suite I have been battling
with since I bought this notebook. After painstakingly going through
and installing the software that was once loaded, this machine started
to crash again with the same problems as soon as the security suite was
installed. There were no other programs only what Dell provided on the
PC at the time of supply.

Have flicked off the security suite (CA suite 2009) and now have McAfee
running and all is sweet.

Testing the SB3 now via wireless it has played for nearly two hours
without a single hicup.

The security suite made sence as the SB3 would always fail at song
change. I'm betting the security suite was vetting the file access and
occasionally would be too slow to load the next file up which in turn
caused the connection to time out.

I'm one very happy SB3 owner now!!! :-)



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[slim] One for the gurus and boffins - connection time out issue

2010-03-26 Thread EarthWalker

OK this problem is, I think, one for the IT boffins and squeezebox
gurus. It is a very long term problem that even baffled the squeezebox
help centre. My initial report was bug 8581. Sadly the problem was not

Firstly the problem is one of connection timed out at song change on my
SB3. Basically the unit stops playing at the end of a song. The problem
is intermittent as sometimes the player will play several songs in a
row and other times just one or sometimes even none.

The problem appeared when I purchased a new notebook PC in early 2008
and is only related when I use that notebook. 

Testing eliminated –
•   the SB3 - as the unit plays all day without faults at home with
another PC and router using wireless. Firmware on SB3  is now  version
•   The router – as the fault occurs using 3 different routers and also
on direct xover cable connection
•   Device Drivers – the notebook has had all the drivers updated and is
running the latest Vista ultimate software updates, always has.
•   Squeezecentre – the problem has occurred on all versions of the
software from 2007 on as I have even ran previous versions to fault
find. I’m now running  version 7.4.2 r30215
•   Connections – the fault occurs regardless of connection method (4
different cables have been used and two different wireless networks)
•   Virus and firewall problems – there is a different security suite
running than in 2008 (although same company) and the problem occurs
also when the firewall is shut down.
•   Drives – the fault occurs no matter what drive is used. Have tested 4
separate drives including the internal drive of the notebook. All the
external drives are USB connected.
•   The music files themselves – There is no system as to which files
will fail. Even help centre tested the files and determined they were

Basically I’m left with the notebook as the source of the problem. In
2008 the final diagnosis was the interference running through the
soundcard was surmised to extend to other locations including the
network card thus creating a drop of the network at song change. The
motherboard was replaced under warranty and the notebook fault fixed.

Short testing of the setup with the dud notebook after the repair
indicated the SB3 was at the time working OK but this setup was then
packed away and wasn’t used for a year or so. 

Now having to use the same setup with this dud notebook the same
problem is reoccurring. The previous testing indicating all was OK was
too short and longer sessions exposed the time out problem again. This
time around the SB3 doesn’t require a reboot to clear the fault as it
did in 2008 (Big thank you Squeezeboxen engineers) and pressing next
song sometimes kicks the unit into playing again for a song or two.

Having spent a considerable amount of time testing and trying to work
around the problem I’m stumped.

One lead I have is I noticed that some users were having "Connection
timed out" issues when they were using a raid NAS when a storage
control automatically activated during the latter stages of the music
file being streamed. This got me thinking as I did see a storage matrix
program installed on this PC (by Dell). Opening up the Intel Storage
Matrix Controller I found the drivers for this program are not able to
be loaded and the program hangs. Diving further into the problem looks
like this notebook  SATA controller doesn’t use RAID or AHCI control
which the Intel program is for it as uses IDE. 

What does the brains collective here think? Am I on the right track and
this Matrix controller needs to go? I cannot normally uninstall as it
states the program is being used by a drive – yet the device manager
doesn’t show it.

Are there any other suggestions. I’m loathed to use the support centre
again as they were so good and spent a lot of time trying to solve this
in 2008. Especially since the problem lies with my notebook somewhere
and is not any fault of the squeezebox system.

Can anyone give me some pointers on where to go from here?


FYI The Server logs shows this error

10-03-24 14:01:11.2576] Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::failedDirectStream
(777) Oh, well failed to do a direct stream for:
[Connection timed out]

[10-03-24 14:01:21.3449] Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::failedDirectStream
(777) Oh, well failed to do a direct stream for:
[Connection timed out]


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