Hi All,

We've received a few requests as of late regarding adding Logitech
Squeezebox device playback support to our software-based multi-room
audio product called "audio|acacia". I've done some initial research and
adding support for Squeezebox devices as end-points looks very

Before we go down this road of supporting Squeezebox devices, I wanted
to better understand if the SB community at large is interested in such
an integration. Who would actually use it (i.e. pay for an audio|acacia
license) and what level of functionality would be acceptable.

We've designed audio|acacia from the ground up to be hardware-agnostic.
Our philosophy is that you should be able to utilize your existing
devices to build a multi-room audio listening experience. As such, any
audio-enabled device that can support some method of synchronization is
on our radar. We already support playback to Apple AirPlay devices,
Sonos devices, Google Cast devices (Chromecast, Chromecast V2,
Chromecast Audio, & 3rd-Party Google Cast speakers), Web Browsers, and
Mobile/Tablet/PC speakers & soundcards. Most importantly, we can play to
each of these devices whilst maintaining audio synchronization. This is
something we feel is important to the user experience.

audio|acacia natively supports a number of the top internet music
services such as Tidal, Rhapsody, Napster, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Slacker,
etc. as well as local sources such as iTunes, WMP, Winamp, & Generic
Folder Structures. More sources are on our development roadmap.

There are really four 'levels' of functionality of a potential
Squeezebox integration -
1) Audio Playback to SB devices from audio|acacia
2) Playback Control of the audio|acacia speaker group from the SB device
(using the SB remote or SBC to control playback)
3) Currently Playing Song Metadata of the audio|acacia speaker group on
the SB interface
4) Audio Browsing of audio|acacia 'sources' on SB Interfaces

Initially we'd start with just #1, and then add #2-3 if community
support is high. #4 is not something that we are interested in
developing, however we are open to helping members of the SB community
use our API to build their own searching/browsing integration on SB

Jared@Plethra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65138
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=104804

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