Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread SteveC

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Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

I have in use an SB2, an SB3, two Booms, A Radio and a Transporter. You
can see I've been a happy customer so far, increasingly so as useful
plugins have evolved and the community has chased down bugs. If Logitech
takes the course described I will most likely change over to Linn and or


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-06 Thread SteveC

Mnyb;254877 Wrote: 
 There are stupendeus price hikes if one sees the European prices :-(
 Qucik calc for the swedish prices including 25% VAT:
 399$*6.2031*1.25=3094 SEK
 The suggested logitech price 3999 SEK (I hope this includes VAT)
 I'm stunned, wtf correct it now It's listed as 3299 NOK in Norway, which 
 would be USD 490 even taking
the sales tax off. I agree it's a rip off but it's not uncommon for us,
is it. I think I might order one, but it would have been three if I
didn't resent being ripped off so much.


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Re: [slim] no Install_check in SSoDS

2007-11-15 Thread SteveC

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I am trying to update slimserver on an
installation that is already working (6.5.1).

I have read the documentation many times before and the distinction you
make was not clear to me. I will now search the documentation to see
where it describes uninstalling slimserver without uninstalling SSODS
as you recommend. When I find what I think you are referring to, I will
report back to the thread.

Perhaps if the documentation included a subsection on upgrading
slimserver only, or some other advice in this direction, it would be
clearer. It has a tendency to be centred around the first installation
rather than updates. Because the interface is so familiar to you it is
perhaps difficult for you to imagine the experience of people who are
new to this, or who do not manipulate SSODS/slimserver regularly
because it usually works so beautifully. Plus of course there is a
psychological reluctance to uninstall something that is at least
working, because one is worried that one might not be able to get the
update working.


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Re: [slim] no Install_check in SSoDS

2007-11-15 Thread SteveC

In the documentation I am unable to find how to uninstall Slimserver
(and NOT SSODS)...This should be described in the documentation and/or
the web interface somewhere. I am not at home so I cannot look at the
SSODS web interface itself just now.

Hmm: If I understand you correctly, I first have to uninstall
slimserver. But then do what? Should I run The SSODS patch again so
that I finally come to the correct screen with the button to install
the slimserver tar file?


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Re: [slim] no Install_check in SSoDS

2007-11-15 Thread SteveC

Excellent! That tip to uninstall and look at the Tools web interface was
the push I needed. Everything goes very quickly and smoothly if a) one
has the tar file ready in the public directory to browse to, and b) one
uses the copy of the prefs file that the upgrade process helpfully

I looked on the Tools page and, as you say, the web interface documents
that the normal action one should take when upgrading is to uninstall
slimserver so as to trigger the possibility to install a version
(newer) of one's choice. This information is present in the running
text on the interface, part way down the page:

Uninstalling the SlimServer tar ball will trigger the tar ball
installation routine.

I can only report that it was over-subtle in its implications and
placement :) I'm happy to be completely up to date, and I'd like to
recommend a paragraph somewhere in the readme about this.


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Re: [slim] no Install_check in SSoDS

2007-11-14 Thread SteveC

I'm having the same problem - in my case, version 2.19 on a CS-406 seems
to install fine, but I don't get the screen with the install_check
button, just the normal intro screen on the SSODS tab of the networking
part of the web interface. I'm therefore stuck at 6.5.1 of SS. Did you
find a solution?


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Re: [slim] Plugging SB3 straight into poweramp?

2007-04-17 Thread SteveC

There's no real risk as such except for if there is a software glitch on
the volume control to give full volume or a burst of full volume noise
AND your amp manages to blow the speakers because either of clipping or
excess power. But as a matching issue I'd look at the output impedance
of the SB and the input impedance of the amp, ensure the ratio is at
least 1:10 and preferably a lot more.  I have run a Transporter  Prima
Luna tube power amps for quite some time with no problems.


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Re: [slim] search forum fails for file

2007-04-17 Thread SteveC

Try using google for the site search instead :) Type into google

can not read file site:


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Re: [slim] Playlists Playlists Playlists Playlists....???

2007-04-02 Thread SteveC

There were no incorrect paths in the playlists - some of them are even
new since I moved the library - anyway I hit the menu item problem
before even attempting to execute a playlist. 

As I said, I suspect the menu problem is somehow caused becuase the
perl TEMP directory couldn't be acccessed. I need to know how to move
it now. Short of a complete reinstall to see what happens, I'm not sure
what to do now.


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Re: [slim] Playing m4a files on squeezebox

2007-04-02 Thread SteveC

May I tack on a question: I have .m4a playing fine, but mine is an old
PC and I suspect there is quite an overhead for transcoding on the fly.
Which checkboxes for transcoding should I turn on and off to minimise
load on the pc?

IIRC, there are three choices to check: wav, FLAC and mp3. I don't want
mp3 because audio quality is paramount. But if I check more than one,
what will be the actual transcoding done?

My best guess is to check one of FLAC or WAV. But agin, my network is a
bt flaky too, so maybe FLAC is the all-round best bet?

If someone could just explain the effects of one or more checkboxes
set, I'd be happy. I've looked at the wiki pages and still find it less
than clear. Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Playing m4a files on squeezebox

2007-04-02 Thread SteveC

jeffmeh;191971 Wrote: 
 FLAC should be your best bet for transcoding, as it will not further
 deteriorate the sound quality by performing an additional lossy
 compression, and it will use less bandwidth than WAV.  Why not just
 check the FLAC box so you will know what you are going to get? That's really 
 what I was asking :) thanks. So if I check only the FLAC
box, .m4a will be transcoded to FLAC and I know what I'm getting.
Whereas what happens when I check multiple boxes is currently unknown


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[slim] Playlists Playlists Playlists Playlists....???

2007-04-01 Thread SteveC


I have a problem with seemingly infinite submenus in Browse  Playlists
as the title shows. How do I fix this, please?

I recently moved my collection to a Synology CS-406 NAS (though
slimserver still runs on a PC for now). The music library is now at
Z:\music. The playlists are at Z:\music\Playlists. I was managing to
save and replay playlists yesterday. Since then there has been a rescan
overnight for New and Changed Music. 

Any ideas? I don't want to just start experimenting at random, as there
are nearly 17000 tracks and it takes a while for rescans, but I'd be
very glad to follow advice from those who know :)

SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt


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Re: [slim] Playlists Playlists Playlists Playlists....???

2007-04-01 Thread SteveC

I think I have part of the answer, but this in turn needs a solution :)

I noticed that slimserver had stopped itself. When I tried to tell it
to run again, I get the message pop-up Panic! Can't find TEMP dir for
perlapp. This happened to be on the old USB drive where I had just
moved the music collection from:- F:\music. There was also an F:\TEMP
directory that perl appears to use and need to start up. When I
reconnect and turn on this old drive, the TEMP dir is found, slimserver
starts up --- and now the player Playlists menu works !?!

So now my question appears to be: how do I tell slimserver to look
somewhere else for the perl TEMP file, preferably on the C: drive of
the PC running slimserver (so that I can junk the old F drive). 


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[slim] Re: Slimp3 - a life changer!

2006-11-07 Thread SteveC

I run an SB1, SB2, SB3 and a Transporter. I also have a Toppy, but I
admit a) I have only transferred programmes off it to a laptop once (it
is slow) and b) I haven't installed any TAPs at all. In spite of that I
still love it. I'm beginning to feel a bit limited by the 80 GB hard
rive, but on the other hand that encourages good programme hygiene :)


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[slim] Re: i think my display is broken or defective

2006-09-26 Thread SteveC

I wondered if you had a happy resolution to this problem since I seem to
have the same fault. Thanks


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[slim] Re: Which Disk Station is best for running slimserver (SSODS)?

2006-09-21 Thread SteveC

Hi - I'm looking for a reassuring yes about the combination of
Slimserver/CS-406, which is a lot cheaper and easier for me than
ordering an Infrant from the US with everything ready-installed :)

I'm not a unix guru or programmer but not an idiot either ;) (I have
access to a unix guru if necessary.) Is this combination now well
understood and will I be able to get Slimserver going easily enough if
I buy the CS locally? (I live in Norway.)

I currently have Slimserver runnning on an old PC that I want to throw
out. It has a 250GB Maxtor Onetouch external drive attached, where
about 16000 music tracks are located, IIRC about 160 GB.

I want to install Slimserver 6.3 on the CS-406, then attach the Maxtor
directly to it with USB, move all the files onto the CS. (If all goes
well, I will also move about 2000 photos onto it.)

I was just looking for a little reassurance, really :) I really want to
do something like this, firstly to let me get rid of the old PC,
secondly to give me some peace of mind about security of the music. 


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[slim] Re: Which Disk Station is best for running slimserver (SSODS)?

2006-09-21 Thread SteveC

OK I will put in an order for the CS-406 locally (Norway). There are
none in stock in anyNorwegian netshops until estimated 26. Sept so
everybody seems to be waiting for the same shipment. Thanks for the
reassurances :)


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