Re: [slim] Voice command

2016-01-13 Thread hawsey

That Jasper thingy looks cool too and I like the way it uses a Pi , I
wasn't aware of that :-)

The Echo I love the idea of that as well , I'm in the UK so would have
to ship one over .

The Vox Commando software has been on the go for quite a few years now ,
I tried it maybe 4 years ago and it worked great with XBMC back then .
I might give this a go myself at some point , I have an Acer Revo 3610
in the Kitchen on the back of a monitor that I could load the LMS on and
the Vox Commando , then I have a O2 Joggler   
( on top of a mini Sony hi fi in the Kitchen , then one on top of a
technics in the bedroom and one on top of a Teac Amp in the Summer House
I would love to get them all synced up playing at the same time with
voice control too , just need the time to set it all up :-) 

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Re: [slim] Voice command

2016-01-12 Thread hawsey

Hi , i am new on here ,:-) Has anyone tried using an automation program
called Vox Commando with a Squeeze device ?
There are some good videos showing it working on You Tube 

I know it works on Kodi and was wondering if Kodi plus XSqueeze would
work ,
Vox Commando can also do full home Automation , I believe , it can use
multiple devices as microphones , Kinnect , Android app on mobile ,
Remote control with mic , etc 
I would be really interested to know if anyone had tried this sort of
thing .

Sent by SlimKat FirePhone

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