I may have missed it, but I didn't see anyone talking about the Surface
RT tablet from Microsoft as a replacement for Squeezebox devices.

Like original poster on this thread, I have my music on a Windows Home
Server system (HP Datavault), including MP3s and FLAC files, some of
which are 24-bit high-res files I have been buying recently.

In addition to two SB Classics and a Touch, I had been using a dell
laptop connected by USB to a DAC on one of the all-too-many stereo
systems around the house. The laptop's fan is annoying when I'm
listening to a quiet passage, and I have other plans for that unit.

I paid $350 for Microsoft Surface RT tablet recently, which is not much
more than I paid for the SB units.

It has no fan. (Unlike the Surface Pro, which does have a fan, and is
far more expensive.)
It "sees" the Windows server with the music on my home LAN.
It has a USB port to connect to the DAC.
Mediamonkey app running on the Surface RT is conversant with the
Logitech Media Server software on the server, via UPnP, and plays all my
music files.

There are a few minor issues (I heard a few hiccups in the playback
while MS was pushing OS updates at the tablet), but did not require any
fancy configuration footwork, just WiFi access point, which I already

Finding out if this would work before I took the plunge was the trickest
part. I actually carried a DAC to the Microsoft store and a pair of
headphones to prove to myself that the output side would function.

Yes you have to spend some time getting used to the Windows 8 interface.
But given that I'm already invested in Microsoft infrastructure, this
was I think one of the easiest ways to go. I know there's a lot of
anti-Microsoft factionism out there, but if you are looking for a
company that is likely to be still around in 5 years, I think you can
put Microsoft on the list.

headed4hires's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=61908
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=99871

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