Re: [slim] Seeking High Bitrate Music Streaming Service

2011-02-28 Thread jeffwdc

I think the WAV plugin works only on a PC, but I'm not sure.  Here is a
thread that talks about the plugin.

Here is a Wiki that has lots of info on the plugin.


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Re: [slim] Seeking High Bitrate Music Streaming Service

2011-02-25 Thread jeffwdc

I'm pleased to report the WAV PlugIn works great for streaming audio
from my PC to my SB receiver. Many thanks to Joe Bryan wrote the
original plugin.

I've used the MOG music service a lot over the past two weeks.  They
really do stream at a high bitrate.  It sounds like 80% of the tracks
are at 320.  The rest stream at a lower bitrate, but sound better than
any other service.  The user interface is the best of the five services
I've used.  It is easy to find music and save it to favorites or

I have not utilized the MOG automatic music suggestion feature very
much yet.  So far, it has not done a great job, but I may not be using
it properly.  For me, the old Yahoo Music (closed Feb 2009) and the
current Slacker services provide the best automatic music suggestion. 
They suggest new tracks  based on TRACKS already liked.  MOG bases its
suggestions on ARTISTS already liked.

On the other hand, the MOG user interface helps me discover lots of new
music.  For a given, artist, album, or track the web page shows: 
similar tracks, artists, and other users' playlists containing the same
music.  All tracks can be played on demand with pause, fast forward,
repeat, etc.  It is like having a mp3 player with nine million tracks. 
I don't know of any other service that comes close to this.

By the way, I have no financial interest in any of these companies.


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Re: [slim] Seeking High Bitrate Music Streaming Service

2011-02-09 Thread jeffwdc

After learning that MOG wasn't supported on SB, I resigned myself to
accepting 128K streams.  The fidelity isn't great, but at least I
could build a personal catalog of music.  I listened to Pandora, 
Slacker, and Last.FM over several months.  I settled on Last.FM
because they have a large catalog and I like their user interface.
But, yesterday Last.FM announced they will begin charging $3 per
month for SB and will not increasing the bitrate.  I thought, if 
I have to pay, I might as well get a better bitrate.

1) Internet radio  music discovery service that allows songs to be
liked or disliked.  Creates personal station that gets better as
more songs are voted on. 
2) Get highest bitrate.
3) Get a large catalog of songs.
4) Allows multiple custom stations per user account (e.g. Jazz station,

Lite Rock station, etc.)
5) Would be nice to store a few hundred songs on MP3 player.
6) Not concerned about Smart Phone support.

This table from CNet is helpful, but I can't determine how current the
information is.

Please see attched jpeg for a comparison table from Details Magazine.

At this link, a Rhapsody employee says it streams at only 128K.

Please see my table attached below the one from Details magazine.  It
shows only the option for the highest quality stream on a SB.  Last.FM
is currently free, but will begin charging $3/Month for SB.  Spotify is
not available in the US.

I'm really attracted to MOG's 320K stream, large cataglog, and they
have a great user interface.  It looks like I'll have to use my laptop
as a controller and the SB WAV plugin to stream to the SB player.  I
got the WAV plugin working last night.

|Filename: Table.JPG|


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[slim] Seeking High Bitrate Music Streaming Service

2011-02-08 Thread jeffwdc

Hello All,
I have a Squeezbox Duet and have been exploring different Internet
Radio and Music Streaming Services (, Slacker, Pandora) for many
months.  I cannot find a service that has Squeezbox support and streams
at 256Kb or higher.  Heck, I'd even consider 192Kb.  In fact, very few
services stream greater than 128Kb regardless of Squeezebox support. 
MOG looks interesting because they stream at 320Kb and they have over
10 million tracks in their catalog for $5 per month.  But, MOG doesn't
support Squeezebox.

Does anyone know a service comparable to MOG and can be played via
Squeezebox?  I'd be happy to pay a monthly fee to get the high

Or, does anyone know how to get MOG to play through Squeezebox (without
official App support)?  For me, music control via the Squeezebox remote
control is essential.  Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Seeking High Bitrate Music Streaming Service

2011-02-08 Thread jeffwdc

Thanks for all the great suggestions.  I'm in the US.  Yes I prefer a
service that keeps track of the tracks I like and dislike.  Spotify
looks good, but it's not available in the US.  There are some hacks on
getting it to work in the US.  I haven't tried it yet.  Also, the
Spotify Squeezebox App isn't available here.  Has anyone in the US been
able to get this App? 

In another post on this forum, a
Squeezebox plugin called WAV will take any music playing on a PC and
stream it to the Squeezebox.  If I can't get a Spotify App, then
perhaps I'll use the WAV plugin to access it or MOG.  I guess the
Squeezebox Controller won't be useful with this scenario.  I'll have to
use my laptop to vote on tracks, skip, etc.


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