Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] iPeng 1.2 for iPhone now on the AppStore

2009-12-14 Thread jhd

This is a very, very well crafted piece of software.  To the point that
buying a gen 1 iPhone on eBay to use for nothing but a SB remote with
iPeng is a perfectly sensible thing to do.

Well done, Pippin!


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Re: [slim] Best of Luck - moving on...

2009-08-26 Thread jhd

I've been teetering on the edge of doing the same thing for some time
now.  I used to use bleeding edge versions of Squeezecenter hoping
they would fix my problems, which they sometimes did, but they seemed to
introduce as many new ones.  Recently I've stayed only with stable
releases, and just tolerated the maintenance workload.  There's much to
love about the Squeeze system.  But despite that I've refrained from
buying it for my family or recommending it to friends, because I just
don't want to have to supply the effort needed to keep it running.

Although it seems minor, the issue that's about to break this camel's
back is that I really love Pandora, and *no* version of the software
(even with complete uninstall and deleting every relevant registry key)
will restore the Pandora thumbs up/down functionality that evaporated
some time back.  It plays fine, but without the ability to train it,
it's just another random jukebox.  I just get the classic
finger-pointing routine between Logitech and Pandora, and queries on the
developer forums go unanswered.  Nobody seems to have the time or
motivation to go figure out why the functionality disappeared and stayed
gone for some users but not all.

It's a shame - this thing really has fantastic potential, and I've been
hopeful for a long time that it would solidify into a category-killer. 
It's a catch-22 for Logitech I'm sure -- the sales doubtless don't
justify a huge software team, and so SC just seems to be chronically
underresourced.  But to really make it take off, they'd have to resource
getting it to a state where my mom could get it to work (my
consumer-electronics ease of use litmus-test).  The open-source approach
was an innovative way to tackle this conundrum, but I'm not sure the
experiment has been a success.  I wish it had.

- J


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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-06-29 Thread jhd

Is it possible to give an SB1 a static IP?  If so, how?


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[slim] Re: Aaargh - no documentation! How do I...

2005-11-12 Thread jhd

I think it might be helpful in making it easy to tell whether this great
piece of software has a reasonable level of USER documentation if
someone did the following:  Go through all of the existing help and
documentation pages, and split them into two groups:  Documentation for
developers (including skin creators, people who want to talk to the
command line or XML interfaces, etc. etc.), and documentation for
users.  I think it might surprise you how little would remain in the
latter section, particularly if you distinguish between the (relatively
richly documented) squeezebox and Slimserver.

Best,  J


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