Hi there,

I have a Squeezebox v. 2 running on Windows XP SP2. I had purchased
this item a few months ago and have been using it with the previous
version of Squeezecentre with no problems.

However I downloaded Squeezecentre 7.1.0 and restated my pc. Since then
I have been able to access the Squeezecentre - the internet radio
stations but can't seem to get Squeezebox to work.

It keeps coming up with a message that there is no Squeezebox available
and I have restarted and reconnected the Squeezebox to my wireless
network. Once I try to restart Squeezecentre, the Squeezebox searches
for the network connection and then just shuts off by itself.

I also updated the firmware on the Squeezebox by clicking on the
brightness button on the Squeezebox remote.

Anyone has any ideas about this issue?


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