Re: [slim] Can I connect an Apple TV to an SBR via an ethernet cable and...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77

Ya I thought of that.  From what I understand though if you set the TV
up as its monitor, you cannot get it to output Videos on the TV
formatted precisely.  I dunno.  Head is spinning with all the options,
none of which seem to be perfect.


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[slim] DAC quality...SBR vs. USB-DAC vs. Apple TV

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77

Who wins?  Noticeable difference between them?  Especially between the
true DACs and the Apple TV?



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[slim] Can I connect an Apple TV to an SBR via an ethernet cable and...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77 able to play the music on the AppleTV hard drive this way through
the SBR out its DAC to my stereo (controlling the A TV from my laptop)?
Am I fully taking advantage of the DAC this way?  I presume that the
SBR DAC is substantially higher quality than the Apple TV?


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Re: [slim] Network question/problem with setup. Laptop as remote...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77


Very true... I am getting in a huge tangle.

I want a DAC of some sort obviously.  I want to control Rhapsody and
Pandora from my laptop.  I want to play my MP3s (ie iTunes) from
wherever is best...laptop, AppleTV, NAS.  I have two laptops.  I just
got an Apple TV as a gift.  But I have yet to make the SBox purchase. 

Just trying to figure out the best configuration before I start
spending lots of dough.


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Re: [slim] Network question/problem with setup. Laptop as remote...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77

I still haven't purchased the Duet or SB3 until I figure this out.

Would this work...

Forget about the NAS laptop altogether.  Use my main laptop to control
Rhapsody and Pandora sending the selections wirelessly via
SqueezeCenter to the SB3 or SBR.  Connect my Apple TV (using its 160gb
drive as the NAS essentially) somehow to the SBox for my MP3s and
control iTunes/Apple TV via my laptop as well?


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Re: [slim] Network question/problem with setup. Laptop as remote...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77


The portable is Vista Home Premium and the NAS is XP Home.  So
according to that link I cannot use remote desktop.  Is there any third
party software or workarounds anybody?


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Re: [slim] Network question/problem with setup. Laptop as remote...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77

The portable laptop is Vista, the NAS is windows XP.  Remote desktop
sounds like what I want but I don't seem to be able to figure out how
to activate it/set it up.


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[slim] Network question/problem with setup. Laptop as remote...

2008-02-15 Thread sqwk77

Sorry for my ignorance here but...

I have a laptop setup as a NAS.  I have a wireless network supposedly

I want to be able to control the NAS laptop from another portable
laptop.  I want to be able to use the portable laptop as a sort of
remote control to play itunes music, Rhapsody and Pandora FROM THE NAS
LAPTOP as that is what is connected to my stereo.

Help Please!


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Re: [slim] Help with server software and weird setup.

2008-01-24 Thread sqwk77

laptop A just broke.  Figures.  So 4 weeks until it gets back and I can
try this.  

Thanks so much for the suggestions.


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[slim] Help with server software and weird setup.

2008-01-18 Thread sqwk77

First, I do not currently own any Squeezeboxes yet.  I will be buying
the Duet when it is released.  But in the meantime...

I have a laptop A connected directly to my stereo.  

I want to be able to control my itunes, rhapsody, and pandora on that
computer (A) with another roaming laptop.  I also want to the able to
control laptop (A) with an Apple iPhone.  

I there a way to set this up with the squeezecenter software without
any squeezeboxes connected yet?  Or perhaps with any other type of
server software???

Oh laptop A run Windows XP.  The roaming laptop Vista.  

Thanks so much!


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Re: [slim] Questions from newbie...SB vs. Sonos, NAS, etc.

2008-01-10 Thread sqwk77

Thanks for the replies!  (I messed up and have this message in both the
beginner and general discussion forums...oops).

I actually have 2 laptops.  Lets call them A and B.  My primary "A" I
use for the usual computer junk.  "B" I currently have connected to an
external hard drive with my mp3s and then connected to my receiver via
its headphone jack.  Poor sound quality.  And I have to walk over to it
to control it, or see whats playing, etc.  Not acceptable.

So based on a couple replies, the way I understand it is that if I am
just wirelessly streaming music from my laptop "A" to the SBR then I
may have some issues.  But if I now hardwire the  laptop "B" to the SBR
and the SBR to my receiver, then I should not have those same issues. 
(ie this is the NAS setup people describe).

1)  Is that correct?
2)  Would the "hardwire" part just be an ethernet cable from laptop "B"
to the SBR?
3)  And if so do I understand correctly that I am now bypassing my
soundcard and therefore am experiencing less "loss" similar to using a

4)Now with that setup and using SqueezeCenter, can I control laptop "B"
with laptop "A?"  (I was trying to figure out a way to do this without
any additional hardware but no one I know is advanced enough to figure
out using "B" as a remote computer, "A" having Vista, and B having
Windows XP).

5)  How is Pandora and Rhapsody played in this scenario?  With laptop A
or B?  
6)  Is there then an issue with Pandora and Rhapsody being played?

My wireless router is unfortunately in another room entirely, nowhere
near laptop "B" or my receiver.

7)  Does this complicate anything?  Do i need another SBR as I would
with the Sonos setup?
8)  I then would plan on puting another SBR hooked to a receiver thats
already in my bedroom.  But why wouldn't this have the "issues"
described as it is receiving the info wirelessly vs. hardwired to the
NAS (laptop B)?

Thanks so much for your patience guys.


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[slim] Questions from newbie...SB vs. Sonos, NAS, etc.

2008-01-10 Thread sqwk77

Was minutes away from buying a Sonos system yesterday when I found out
about the upcoming Duet.  

Ive been reading these forums for hours now and have figured a lot out
from them, but am a little perplexed by "NAS's."  I know what they are,
but I don't understand why I would need one.  Or for that matter a Linux

Im a windows user, and know little about Linux.  And Im ok with that. 

Here's my current setup:

I have about 160gb of music stored on my laptop.  I have a home theater
setup.  I want to listen to my mp3s, pandora, and rhapsody over my
stereo.  Currently I just plug my laptop into the stereo via the
headset jack.  Wince, I know...not great sound.  

But to what I want in the end:

1) I want improved sound.  So hopefully the SBR DAC is good enough or
perhaps later i will get another DAC.

2) I want to be able to control my mp3s, pandora, and rhapsody from my
laptop while I am sitting on the couch with it playing on the internet.

3)  I want a remote to be used from the bedroom, den etc. that shows
whats being played, and that can control the mp3s, pandora, and
rhapsody easily.  

So as far as #2, do I understand that this is possible with the
SquuezeCenter software?  Is there really any need for a NAS in my 
situation?  And what am I reading about the really slow lag times? 
Slow to what...Play? Search?

As far as #3, do we know if the new SC will do all of that?

Is a Nokia n800 or 810 or even an ipod with a skin a better option than
the SC?

As I imagine the setup, I would use my laptop loaded with SqueezeCenter
to control all my music options through the SBR connected to my
receiver.  Then when in other rooms I would use the SController to do
the same.  No need for a NAS.  This should work yes?  And will there be
anything slow about it?  

And finally, where exactly is the "library" of music actually stored? 

And what the heck is the difference between SqueezeCenter and

Hope your head doesn't hurt as bad as mine.

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