Re: [slim] Defection and challenge

2009-09-09 Thread stevek1006

For a turnkey solution, you might also consider the RipNAS. It is built
by the dBpoweramp people and comes with SC and the dBpoweramp ripper
installed. It is a Windows Home Server with a CD built in tested by
Spoon to work with AccurateRip.It is more expensive than the VortexBox,
but mine has worked flawlessly, does the best job of tagging of any
solution I have tried, and is completely silent.

There are still the issues of library management since no automatic
tagging system is perfect, but there are lots of options out there and
most have already been mentioned.


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Re: [slim] Product Longevity

2009-06-04 Thread stevek1006

My oldest is an original Squeezebox dating back to 2003. It works just
fine and has never had a problem. I also have Squeezebox 2 from 2005 and
Duet I purchased sometime in 2008. I have had no problems with any of


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Re: [slim] Music on 2 different Harddisks

2008-02-13 Thread stevek1006

stevek1006;268887 Wrote: 
 This works fine for me in SC 7.0. If this is a Windows machine then you
 need colons after the drive letter (e.g., E:\music).

I should have added, that if they are networked drives not attached to
the computer running SC, then they should be referred to as
\\networked_computer\shared_folder (e.g., \\fileserver\music2). Again
this is assuming Windows. You can see the way windows wants to the
folder by looking in My Network Places. If it is not listed, then the
folder is not being shared.


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Re: [slim] Music on 2 different Harddisks

2008-02-13 Thread stevek1006

Nullerbasse;268769 Wrote: 
 Well, I'm running Slim Center 7.0 - 12.02.2008
 I have my music folder: ( in this case: E\music )
 Inside this folder i have a shortcut: ( c\Music2 )
 Everything is according to the way Slim devices wrote in the short
 manual that came with the Squeezebox3.
 Both drives is shared on the network.

This works fine for me in SC 7.0. If this is a Windows machine then you
need colons after the drive letter (e.g., E:\music).


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-11 Thread stevek1006

bklaas;257049 Wrote: 
 I've yet to ever get my grubby hands on one, but check out the PepperPad . Does everything (in theory) that the Nokia does,
 on an x86 platform, similar form factor, PLUS it's got IR. Same screen
 size as the Nokia, so the Nokia770 skin should give about the same
 experience as well.

I've actually tried the Pepper Pad and found it pretty unsatisfactory.
It takes a long time to boot up each time it goes to sleep and the IR
remote software is not very good. For instance, I found no way to move
buttons around once they are added to the screen. I had high hopes for
it, but it is just sitting on a shelf. On the other hand, the Nokia
skin works just fine if you don't mind waiting for the thing to boot.
Personally, I would be more likely to use the smaller Nokia even though
it has no IR. As it is, I use my WinMobile Phone with Handheld or more
likely my desktop or laptop to control the Squeezeboxes in my basement.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread stevek1006

GCFL;254822 Wrote: 
 Please forgive me if this is posted in the incorrect location.  I am
 currently running four zones via a Zon audio system in my home.  I am
 seriously considering purchasing the Duet and plugging it in as one of
 the music sources so I can access streaming Internet radio, networked
 music files etc.  The new controller that comes in the duet package
 looks to be ideal for remote access for at least the SB when it is the
 music source being played.  Has anyone here used the SB, SB2, etc with
 a Zon system and can anyone tell me if the controller will be able to
 be used (or possibly modified) as a universal remote (to access the CD
 player, etc.)?

I have used and SB1 and SB2 with the original Zon system for a number
of years. It works fine. Looking at the specs on the controller, there
does not seem to be any IR, so I suspect it cannot be used as a
universal controller. It is unfortunate, because I would like to have a
single remote that could control the Zon and the devices attached to it
including the Squeezebox. I have tried using a Pocket PC as a IR remote
plus the handheld skin, a Pepper and a number of other devices. Nothing
that I have tried to date can control the Squeezebox and also serve as
a universal remote. It would have been nice if they had added ir and
learning remote to the controller. Oh well, maybe some day.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread stevek1006

andyg;255535 Wrote: 
 The controller does have an IR emitter.

That's interesting -- I did not see that anywhere in the specs. Still,
the emitter does little good if we cannot program the remote for our
equipment. Will that be possible?


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Re: [slim] Music recommendation engine for Slimserver

2007-07-27 Thread stevek1006

egd;217361 Wrote: 
 I'm using the send to feature without any issues.  The issue I had
 (which the -slim parameter resolved) was that slimserver wouldn't
 appear in the send to menu. 

I am using the Send To feature on a WinXP box without any problems.


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Re: [slim] How do you use your Squeezebox/Transporter?

2007-06-13 Thread stevek1006

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: When you listen to music, do you connect to Slim Server or

- a) 100% of the time to Slimserver (on computer or NAS drive)
- b) 75% of the time on Slimserver / 25% on SqueezeNetwork
- c) 50% of the time on Slimserver / 50% on SqueezeNetwork
- d) 25% of the time on Slimserver / 75% on SqueezeNetwork
- e) 100 % of the time on SqueezeNetwork

I voted 75% Slimserver. Lately, I have been listening to SqueezeNetwork
more mostly to get access to Pandora. I might well listen to
SqueezeNetwork more if it were more transparent through the web
interface (my SqueezeBox is in the Basement), but switching between the
two is less than elegant right now. Hopefully, this will change with
version 7.


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Re: [slim] Multizone Distributed Audio Ideas

2007-03-25 Thread stevek1006

This is essentially what I have, though using a ZON system. There are
only two of us living in the house, so complications on who is
listening to which SB are minimal -- It is really only when we are
working in our offices that we listen to different music and tend to
use the original Squeezebox while my wife uses the new one. I am
thinking of getting a 3rd Squeezebox which would be dedicated to
SqueezeNetwork. But I will probably wait for version 7 and see if
switching between SlimServer and SqueezeNetwork is more graceful. 

We exclusively use browsers to control the Squeezeboxes (Pocket PCs and
desktops). I just received a Pepper Pad and that will become the main
controller for the family area as soon as I program all the IR buttons.
I've considered trying to send information from the  SqueezeBox to the
ZON display, but it would be too small to see from the sofa, so it
never seemed like it was worth the trouble.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-04 Thread stevek1006

Listener;132695 Wrote: 
 Thanks for mentioning these requests. (#2697 and #2700 are also relevant
 for classical music.)
 I'm still interested in these enhancements. I've got aout 1200
 classical music CDs ripped now.  Without the enhancements, SS/SB just
 isn't useful to me.

One more vote for better handling of classical music. This is the issue
that keeps me looking for alternatives to the Squeezebox.


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[slim] Re: Strange and Annoying issue with new SS installation

2006-08-04 Thread stevek1006

fauzigarib Wrote: 
 Hi there,
 I have no idea how this happened, but a little background.
 I had SlimServer installed on my laptop for my SB3, with all my music
 on a 120 GB IDE-USB drive, externally connected (obviously) through my
 USB port.  Unfortunately, this took away from the portability of my
 laptop, so I reinstalled another computer with XP (formatted the HD and
 all), and installed SS on it.  I then hooked up the drive to the PC and
 let SS scan the music.  It seemed like it got done ok.
 However, 2 strange things have started to happen.  First of all, Random
 Playing of songs, the song title that shows up on my SB3 Now Playing
 screen, is usually not the one playing.  When this happens, if I scroll
 down the play list, the song that is actually currently playing is a
 song or two down the list.  Also, it does a lot of weird things like
 play the same song 2-3 times in a row, and then repeat a block of 4-5
 And the second thing is that it just does not play some songs anymore. 
 This might be linked to the first problem, causing the SB to display the
 song that it's TRYING to play, but play the next one in the playlist
 that it actually can play.  
 You may not have installed a necessary codec or decoder program like
 quicktime or lame. I had a similar problem after reinstalling
 slimserver on a new machine. Check and see if it is only particular
 file types that are not played. Basically, I forgot to reinstall
 Quicktime so mp4 files would not play. They were still listed in the
 library, but could not be played. Anyhow, if the files cannot be
 played, they can be transfered to the playlist, but when slimserver
 gets to them, they do not get played, this then causes the display to
 get out of sync with what is playing. I am using MusicIP to maintain
 the library - I don't know if this matters are not.
 Hope that helps,


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[slim] Re: Rhapsody Skipping to Next Song (Frequently)

2006-07-31 Thread stevek1006

deryl Wrote: 
 I am having some real trouble using Rhapsody -- whenever I try to play a
 song, the player will abruptly skip to the next track before the first
 is done playing.  This is happening pretty frequently, making the
 Rhapsody feature all but useless.
 Wireless signal strength is fine, and I have no buffer problems when I
 play anything else on my Squeezebox (MP3's, Internet Radio, etc).  I am
 using SlimServer 6.3.1.
 This is really frustrating, since I have been waiting for this kind of
 feature for a long time.  Anyone else have this problem?  Anyone have a

Yes, I have the same problem on a wired system. It is an intermitent
problem. At least sometimes, if I shut down Rhapsody and restart the
problem will go away for a while. But I have not had the time to really
analyze it. Running 6.3.1 on WinXP, but the problem was there on 6.3.0



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[slim] Re: Neat new feature in 6.3.0 - switch to SqueezeNetwork

2006-06-25 Thread stevek1006

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
 Actually there's been at least two threads asking for this very thing.
 These were people with SBs in inaccessible locations, media closets, no
 remote etc.
 Personally I can't use the feature.  But I still think it's a good

First, let me say I agree with KDF, that this is a first step and a
good one. I am sure developers on the SqueezeNetwork side are working
on a way to get us back to slimserver from squeezenetwork. 

On the other hand, it is exactly those people have there Squeezeboxes
in inaccessible locations who will find the new feature by itself
pretty useless. What good is it to be able to switch to SqueezeNetwork,
if it causes you to loose access to your library. Having my Squeezebox
connected to a whole house system in the basement, I really cannot use
this feature though I would like to. I think this is what JJZolx is
getting at.

Again, though I am sure that the other half of the equation will come
eventually. I do recall Sean or someone saying that the goal is to
eventually have the differences between Squeezenetwork and slimserver
made completely transparent to the user.


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[slim] Re: Connect ot SqueezeNetwork using web interface

2006-02-18 Thread stevek1006

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 If I understand your question correctly, the answer is no.
 When it is connected to Squeezenetwork, a Squeezebox is not connected
 to the Slim Server and therefore not connected to the web interface
 feature of the Slimserver.

Thanks Michael. That's what I was afraid of. Maybe this could be done
through SqueezeNetwork or a combination of SqueezeNetwork and
SlimServer. I guess it is time to file a feature request. Thanks again.


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[slim] Connect ot SqueezeNetwork using web interface

2006-02-14 Thread stevek1006

Is it possible to connect and disconnect a SqueezeBox from
SqueezeNetwork through the web interface. I know I can control a
connected Squeeze


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