Re: [slim] Slacker stoppages anyone?

2012-03-04 Thread tdnuerf

Ikabob;693749 Wrote: 
 Is anyone experiencing frequent and regular stopping of music using

Yep, your symptoms have been happening here on a not-quite-frequent
basis for more than a year.  They occurred when I was on Slacker Plus
and still occur after a week on Slacker Premium.  My workaround is to
add two very similar Slacker stations to my SB playlist, so I get a
song from station #1 and then a song from station #2, and then a song
from station #1, rinse and repeat -- I don't experience
end-of-song-hang when doing this.




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Re: [slim] Slacker Premium Radio

2012-02-28 Thread tdnuerf

After trying MOG and Spotify and finding their radio services lacking, I
upgraded from Slacker Plus to Slacker Premium.  This is the only music I
listen to on any/every device, including my four Squeezeboxen.  

I assumed that since SB accommodates MOG and Spotify, it would play
nice with all Slacker service tiers (it's been around longer than both
of the former, eh?) -- but to my great chagrin, it doesn't.  Boo.

I voted for the bug, and wanted to chime in here to ask everybody, even
those of you who could care less about Slacker, to vote for:


Thank you,


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[slim] Uninstalled apps showing in context menu?

2009-09-30 Thread tdnuerf

I'm defining context menu as that menu which appears when you press
(and hold??) the center button on the SBC or the wheel button on the

I do not have the following apps installed:, Facebook, Flickr, Amazon.  

And yet when I access a song's context menu, I see:
On Radio, Share on Faceboo (sic), On Flickr, and On

Note that these (unwanted) items only appear when I'm listening to
Slacker or Pandora - they don't appear when listening to my other apps
(RadioTime, SHOUTcast,, or radioio).

Anyone else see this?


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Re: [slim] Change for change's sake is bad

2009-09-29 Thread tdnuerf

jarome;462834 Wrote: 
 Change for change's sake is bad


Hear, hear!

Yes, I'll get used to these UI changes.  Yes, I'll get used to the
decreased amount of information shown on my Controller's screen due to
the cute little useless icons that now take up 20%+ of each line.  Yes,
I'll get used to the whole Apps thing, although I don't like it.  

Perhaps we users could be allowed to choose these pretty changes or
not via an interface configuration option?  Or at least let us change
font sizes (smaller to get more information, larger to read easier)
and/or get rid of the icons?


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Re: [slim] is Slacker working for YOU/Anyone?

2009-06-19 Thread tdnuerf

slydog75;431711 Wrote: 
 is anyone succesfully using Slacker?

Yep, since December 2008, with no problems.  I've seen the logged in
on another device errmsg, but every time I saw it, I was.  

(I bailed on XM when they flaked out and have been a total Slacker ever
since.  I wouldn't have my Boom and Duet if they didn't Slack.)

Sorry I don't have any (good) suggestions to solve your problem -- if
you've taken all the steps to ensure that you're not logged in to
Slacker from another IP, I might ask Rome or other Slacker Support-folk
to check their logs for your session IPs and see where they don't match



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Re: [slim] Internet Radio won't play now..

2009-04-11 Thread tdnuerf

...seems to be a radiotime issue.  No radiotime station
(http://opml.radiotime...) works for me on my Duet or Boom, but
Pandora, Slacker, radioio, and all the other services (that I'm
subscribed to) and direct links are working okay.


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Re: [slim] Internet Radio won't play now..

2009-04-11 Thread tdnuerf

kbodick;414817 Wrote: 
 I went online and logged into the RadioTime website and bingo, now my
 SqueezeNetwork playlist is working!

Haha!  Same here!  Maybe they (radiotime) fixed the issue while we were
logging in and trying things on the website (I tried to play some
stations that were failing on the Duet, some worked, some didn't) and
our logging in didn't actually fix anything.  Anybody *not* log in
and find radiotime working now?


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Re: [slim] Boom + Duet = Slacker problem?

2009-01-03 Thread tdnuerf

jmourik;378187 Wrote: 
 Got a question for you though, what would you say are the differences
 between Slacker, Pandora and

I don't listen to very much, but I don't believe it lets you
define multiple stations; you enter artists to listen to, and it plays
them and similar artists.

Pandora does let you define multiple stations based on whatever artists
you select, and plays those artists and similar songs on the selected
station.  Pandora uses musical characteristics (type of melody, beat,
major instruments, etc.) to determine what is a similar song. 
Basically Pandora plays *songs* similar to what you indicate you like.

Slacker is about the same thing as Pandora, except it plays *artists*
that are similar to the ones you've specified to play on a particular
station.  This can be a disadvantage as one artist may have played
several different genres/styles during their career, so you may hear
songs that don't exactly fit the station you've defined.

Both Pandora and Slacker let you approve (thumbs up or favorite) or
disapprove (thumbs down or ban) a song.  Pandora takes your thumbs
up rating and tries to play songs with similar characteristics in the
future, while Slacker will play *that song* more often in the future. 
A thumbs down in Pandora removes that song from the station's
playlist for a month; a ban in Slacker removes that song from the
station's playlist forever.

I like Slacker more than Pandora because of its fine-tuning ability;
you can really make a station your own by tweaking the Artist
Discovery, Popularity (Song), Favorites, and Year sliders
associated with each station.  Plus you can buy a portable music player
from Slacker and listen to your stations when offline.  I bought the G2
and it's become the only thing I listen to in my car and at work --
again IMHO, it's an exponentially better value to buy a G2 and have
access to millions of songs at no extra charge than to buy an Ipod and
have to manage your own library at $0.99 per song.  

And with my Boom and new, now-functioning-perfectly Duet, I can listen
to Slacker anywhere in my house.


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Re: [slim] Pandora Free vs Subscription.

2009-01-03 Thread tdnuerf

mbuddha;378798 Wrote: 
 You can skip songs by just playing the station again.  Hope they
 implement the thumbs up/thumbs down functionality on the website to the
 squeeze controller.

Yep, the Squeezebox UI does Pandora's thumbs up/down.  Hit the center
button (or push the wheel on Boom) to see the screen where you can say
I like this song or I don't like this song.


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Re: [slim] Boom + Duet = Slacker problem?

2009-01-03 Thread tdnuerf

Looking into their music-selection algorithms, it appears that giving a
Pandora song a thumbs down does remove it from the current station
permanently.  But, whoa!  If you give another song by the same artist a
thumbs down, the artist is banned from that station.  Seems a bit
severe to me.

This info straight from


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Re: [slim] Boom + Duet = Slacker problem?

2008-12-31 Thread tdnuerf

Okay -- I installed Squeezecenter and everything Slacker works okay, as
long as I'm connecting through SC and not Squeezenetwork.  

I notice that SN has changed from r5382/r24405 to r5382/r24438 in the
past couple of days -- could that be the cause of my Slacker control


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[slim] Boom + Duet = Slacker problem?

2008-12-30 Thread tdnuerf

My Boom has been so impressive for the past month that I bought a Duet,
which arrived today.  Set it up without problem, connected to SN, fired
up a Slacker favorite station, and enjoyed music.  A song came on that I
wanted to skip, so I hit ffwd on the SBC.  The song kept playing. 
Hmmm.  Hit right, selected Ban Song, and a popup appeared saying
This song will no longer play, but the song kept playing.  Hmmm. 
Went to the Slacker web player and found that the song had been added
to the Ban list.  

I shut down the SBR and SBC, fired up my Boom, played a Slacker
station, tried to skip by hitting ffwd as usual.  The song kept
playing.  Hit the wheel, selected Ban Song, and was informed that the
song will no longer play -- but the song kept playing.  Fiddling around,
I hit play and got the response that I used to get by hitting ffwd
-- the current song stopped, a new one started, and my remaining skip
count was decremented by one.  

I fired up the Duet again and tried the play trick on the SBC -- no
dice; the song kept playing.  

I tested Pandora's skip behavior -- everything works exactly as
expected where the ffwd button on the applicable device (SBC or Boom)
skips the current song.

So now as far as Slacker goes, my Boom doesn't work like it used to,
and I have no way to skip or ban a song via the SBC.  What am I

Boom firmware 41, SBC @ 7.3 r3476, SBR @ 56.  No SC installed -- I'm a
Squeezenetwork-only user.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!


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