Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-05-11 Thread w7r

+1 on the "robust"

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-04-19 Thread w7r

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
> From the very beginning of this Community funded SB replacement, I have
> been very excited.
> But it went from the idea of having a device that can stream high
> quality music to an amp to a Touch clone with display and buttons and
> infrared etc. for users who have no smartdevice.
> In other words, it seems like peoples wishes are slightly going over the
> top. Obviously we all have to adapt to a new SB world, so getting a
> device that can control the new "homemade SBs" would be a good step for
> some.
> I believe a box that is easily assembled with no controls whatsoever
> that just produces great sound is the way to go, once that is running,
> extra models (should anyone have time  to design them) could be offered,
> sort of an evolved project.
> But it would be a shame if the limited manpower wasted to much time and
> effort trying to please everybody - something that is impossible
> anyway.
> just my 2 cents.

+1 to that.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-18 Thread w7r

Still following this exciting thread with great interest. Given the
progress that has been made in what seems a very short space of time i'm
now thinking about taking the plunge and buying the Wandboard (although
my wife won't approve of yet another "gadget") as this looks like it
really is going to take off given a). the wonderful level of commitment
shown by those that have the skills to make this possible and, b). the
level of interest that has been expressed by those that can't really
help on the technical side but are eager to get their hands on the
fruits of JS & Co's labour. I guess all I wanted to say was thanks for
your efforts so far guys and count me in when one of these boards
becomes available to purchase - i'll be right at the front of the


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Re: [slim] Updating Squeezebox Radio to Smart Radio

2013-02-04 Thread w7r

I'm sorry but there's no way I'll go this route - I've LMS, an SB radio
and a couple of receivers all working beautifully, I was after a Touch
but given Logitechs actions I've bought my last ever Logitech product,
no more mice, keyboards etc, we had a Logitech reseller trying to push
the products into the company I work for but I spoke with our purchasing
exec and put her off the idea. All done and dusted - they lost my custom
the day they dropped the SB platform. As you can probably tell I'm still
pretty mad about it - dumb, dumb decision made by some clown who really
has no idea what they had.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-30 Thread w7r

guidof wrote: 
> We probably won't know the answer to this until we try. Or at least set
> up a list of pledgers. 
> For Gen1, it seems like a good idea to limit the number to 25.
> For Gen2, I'd be interested in participating if you need any totally non
> technical folks.
> I wish to provide as much encouragement as possible for this worthy
> initiative!
> Regards,
> Guido F.

Guys, I'm very happy to have found this thread, and I'm with Guido F. on
this, cant help on the tech - way over my head but happy to be a "dummy"
on the Gen2.


I'll certainly be following this closely!

Cheers, chris

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